PON [p. 3 Yaxley] occasion that by a commandment from the Prince uppon complaint made for encloseng of divers common grownds that divers commissioners upon view thereof by a day should have done, and for not doeing thereof, was in Norffolk a rumor that in Kent and other places did not the same, and therfore thought good of theyre owne authority to lay those growneds open allsoe. Which rumor soe opened and large in talke of dyvers personas assembled att a certen nyht and daie plae in the towne of Hymondham called Wyndham game which was there played the Satterdy nyght being the vj daie of June [read July here and below] and held on the vij thdaie being Monday, which daie the people to depart, and they of Wyndham that [p. 4] some conference to common with such as had not cast downe the same; emong whome moving the same to one Robert Kett alias Knight, whereuppon hee soone agreeing thereto suffrid some of <those> with him in company to cast downe a certen close of his in Hymondham, therewith encouragid them that such as would not doe the like hee wishid theires to bee done in like case, which soe animated the harts of such of them into whome Rebellion was easily enterid, that they proceeded further to doe the lyke and specially in Flowerdow’s close, where the cheife occasion whereof was gyven, and uppon rebuke therefore of such as were greived and would have withstand them, they resortinge as to the sayd Robert as to complaine thereof, the sayde Robert for lack of Grace, pretending to doe good thereby to the Commonwealth, sayd he would assist them with body and goods, whereuppon of a small company att first not above five or six persons, they encreased to servants and vagabondes that they would not be resysted, and the same Robert with them, after they had endid theyr purpose att Windham, came forward to Norwich warde to do the lyke, and uppon Tewsday afternoone being the ixth daie were come as fur as Eaton Wood with in a mile of [p. 5] Norwich, which being hard of by dyvers evyll disposid people in Norwich, there assemblid unto them divers vagrand persons of the sayd Citty of Norwhich whoe, partly uppon former talke att the Game aforesayde, and partly uppon sodeygne admoneshment, were easily assenting to that Rebellion. Notwithstanding divers Cytezins that both misliked of the laying open a close called Common Close used daily to milke for theyr provision, as alsoe that they unlawfully assemblyd to reforme theer owne caus, yeat they procedyd in theyr attempte and after layeing open that close and other closes thereabout, fearing themselves to have attempted to [too] far, by such watchwords as were gyven to them agreid to betake them to some hold or place of force and furthwith assentyd among themselves to take the Hyll callyd Mount Surry partley for that there uppon in ye place sometime called S Leonards there was a place after the manner of a pylgrymage for resort of people for dyvers diseases, in which place the lae Erle of Surrey dysceacid had buildyd a very pleasant, large and goodly place calling it Mout Surrye which, standing uppon the brow of an hy hill, had the ryver beneth yt betwixt the City of Norwich in the West syde thereof, and the South syde thereof yt [p. 6] hadd a large wood callyd Thorpe Wood and the Towne of Thorpe, and Est and North a goodly Common callyd Mushold, in some places more than six myles over, and beyond the water of the West yt had the Cytty of Norwich, unto the which place and forte [sic] for that theyr niest way lay through the Cytye theyc ravid lycens one Thomasd, Mayour, and others his Bretherne and Cyteizins. They had many sharpe and bitter checks for their disorders, and many Comunings were had whither it was better to resyst theyr enterprys, or to suffer theyr doings; which for want of warrant therefore from the Prynce, not knowing what might chance, was adjudged a doughttfull enterpryse until further commission from the Prince, which to understand was dyrected their doeing with speed. In the meane season to hast their procedyngs they passed the next day being the xth daye of June over a lyttyll bridge called Hesdon bridge about two myles from Norwich over the ryvyr with fagots casting into the water, from whence, within an hower or somewhat more, they had incamped themselves in the aforesaid Hil toward the wood aforesaid, and presently after gatt the possession of the sayd place callyd Mount Syrrey place and there began to determine how to [p. 7] withstand all force against them to bee made; and to have theyr purpose to have a fayre shew and similitude of well doinge, they first procurd a Pryst to mynister theyr morninge and evening prayer in the Inglish tonge, then newly begon to bee frequentyd. Allsoe they would have the best men of life and religion to be their Capteins emonge whom they chose one Robert Wattson, a preacher in those days of good Estimacon, and Thomas Codd, Mayour of the Cyttye of Norwiche and Thomas Aldrich of Mangrene a two myle from Norwich, a man of good wisdome and honesty and wellbelovid; which three persons allthough by no meanis would be of the Conspiracy, yeat fearing the aforesaid Robert Ket alias Knight, being wickedly led to bee theyr cheife Captaine, might by his wicked determinate advise and cowncell procure such greate inconveniencies by his prepostrous authoritie as ones enterprysed and begone might not easly bee revertyd. The sayd three nominatid to bee with Kett to have the rule and government of the said rude people wich indeed hapind very well, for that att ech time the said Kett wolde by his sinister will with is adherents command eny unlawfull things to bee done in the contry the seid Thomas Aldrich did let [prevent] [p. 8] and pacifie the controversies therein. And allsoe the sayd Ket etc. willed the like doing in Norwich, that did Thomas Codd lett, and in that they together agreid not in, that did Robert Watson the preacher by his perswasion lett; nott withstanding as the head Kett soe were the people confuzid in commanding precepts to attach Gentellmen prisoners, others to provide viand for theyr returne, that is bred corne and drinke, some to bee baken and brued, others to go in commysion to lay open common growndes, others to encrease their members, in which inordinate thinge the seid Mr Codd, Mr Aldrich and the seid Mr Watson were partley faine to agree lest, they being out of favour and place others might come in to bring all things out of frame that now might partly bee well framid. And the rather they assented to know the people in better order during [i. e. pending] answer from the Prynce what els they might furder doe. Notwithstanding during the fame of this unlawfull assemblie for that in Suffolk, Kent and other placis the Commons attempted the lyke enterpryse, soe that in the Realme was up to a great number hard to suppryse which was the longer or any answer came; in the which tyme were gatherid [p. 9] to this Company in Nofolk by report and judgment to the number of xx thousand persons space of iij or iiij weekes, which soe continued until vj weekes which was Magdalyn Even; in the meane tyme Kett and his Company ceasid not to assure themseivis. And first they went to old Paston Hall and gett ordinance from thence and soe to Yermoth and other placis and brought in forsan [sic] severall peeces one and another, and came into Norwich and sent to Lynne and other placis and what theye could gett that were sent, they browt with them both shott, powder, ammunicion, corne, cattell, mony and every thing ells, and browt the gretest part to the Rebellis Campe and some they converted to their private use. Whylst theis things were a complaining of to the Governours aforeseyde they appoynted a place of ascemblye emong them in an oken trie in that place which they bordid to stand on, uppon which tre at ye first did none come but Kett and the rest of the Governours where the people oute of were admonishid to beware of their robbinge, spolylinge and other theyr evil demeanors and what accompte they had to make, but that lyttil prevailid for they cryid out of the Gentlemen as well for that they would not pull down theyr enclosed growndis, as [p. 10.] allsoe understood they by letters fownd emonge theyr servants how they sowt by all weyes to suppres them, and whatsoever was sayde they would downe with them soe that within a ij or iij weekes they had so pursuyd the Gentlemn from all parts that in noe place durst one Gentleman keepe his house, but were faine to spoile themselves of theyr apparrell and lye and keepe in woods and lownde [secluded] placis where noe resorte was; and some fledd owte of the contrye and gladd they were in theyr howses for saving of the rest of theyr goods and catell to provide for them daiely bred, mete, drinke, and all other viands and to carry the same at their charge even home to the Rebellis Campe, and that for the savinge theyr wyves and chy[l]dren and sarvants. Notwithstanding were dyvers Gentlemen taken and browt to prison, some in Norwich prison, and some on Norwich Castle and some in Surrey Place. And whylst they wantid money they compellid the Mayour such money as was in the treasure of ye Cytie to bee att theyr commandment which was faine to bee granted unto excepte upon private warninge the same was otherwyse convyeid awaye. All other municion they gatt by force owt of the Cytie and commanded every [p. 11] Citezin to bee to them assistent, setting their face to bee the King’s friends and to defend the King’s Laws soe impudent were they now become; yea, now they would noe more bee advertized by their Governours, but theyr Governours must concent to them and by this farr had they not only all Gentyllmen & yeomen att theyr commandment, but for the most of estimacion in the Cyttie; whereuppon dyvers of the best Cytezins with theyr wives, chidren were faine to depart the Cyttye for that they would by noe meanis obey them, and spare [shut] up their occupyeng & otheyr theyr substance in secet wyse; which understandid from thence furth were accompid of the rebellis as Traytors and they in the Campe made Havock of all they could gett, and cutt downe all the wood of the place to roste and make greate fiers therein both night and daye when the state of the Cyttie begon to bee in most mysserable case that all men looked for utter destruction both of lyfe and goods. Then the remnant that fearid God, seing the plague thus of sorrowe encreasing, fell to prayer and holye lyffe and wishid but to see the day after they might talke thereof, looking never to recover helpe againe nor to see theyr Cyttie ageine to prosper, and the Rebellis for their [part] did thrett to fyer the [p. 12] Cyttie and to consume the substance and fainely if in everi pointe they assentid not to them. Besides, to call the people with, they made Larums that Gentlemen were comming against them by ringing of Bells and fireing of Beacons, by which meanis resortid greate numbers of people and provision owte of all Towns in Norfolke, Suffolke and dyvers other placis and shyres in Ingland; and in the way of theyr parte, ad such as had Kett’s Commission on the other parte, take owte of closes, pastures, and Myudows and owte of men’s houses all manner of horses, and of great Cattle iij M and more, and of sheep xx M and more, an[d] deere oute of dyvers parks in greate numbre besides swans, gesse, and all other foulis paying nothing therefore and sold mutton for jd a quarter veri good, and theis they browte to their Campe which they called the greate Campe of Mushold; and the Genttyllmen they tooke they browte to the Tree of Reformacion to bee seene of the people to demande what they would doe with them: where some cryde “Hang him!” and some Kill him!”, and some that heard noe word cryid even as the rest even when themselvis, being demandid [p. 13] why they cryid, answered for that theyr fellows afore did the like and indeede they did presse theyr weapons to kyll some of those Gentyllmen browte to them which they did of such malice that one Mr Wharton, being garded with a lane of men on both sydes from the said tre into the Cyttie, they pricked him with theyr spearis and other weapons on purpose to kill him had they not had greate helpe to withstand theer malice and creweltye; and further the rest of the Gentyllmenne imprisoned they fettrid with chenis and locks and pointid divers to ward them for escapinge. And in the meane tyme, with Kett’s authority, both constables and other officers enforced with theyr Company to keepe the Gates that the Cytezins shuld not soe fast range forth the Cyttie as allsoe that noe Gentylmenne shuld escape. Whilst thus they had continuid about a v weekes and in all this ceason came noe commandment from the Prynce to the Cytezins and that about tha tyme one Leonard Sotherton,. a Cytezin of Norwich, had occasion to goe to London uppon chiefe occasion to avoid ye Cyttie for his owne savegard as others did the same, callyd before ye Counsill to declare the truth of the sayde rebellion’s estate whereof hee made reporte [p. 14] according to his knowledge, and after hee had cravid pardon and besought the King’s Majestie’s Grace for pardon to be offrid unto theis Rebellis, hoping that the office thereof would both glad a greate numbre of harts that would have remorse of theyr rebellion, and to cause the same to revarte and returne to theyr habitations as faithfull and true subjects are to doe; which said Leonard Sotherton was commanded to waite uppon one of the King’s Grace’s Harrold att armis named Yorke, which hastely returned home and by the xxj day of July, then the even of Mare Magdalen, about noone entred the Cyttie where furthwith the said Yorke in his cote armour in the whole assemblye of people did reade and declare the King’s most gracious pardon to all that wolde humblee submit themselvis and depart quietly every man to his howse to enjoy the benefit therof; whereupon a greate numbre on theyr knees fell downe giving God and the King’s Majestye greate thanks for his Gracis clemenci and pitti. Notwithstanding the wretched man Kett refuzid the same and seid openly hee had not offended nor deserved the King’s pardon and soe required as many as would try and abyde with him to take his parte and remaine still, whereuppon the most numbre remained. Then the Harrold in the King’s [p. 15] name defyde him and called him Traytour with all that tooke his part and therewith the Harrold departing into the Cyttie with a greate numbre that received the pardon together with the sayd Thomas Codd, Mayour, and Thomas Aldrich, before Governors as beforsayd with Kett of their rude and rusticall people, and furthwith did shut the Citty gates. After the sayd gates [were] rapeired & shut the sayd Mayour furthwith delivered out of prison all such Gentyllemen as the sayd Kett had before shut up as well in the Guyld Hall as the Castle to meete together to peruse and to doe that might in theyr knoledge bee best to save the Cyttie and defend [fend off] the Rebellis and keepe them from victual; which soone after they perceived that through ye falshood of many of theyr Cyttizins the seid Rebels where entrid. But seing the Rebels entrid, feine was the seid Mayour to committe them againe to pryson for theyr saveguard lest for theyr delivery the Cittye shuld feare the worse; whereupon they were shut up agen.
spacer This done they made with all expedition the Ordenance of the Ciyttie, being vj small peeces, to be levilid to them out of the place called the Castle ditches to ward them & the night drawing on the seid Thomasd with the advise of his brethren the Aldermen [p. 16] and others of the Cytezins causid good watch & ward to bee kept in especial att the dangerousest places; in the which places dyd watch in theyr harneis a certeyne of both Aldermen and Commoners with theyr sarvants att every gate and circuyte of walls with the advyce of those Gentyllemen that afore were prysoners, and the rest rydde about from place to place to belaye that nether entrance or assawlte or larum shuld bee made, but wyth as much dyligence and connynge as they could dyd endeavor themselves to both keepe out the Rebills and dispoyle them of victualls, and pretendying to continue the same untyll some good hope of recovery or helpe by the Prynce’s power shuld come. And to make all sure in the nyght the Ordenaunce of the Cyttie was placed alongst the ryver with good guard of men in the Hospitall Myddowes for that was the weakest place, and as they of the Cyttie shot at them, the did the lyke into the Cyttie all nyght and the Rebellis perceiving in the morninge that theyr shott went over the Cyttye they browte downe theyr Ordenaunce from the lower par of the Hyll, but fearing to remaine there for that the Cyttie shot drive them of, whereuppon theyr Ordeaunce did small hurt. Thus the day appearing on Monday the xxiiijth daie of [p. 17] June [sic] the seide Kett sent downe one James Williams of Norwich, Taylor, with a banner of truce in messuage unto Mr Mayour with allsoe one Ralph Sutton of Norwich, Hatterer, that if the Mayour would suffer them to enjoy the Cyttie as to make their provision as they had done before, or ells they would enter the Cyttie by force, whoe was answerid that neither to cum or have nurishment of the Cyttie shuld bee grantyd but defyance utterly as Traytours. And whylst there was provision making within the Cittie to wythstand them every waye & that with Bowmen, as they came from the Hyll they were shott at wyth gret numbre of arrowes, soe impudent were they and soe desperate that of theyr vagabond boyes (with reverens spoken) brychles and beararssyde [breechlesss and bare-assed] came emong the thickett of the arrows and gathred them up when some of the seid arrows stack fas in theyr leggs and other patrs and did therwith most shamefully turne up ther bare tayles against those which did shoote whych soe dysmayed the Archers that it tooke theyr hart from them. Besydes for want of powder the shott followed not, neyther were the Gonnars perfyt in the Cyttie to order theyr peeces, which the Rebellis perceiving [sic] well, and when they [p. 18] dyscernyd from the Hyll that many of the Cytezins were departid from the straight [street\ and other placis of the wallis where another part of the Rebellys made assawlt, and that many other Cytizins were some on theyr homes about theyr businesse, even then about xj or xij of the clocke att noone the seid raggyd boyes and desperate vagabons in greate numbre wyth halbers, spers, swerds, and other weapons, and some wyth muck forks, pytch forks etc. hastely came runniyng downe the Hyll and tooke the ryver most desperately mervelous to the beholders, as soe suddenly abashid them that the Gonner fearid to shote. There was soe greate a numbre about him that hee left his Ordenaunce and fledd, and the rest that watchid, seing themselvis nothing to resist, allsoe hastily departid when the Rebellis soe followid that happy was hee that could take howse. And theis soe entrid through the ryver. On part of them unrampired [unbarred] the gates and carryed the vj peeces of Ordinance to the Hylles with the instruments thereto, and the other parte came furthe into the Cyttie and by the way called the Citizens Traytours etc. that few or none durst looke out theyr haste was so suddeigne uppon them. Whilst theis things were a doing and beholden of ye Haward att armis, and hee, for that his commission serve for two daies, [p. 19] went himself emong them and offryd ageyne unto the King’s pardon which they utterly refuzed and cryed & howled and showtyd as they had wonne theyr purpose even the wholle way as the went to the Crosse of the market to the greate admiration of the Harrold and of all the Cyttie. And the Harrold accompanied with Austin Styward Alderman and others, seing theyr desperatenes, desyred the seid Mr Steward to bring him out of the Cittye, which after hee was brought furth St. Stephen’s gate departed straight to the Corte, the Cyttie with the Rebellis being in greate rowre which still went howing abroade the Cittye and called for the seid Leonard Sotherton meaning to him and his to doe some mischeefe for that he was one that browte downe the pardon in soe much that both Leonard and his brethren from thencefurth durst noe more to be seene abroad.
spacer Then the seid wretched Kett by force made the seid Thomas Codd, Mayour, and Thomas Aldrich aforesayd & Robert Watson to bee apprehendid in the Cyttie. Soe did they one William Rogers, Alderman, John Himerstone, [p. 20] Wiiliam Brampton Gent. and divers others of worshippe whome they carryed prisoners to theyr Campe and putt them in hold in Surrey Place, where they remayned in chaines & fetters unto the last daye that some by God’s provision was [sic] savid and some dyed.
spacer Whylst theis things were a doing in the Cyttie, Kett did send abroade by his Embassators to rayes the whole Country, by which means resortid to him a greate numbre and allthough the seid Thomas Codd and Thomas Aldrich were taken prysoners and of themselvis att great defiance with Kett, yheat partly for that the Cytezins would not have the Mayour in prison and for the good modesty of Thomas Aldrich for wich hee was beloved of Cyttie and Countrye for which, notwithstanding Kett, they wold bee ordered by, for the which, though they allways protested Kett to be a Traytor & his, [sic] yeat was Kett always feine to allow them in such order as they would and att theyr hands did the seid Kett suffer manasses [sic] and threts soe pleasid God to putt into the people’s mynds and soe cam that well to passe, for much deterination was thereby lettyd and soe had the Mayour many tymes liberty to goe and cum into the Cyttie by whose advice prudently was as many evils foreseene as might bee. [p. 21] Notwithstanding for that the seid Mayour was faine for the most part to bee att the Campe to see the best ordre there, hee appoynted Mr Awsten Styward, Alderman, to bee his debute in the Cyttie whoe very wisely uppon advice did allways foresee evylls and, for that hee had allways bin a good and modest man, hee was beloved of poore and rich and att this well contentid of many to bee obeyed & hee wyth Mr Harry Batto, Alderman, and John Atkins, Shrieves [sherrifs], wyth other theyr assistence kept the Cytezins, except the most vagrand and vacabond persons, in good quiet. During this tyme dyd Kett use dayly to call the Gentlemen prisoners before him into the tre called the Tre of Reformacion which was not done wythout the whole multitude and them they had noe complaints of they cryed “A good man, a good man!“ the other that were complaind of they cryid “Hang him, hang him!“ wythout furder judgement yea though the seid Gentlemen by eny ways made to them intercession and promysed them amendment soe maliciously were they bent. After xiiij or xvj daies it pleased the King’s Majesty to send downe to Norwich to represse theis Rebellis ye Lord [p. 22] Marquis of Northampton wyth the Lorde Sheffeyld, the old Lord Waydsworth and others number of Knights as Sir Anthony Denny, Sir Ralph Sadler, Sir Richard a Lee, Sir Richard Southwell and dyvers Italians, strangers and others to the number of xij or xiij C persons as was seid, and after the Lord Marquesse, Lieuetenant to the Kings Majesty, being wythin a Mule of the Cittye, and by a Harrolde of Armis callyd Norrice had summoned the Cyttie, whereuppon the seid Awsten Styward, depute for the Maour, had understand [sic] the Lord Leiuetenant’s pleasure to bee receivid into the Cyttie wyth his power according to there dutes the seid Awsten being in person att the seid gates of St. Steven hastely gave notice thereof to the Mayour, then wyth Kett in the Camp whoe by noe meanis would suffer the seid Mayour from him to depart but kept hym perforce whereuppon the seid Mayour requirid ye seid deputy to take the sword and meete wyth his Honor and show the cause of the Mayour’s absens, whych the seid deputy did and after he had kyssid the swerd and delyverid it to his Honor, the seid swerd he delyverid to Sir Richard Southwel whoe bare [p. 23] it before him bare-headed, wherewyth hee entrid wyth his power the Cyttie att the gate aforesayde and came soe unto the Markett and to the Guyld Hall of the same Cittye and in the Councell Chamber refreshyd him and drank a cup of wine with other his assystance there taking order for keeping watch etc. After which done his Honor repayred to the howse of the seid deputy, where hee with the Lords, Knights and Gentilmen suppyd, in whose gallery rested in theyre armore uppon cushions and pillows divers Italians and wher [sic] that daye towards night one of the seid Italians called Cheavers, a Gentillman, in skirmish with them was taken of the Rebellis gorgeously apparrelled & carryed up to the Campe, the seyd Rebbils not content to hold him prysoner but for his apparell sake was hanged over the walls by a wretched Rebell one Cayme of Bonbebe [Bungay] allthough there would have bin given a C li for his life, notwithstanding hee had the like reward within a month after. Notwithstanding the Lords & Nobilities savety the rest of the souldiours were appoynted to guard the Cyttie in every part [p. 24] needful all that night and especially in the Markyt place was the cheefe nombre where were made bonfires and lights and whereunto divers noblemen and officers attendid & where Sir Edward Ward was the Knight Marshall and gave the watchword, and when att midnight that each one attendid uppon his office the Rebelis made alarum in divers parts of the Cittye whereupon after the seyd Knight Marhsll had reysid up the Lord Lieutenant with his Lords, Knights and other they in half armour went to the Markitt where the whole power was in redynes till the day spring [i. e. sunrise], where the seid Mr Austen Steward, depute, was sent to the old Lord Winford, to Sir Anthony Dennye, Sir Rafe Sadler and Sir Richard a Lee sitting in a stall of the Market from the Lord Leiutenant and the Lord Sheffyld whoe advysid the rampering up of divers placis for the better keeping of the Citty with fewer men; which was done presently by the appoyntment of the seid depute with labourers toward the water syde, which labourers after they had continued till viij of the clock and after breakfast att the Maydes Head the seid deputy following the seid worke and seeing Norrise, the Harrold, with a Trumpeter riding through Tombland uppon the Lord Leiutenant’s commandment and uppon informatcon that att Pockthorp gates was iiij or v C persons to submit themselves and receive the King’s pardon [p. 27 ] which he was gon to offer them itt; at which though the seid deputy was glad and for joy went with them to the corner tower att Pockthorpe where was Sir John Clere and in another tower Sir Thomas Paston and others, was found to bee neithre man, woman nor childe to appere. Notwithstandingt he Harrold soundid his trumpet att which came gallopping downe one John Floatman of Beccles and under the seid tower the Herrold after hee had bid him stand and feare not and askyd if hee would declare to his Companye that uppon theyr submission they shold have pardon, att which tyme came to him from the Campe a xx ty persons more, in whose presence the seid Floateman answerid hee defyde the Lord Leiuetenant and seid he was a Traytour nor wulde of his pardon, nor had deserved pardon, but that they were the King’s true subjects in the which whyle was browte word that the Rebellis had entrid the Cyttie neere the Hospitall. To which place over the Whyte Friars bridge the Harrold rode and the seid deputy rode another way into Tombeland to see what would cum of ytt, and in the playne before the Pallace gate of the Bishop the Lord Leiuetenant’s souldiours fought with the Rebellis where was slayne above forty persons furthwith and many of the Lord Leiutenant’s men departed sore hurt, in [p. 28] whych conflict was the Lord Sheffyld slaine about the Hospital corner by funding his horse in a dyke, to which place were the Lord’s launce souldiours harted forwards, att whose deth the Lord shewid what hee was though that prevailed not, and att whose deth they made greate joy and one Fulk and others contendid to whome the prayse was worthie whose reward was noe more shortlye after but they hanged save [sic] the neck in the Tree of Reformacon; uppon the which Lord’s deth approached soe many Rebellis as the rest of the Lord’s launc power fled to ye Markit to their Lord, and seeing them not hable to resist, the seide Lords [sic] departed the Cyttie his power with whome departid divers Cytezins and men’s servants ageine to London ward, and that by certen men’s houses of worshippe from which howeses every man made away that they had both place, mony, and stuffe, and the Cytezins did the like, some in wells, some in ponds and other secret places the same did hide that it might not bee helping to the Rebellis thereafter. In the which conflicte there departid with them many that had wives and children, some that were with childe, some that were sicke and deseasid, which were fayne to leave them all, and some flied in theyr [p. 29] doublets and hosen and some in there lightest lightest garments beste to escape & make haste away and allsoe leaving theyr substance & other commodities. Whyll these things were a doing and the seid Mr Steward, debute, dowghtfull what to doe and entring his howse & finding his servants departed with the Armie of the Lord Lieuetenant that returnid till the Lord Warick’s cominge, and seeing the Citty empty of all assistance & every man’s doore shutt and that wyth haste one of the Lord Leiftenant’s servants wyth his horse were deliyvered a payre of silver flaggons and gon, and now comfortlesse, alone beholding out of his highest gallery tha the Rebbels had set ye whole houses in the streete calyd Homstreete afyer on both sydes with a greett part of the Hospitall howses of office that longid [belonged] to ye poore in that house and allsoe the Cyttie Gates called Bishop’s gates with the leade thereof molten of Pockthorp, Magdaline, St. Austen’s, Costney and Bestret gates all on fier that daie & that in the feilds without was coming with a drum before [p. 30] them in att [sic] St. Austen’s gates a greate numbre of Rebellis that att the gate of the seid debute rappid & cryde “Set fire to the gates!“ etc. att which the seid debute required an old man that kept the gate to open the yckett {wiocket, i. e. the portcullis] when they came thrusting in & violently fell on the seid debut to plucke his cloake from him and called him Traytor asking for the Lord Marquis and others that there were lodged, which awnswered they were departid. Notwithstanding after they had cerched every hole & place and found none to qualify their feircenes, hee was faine to give them the wholl mony in his purse to departe, after whose departure came another Company that brake open his shop & in burthens carryed all that their was tyll one Doo of theyr Company, a servant of Mr Smith of Huntingfeilds, had sharply told them for robbing and spolyling they all should bee hangid whereuppon many of theyr fardles were cast agen into the shopp; whome to ridde was faine to be cutt both shirt cloaths and doublet cloths of fustian & given them to save ye rest. And after theyr departure came another Company to have spoyled had not the seid Doo & three or foure mor kept them of saying hee was spoyled before. And as the seid Rebellis served the seid debute soe, under pretens of seeking for Gentlemen, they entrid every man’s howse and spoylid all they could come by in so much that, thowgh [p. 31] the most parte of the best of the Cyttie were departed as is aforesayde, yeat the servants of the seid Cytezins to save ye rest of theyr Masters’goods devisid to bake bred and to rost, bake pasties & give it unto them to save the rest notwythstanding greate losses ensuid to many. And now began the Rebellis againe to possess the Cittye and to have Aldermen and Constables att their commandments and in tyme of raine in the night season they incampid in the Cathedral church callyd Christ’s Church in Norwich & had the rewle to doe what them listed and kept the gates themselves of the Cittye wyth the prisens & other placis soe that they rewled the wholle & would command men by howses to watch theyr Campe & gates in the night which both many men and theyr servants then att home were feine to doe untill God after gave them victory. In the meane whyle the Debute and others procured Dr Barret, a precher, and other preachers to goe up among them & preach God<s> word. Which nothwithstanding helpid not att all, for soe impudent were they & out of ordre, and soe continued tyll the Lord of Warwicke was coming downe with an Armye when that they undestood they preparid themselves to with stande.
spacer [p. 32] Whilst now there was no hope that any Cytezin looked for to enjoy his owne: such as had trusty servants causid theyr goods, bonds, stuffe and mony to bee made up in wallis & sellers for that they looked with fire to be consumed, but the Masters themselves in many places were feine to bee partid up in romis & other secret placis lest if they had bin taken prisoners as other Gentylmen were, they shud be dryven to rebell. Whylst theis things were a doeing and that the King was advertisid of theyr doeings that by noe meanis they would avert from theyer rebellion, and that noe pardon would be receivid, the King sent into Lincolnshire and other placis of the Realme and mustridd and toke up a greate numbre of souldiours and allso sent for divers Launce Knights and other strangers to make a power to suppres the seide Rebells all which, appareld & in readines had the Lord Warwicke appoynted Lord Leiuetenant of ye Army, came furthward from London & by Newmarket & soe to Norwich ward with all expedition they might. The xiij of August and Barthylmewe Even the seide Lord of Warwicke, Leiutenant of the King’s approching to the Cyttie and within a mile lay abrode with [p. 33] his army which out of  steeples and towers was vewed soe that Kett himself came thereto; which Leiutenant was accompanid with the Lord Marquis that had bin there before, the Lord Willoughby, the Lord Powes, the Lord Bray with grett nombre of Lords, Knights and Squiers and Gentlylmen & others with gret store of armour, munycion, shot, powdre, ordynance shott, whose nombre is writen to be xij M which ye night before had lyen att Intword at Sir Thomas Gresham’s place a ij miles of. The seid Lord of his clemencie and for avoiding of bloudshed & saving the Gentylmen in captivity sent his Harrold Norrice to summon the Cyttie to open the gates for his entrye, which Kett hering requirid Awsten Steward & Robert Rugge, Aldermen, to know his embassye which seide was to know if they would receive the Leiftenant. The seid Aldermen, lett out at a posterne, answered that they had rather then a a greate summe of money they might be lieletttt in and seid they rather thought the seide Harrold was come to offer pardon to them that would receive it, whereuppon after a pawse till the Harrold had spoken with the Lord Leiuetnant whoe after one quarter of an hower saide, soe the parcullis were pulled up, hee would see what to doe; which after the entrance came a xxx or xl of the Rebellis well horsid that rid in couples before the Harrold the Trumpetter and two Aldermen through ye Cittee to ye gate next the Rebellis [p. 34] Campe where after ye sound of ye trumpett and a gret numbre assemblyd to the Hylles syde and that ye saide Horsmen requestid and went to warne them to stand all arraye that remaynid, which as they did whylst the Harrold, trumpetter & two Aldermen pasid through them they put of theyr caps and cryed “God save King Edward!“ whome after the Harrold commended therfor and the Aldermen desired to keepe theyr arraye and they passed through ye ranks quietly the space of a quartyr of a myle & had steid uppon an Hyll neere the Campe tyll Kett came with a greate nombre about to here, the seid Harrold seid the King’s Majestie hath sent downe the Earle of Warwick, his Highnes’ Leiuetenant with his Majestie’s power, to suppres those Rebellis, but of his clemency and pitty had of the destruction of his naturall people sent word that if they would, like naturall subjects, repent of theyr demeanour and humbly submit themselvis to ye King’s mercy hee would graunt to them his Highnes’ pardon for life and goods, Kett only excepted, if not hee protestid, with His helpe in whome his confidence rested, hee would never depart out of the place till without pitty & mercy hee had vanquisht them with the sword. Whereuppon a grett nombre in feare trembled, [p. 35] others seide it was but faire words till they were disceoered and then to bee hangid up, others seid hee was not sent by ye Kinge, nor was his Harrold, but made by the Gentilmen putting on him a peice of an old Cope for is cote armour, and other despightfull words etc. After which ye Harrold and Kett rode together through the ranks & steid in another place to doe the same. Before the end thereof, for that an ungracious ladd on the other syde had turnid his tayle to them above that one with a corrier shot att him & slew him wherewith came riding though the wood a xij or more horsmen exclaiming that the Harrold cam not but for a traine to have them all destroyid, saying, “Our men are kylled by the water syde, whereat they severed them like mad men.“ Yeat the Harrold & Kett rode through the rage without staye to a place callyd Sturthyll where half way downe Kett, willing to have gon with the Harrold to the Lord Leiuetenant, was followed with the Company saying, “Whither away? Whither away, Mr Kett? If you goe, wee will goe with you, and with you will live and dye.“ The Harrold, perceiving a greate numbre following, required Kett to goe backe again to pacifie them; which [p. 36] with his Company returnid to Mushold and the Harrold, Trumpetter  & Aldermen hastid to ye Lord Leiftenant to informe him of theyr doings and soe the Rebellis held him out whereat the seid Lord Leiftenant causid the Master of the Ordenance to breake open the gates. Whyle which was a furnishinge the Lord Leiftenant, resolvid [informed] by Mr Steward, Alderman, of a posterne gate called Brazen gate being ramperd, causid his pyoneers to breake it open where the souldiours first entrid & drive [sic] back ye Rebellis where the Master of the Ordinance dischargid and brake ye halfe gate and percullis where the seid Lord Marquis with Captaine Drury and his band entrid and skorid the streets & killed divers Rebellis. In the meane tyme the seid Austin Steward causid Westwick gate the bee set open, where the Lord Leiftenant with all his Armye cam quietly in through that high streete into the Markett where divers Rebellis were fownd and hangid that night and to the which place came the whole Cytezins with their servants that had long bin hid, as is aforeayd, and cryde for pardon, to whom the Lord Leiutenant answrid they should have pardon and commandid every man home to his howse and keepe the same that noe Rebel were therein sustained which made a [p. 37] greate nombre of glad hartis that dyd as they were bydden. This done, about three of the clock afternoone cam in all the carts with carriage and munition att the seide Westwick gate. And when the Rebellis parcevid them thus entryd the Cittye, and hoping, because the stranugers knew not the streets, to assemble in Companies in many lanes where they thought by little and little they might cutt of theyr enemies. And for this purpose assemblid a greate Company in a brawde place next Christ Church called Tomblonde and soe devydid themselvis in iij Companies to goe on three streetes to theyr enemies ward, that is one part went uppon St. Michael’s streete, another on Middle Wymer streete, the third on St. Symond’s and St. Peter Howngate streete by the Elme and about the Hyll next the corner late the Black Fryers shewid themelves in battell array where they kylled iij or iiij Gentyllmen that wantid rescue. This noysid in the Market place came down by St. John’s streete and along this middle streete the wholle power in array where neere St. Andrews’s on both parts were shot a greate nombre of arrows, but whyle they were shooting came Captaine Drury with his band of Hagabushes [hackbut men] and dischargid on suc ha sudden that the seid Rebellis recoylid whereat they were soe hastily pursuid that many of them were seine to take church yards and hyd them under wallis and fell flatt in the allies, which understandid, they were all slaine to the nombre of C or there abowt. The rest, both through the waye and Christ Church, were soe pursuid that they fled to their Camp and soe within one half hower were all driven out of the Cyttie were immediately were all wayes and streights kept and ramperd up except the one only Common way out of Bishops gates and there was the Ordenance & carriage of munition as prest to goe to Mushold which when the Rebellis on the hyll saw and parcevid, then without shot or powder to defend themsevis in theyr Campe, and that the same had but a few Welchmen to defend it & that the King’s power was busied in placis of the Cittye where breaches was, the seid Rebellis uppon a desperate mynde, mad a desperate enterpryse and coming from the hyll entred uppon the seid Ordinance and other munition in divers carts laden with soe much powder that with two of the greatest peices they shot into the Cittye from that xxiijth day night [sic]of August untill the end that they [p.39] were dispersid on the xxvjth day after, and therewith did shoote downe a Tower of the same gate calkyd Bishops gate which slew many men that were there . . . gardid, but the losse had bin the greater but that Capten Drury with his band recoverid part, notwithstanding hee had grett losse of men. But after theyr repulse the Lord Leiuetenant wardid the breach more strongly and kept ye Rebellis owte all that nyghte and appoynted the Lord Willowby with others to ward that streete &  gate callyd Bishops gate and after things wel was with the Lord Marquis and others lodged att Mr Steward’s howse where, after a cawdell [a hot drink] drinking for a a quarter of an hower, returnd agen to apoynt the watch till x of the clocke that hee had rest. And about this tyme the Rebellis attryed to enter about Conforth and certeyne coming over the water did set dyvers howses in South Confort on fire where was burnid a whole parish or two on both sides the way with much corne & marchantryes & stuffs and would have gon further had they not bin expulsid, for they ment to burne the whole Cittye. Notwithstanding the fire was suffrid to burne to the end for that it was suspected that their only firing thereof was to bring ye Company to quench it whylst they, [p. 40] the Rebellis, might attempt the like in another place or ells enter to doe further mischeefe.
spacerThe next daye Sundaye in ye morning went every one to armour, when though for the largenes of the Citty and difficulitie thereof the Lord Leiuetenant was by ye best advised to depart til furder puissance, yeat valiantly answerid by God’s grace not to depart the Cittye but would deliver it or leave his life and notwitstanding where least was thought began dyvers Rebellis to enter the Cittye in the furdest parte whoe were cum as far as the bridges, wherefore the bridge callyd the Whyt Fryars bridge was broken clene up & soe had the rest had not bin reasonable cawse shewid, but in there repuls was many slaine & where the gates were burnid was defendid with men. After this, because many soldiours had not bin lodgid nor howse appoynted to receive a Campany; the better to make them harty went many to theyr beds and had victuals furnished which encouragid them much and then did every man take furth his stuffe and other things before hydden in placis to defend fier to minister the nedis of theis men. And now for that the Lord Leiuetenant had taken up Mr Awsten Steward’s howse and sett his arms on the gate, did other [p. 41] Lords, Squires and Gentlemen the like and for the tyme tooke each man’s howse as there owne till theyr departure when then for joye of the victory every man set up the ragged staffe uppon theyr gates and doors in the Lord Leiutenant’s honour which soe continued many years after and soe savely continued that daye. The next day being Monday the xxvjth of August the Lord Leiuetenant at dinner, came abut x or xxj hundred Lance Knights which, after they had dischargid their peeces to shew theyr cominge, were allsoe lodgid in divers howses with many of their wives that came with them.
spacer Whylst theis things were a doeing was devizing in the Rebellis Campe what were best to doe for victory, and as they had oft giving themselvis from good amonicion to theyr owne wills, soe now, neere unto such tyme as theyr destruction was present, had God suffrid them to bee deludid for now instead of putting theyr trust in God they trustid uppon faynid prophecies which were phantastially devisid, which prophecys they had often cawsed bfeore to bee openly proclaimid in the market & other placis as a matters of greate tryall as they thought ot maintaine them, emongs which was one that spake of such assemblys and that in Dussens Dale there [p. 42] should perish both greate & small which in them that after fell owt, but theyr construct was that there they should winne the battell of ther enemies and put them to flight. Whereuppon they fully determinyd removyd all that night all their ordinance & munition and all other things clene from that place they were in before, and had devysid trenches & stakes wherein they and theyrs were intrenchid & set up greate Bulwarks of defence before & abowte and placid their ordinance all abowt them and that the Gentylmen the prysners shuld not escape they take them owte of theyr prysons in Surry Place and carried them to the seid Dussens Dale with them, which was not past a myle of and somewhat more, whome to bee their defence they chained together & set them in theyr forward, whereof my Lord Lieuetenant, having intelligence by ye watch in Christ Church steeple, preparid himself to give battell and on Teueday the xxvijth daye with his powre preparid in battell arraye out att the gates callyd Gosny gates marchid to them, and notwithstanding all things prest soe saving the Gentylmen with them sent Sir Edward Knyvett with others to see if they would yeelde, but of theyr obstinacy would not & to begin shot of their ordenance by their [p. 43] Cheife Gunner, one Mules, and killed the horse of the standard bearer & hurt him in the legge, whereuppon the army shot att them and breake theyr carrage and savid many of those Knights, Squires & Gentylmen which the Rebellis had cheand in theyr forward as they were commandid to doe, when Kett, before they joynd, with v or vj Rebellis fled & att Swannington, where his horse was tirid & hee forcid to take a barne where was a cart with corne unlading, was browt to the howse of one Mr Riches of that towne a v mile from Norwich who, though hee was left with a childe in the howse vij or viiij years old, had not the spirit to depart whyles Mrs Riches was fetched from church, whome though shee rated for his demeanour, yeat did hee pray hir of contentation & to have meate; when [i. e. then: Yaxley] ye next morning, about iiij of yhe clocke, hee was browte to the Lord Leiuetenant’s lodging, which such as were sent for him in this ceason. The Rebellis, myssing their Captin Kett, as God pleasid their harts fainted they being dispercid, slayne and a number greate taken prisner and put [at this point the text becomes so fragmentary that it does not merit inclusion here].
