fvA - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page


TITLE Theatrum crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/tq-1300a/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vacchetta, Guido
TITLE Epistola
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf13083
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vacchiery, Karl Albrecht von
TITLE Imagines Principum aliarumque personarum illustrium Bavariae
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025219/images
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staadtsbibliothek ms. Cgm 1995

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Aeglogus cui titulus Faustus
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004072-2
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Ad D. Ioan. Zuiccium Constantiensis ecclesiae pastorem epistola
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/481176ƒ
SITE Universitäts`
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1540 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Annotationes in acta apostolorum
URL http://www.e-codices.ch/ecodices-cgi/kleioc/g0010/exec/pagesmaframe/%22zbz-C0106_001r.jpg%22/segment/%22body%22
SITE Zentralbibliothek Zürich
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of ms. C 106, pp. 1 - 213

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Aphorismorum Libri Sex De Consideratione Eucharistiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/b-50-2f-helmst-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Zürich edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE De poetica et Carminis ratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020305/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Vienna edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE De poetica et Carminis ratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020305/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE De Vadianorum familiae insignibus
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003775-9
SUBJECT Heraldry
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Divo Maximiliano Ces. Augusto ... oratio, nomine gymnasii Viennensis ... exhibita
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/03500/03533
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Mönyvtár
SUBJECT Politics (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Vienna edition; downloadable in various formats

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Epistola, qua hanc explicat quaestionem, An corpus Christi propter coniunctionem cum verbo inseparabilem, alienas à corpore conditiones sibi sumat?
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/659202
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1539 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Epitome trium terrae partium
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/653384
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Epitome trium terrae habitatae partium
URL http://www.e-codices.ch/ecodices-cgi/kleioc/g0010/exec/pagesmaframe/%22zbz-C0106_221r.jpg%22/segment/%22body%22
SITE Zentralbibliothek Zürich
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of ms. C 106, pp. 221 - 275

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Oratio coram invictissimo Sigismundo Rege Poloniae &c.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013120/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Vienna edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Oratio de Jesu Christi die natali
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003774-4
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (1484 - 1551)
TITLE Vita Euripidis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072362
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Vienna edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide, Euripidis tragoediae in Latinum translatae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072362
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Vienna edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Pro veritate carnis, triumphantis Christi, quod ea ipsa, quia facta est & manet in gloria, creatura, hoc est nostra caro, esse non desierit, anakephalaiōsis sive recapitulatio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/481453
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vadian, Joachim (Joachim von Watt, 1484 - 1551)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_22.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vadius, Pollio Gerus
TITLE Epistola ad Domicum Palladium Soranum (prefacing the 1514 edition of Erasmus' Collectanea adagiorum veterum, also containing a reprint of Polydore Vergil's Proverbiorum libellus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=429&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 345f.

AUTHOR Vaelckern, Johann Peter (d. 1690)
TITLE Vienna a Turcis Obsessa a Christianis Eliberata
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/vaelckern_hist.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vaenius, Otto (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Amorum emblemata
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/uh-103/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the Augsburg edition (a dpr of the 1608 Antwerp edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vaenius, Otto (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Emblemata aliquot selectoria amatoria
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Renaissance/Facsimiles/Vaenius1618/pages/OV0001.html
SITE Uriscula
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vaenius, Otto (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Emblemata Horatiana, Imaginibus In Æs Incisis Notisque Illustrata
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=104
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Antwerp edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vaenius, Otto (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Emblemata Horatiana, Imaginibus In Æs Incisis Atque Latino, Germanico, Gallico Et Belgico Carmine Illustrata
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-607-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Emblems, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vaez, Pedro
TITLE Apologia Medicinalis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532884638
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Barcelona edition

AUTHOR Vaez, Pedro
TITLE Duae medicinales espistolae apprime vtiles
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532884638
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Barcelona edition

AUTHOR Vaez, Pedro
TITLE Egregiae censurae, de venae sectione in febribus putridis, et curatione puncticularis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532884638
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Barcelona edition

AUTHOR Vaget, Heinrich
TITLE De vita et morte...M. Iacobi Werenbergii oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xMxbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Vaget, Joachim (1585 - 1513)
TITLE De stilo Latino disquisitiones VII
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/kg-320/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Vaget, Joachim (1585 - 1613)
TITLE Decas Asmaton Philikon Hactenus sparsim editorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/kg-320/start.htm?image=00229
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Vaget, Johann
TITLE Programma in funere...d. Henrici Dassovii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xMxbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Vahl, Martin (1744 - 1804)
TITLE Eclogae Americanae seu descriptiones plantarum praesertim Americae meridionalis, nondum cognitarum
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=302
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=303
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1797 - 1807 Haun edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vahl, Martin (1744 - 1804)
TITLE Enumeratio plantarum
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=304
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=305
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 - 5 Haun edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vahl, Martin
TITLE Icones illustrationi plantarum Americanarum
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=306
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=307
vol. 3 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=308
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 - 9 Haun edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Euripidis Electra
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766201
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De genere quodam emendationis Tullianae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4765502
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1899 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Euripidis Hercule quem furentem dicere solebant
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766200
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Phaedonis Platonici loco quodam
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4765503
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1896 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Platonis Philebo
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4763752
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De sermone Liviano observationes criticae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766199
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1890 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Taciti De oratoribus libello
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4767268
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Theocriti idyllio septimo
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766198
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1896 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De tribus Theocriti Idylliis (XIV, XII, XVII)
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4764129
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1885 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De Valerii Catulli carminibus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4769576
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De versibus nonnullis Sophocleis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4767257
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1895 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE De versibus poetarum veterum a Cicerone citatis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4769553
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE In Marci Terentii Varronis saturarum Menippearum reliquias conjectanea
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-027190
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1858 Leipzig edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE Observationes criticae ad nonnullos Ennii versus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4767269
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1878 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE Quaestiones Ennianae criticae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006871/images/
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Bonn edition

AUTHOR Vahlen, Johann (1830 - 1911)
TITLE Quaestiones quaedam Aristophaneae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4765501
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vaillant, Sébastie
TITLE Botanicon Parisiense
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097923
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Leiden edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valadés, Diego
TITLE Rhetorica Christiana
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083901
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Perugia edition (note, the catalogue entry lists Philip Melanchthon as coauthor); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valaguzza, Giorgio
TITLE Epigramma
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf644593
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Valastus de Tarenta
TITLE Tractatus de epidemia et peste
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/264-46-quod-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar
TITLE Adnotationes in Thomam Magistrum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN519383036
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1812 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar
TITLE Duo orationes
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN519383036
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar
TITLE Observationes academicae, quibus via munitur ad origines Graecas investigandas, lexicorumque defectus resarciendos
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-084338
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Leiden edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar: see David Rhunken

AUTHOR Valdanius, Josephus
TITLE De mistione dialogi duo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027990/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valdés, Diego de
TITLE De dignitate regum regnorumquê Hispaniae & honoratiori loco eis seu eorum legatis a concilijs ac Romana sede iure debito
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Granada edition

AUTHOR Valdés, Fernando de
TITLE Cathalogus librorum, qui prohibentur mandato Illustrissimi & Reuerend. D.D. Ferdinandi de Valdes Hispalensis Archieposcopi, Inquisitoris Generalis Hispaniae
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000682
SITE Religion Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Valladolid edition

AUTHOR Valdés, Fernando de
TITLE De utilitate venae sectionis in variolis, ac alijs affectibus puerorum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18835600
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Seville edition (also available here)

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Concilium prouinciale Valentinum, celebratu anno Domini M.D.LXV
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tConcilium+prouinciale+&Submit3=Cercar/tconcilium+prouinciale/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tconcilium+prouinciale&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Valencia edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Don Martinus Lopez de Hontiveros... Archiepiscopus Valentin... Anno... millessimo sexcentesimo... duximus promouendo, atque promovimus...
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(promouendo)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(promouendo)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28promouendo%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xt:(promouendo)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Synodus dioecesana Valentiae celebrata. . . anno 1578
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tSynodus+dioecesana+/tsynodus+dioecesana/1,6,8,B/l962&FF=tsynodus+dioecesana+valentiae+celebrata+praeside+d+ioanne+ribera+patriarcha+antiocheno+and+archiepiscopo+valentino+anno+1578&1,,2,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Valencia edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Synodus dioecesana Valentiae celebrata. . . anno 1584
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tSynodus+dioecesana+/tsynodus+dioecesana/1,6,8,B/l962&FF=tsynodus+dioecesana+valentina+celebrata+praeside+d+ioanne+ribera+patriarcha+antiocheno+et+archiepiscopo+valentino+anno+1584&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Valencia edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Synodus dioecesana Valentiae celebrata. . . anno 1590
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tSynodus+dioecesana+/tsynodus+dioecesana/1,6,8,B/l962&FF=tsynodus+dioecesana+valentina+celebrata+die+++25+mensis+octobris+anni+1590+preside+eodem+d+ioanne+ribera+patriarcha+antiocheno&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Valencia edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHORS Valencia, Archdiocese of
TITLE Synodus dioecesana Valentiae celebrata. . . anno 1594
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tSynodus+dioecesana+/tsynodus+dioecesana/1,6,8,B/l962&FF=tsynodus+dioecesana+valentina+celebrata+praeside+d+ioanne+ribera+patriarcha+antiocheno+et+archiepiscopo+valentino+anno+1584&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Valencia edition

AUTHORS Valencia, City of
TITLE Pro ... civitate Valentina. Contra comitem de Parcent, et Petrum de Caspe ... Pro obtinendo interesse quantitamtum urbi ex residuo pretij conductionis iurium debitarum
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tPro+...+civitate+Valentina.+/tpro+civitate+valentina/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tpro+civitate+valentina&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, City of
TITLE S. Ludovici Bertran Valentini, Dominicani, beatificatione urbs mater exultat
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tS.+Ludovici+Bertran/ts+ludovici+bertran/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=ts+ludovici+bertran&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Court of
TITLE Quia litte vertente in hac Sacra Regia Audientia super successione status Comitatus de Sinarcas, & Vicecomitatus de Chelva, quam petitione ... incohavit ... D. Braulius Esteve ... Tutor, & Curator Domnae Angelae Ladron de Vilanova
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tQuia+litte+vertente/tquia+litte+vertente/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tquia+litte+vertente&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Court of
TITLE Quia Don Franciscus Esteve . . . Curator Dominae Victoriae Gelasiae . . . Elisabeethae Franciscae Ladron de Vilanova filiarum et heredum ab intestato Don Francisci Ladron de Volanova, simul. cum Domina Anglela Ladron filia primogenita . . .
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tQuia+Don+Franciscus+Esteve/tquia+don+franciscus+esteve/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tquia+don+franciscus+esteve&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Court of
TITLE Regia provisio sacri regii Valentini senatus . . . in causa firmae iuris tenutae comitatus de Sinarques et vicecomitatus de Chelva, in favorem D. Mariannae de Velasco y Yvarra, et contra Don Franciscum Ladron
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tRegia+proviso+/tregia+proviso/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=tregia+provisio+sacri+regii+valentini+senatus+in+causa+firmae+iuris+tenutae+comitatus+de+sinarques+and+vicecomitatus+de+chelva&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHORS Valencia, Court of
TITLE Regia sententia lata in sacra regia audientia Valentina, in favorem Felicis Armengol de Folch . . . Mustaafi . . . praesentis civitatis . . . contra Gerentem vices generalis gubernatoris praefatae civitatis
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tRegia+proviso+/tregia+proviso/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=tregia+sententia+lata+in+sacra+regia+audientia+valentina+in+favorem+felicis+armengol+de+folch+mustacafi+praesentis+civitatis+c&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Lieutenant General of
TITLE Summarium facultatum et praerogativarum officij generalis thesaurarij & eius locumtenentium
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tSummarium+facultatum/tsummarium+facultatum/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tsummarium+facultatum&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated Valencia edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.
TITLE De Ivstitia In Ivdiciis Servanda Disputatio Theologica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035858/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.
TITLE Dispvtatio De Gratia Et Jvstificatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037132/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.
TITLE Dispvtatio De Officio Proprio Christi Redemptoris Et Mediatoris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035893/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.
TITLE Dispvtatio Theologica De Vera Et Falsa Differentia Veteris Et Novae Legis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033262/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.: see Jacob Andrea

AUTHOR Valencia, Gregorio de S. J.: see Johann Riepel

AUTHORS Valendrinus, Johannes
TITLE Opusculum monocordale
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/14th/VALMON_TEXT.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Brevis annotatio In Admonitionem Brevem A Schmidelino Lutherano nuper pro Iesuitis contra Calvinianos editam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031174/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Commentariorum theologicorum tomi quatuor
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005355-8
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Ingolstadt edition (a dpr of the 1592 Ingolstadt edition is also available, and a dpr of the 1603 Ingolstadt edition is available here)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Contra fundamenta duarum Sectarum, Vbiqvetariae Et Sacramentariae, Pro Vera Christi Praesentia Non Vbiqve, Neqve In Coelo Tantum, sed in coelo, & in sanctissimo Sacramento, Dispvtatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024045/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Discernenda Hvmanorvm Contractvvm Ivstitia Et Inivstitia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031813/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Ingostadt edition (1582 Ingolstadt edition here)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Gratia et Iustificatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033762/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE De Idololatria Adversus Improbissimas Nostri Temporis Haereticorum, praesertim Tübingensium, Calumnias Disputatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033934/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Ivstitia In Ivdiciis Servanda
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033259/images/
SUBJECT Religion (law?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Ingolstadt edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Legitimo Usv Evcharistiae In Altera Tantvm Specie, Adversvs Nostri Temporis Sectarios Dispvtatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033263/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De ordinis sacramento
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031815/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Poenitentiae Sacramento
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031816/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Praedestinatione Et Reprobation
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031605/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Scientia Dei, Et De Praedestinatione Theses Bipartitae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031175/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE De Theologiae Necessitate Et Ratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033762/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE De Vera Et Falsa Differentia Veteris Et Novae Legis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033262/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE De Veris Ac Falsis Rerum diuinarum Doctoribus discernendis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022048/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Ingostadt edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Dispvtatio De Indulgentiis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031636/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Dispvtatio De Officio Proprio Christi Redemptoris Et Mediatoris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031178/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Ingostadt edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S, J.
TITLE Explicatio Verarum Causarum, Cur Iacobus Herbrandus, Lutheranae sectae in Schola Tubingensi Professor, susceptum de Idololatria certamen prosequi recusaverit
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036089/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE Peccata Cvivsdam Lvtherani Praedicantis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013504/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Ingostadt edition (1595 Ingolstadt edition here and here)

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE Secvnda Peccata Wirtembergici Cvivsdam Praedicantis, In Defensione Responsi Ad Analysin Gregorii de Valentia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023552/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingostadt edition

AUTHOR Valentia, Gregorius de S. J.
TITLE Tertia Peccata Cvivsdam Praedicantis Vvirtembergensis, In Apologia Secvndorvm Ipsivs Peccatorvm
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023426/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Ingostadt edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Valentin
TITLE Practica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033579/images/
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Leipzig edition (1497 Nuremberg edition)

AUTHOR Valentín de la Madre de Dios O. C. D.
TITLE Compilatio moralis dictorum a pluribus viris doctis
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto./1333,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1336,1336,,007014,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Madrid edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Valentin, Basile
TITLE Aphorismi Basiliani sive Canones hermetici de spiritu, anima et corpore majoris et minoris mundi, conscripti ab Hermophilo Philochemicho
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-086062
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Bologna edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valentin, Basile
TITLE Commentarius in currum triumphalem antimonii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3PWkmsBmaY8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Valentin, Basile
TITLE De microcosmo deque magno mundi mysterio et medicina hominis liber
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-086062
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Bologna edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valentin, Basile
TITLE Haliographia, de praeparatione, usu ac virtutibus omnium salium, mineralium, animalium et vegetalium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-086061
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Marburg edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valentin, Gabriel (1810 - 1883)
TITLE De functionibus nervorum cerebralium et nervi sympathici
URL http://www.archive.org/details/defunctionibusne00vale
SITE Medical Heritage Library (hosted by The Internet Archive)
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1834 Bern edition

AUTHOR Valentini, Michael Bernhard
TITLE Animadversiones In Machiavellum Medicum De Ratione Status Medicorum Cum Annexis Corollariis Medico-Politicis, In Practicorum Novellorum Gratiam Nunc Primum In Lucem Editæ
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN635726920
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Valentini, Michael Bernhard
TITLE De vacuo in vacuo
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn267606427
SITE Säschische Landesbibliothek Staats- u. Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Valentini, Michael Bernhard
TITLE Parulis c. fistula genae feliciter curanda
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/1/jpg-0400/00000167.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 1 (1710) p. 143

AUTHOR Valentius Cremcovius
TITLE Argumenta super singulas Q. Horatii Flacci odas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4qhXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 edition

AUTHOR Valentinus, Basilius
TITLE Practica chymica
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19884941
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Valentinus, Philippus
TITLE Commentarii in Auli Persii Flacii satyras sex
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013100/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valenzuela Velázquez, Juan Bautista, Bishop
TITLE Defensio iustitiae et iustificationis monitorii emissi, & promulgati per SS. D.N.D. Paulum Papam Quintum xvij die mensis aprilis anno D[omin]i MDCVI
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/120,192,211,B/l962&FF=tdefensio+iustitiae+et+iustificationis+monitorii+emissi+and+promulgati+per+ss+d+n+d+paulum+papam+quintum+xvij+die+mensis+april&1,1,,002360,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Valerand de la Varanne
TITLE De domo Dei parisiensi carmen
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070596
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valerand de la Varanne
TITLE De Fornoviensi conflictu carmen
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070596
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valerand de la Varanne
TITLE De Pia sacerrime crucis veneratione carmen
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070596
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valerand de la Varanne
TITLE De Preclara et insigni theologorum Parisiensi facultate carmen
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070596
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Amorum libri v
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012778/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Venice edition

AUTHOR Valerianus Mediolansis O. F. M.: see John Major

AUTHORS Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558) and Celio Augustino Curione
TITLE Aphorismi hieroglyphici : quibus veterum philosophorum mysteria quaedam declarantur
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1633536?name=Aphorismi%20hieroglyphici
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2587721
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Compenium in sphaeram
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012779/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Rome edition

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE De infelicitate literatorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=u6JNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Epistola de honoribus Gurcensi Caesareo totius Italiae vicario ... habitis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002656/images/
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Hieroglyphica, siue De sacris Aegyptiorum, aliarumque gentium literis commentarii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/927158
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Egyptology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition (1556 Basel edition here, 1567 Basel edition here, 1575 Basel edition here, 1678 Frankfurt a. M. edition here, 1678 Leipzig edition here)

AUTHOR Valeriano, Pierio (1477 - 1558)
TITLE Ioathas rotatus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013206/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Rome edition

AUTHOR Valerio, Luca
TITLE De centro gravitatis solidorum
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=valer_centr_043_la_1604;step=thumb
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here; a dpr of the 1661 Bologna edition is available here)

AUTHOR Valerius Flaccus: see Hermann Gebbing (two items)

AUTHOR Valerius Flaccus: see Arnoldus Heeren

AUTHOR Valerius Flaccus: see Marius Nicolaus Jacobus Moltzer

AUTHOR Valerius Flaccus: see Johann Augustin Wagner

AUTHOR Valerius Maximus: see Agostino Dati

AUTHOR Valerius Maximus: see Justus Lipsius

AUTHOR Valerius Maximus: see Aegidius Maserius

AUTHOR Valerius Maximus: see Daniel Wilhelm Moller

AUTHOR Valerius Maximus: see Oliviero d’Arzignano

AUTHOR Valerius, Christo
TITLE Theoremata ex utroque iure, contra communes opiniones, deprompta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033296/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Vicenza edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Anacephaleosis Sev Envmeratio Capitvm omnium totius artis Dialecticae summam complectens
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035729/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Alius modus idem problema conficiendi
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Colloquia cum dictionariolo sex linguarum, teutonicae, latinae, germanicae, gallicae, hispanicae & italicae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054491
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Antwerp edition (a dpr of the 1589 Liège edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Commentarius seu paraphrastica enarratio in undecim modos conficiendi eius problematis quod cubi duplicatio dicitur
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Commentatio in Dionysodori problemata, quo data sphaera plano subdata secant ratione
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE De motu octavae sphaerae tractatus duo
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE De Sphaera et primis astronomiae rudimentis libellus
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=339846
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Dictionarium quatuor linguarum, teutonicae, latinae; Gallicae, & hispanicae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054539
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Louvain edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Libellus super vigintiduobus elementis conicis
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valerius, Cornelius (1512 - 1578)
TITLE Summaria enarratio theoricae motus octavae sphaerae
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=340601
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Valeron, Manuel Román
TITLE Animadversionum iuris civilis liber unicus
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Y_2_130/Y_2_130_fich_1.html
SITE Universidad de València Biblioteca Digital

NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Valladolid edition

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Epitome operis perquam utilis morbis curandis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053927
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Incipit prologus in librum Philonii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052887
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Galeni introductorius libellus varias morboru[m] curas complectens
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533774860
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Philonium, praestantissimi ac optimisquibusque practicae medicinae studiosis viris longe utilissimum et necessarium opus multo quam hactenus fuerit nuper vigilantius emendatum, cui accessit D. Joan. de Tornamira diligentissimi Galeni introductionus libellus varias morborum curas complectens / medici domini Valesci de Tharanta
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053873
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Practica Valesci de Tharanta que alias Philonium dicitur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053734
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Lyon edition (dpr’s of a second copy and a third copy, the 1500 Lyon edition, the 1516 Lyon edition, the 1526 Lyon edition and the 1535 Lyon edition are also available; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valesco de Tarenta
TITLE Tractatus de epidimia et peste
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059125
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Venice edition (a dpr of a ca. 1498 Geneva edition is also available, and a dpr of the 1497 Hagenau edition is available here); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valeton, I. M. J.
TITLE De Polybii fontibus et auctoritate
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=gyYIAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Valeton, J. J. P, Jr.
TITLE  Quaestiones de epithetorum compositorum usu apud Aeschylum et Euripidem
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=bKtfumCnjx8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Utrecht edition

AUTHORS Valier, Agostino (1531 - 1606)
TITLE De rhetorica ecclesiastica
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Valier%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition

AUTHOR Valier, Agostino (1531 - 1606)
TITLE Synopsis rhetoricae
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Valier%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition

AUTHORS Valier, Agostino (1531 - 1606)
TITLE Tres praelectiones
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Valier%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Valier)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition

AUTHOR Valignano, Alessandro S. J.
TITLE Catechismus Christianae fidei, in quo veritas nostrae religionis ostenditur, et sectae Japonenses confutantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XglJAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Lisbon edition

AUTHOR Valignano, Alessandro S. J.
TITLE De rebus in Iaponiae regno post mortem Taicosamae Iaponici monarchi gestis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ywY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Commentationes in Ptolomei quadripartitum inque Ciceronis Partitiones et Tusculanas questiones ac plinij Naturalis historie librum secundum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=215491
SITE Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Compendiaria et facilis disserendi ratio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029096/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De corporis commodis et incommodis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034038/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De expetendis et fugiendis rebus
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OU-c9w7iXBUC
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XixLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Venice edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De expedita ratione argumentandi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058498
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (1519 Basel edition here, a dpr of the 1529 Basel edition is available here)

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De febrium causis et differentiis opusculum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034861/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De natura partium animalium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034036/images/
SUBJECT Zoology, physiciology
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De orthographia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/21-1-poet-2f-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Venice edition (a dpr of an undated Paris edition is available here)

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De physicis quaestionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033143/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De simplicium natura
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533232162
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Strassburg edition (1528 Strassburg edition here)

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De Tvenda Sanitate Per Victvm Et Qvae Secvndu[m] cuiusq[ue] natura[m] in uictu seque[n]da aut fugie[n]da su[n]t
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034041/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De universi corporis purgatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034042/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De urinae significatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034037/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE De victus ratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034506/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Galeni introductorium ad medicinam Georgio Valla interprete
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Venice edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE In hoc libro contenta opus magnorum moralium Aristotelis duos libros complectens / Girardo Ruffo Vaccariensi interprete ; altera eiusdem operis...per Georgium Vallam Placentinus iampridem elaborata et breviusculis annotationibus explicata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054621
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Juvenalis cum tribus commentariis / videlicet Domitii Calderini, Georgii Merulae, necnon Georgii Vallae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059389
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Venice edition (dpr of the 1485 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Logica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058498
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Moralis Philosophiae Compendium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3P85AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Bern edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Cicero’s De fato
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024445/images
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Paris edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE M. Tullii Ciceronis epistolae familiares / cum commento Hubertini Crescentinatis ; & Martini Philetici super epistolis electis & Georgii Valle Alexandrini
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052453
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Preface to Antonio Mancinelli’s commentary on Juvenal
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059389
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio (1447 - 1500)
TITLE Translation of Niaphorus, Dialecticae elementa absolutissima
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015805/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Basel edition

AUTHOR Valla, Hieronymus
TITLE De dominica passione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=glJmAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA51
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Valla, Giorgio: see Petrus Mosellanus

AUTHOR Valla, Lorenzo (1406 - 1457): see here

AUTHOR Valla, Niccolo
TITLE Homeri Iliados libri aliqui, a Nicolao de Valle latino carmine reddit
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071994
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 Rome edition (a dpr of the 1512 Leipzig edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valla, Niccolo
TITLE Liber georgicorum Hesiodi a Nicolao de Valle in latinum conversus  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060130
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Translation, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1475? edition (dpr’s of the 1492 Deventer edition, the 1499 Leipzig edition, and the 1513 Deventer edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Valla, Joseph (d. 1790)
TITLE Institutiones philosophicae
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ti/ti/68,133,166,B/l962&FF=tinstitutiones+philosophicae&1,1,,000907,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Lyon (also available here)

AUTHOR Valla,Lorenzo
TITLE Laurentii Vallae Elegantiarum libri VI carmine nuper perstricti
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_2_235(2)/Z_2_235(2)_fich_1.html
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Paris edition

AUTHOR Valle, Rolandus a
TITLE Tractatus de inventarii confectione
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-111916
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vallée, Léon (1850-1919)
TITLE La Bibliothèque nationale : choix de documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'établissement et de ses collections
URL http://www.archive.org/details/bibliothnationale00valluoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Text partially in Latin; dpr of the 1894 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vallejo, F. Sanchez (contemporary)
TITLE Breviter sed Quotidie
URL http://www.unigre.urbe.it/vallejo/breviter.htm
SITE Private site
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vallensis, Johannes O. P.
TITLE Ordinatio vitae religiosae
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000147
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 46

AUTHOR Valleriola, François
TITLE Enarrationum medicinalium libri sex
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533663376
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Valleriola, François
TITLE Responsionum liber unus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533663376
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco
TITLE Official document (ca. 1590)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23383
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. espt-00126

AUTHOR Valleriole, François Valleriole, François and Laurent Jouibert
TITLE Animadversiones in omnia Laur. Iouberti paradoxa et Iouberti ad singulas responsio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-MVYRc5hgrAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Valleriole, François
TITLE Commentarii in sex Galeni libros de morbis et symptomatis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054053
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the (a dpr of the 1548 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valleriole, François
TITLE Enarrationum medicinalium libri sex
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X533663376
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Valleriole, François
TITLE Observationum medicinalium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053592
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valleriole, François
TITLE Responsionum liber unus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X533663376
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentarii de urinis, pulsibus & febribus longe eruditissimi
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533610531
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Alcalá de Henares edition (a dpr of the 1569 Alcalá de Henares edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentaria illustria in Cl. Galeni... libros
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533672146
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vallés , Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentarij in librum Galeni De constitutione artis medicae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533672049
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Turin edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentaria in libros Hippocratis de ratione victus in morbis acutis
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n058719
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 edition (a dpr of the 1590 Turin edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentaria in prognosticum Hippocratis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058730
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 edition;

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Commentaria in quartum librum meteor[o]n Aristotelis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533672332
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1558. Alcalá de Henares edition (1591 Padua edition here)

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Controversiarum medicarum et philosophicarum editio secunda
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533120844
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Alcalá de Henares edition (dpr’s of the 1564 Alcalá de Henares edition and the 1583 Alcalá de Henares edition are also available)

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE De iis, quae scripta sunt physice in libris sacris, siue De sacra philosophia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533895153
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587. Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE De simplicium medicamentorum facultate
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=b18518552
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE De iis quae scripta sunt physice in libris sacris, sive de sacra philosophia liber singularis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053925
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Turin edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE De sacra philosophia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AJDGnm8TKDIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE In Aphorismos, & libellum de alimento Hippocratis, commentaria
URL http://alfama .sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B17828715
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE In libros Hippocratis de morbis popularibus commentaria
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533649837
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Vallés, Francisco (1524 - 1592)
TITLE Octo librorum Aristotelis de physica doctrina versio recens [et] commentaria
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533672448
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Valles de Covarrubias, Francisco
TITLE Methodus medendi
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000057
SITE Religion Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Vallet, Father (1883 - 1947)
TITLE Praelectiones philosophicae ad mentem S. Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080014354_C/1080014354_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1899 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vallibus, Hieronymus de
TITLE Iesuida
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040446/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition (so catalogue, but probably a mistake for the like-titled work by Johannes Bernardus de Vallibus listed below; undated Leipzig edition under this name here)

AUTHOR Vallibus, Johannes Bernardus de
TITLE: Carmen de Jesu Christi passione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005952/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Vienna edition (1515 Vienna edition here)

AUTHOR Vallibus, Johannes Bernardus de
TITLE: Expositio misteriorum misse christi passione[m] deuotissime figurantiu[m], metrice, atq[ue] prosayce posita ...
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041386/images
NOTES The prose part by Franz Balthasar (q. v.); dpr of the 1494 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Vallibus, Johannes Bernardus de
TITLE Iesuida
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040446/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition (undated Leipzig edition here, 1494 Leipzig edition here, 1497 Ingolstadt edition here, 1516 Leipzig edition here, 1517 Leipzig edition here, 1518 Leipzig edition here and here)

AUTHOR Vallibus, Johannes Bernardus de
TITLE: Opuscula variorum imprimis Italorum poetica et oratoria varia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020441/images/
SUBJECT Poetry, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Vallo, Giovanni
TITLE Lectura absolutissima in formalitates
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058862
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vallo, Giovanni
TITLE Lectura absolutissima super formalitatibus Scoti
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058865
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Florence edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vallquist, Carl
TITLE De infinitivi usu apud Terentium
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deinfinitiviusu00vallgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Nykjöbing edition

AUTHOR Vallquist, Carl
TITLE Studia Terentiana
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4765500
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Nykjöbing edition

AUTHOR Valsecchi, Virginio
TITLE De M. Aurelii Antonini Elagabali tribunitia potestate V
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=tXk2AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP9,M1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Florence edition

AUTHOR Valtanás, Domingo de O. P. (1488 - 1567)
TITLE Doctrina christiana
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=159585
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Seville edition

AUTHOR Valtanás, Domingo de O. P. (1488 - 1567)
TITLE Manuale fratrum praedicatorum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=181612
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Seville edition

AUTHOR Valtanás, Domingo de O. P. (1488 - 1567)
TITLE Margarita seu summa confessorum
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aValtans/avaltans/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=avaltanas+domingo+de+o+p&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Valtanás, Domingo de O. P. (1488 - 1567)
TITLE Summa confessorum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=150854
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1526 Seville edition

AUTHOR Valturio, Roberto (1405 - 1475)
TITLE Ad illustrem heroa Sigismundum Pandulphum Malatestam Ariminensium regem, de re militari
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052530
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valturio, Roberto (1405 - 1475)
TITLE De re militari
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go here and select this item
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Bibliotheca Virtual Joan Luís Vives
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Verona edition (also available here, a dpr of the 1532 Basel edition is available here)

AUTHOR Valturio, Roberto (1405 - 1475)
TITLE De re militari
URL http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/images/it/riccard/794/
SITE Instituo Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini"
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Riccardiana ms. 794

AUTHOR Valturio, Roberto (1405 - 1475)
TITLE Elenchus et index rerum militarium
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item m
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1472 Verona edition

AUTHOR Valverde de Hamusco, Juan (1501-1583)
TITLE Anatome corporis humani
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X531956228
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Venice edition

AUTHOR Valverde, Juan de (1501-1583)
TITLE De animi et corporis sanitate tuenda libellus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060541
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Venice edition (another copy is available here, and aa dpr of the 1607 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Valverde de Hamusco, Juan (1501-1583)
TITLE Vivae imagines partium corporis humani aereis formis expressae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532307673
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1572 Antwerp edition is also available)

AUTHOR Valverde Gandia, Bartolomé
TITLE Dispositio Coenae Cypriani
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=IMGaZl2_MxIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Prague edition

AUTHOR Van Alphen, Hieronymus
TITLE De annis iudicum Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Van Alphen, Hieronymus
TITLE Dissertatio II isagogica inepist ad Ephesios
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Van Altena, Hector Livius, de Dokkum
TITLE Commentatio ad quaestionem: Systematice enumerentur species indigenae reptilium ex ordine batrachiorum?
URL http://www.archive.org/details/commentatioadqua00vana
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Van Berlicom, Andries
TITLE Elementorum de rerum naturalium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095067
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Rotterdam edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius
TITLE Originum Gallicarum liber
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093065
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Ethnography
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Amsterdam edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Dale, Jeremias
TITLE Disputatio politica de jure primogeniturae et majoratus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083014
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Houte, Petrus
TITLE Lepidissima parabola, populoque christiano non modo lectu jucundissima, sed & utilissima, in qua docet quid quivis vere Christianus de Christo sentire debeat
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=180
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Van de Putte, Hendrik
TITLE Album amicorum (1616)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22833
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00576

AUTHOR Van de Putte, Hendrik
TITLE Modulata pallas sive Septem discrimina vocum ad harmonicae lectionis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058221
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Milan edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE Epistulae duae anatomicae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051125
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE De formato foetu liber singularis
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n051125
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Anatomy, physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE De humani corporis fabrica libri decem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051118
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE De incerto tempore partus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051104
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE De lumbrico lato
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051104
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE Isagoges in rem herbarium libri duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051199
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Spiegel, Adriaan
TITLE Tractatus de arthritide
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051125
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Padua edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van de Velde, Wilhelm
TITLE Epistola (1629)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23048
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00750

AUTHOR Van Der Boon Mesch, Henrik
TITLE Oratio de naturae contemplatore
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=aj0AAAAAQAAJ&pg=PP4&dq=de+intitle:oratio&num=30
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Van den Broucke, Jan
TITLE Poemata (1741)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/Broucke.html
SITE Leiden University Heinsius-Collectie|
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Van den Houte, Petrus
TITLE Lepidissima parabola, populoque christiano non modo lectu jucundissima, sed & utilissima, in qua docet quid quivis vere Christianus de Christo sentire debeat
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=180
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Van Der Does, Johan the Younger
TITLE Epistola (1597)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22426
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00271

AUTHOR Van Dievot, Alain (contemporary)
TITLE Poesis Latina
URL http://www.suberic.net/~marc/vandievoet.html
SITE Poesis Latina Hodierna
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Van Der Duyn, Renatus
TITLE Epistola ad Suffridum Petrum
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Franeken edition

AUTHOR Van Der Duyn, Renatus
TITLE Epistola altera ad Suffridum Petrum
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Franeken edition

AUTHOR Van Der Houe, Joachim
TITLE Epistle to Henry Frederick, Prince of Nassau (1601)
URL http://cms.tslaute.de/index.php?id=27&type=1
SITE Private site
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Van Der Myle, Egidius
TITLE Hortolini timaeani topographia et inscriptiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XSdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Van Der Stappen, J. F.
TITLE Sacra liturgia
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080016170_C/1080016170_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1900 - 04 Mechlin edition

AUTHOR Van Erpe, Thomas -(1584?-1624)
TITLE Brevis admodum totius Galliae descriptio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-035078
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Leiden edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Erpe, Thomas -(1584?-1624)
TITLE De peregrinatione Gallica utiliter instituenda tractatus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-035078
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Leiden edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Goudover, Louis Christiaan
TITLE Dissertatio medica inauguralis de necessitate repetendi variolae vaccinae insitionem varioloidibus
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=1058
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1845 Drusiburg edition

AUTHOR Van Guens, Matthias
TITLE Dissertatio medica pathologica inauguralis de morte corprea et causis moriendi
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=79
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Urecht edition

AUTHOR Van Guens, Matthias
TITLE Oratio, qua an expediat reipublicae medicinam facientium opera expenditur
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=81
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Urecht edition

AUTHOR Van Hall, Jacob
TITLE Dissertatio historico-iuridica de magistrato navis
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=1059
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Amsterdam edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Van Helmont, Jan Baptist
TITLE De mag vulnerum curatione, disputatio contra opinionem D. Joan. Roberti,... in brevi sua anodome sub censunae specie exaratam
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073087
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Helmont, Jan Baptist
TITLE Opera Omnia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057571
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Frankfurt edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Horne, Jan
TITLE Micrcosmus, seu brevis manuductio ad historiam corporis humani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9yZCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Van Hoytema, Dominicus van
TITLE Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de apicibus iuris bonae fidei non congruentibus
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=1052
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Urecht edition

AUTHOR Van Leeuwenhoek, Antony
TITLE Arcana naturae detecta
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN487202317
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Delft edition

AUTHOR Van Leeuwenhoek, Antony
TITLE Arcana Naturae, Ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN487201639
SITE Göttinger Digitaliseriungs Zentrum
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Van Leeuwenhoek, Antony
TITLE Continuatio Arcanorum Naturae Detectorum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN487201108
SITE Göttinger000000000 Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Delft edition

AUTHOR Van Leeuwenhoek, Antony
TITLE Continuatio epistolarum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN487201450
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Delft edition

AUTHOR Van Leeuwenhoek, Antony
TITLE Opera Omnia
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-021120
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-021121
vol. 3 http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n021122
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 - 22 Leiden edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Lennep, Johannes Daniel
TITLE De Analogia linguae Graecae sive Rationum analogicarum linguae graecae expositio
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n084337
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Lennep, Johannes Daniel
TITLE Etymologicum linguae Graecae sive Observationes ad singulas verborum nominumque stirpes
URL vol. 1 http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n084335
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-084336
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Van Lom, Joost
TITLE Medicinalium observationum
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?33192x02
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Anvers edition

AUTHOR Van Musschenbroek, Petrus
TITLE Epistola (1726)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22790
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00531

AUTHOR Van Musschenbroek, Petrus
TITLE Epistola (1743)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22791
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Entomology
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00532

AUTHOR Van Musschenbroek, Petrus
TITLE Epistola (1746)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22792
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00533

AUTHOR Van Musschenbroek, Petrus
TITLE Epistola (1751)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22793
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00534

AUTHOR Van Oudendorp, Franciscus (1696 - 1761)
TITLE Clarissimo Viro Iacobo Philippo d’Orville
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/DOUF01.html
SITE Leiden University Heinsius-Collectie|
CONTRIBUTOR Antonius Harmsen
NOTES Gratulatory verse for Jacobi Philippi d’Orville: Oratio in Centesimum natalem Illustris Amstelaedamensium Athenaei, habita in majori Acroaterio, Die VIII Mensis Januarii, MDCCXXXII (Amsterdam, 1732); html format

AUTHOR Van Reede tot Drakestein, Henrik
TITLE De arboribus et fruticibus bacciferis regni Malabarici
URL vol. 5 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0hslAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Van Reede tot Drakestein, Henrik
TITLE Horti Malabarici pars prima: De varii generis arboribus fruticibus siliquosisi (part of the same set as the preceding?)
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6UAAAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 London edition

AUTHOR Van Reede tot Drakestein, Henrik
TITLE Hortus Indicus Malabaricus
URL vol. 1 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=86&pos=0
vol. 2 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=124&pos=0
vol. 3 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=87&pos=0
vol. 4 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=108&pos=0
vol. 5 http://imgbase-scd-ulp/displayimage.php?album=337&pos=1
vol. 6 http://imgbase-scd-ulp/displayimage.php?album=333&pos=0
vol. 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TxwlAQAAMAAJ
vol. 9 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xhwlAQAAMAAJ
vol. 12 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=136&pos=0
SITE Université Louis Pasteur and Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 - 1703 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Van Reede tot Drakestein, Henrik: see Daniel Gelanio Dalgado

AUTHOR Van Schooten, Frans
TITLE Exercitationum mathematicarum libri quinque
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=513_S37M_1660
SITE Carnegie Mellon Posner Library
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Van Schooten, Frans
TITLE Principia Matheseos Universalis, seu Introductio ad Cartesianae Geometriae Methodum (in Principia matheseos universalis seu introductio ad geometriae methodum Renati Des Cartes)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057483
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Amsterdam edition;

AUTHOR Van Schooten, Frans
TITLE Tractatus de concinnandis Demonstrationibus Geometricis ex Calculo Algebraïco (in Principia matheseos universalis seu introductio ad geometriae methodum Renati Des Cartes)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057483
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Amsterdam edition;

AUTHOR Van Torre, Antoniujs S. J.
TITLE Dialogi familiares litterarum tironibus
URL http://resolver.lias.be/get_pid?view&usagetype=VIEW_MAIN,VIEW&pid=1127981
SITE Jesuitica
SUBJECT Education,
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Van Teteleben, Valentinus
TITLE Epistolarum anekdotôn atque nunc primum ex autographo mss. editarum pentas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=leVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Van Teteleben, Valentinus
TITLE Epistolarum anekdotôn atque nunc primum ex ipso autographo mss. editarum ogdoas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=leVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Van Veen, Otto Cornelisz (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Amoris Divini Emblemata
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/140-poet/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Antwerp edition (dpr's of the 1615 Antwerp edition are available here and here, and a dpr of the 1660 Antwerp edition is available here)

AUTHOR Van Veen, Otto Cornelisz (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Amorum Emblemata (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-607-1/start.htm
SITE Emblem Project Utrecht
NOTES Dpr’s of three 1608 Antwerp editions (a dpr of an undated 18th c. Nuremberg edition is available here)

AUTHOR Van Veen, Otto Cornelisz (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Emblemata Ethico-Politica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/97-10-theol/start.htm (download here)
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Van Veen, Otto Cornelisz (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Q. Horatii Flacci emblemata
URL http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/pdf/noh1300vaew.pdf
SITE Warburg Institute Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Antwerp edition (a dpr of the 1612 Antwerp edition is available here, and dprs of the 1684 Amsterdam edition are available here and here)

AUTHOR Van Veen, Otto Cornelisz (1556 - 1629)
TITLE Vita d. Thomae Aquinatis Othonis Vaeni ingenio et manu delineata
URL http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/pdf/cok445.pdf
SITE Warburg Institute Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Van Vessen, Joseph
TITLE De M. Tullii Ciceronis de oratore libris
URL http://www.archive.org/details/demtulliicicero01vessgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1896 Gulpen edition

AUTHOR Vanckel, Johannes de
TITLE Usus feudorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/82-9-jur-2f-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1486 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vandas, Karel (1861-1923)
TITLE Reliquiae Formánekianae : enumeratio critica plantarum vascularium, quas itineribus in Haemo Peninsula et Asia Minore (Bithynia) factis collegit Dr. Ed. Formánek
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/9969
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1908 Brno edition

AUTHOR Vandelli, Francisco
TITLE De pulvere pyrio
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=269
SUBJECT Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii IV (1757) 106 - 119; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Vanderbeck, Michael Schendo
TITLE Empirica illustris per septem nobilissima euporista familiaria remedia ad totidem gravissimos et frequentiores morbos profligandos
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN594966264
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Vanini, Giulio Cesare
TITLE Amphitheatrum aeternae providentiae divino-magicum, christiano-physicum nec non astrologo-catholicum, adversus veteres philosophos, atheos, epicureos
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k95580w
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Lyon edition;

AUTHOR Vanini, Giulio Cesare
TITLE De admirandis naturae reginae deaque mortalium arcanis
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?41167
SUBJECT Esoterica (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vanneo, Stephano
TITLE Recanetum de musica aurea
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/VANREM_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Vanneo, Stephano
TITLE Recanetum de musica aurea, liber II, capituli XX-XXXVII (16th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/VANREC_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Vannetti, Clemente
TITLE Epistularum libri quinque et inscriptiones, accedit Constantini Laurentii commentariolum de eodem Vannettio
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=11862
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Padua edition

AUTHOR Vanni, Giovanni Francesco (1638 - 1709)
TITLE Exegeses physico-mathematicae de momentis gravium de vecte ac de motu aequalibiter accelerato
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vanni, Giovanni Francesco (1638 - 1709)
TITLE Investigatio momentorum quibus gravia tendunt deorsum
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vanni, Giovanni Francesco (1638 - 1709)
TITLE Specimen libri De momentis gravium &c.
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 edition

AUTHOR Vannini, Guido
TITLE Carminum Libri IIII
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00043286/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Vicenza edition

AUTHOR Vannini, Guido
TITLE Torqvati Tassi Liber XVI. Hierosolymae liberatae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00044827/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Vicenza edition

AUTHOR Vansittart, Augustus A.
TITLE Mors Iabrochii
URL http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/iabervocius.html
SITE Latin Library
NOTES Latin translation of Charles Lutwidge Dodson’s Jabberwocky

AUTHOR Váradi, Péter
TITLE Ad dominicum praepositum Albensem
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch10s01.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Váradi, Péter
TITLE Ad Michaelem de Kesztheul
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch10s03.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vara, Felix
TITLE De variis viis ad excipienda medicamenta
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2649/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Munich edition

AUTHOR Varanda, Jean de (1563/4-1617)
TITLE De morbis & affectis mulierum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/demorbisaffectis00vara
SITE Medical Heritage Library (hosted by The Internet Archive)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Varazze, City of
TITLE Statutes (14 c.)
URL http://www.statutiliguri.unige.it/testi/varazze.pdf
SITE Statuti della Liguria
NOTES Dpr of Ausilia Roccatagliata (ed.), Gli Statuti de Varraze, (Genoa 2001)

AUTHOR Varchi, Benedetto (1503-1565)
TITLE Appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2824169
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Varchi, Benedetto (1493-1565)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2797970
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Varchi, Benedetto (1493-1565) et al.
TITLE Carmina quinque hetruscorum poetarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058584
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Florence edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Varchi, Benedetto (1493-1565)
TITLE Trattato delle Proportioni et Proportionalita and other texts
URL http://dewey.library.upenn.edu/ceti/ljs/PageLevel/index.cfm?ManID=ljs232
SITE University of Pennsylvania Library Schoenberg Collection
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Texts in Italian and Latin; dpr of manuscript ljs232

AUTHOR Varenbulerus, Anthonius
TITLE Oratio fvnebris de virtvtibvs viri incomparabilis, D. Iacobi Andreae, Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/202-28-quod-10/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Tubingen edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Alanus
TITLE In aliquot Psalmos Davidicos oratiunculae siue breues Homiliae octo & quadraginta
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20001%20314.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Paris edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Alanus
TITLE In canticum canticorum homiliae quindecim
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20001%20314.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Paris edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Alanus
TITLE In supersanctam Dei genetricem Mariam panegyricisivi laudativi sermones quinque
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20001%20314.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Paris edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Bernhardus (1622 - 1650)
TITLE Geographia generalis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/ne-183/start.htm
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Cambridge edition

AUTHOR Vargas, Alfonso
TITLE Relatio ad reges et principes Christianos de stratagematis et sophismatis politicis societatis Iesu ad monarchiam orbis terrarum sibi conficiendam
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/32-7-pol-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vargas Machucha, Juan Crisóstomo
TITLE Decisiones utriusque supremi tribunalis regni Aragoniae placitis, et sententiis supremorum tribunalium regni Neapolis
URL http://www.bivida.es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?ocultarCabecera=S&path=95
SITE Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Naples edition

AUTHOR Vargas Mejia, Francisco de
TITLE De episcoporum iurisdictione et Pontificis Max. auctoritate responsum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025309/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Rome edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Bernardus (1622 - 1650)
TITLE Descriptio regni Iaponiae
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040713.7774;sessionSeq=12487;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=570008
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Bernardus (1622 - 1650)
TITLE Descriptio Regni Japoniae et Siam: de Japonorum religione et Siamensium; de diversis omnium gentium religionibus
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040713.7774;sessionSeq=12491;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=472563
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Cambridge edition

AUTHOR Varenius, Bernardus (1622 - 1650)
TITLE Geographia generalis in qua affectiones generales Telluris explicantur, Summâ curâ quam plurimis in locis emendata, & XXXIII Schematibus novis, ære incisis, unà cum Tabb. aliquot quæ desiderabantur aucta et illustrata. / Ab Isaaco Newton Math. Prof. Lucasiano Apud Cantabrigienses
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/ne-183/start.htm
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Cambridge edition

AUTHOR Varennius, Johannes (1462 - 1536)
TITLE Preface to his Syntaxis linguae Graecae
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0051_005_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Basel edition

AUTHOR Varennius, Johannes: see Joachim Camerarius

AUTHOR Vargas, Alfonso de
TITLE Lectura inprimum librum Sententiarum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=49879
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vargas Mejía, Francisco de
TITLE De episcoporum iurisdictione et Pontificis Max. auctoritate responsum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025309/images/
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 Rome edition

AUTHOR Varignana, Guglielmo da
TITLE De febrium dispositione tractatus duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053008
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Lyon edition;

AUTHOR Varignana, Guglielmo da
TITLE Secreta sublimia ad varios curados morbos
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533666901
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1526 Lyon edition is available here)

AUTHOR Varignon, Pierre
TITLE Schediasma de Dimensione Superficiei Coni ad basim circularem obliqui, ope longitudinis Curvae, cujus constructio a sola Circuli quadratura pendet
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0600/00000282.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 282 - 284

AUTHOR Varignon, Pierre: see Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz

AUTHOR Varioli, Constanzo
TITLE Anatomiae sive de resolutione corporis humani libri IV
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531823686
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Frankfurt edition

AUTHORS Varioli, Constanzo and Girolamo Mercuriale
TITLE De nervis opticis epistolae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531823686
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Varnbüler, Anton (1555 - 1591)
TITLE Oratio funebris de virtutibus Iac. Andreae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/202-28-quod-10/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Tübingen edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Varnbüler, Nikolaus
TITLE Assertiones de contractu mutui
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031817/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Varnbüler, Nikolaus
TITLE Assertiones ex amplissima testamentorum materia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031820/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Tübingen edition

AUTHORS Varnbüler, Nikolaus and Cornelius Feuerstein
TITLE Quod felix faustumque sit
URL http://edocs.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/volltexte/2007/7629/
SITE Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a. M.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Varnbüler, Nikolaus: see Erhard Cellius

AUTHOR Varnbüler, Nikolaus: see Johann Harpprecht

AUTHOR Varrerius, Caspar
TITLE De Ophyra regione & ad eam Navigatione Commentarius
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DSOViewerServlet?DocID=918&DvID=891
SITE MIAMI (Universitäts - und Landesblbliothek Münster)
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr the 1637 Wieringen edition

AUTHOR Varro: see Filippo Beroaldo

AUTHOR Varro: see Henri Estienne

AUTHOR Varro: see Leopold Heinrich Krahner

AUTHOR Varro: see Pomponius Laetus

AUTHOR Varro: see Augst Müller

AUTHOR Varro: see Eduard Norden (two items)

AUTHOR Varro; see Fulvio Orsini

AUTHOR Varro: see Ludwig Oxé

AUTHOR Varro: see Justus Dorotheus Willem Pape

AUTHOR Varro: see Julius Caesar Scaliger

AUTHOR Varro: see Johann Gottlob Schneider

AUTHOR Varro: see Johannes Vahlen

AUTHOR Varro: See Pietro Vettori (two items)

AUTHOR Varro: See A. Zippmann

AUTHOR Varsevicius, Christophorus (Krysztoî Warszewicki)
TITLE De legato et legationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fONLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Danzig edition

AUTHOR Varsevicius, Christophorus (Krysztoî Warszewicki)
TITLE Turcicae tres
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/04500/04522/04522.pdf
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
SUBJECT Ethnography
NOTES Dpr the 1599 Prague edition

AUTHOR Varthema, Lodovico de (trans. Archangelus Madrignanus)
TITLE Novum itinerarium Aethiopiae, Aegipti, utriusque Arabiae, Persidis, Siriae, ac Indiae intra et extra Gangem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-58946
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Milan edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Varus, Anton (1557 - 1637)
TITLE De muliebribus naturalibus disp. med.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032488/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition (also here)

AUTHOR Varus, Anton (1557 - 1637)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Antonius Varus, Med. D. Et Professores Reliqui L.S.D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:653435D_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Jena edition

AUTHOR Varus, Anton (1557 - 1637)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Antonius Varus, Med. D. Et Professores Reliqui L.S.D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:653485M_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Jena edition

AUTHOR Varus, P. Georgius (1566 - 1566) and others
TITLE Historia collegii S. J. Pragensis ad S. Clementem annorum 1555 -1610, 1618, 1620
URL http://digit.nkp.cz:1111/cgi-bin/c1250.bat/mnscr/I_a.1/descr.htm
SITE Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Scanned photographic reproduction of the manuscript in the National Library of the Czech Republic

AUTHOR Varvello, Francésco
TITLE Institutiones philosophicae
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080014383/1080014383.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1890 Turin edition

AUTHOR Vasaeus, Johannes (d. 1550)
TITLE Chronici rerum memorabilium Hispaniae, tomus prior
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/121,455,587,B/l962&FF=tchronici+rerum+memorabilium+hispaniae+tomus+prior&1,1,,002112,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Salamanca edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Vasaeus, Johannes (d. 1550)
TITLE Rerum hispanicarum chronicon
URL http://nebula.uv.es/ipac4/ipac_bin2/Pipacdle?doc_number=1082574&Language=E&SESSID=00011&PathINI=/gateways/ipac4/ipac_version_html/&
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Vasen, Jacob
TITLE De illa ratione, quae inter plebeiam publicamque apud Romanos religionem regum temporibus intercessit
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737837
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1868 Münster edition

AUTHOR Vasmar, David
TITLE Oda Ad Amplißimae Reipub. Lubecensis legatos ex comitiis Augustanis redeuntes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038125/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Vasmer, Franz
TITLE Maris servitus, praeside Conrado Samuele Schurtzfleisch
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n095973
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Wittemburg edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vasmer, Johann
URL http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/db-4f-595-1
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Vassaeius, Lodiocus (Louis Vassé)
TITLE In anatomen corporis humani tabulae quatuor
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532028510
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Paris edition (dpr’s of the 1544 Venice edition and the 1549 Venice edition are also available, and dpr’s of the 1553 Paris edition are available here, here, here, and here)

AUTHOR Vassalli, Michele Antonio
TITLE Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum, sive, Grammatica Melitensis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/michaelisantoni02vassgoog
SITE Internet Archive

SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1791 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vasses, Jean
TITLE De iudiciis uriarum tractatus, ex probatis collectus autoribus, et in tabulae formam confectus
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?33333x04
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vatable, François: see Augustin Marlorat

AUTHOR Vatel, Jehan: See Publio Fausto Andrelini

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Abrahamus Vater...ad dissertationem inauguralem medicam...audiendam invitat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ySPT-yvTCXgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Johann Lorenz Weidner
TITLE Chordapsus celsi occasione ventris enormiter contracti in homine subita morte extincto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Friederich Gensler
TITLE De antidoto novo adversus viperarun morsum praestantissimo in Anglia haud ita ita pridem detecto
SITE Google Books
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zR2SdODYjLMC
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Johann August Schulze
TITLE De calculis in locis inusitatis natis per vias insolitas exclusis
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationesphy07hall (go to p. 19)
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Naples edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE De consensu partium corporis humani
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QmREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Johann Gottlieb Vogel
TITLE De dysenteria epidemica maxime contagiosa et maligna superiori anno patriam devastante
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham
TITLE De ossificatione
SITE Google Books
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zR2SdODYjLMC
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE De plica Polonica rarissima
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE De polypo post febrem epidemiam ex utero egresso
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE De sarcomate e pudendo muliebri sectione sublato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Christian Sigismund Ezler
TITLE De scirrhis viscerum occasione sectionis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Dissertatio anatomica qua novum bilis diverticulum circa orificium ductus cholidochi ut et valvulosam colli vesicae felleae constructionem ad disceptandum proponit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UWREAAAAcAAJ&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA259
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Dissertatio Epistolica De Ductuum Lacrymalium subpalpebralium vera Constitutione, ac Viarum Lacrymas ad nares derivantium Dispositione
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/4/jpg-0400/00000335.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 4 (1734) pp. 327 - 333

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Johann Christian Heinicke
TITLE Dissertatio qua visus vitio duo rarissima, alterius duplicati, alterum dimidiati physiologice et pathologice considerata exponuntur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Friedrich August Immanuel Zinckernagel
TITLE Ergo lui venereae hydrargyrus, camphoratus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Paul Gottlob Berger
TITLE Graviditas apparens ex tumore ovarii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Hepar in hydrope saepius insons esse e sectione viri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Johann Gottlieb Vater
TITLE Mola praegnans
URL https://play.google.com//reader?id=IJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Novum dvctvm salivalem evmqve praecipvvm in lingva excretorivm glandvlæ insignis ad latera lingvæ et svb eadem sitae, item qve svper radicem lingvae, epiglottidem, circa glottidem svper arytaenoideas, vsqve intra oesophagvm expansae nunc demum iniectione detectae
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN62680339X
SUBJECT Anatomy, physiology
NOTES Dpr of 1721 Wittenberg edition

AUTHORS Vater, Abraham and Christoph Anton Ziegenhorn
TITLE Observationes rarissimae generationem calculorum in corpore humano illustrantes
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationesphy07hall (go to p. 3)
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Naples edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Uterus gravidus physiologice et pathologice consideratus
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana5175hall (go to p. 261)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vater, Abraham
TITLE Vulnerum in intestinis lethalitas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Christian
TITLE De sudore colliquativo
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2722/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Vater, Christian
TITLE De suffusione oculorum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2727/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Vater, Christian
TITLE Dissertatio inauguralis vertigine
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2754/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Vater, Christian
TITLE Historia et cura bubonis inguinalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Vater, Friedrich
TITLE Rerum Andocidearum particula I
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4738045
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Vauchopius, Georgius
TITLE De magistratibus vet. pop. Rom. tractatus
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RjhbAAAAQAAJ
NOTES Dpr of an incompletely preserved and therefore undatable edition

AUTHOR Vaud, Jean
TITLE Variarum quaestionum iuris civiis libri II
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader2?id=u7EUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Hanau edition

AUTHOR Vaughan, Thomas (1622-1666)
TITLE Reconditorium ac reclusiorum opulentiae sapientiaeque numinis mundi magni, cui deditur intitulum chymica Vannus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-064798
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Amsterdam edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vaughan, Thomas (1622-1666)
TITLE Tres tractatus de metallorum transmutatione
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-064797
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Amsterdam edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vauzelles, Jean de
TITLE Imagines mortis
URL http://www.bvh.univ-tours.fr/Consult/index.asp?numfiche=247
SITE Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes
SUBJECT Emblems, poetry
NOTES Illustrations by Hans Holbein the Younger; dpr of the 1555 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vaz, Alvaro
TITLE Decisiones Consvltationvm Ac Rervm Ivdicatarvm In Regno Lvsitaniae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030130/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Speyer edition

AUTHOR Vaz, Alvaro
TITLE Quaestiones Emphyteteutici
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032149/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Augustin
TITLE Quaestiones practicae, medicae et chirurgicae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X53361670X
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Salamanca edition

AU0THOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Commentariora, ac disputationes in Primam partem S. Thomae
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1237,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1239,1239,,006944,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&1,,6,006943,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Ingolstad edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Commentariolum ac disputationum in primam secundae S. Thomae, tomus primus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&3,,6,002454,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Commentariorum, ac disputationum in Tertiam partem S. Thomae : tomus primus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&4,,6,006945,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Ingolstad edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Commentariorum, ac disputationum in Tertiam partem S. Thomae : tomus primus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1237,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1240,1240,,006945,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Ingolstad edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE De cultu adorationis libri tres
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&5,,6,007539,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Disputationes duae contra errores foelicis, et elipandi de seruitute & adoptione Christi in Concilio Francofordiensi damnatoss
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&5,,6,007539,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vázquez, Gabriel S. J.
TITLE Opuscula moralia
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aV{226}azquez/avazquez/49,130,377,B/l962&FF=avazquez+gabriel+s+i&6,,6,006631,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vázquez de Menchaca, Fernando
TITLE De successionibus et ultimis voluntatibus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1705,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1710,1710,,006324,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vázquez de Menchaca, Fernando
TITLE Illustrium controversiarum aliarumque usu frequentium pars prima [-secunda]
URL vol. 1 http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21522
vol. 2 http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21438
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of an undated Geneva edition

AUTHOR Vecerius, Conradus
TITLE De Seditionibus Siciliae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021872/images/
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Vecerius, Conradus
TITLE Funebris oratio in mortem diui Hadriani VI Pontificis Maximi
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+fondos+xerais/sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais/1,1,132,B/l856~b1965110&FF=sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais&20,,132,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vechner, Daniel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_23.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vechner, Georg
TITLE Consilium de vestibulo et ianua perficiundis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=z8oPAAAAQAAJ

SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vedel, Anders Sørensen
TITLE Historia ecclesiastica in Septentrionali universo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022238/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Copenhagen edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Commentatio literaria et critica de non negligndis veterum codicum fragmentis et fragmento Livii manuscripto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oaBAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1821 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Commentatio critica qua illud Arcadis cuiusdam somnium expendit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9IhHAAAAYAAJ 1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology (?), dreams (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1821 Ulm edition

UTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Commentatio de vicissitudinibus doctrinae de sacra coena
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Xh0-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Commentatio literaria et critica de non negligndis veterum codicum fragmentis et fragmento Livii manuscripto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oaBAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Specimen pvblicvm historico philosophicvm de recto et vario historiae reformationis sacrorum usu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lKtRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Specimen historico-litterarium de Academia Veneta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wmJSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Specimen inaugurale vicissitudines doctrinae de sacra coena
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EKVRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Veesenmeyer, Georg
TITLE Specimen pvblicvm historico philosophicvm de recto et vario historiae reformationis sacrorum usu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lKtRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Vega, Cristóbal de la
TITLE Commentaria de Urinis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x53254957x
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vega, Cristóbal de la
TITLE Commentaria in librum aphorismorum Hipppocratis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054091
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vega, Cristóbal de la
TITLE Commentaria in librum Galeni de differentia febrium
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533697254
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vega, Cristóbal de la
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054033
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Lyon edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vega, Cristóbal de la
TITLE Liber de arte medendi
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533685019
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Vega, Garcilaso de la
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/garcilaso.html
SITE The Latin Library
CONTRIBUTOR José Pablo Barragán Nieto (2001)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vega y Lobera, Rosendo José de la
TITLE Purior ac sanior ecclesiastica disciplina in ordine ad beneficia
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1173090&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&898,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Compostella edition

AUTHOR Vegetius: see Johann Wilhelm Foerster

AUTHOR Vegetius: see Johann Sambucus

AUTHOR Vegetius: see Petrus Scriverius

AUTHOR Vegetius Renatus, Flavius
TITLE Artis veterinariae siue Mulo medicinae libri quatuor
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533769484
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Veterinary medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Basel edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Antoniados libri iv
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=glJmAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA122-IA1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Astyanax
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037830/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf727693
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Carminum appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf728597
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Convivium deorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058174
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Turin edition;

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE De foelicitate et miseria
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/21-5-gram-7/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Deventer edition (a dpr of the 1497 Avignon edition is also available), 1518 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE De Morte Astyanactis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072116
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Turin edition;

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE De veritate et philalethe
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/82-8-quod-9/start.ht
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition (undated Basel edition here, undated Nuremberg edition here)

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Inter inferiora corpora, scilicet Terram, Aurum, & superiora, praesertim Solem, elegantissima disputatio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/430523
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy (?), philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Libri XII Aeneidos Supplementum (1471)
URL http://virgil.org/supplementa/vegio-latin.htm
SITE virgil.org
CONTRIBUTOR David Wilson-Okamura (2000)
NOTES With a link to the 1584 English translation of Thomas Twyne; html format (see also here)

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Libri XII Aeneidos Supplementum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059403
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Maphei Vegii Lauden Pompeana Epigrammata in rusticos
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058174
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Turin edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Salutatio virginis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/80-6-quod-6/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Daventer edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Vellus aureum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037830/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo (Mapheus Vegius, 1407 - 1458)
TITLE Vita divi Antonii
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/kesmark/vegiusvita/
SITE Universität Bielefeld Zipser Bibliothek
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Daventry edition

AUTHOR Vegio, Maffeo: see Dialogi decem variorum auctorum

AUTHOR Vehr, Irenaeus
TITLE Verba votiva in docturam medicam
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:000441N_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Vehus, Hieronymus
TITLE Pro Divo Maximi. Ro. Se. Aug. Hieronymi Vehi vulgo feus adulescentuli Badensis Boemicus Triumphus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012340/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Veiel, Elias
TITLE Dissertatio philologica-theologica de vocula Amen
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002857/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Veigelius, Johannes
TITLE Historia supplicii duorum martyrum Laurentii et Policarpi heroico carmine conscripta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037626/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 edition

AUTHOR Veigl, F. X.
TITLE Status Provinciae Maynensis in America Meridionali ad annum usque 1768 brevi narratione descriptus 
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087881&seite=00000100.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr from Journal zur Kuntsgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litterature 1788:1, pp. 94 - 208

AUTHOR Veigl, F. X.
TITLE Conclusio descriptionis status provinciae Maynensis in America Meridionali
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087891&seite=00000023.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litteratur 1789:1, pp. 17 - 181

AUTHOR Veith, Franz Anton
TITLE Diatribe de origine et incrementis artis typographicae in urbe Augusta Vindelica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GdBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Printing, book rade
NOTES Dpr of the 1778 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Veith, Laurentio
TITLE Scriptura sacra contra incredulo, propugnata
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080015137_C/1080015137_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Turin edition

AUTHOR Veken, Franciscus van der
TITLE De simplicitate et libertate divina
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-2618/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vela de Oreña, José (1588 - 1643)
TITLE Dissertationes iuris controversi in Hispalensi senatu
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20020%20115.
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Granada edition (a d pr of the 1726 Cologne edition is available in two volumes here and here)

AUTHOR Vela de Oreña, José (1588 - 1643)
TITLE Dissertationum iuris controversi, tam in Hispalensi, quam Granatensi senatu
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045509/1080045509.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Velasco, Juan Fernández de
TITLE Hispaniarum Vindiciae Tutelares: In Duo Libros Divisae Venisse In Haec Regna Iacobum Apostolum, Fidei Que Lumen Intulisse
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LupGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Velázquez, Juan Antonio S. J.
TITLE In Psal. centesimum Davidis commentarii et adnotationes, sive De optimo principis administrata libri V
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/60,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+optimo+principis+administra+libri+v&1,1,,002085,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Politics, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Velazquez de Avendao, Luis
TITLE Tractatus de censibus Hispaniae
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20001%20288.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Alcalá de Heneres edition

AUTHOR Velcurio, Johannes
TITLE Commentarii In Vniversam Physicam Aristotelis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015369/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Tübingen edition (1544 Tübingen edition here, 1547 Tübingen edition here)

AUTHOR Velcurio, Johannes
TITLE Confutatio inepti et impij libelli F. August. Alueld. Franciscani Lipsici, pro d. Mar. Luthero
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024376/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Wittenberg edition (1538 Erfuhrt edition, printed under the title epitome physicae, here)

AUTHOR Velcurio, Johannes
TITLE Epitome physicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032940/images/
SUBJECT Physics, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Erfuhrt edition

AUTHOR Velcurio, Johannes
TITLE In philosophiae naturalis partem omnium praestantissimam, hoc est Aristotelis de Anima libros, epitome longè doctissima
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022736/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Epitome of the previous work; dpr of the 1537 Basel edition

AUTHOR Velde, Johannes
TITLE Stemma baronum Furstenbergorum
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DSOViewerServlet?DocID=1176&DvID=1156
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Paderborn edition

AUTHOR Velenovský, Josef (1858-1949)
TITLE Flora Bulgarica
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/9876
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Prague edition

AUTHOR Velenus, Ulrichus
TITLE In hoc libello gravissimis, certissimisque, & in sacra scriptura fundatis rationibus varijs probatur, Apostolum Petrum Romam non venisse, neque illic passum, proinde satis frivole, & temere Romanus Pontifex se Petri successorem iactat, & nominat &c
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/482512
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vélez de Arciniega, Francisco
TITLE De simplicium medicamentorum collectione, electione, praeparatione ac repositione
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533231638
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Toledo edition

AUTHOR Vélez de Arciniega, Francisco
TITLE Pharmacopoea decem sectiones
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18808360
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Vélez de Arciniega, Francisco
TITLE Theoria pharmaceutica : sectiones septem, regularum vniversalium a Ioanne Mesue scriptarum aliquot
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/68,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttheologiae+moralis+super+decalogum+pars+i&1,1,,002510,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Madrid edition7

AUTHOR Vélez de Guevara, Pedro
TITLE Ad legem primam Digestorum libri vi
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28praesidis%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Vélez de Guevara, Pedro
TITLE Ad titulum de officio praesidis commentarii
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28praesidis%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Vélez de Guevara, Pedro
TITLE De diffinitione doli mali liber singularis
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28praesidis%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xt:(praesidis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Aurea Carmino Pythogorae graece. ac deinde latina eodem Ursino interprete
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12110/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Chronicorum mundi epitome
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022860/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Disticha Caesarum Romanorum A Iulio Dictatore Usque Ad Nostram Memoriam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011557/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Vienna edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE De Mirabili Victoria Caesarianorum adversus Gallos, ac potentiss. Regis capitivitate Ode
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006086/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Monosticha regum Italiae, Albanorum, Romanorum ... usque ad nostram aetatem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022681/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Epistola ad D. Erasmum Rhoterodamum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12110/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Poetry (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Oratio De Felicissima Electione inclyti ac potentissimi Regis Ungariae & Bohemiae Ferdinandi Archiducis Austriae in Regem Romanorum, &c. Aquisgrani Coronati Die XI. Ianuarii Anno MDXXXI
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037668/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Oratio Dominica In versus adstricta
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12110/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Poematum libri 5
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/urs/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Basel edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Querela Austriae sive epistola ad reliquam Germaniam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007568/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Velius, Caspar Ursinus (1493 - 1539)
TITLE Varia epigrammata
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12110/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Velez Guevara, Pedro
TITLE Ad legem primam Digestorum libri VI eiusdem Ad titulum de officio praesidis commentarij, De diffinitione [sic] doli mali
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=144660
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Seville edition

AUTHOR Velleius Paterculus: see Johann Heinrich Boeckler

AUTHOR Velleius Paterculus: see Heinrich Georges

AUTHOR Velleius Paterculus: see Christian Friedrich Franckenstein

AUTHOR Vellnagel, Christoph Friedrich
TITLE Numerandi methodi sive arithmethicae omnes possibiles : e quibus cum dyadica consequentes plurimae usque ad duodenariam evolvuntur, ad caeteras eruendas regula generalis exhibetur
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1054603
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Jena edition

AUTHOR Vellozo, José Mariano da Conceição (1742 - 1811)
TITLE Florae Fluminensis, seu Descriptionum plantarum praefectura Fluminensi sponte nascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/745
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Rio de Janeiro edition

AUTHOR Vellozo, José Mariano da Conceição (1742 - 1811)
TITLE Florae Fluminensis, seu Descriptionum plantarum praefectura Fluminensi sponte nascentium liber primus ad systema sexuale concinnatus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097617
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1881 Rio de Janeiro edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (also available here and here in 11 volumes)

AUTHOR Vellozo, José Mariano da Conceição (1742 - 1811)
TITLE Jacobi Dickson fasciculos plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae Lusitanorum botanicorum
URL http://docvirt.no-ip.com/fiojacdic.ica
SITE Projeto Overmeer
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Lisbon edition

AUTHOR Velschow, Hans Matthias
TITLE Commentationis de institutis militaribus Danorum, regnante Valdemaro Secondo
URL http://www.archive.org/details/commentationisd00velsgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT History, military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 Copenhagen edition

AUTHOR Velschow, Hans Matthias
TITLE Historia Danica
URL vol. 1 http://www.archive.org/details/historiadanica00velsgoog
vol. 2 http://www.archive.org/details/historiadanica01velsgoog
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Copenhagen edition

AUTHOR Velse, Cornelius Hendrik
TITLE De aliis machinae humanae extraordinariis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cTFVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Velse, Cornelius Hendrik
TITLE De motu peristaltico intestinorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cTFVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Velserus, Marcus
TITLE Epistola ad Iohannem Vivianum (1592)
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0033.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
SUBJECT Epistolograpy
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Velserus, Marcus
TITLE Epistola ad Iohannem Vivianum (1598)
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0034.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
SUBJECT Epistolograpy
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Velsius, Justus
TITLE De artium liberalium et Philosophiae Praecepta tradendi recta ratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00004062/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Velsius, Justus
TITLE In Cebetis Thebani tabulam commentariorum libri sex
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1219548
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Lyon (Basel) edition

AUTHOR Velsius, Justus
TITLE Preface to an edition of Proclus Diadochus, Peri Kineseos biblia 2
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034999/images/index.html?id=00034999&fip= MDZ
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Quod igitur Deus felix faustumque esse iubeat
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:635776F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:164503W_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:628701G_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:629594G_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:629746A_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:629773X_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:649156F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:649156F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:628465L_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Jena edition

AUTHOR Veltheim, Valentin (1645 - 1700)
TITLE Rector Academiae Ienensis Valentinus Velthem
URL p. 1 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_001,800,600
p.2 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_002,800,600
p.3 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_003,800,600
p.4 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_004,800,600
p.5 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_005,800,600
p.6 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_006,800,600
p.7 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_007,800,600
p.8 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_008,800,600
p.9 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_009,800,600
p.10 http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630596M_010,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Jena edition

AUTHOR Velthusen, Johannes Caspar
TITLE Panegyricus immortalibus Guelphorum in Juliam Carolinam promeritis
URL http://www.bbf.dipf.de/cgi-shl/digibert.pl?id=BBF0487920
SITE Bildungsgeschichte Online
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the article printed at Magazin für Philologen 1 - 3 (1796 - 98) 24 - 44

AUTHOR Veltkirch, Johann Toltz von
TITLE In D. Erasmi libros de duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarius
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052463
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language study
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Venator, Balthasar
TITLE Venator, Balthasar: Quarta Vice Resumpta Rerum Ominosa Series In praesentibus Imperii Comitiis Gestarum. Seu Vera Anonymi Relatio Ultra Annum fere nonum continuata. Infelicia Consultationum fata Fideliter referens
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/t-317-4f-helmst-5s/start.htm
SITE Herzog August Bibliothek,Wolfenbüttel
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 edition

AUTHOR Venator, Balthasar: see Janus Gruterus

AUTHOR Venatorius, Thomas
TITLE De Sola Fide Ivstificante Nos In Ocvlis Dei
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027736/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Venatorius, Thomas
TITLE In divi Pauli apostoli priorem ad Timotheum epistolam distributiones XX
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/577938
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Basel edition

AUTHOR Venatorius, Thomas
TITLE Pro Baptismo et fide parvulorum, adversus Anabaptistas ... Defensio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036034/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Venatorius, Thomas
TITLE Querela Ditis ... Dialogus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028081/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Vendrickx, Archangelus
TITLE Sacerdos, devote celebrans ss. missae sacríficium sive preces er meditationes
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080020530/1080020530.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1900 Mechlin edition

AUTHOR Venidiger, Nikolaus
TITLE Regulae grammaticales
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00044394/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Reutlingen edition

AUTHOR Venema, Hermann (1697 - 1787)
TITLE Praelectiones de methodo prophetica
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40360ucmf_0i
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1775 Leeuwarden edition

AUTHOR Venerius, Ioannes Antonius
TITLE De oraculis et divinationibus antiquorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yT5AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Parma edition

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Expositio in libros posteriorum Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026460
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1477 Venice edition; (193 Venice edition here, a dpr of the 1494 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Expositio librorum naturalium Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059603
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Venice edition;

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Expositio super libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058902
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Ravenna edition; (a dpr of the 1498 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Expositio super VII libros Phisicorum Aristotelis, necnon super commentum Averrois
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/fondos/libros/151/7/expositio-super-vii-libros-phisicorum-aristotelis-necnon-super-commentum-averrois/
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE In libros de anima explanatio
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/fondos/libros/394/1/pauli-veneti-in-libros-de-anima-explanatio/
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Venice edition

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Liber de compositione mundi
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=83027
SITE Fondo Antiguo (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla)
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Venice edition (1525 Venice edition here)

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Liber posteriorum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/fondos/libros/185/1/liber-posteriorum-magistri-pauli-venet
SITE Fondo Antiguo (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla)
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Venice edition

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Logica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026459
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1472 Venice edition;

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Logica magna
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059559
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available, and another one here);

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Physica
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/fondos/libros/407/
SITE Fondo Antiguo (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Venice edition

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Quadratura, sive Dubia
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I226A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Venice edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Sophismata
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I243A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Pavia edition ; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (1491 edition here)

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Summa philosophie naturalis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026461
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Venice edition;

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428)
TITLE Summe naturalium acta & compilata per reverendissime artium & theologie doctorem magistrum Paulus de Venetiis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058882
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Veneto, Paolo O. S. A. (d. 1428))
TITLE Summulae logicae
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I170A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Bologna edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (a dpr of the 1488 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Ventimiglia, City of
TITLE Statutes (14 and 15 c.)
URL http://www.statutiliguri.unige.it/testi/ventimiglia.pdf
SITE Statuti della Liguria
NOTES Dpr of Dino Punchu (ed.), Studi in memoria di Giorgio Costamagna (Genoa 2003)

AUTHOR Ventura, Lorenzo
TITLE De Ratione conficiendi Lapidis philosophici
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034180/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Basel edition

AUTHOR Ventura Minardo
TITLE De balneis calderii in agro Veronensi (olim Gauderii dictis Junoni sacris)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060883
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Ventura Pergamensis
TITLE Brevis doctrina dictaminis
URL http://www.uan.it/alim/letteratura.nsf/(volumiID)/69A990645262AAE2C1256C74003C5568/$FILE/AlimVenturaBrevisdoctrina.doc?openelement
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Venturini, Salvatore (?)
TITLE De atestinorum principum calamitatibus
URL part 1 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/imagema4.pdf
part 2 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/imagema4a.pdf
SITE OPAL (Università degli Studi dei Torino)
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Venturinus a Bergamo
TITLE XII remedia contra temptationes huius saeculi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034147/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. Clm 8969

AUTHOR Venusti, Antonio Maria
TITLE Consilium de peste
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024389/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Milan edition

AUTHOR Verancscis, Antal
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch19.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verantuis, Faustus (Faust Vrančić, 1551 - 1617)
TITLE Ethica Christiana
URL http://www.ifzg.hr/digitalnaBastina/readOnline/Faustus_Verantius/Faustus_Verantius-Ethica_Christiana/Faustus_Verantius-Ethica_Christiana.html
SITE Institute of Philosophy
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Rome edition

AUTHOR Verantuis, Faustus (Faust Vrančić, 1551 - 1617)
TITLE Logica nova
URL http://www.ifzg.hr/digitalnaBastina/readOnline/Faustus_Verantius/Faustus_Verantius-Logica_nova_suis_ipsius_instrumentis_formata_et_recognita/Faustus_Verantius-Logica.html
SITE Institute of Philosophy
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Venice edition

AUTHOR Verardi, Carlo (1440-1500)
TITLE Historia Baetica
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=914.6_V47H_1494
SITE Carnegie Mellon University Library, Posner collection
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Basel edition (a dpr of the 1494 Basel edition is available here)

AUTHOR Verardi, Carlo (1440-1500)
TITLE In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi Hispaniarum regis Bethice et regni Granate obsidio victoria et triumphus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/146-13-theol-9/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Verardus, Marcellinus
TITLE Fernandus servatus tragicomedia
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the ca. 1493 Rome edition

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De aurora boreali anni MDCCXXXII
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7196&format=jpg&seqnum=514
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:3 (1747) 493 - 495; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De avium quarundam et ranarum in aere interclusarum interitu
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=289
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 267 - 278; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De electricitate caelesti
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=211
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 200 -204 ; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De electricitate medica
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=473
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 454 - 478; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De lacte observationes atque experimenta
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=401
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 269 - 285; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE De vesicantium natura
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=125
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 107 - 116; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veratti, Giuseppe
TITLE Experimenta Magnetica
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=156
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 31 - 44; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Verbiest, Ferdinand S. J.
TITLE I hsiang t'u. Liber organicus Astronomoiae Europeae apud Sinas restitutae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014963/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staadtsbibliothek Cod. sin. 24

AUTHOR Verbiest, Ferdinand S. J.
TITLE Typus eclipsis lunae
URL http://resolver.lias.be/get_pid?view&usagetype=VIEW_MAIN,VIEW&pid=1113015
SITE Jesuitica
SUBJECT Astronomy,
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Beijing edition

AUTHOR Verbrugge, Jacobus
TITLE De aneuysmate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IRxLNFxqwJsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Verdam, G. J.
TITLE Oratio de Iusta Pertractandi et Veri Investigandi Ratione Systematica a Mathematicis Temerius Neglecta (1852-53)
URL http://www-math.sci.kun.nl/math/werkgroepen/gmfw/bronnen/verdam1.html
SITE Katholeike Universiteit Nihmegen, Subfaculteit Wiskunde
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Htm format

AUTHOR Verdries, Johann Melchior
TITLE Physica sive in naturae scientiam introductio
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11538/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Physics (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Vere, Edward, Earl of Oxford
TITLE Dedicatory epistle to Bartholomew Clerke's Balthasaris Castilionis Comitis De Curiali siue Aulico (1571)
URL http://www.oxford-shakespeare.com/new_files_feb_06/STC%20Courtier%201571.pdf
SITE The Oxford Authorship Site
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Verelius, Olof
TITLE Manuductio Compendiosa Ad Runographiam Scandicam Antiquam Recte Intelligendam
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11747/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Uppsala edition

AUTHOR Verepaeus, Simon
TITLE De epistolis Latine conscribendis
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-140104
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 edition (1585 edition here)

AUTHOR Verepaeus, Simon
TITLE De ingenuis Scholasticorum moribus libellus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020080/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Verepaeus, Simon
TITLE Praeceptiones De Figuris seu de Tropis Et Schematibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028845/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Verepaeus, Simon
TITLE Praeceptiones De Verborum Et Rerum Copia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028847/images//
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Verepaeus, Simon
TITLE Precationes liturgicae in dies vii digestae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-148680
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Verge, José
TITLE De possibilitate praeseruatiuae redemptionis Deiparae a peccato originali
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20004%20092.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Oriola edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Elder (Petar Pavao Vergerije Stariji, 1370 - 1444)
TITLE De ingenuis moribus ac liberalibus studiis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058690
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (also, evidently, here; a dpr of a second edition is also available, and a dpr of the 1485 Breschia edition is available here, 1502 Venice edition here, 1511 Vienna edition here); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Elder (Petar Pavao Vergerije Stariji, 1370 - 1444)
TITLE Paulus comoedia
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Vergerius/ver_pau0.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Actiones duae secretarii pontificii, quarum altera disputat an Paulus papa IIII debeat cogitare de instaurando concilio Tridentino, altera vero an vi et armis possit deinde imperare protestantibus ipsius concilii decreta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9itSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565) (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Ad Sigismundum Augustum Poloniae regem de legato papae in Poloniam destinato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=f31VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565) (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Catalogus haereticorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032910/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Concilium Non Modo Tridentinum, Sed Omne Papisticum Perpetuo fugiendum esse omnibus piis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019030/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE De Gregorio Papa I. eius nominis primo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030968/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE De Idolo Lauretano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=coQ8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE De republica Veneta fragmenta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HxZUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1830 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Declaratio Iubilei futuri Romae anno M.D.L
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/579127
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Dialogi quatuor de libro, quem Stanislaus Osius ... edidit
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021613/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Dialogus super Tridentini Concilii progressu et Successu
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027655/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Epistole
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rOhDAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Formvla Fidei Tradita In Synodo Prouinciali quae Louitij in Polonia celebrata est Anno M.D.LVI. XI. Septemb. Et Confessio Illvstrissimi Principis Ac Domini. D. Christophori Ducis Vuirtenbergensis &c. Consilio Tridentino oblata M.D.LII. Pro Antidoto
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027696/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Lac spirituale: institutio puerorum Christianorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aDFWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1864 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Opera adversus papatum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3ZE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Ordo eligendi pontificis et ratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=D3tUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Postremus catalogus haereticorum Romae conflatus, 1559
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=F-Q7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Praefatio in novam editionem Confessionis fidei Waldensium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024696/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Preface to Franciscus Spiera, Quidquid susceptem semel Euangelicae veritatis professionem abnegasset damnassetque, in horrendam incidit desperationem historia
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+167{|}984{}TDI00009.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Qva Pompa Et Magnificentia Ivlivs III. Pont. Romanus coronatus est
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020482/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Responsio ad librum Antichristi Romani
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AKE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565)
TITLE Scholia In Binas Pauli Papae Huius Nominis IIII. Litteras
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027695/images/
SUBJECT Religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565):? see Johannes Aurifaber

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565): see Caelius Secundus Curio

AUTHOR Vergerio, Pietro Paolo the Younger (Petar Pavao Vergerije Mladi, 1478 - 1565): see Francisco de Torres S. J. (two items)

AUTHOR Vergerio, Paolo
TITLE Vita Petrarchae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cVkWAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECTB iography
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Florence edition

AUTHORS Vergil: see Josse Bade

AUTHOR Vergil: see Girolamo Balbi

AUTHOR Vergil: see Filippo Barberio

AUTHOR Vergil: see Filippo Beroaldo

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Hermann Benner

AUTHOR Vergil: see Samuel Bochart

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Heinrich Boeckler

AUTHOR Vergil: see André le Breton

AUTHOR Vergil: see Victor Burckas

AUTHOR Vergil: see August Buchner

AUTHOR Vergil: see Domizio Calderini

AUTHOR Vergil: see Lelio Capilupa

AUTHOR Vergil: see Friedrich Benedict Carpzov

AUTHOR Vergil: see Giuseppe Castiglione

AUTHOR Vergil: see Sulpicius Charta

AUTHOR Vergil: see Sebastiano Corrado

AUTHOR Vergil: see Agostino Dati (five items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Pier Candido Decembrio

AUTHOR Vergil: see Balthasar Dietrich

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johannes Fabri de Werdea

AUTHOR Vergil: see Ottavio Ferrari

AUTHOR Vergil: see Albert Fielchenfeld

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johannes Thomas Freig

AUTHOR Vergil: see Alberico Gentili

AUTHOR Vergil: see Némethy Geyza (2 items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Georg Sigismund Green

AUTHOR Vergil: see Otto Gryphius

AUTHOR Vergil: see Hermann Hagen

AUTHOR Vergil: see O. H. Hanow

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Henning

AUTHOR Vergil: see Helius Eobanus Hessus (three items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Karl Hoppe

AUTHOR Vergil: see Lambertus Hortensius (two items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Ladislaw Hreczkowski

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Friedrich Köber

AUTHOR Vergil: see Charles de La Rue (2 items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Cristoforo Landini (3 items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Lucienberg

AUTHOR Vergil: see Antonio Mancinelli

AUTHOR Vergil: see Aldo Manuzio the Younger

AUTHOR Vergil: see Philip Melanchthon (six items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Heinrich Meibom

AUTHOR Vergil: see F. G. Menapius

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Ernst Meyer

AUTHOR Vergil: see Karl Wilhelm Milburg

AUTHOR Vergil: see Carolus Brandanus Mollweide

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Morsch

AUTHOR Vergil: see Petrus Nannus (three items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Antonio de Nebrija

AUTHOR Vergil: see Octavianus

AUTHOR Vergil: see Fulvio Orsini

AUTHOR Vergil: see Giovani Pontanus S. J.

AUTHOR Vergil: see Lodovico Pontico Virunio

AUTHOR Vergil: see Ernst Ludwig Posselt

AUTHOR Vergil: see Faltonia B. Proba

AUTHOR Vergil: see Friedrich Rappolt

AUTHOR Vergil: see Stephan Reich (two items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Maximilianus Roehrich

AUTHOR Vergil: see Paul Rosenstock

AUTHOR Vergil: see Carolus Ruaeus

AUTHOR Vergil: see Casimir Sarbievius

AUTHOR Vergil: see Josephus Justus Scaliger

AUTHOR Vergil: see Leonhard Schröter

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Siebelis

AUTHOR Vergil: see Philip Spitta

AUTHOR Vergil: see Pierre-François Tissot

AUTHOR Vergil: see Hermannus Torrentinus

AUTHOR Vergil: see Gian Pietro Valeriano

AUTHOR Vergil: see Mapheus Vegius (two items)

AUTHOR Vergil: see Juan Luis Vives

AUTHOR Vergil: see Johann Heinrich Voss (two items)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Ad librum suum epigramma (prefacing the 1514 edition of Erasmus' Collectanea adagiorum veterum, also containing a reprint of his Proverbiorum libellus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=428&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 344f.

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Adagiorum liber
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/89-quod-2f-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Basel edition (also here, 1532 Basel edition here,

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Adagiorum liber
URL http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.bourgonjen/Polydorus/inleiding.htm#M
SITE MpaginaE
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES List of proverbs included in this volume; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Adagiorum liber
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/polyadag
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2005)
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Anglica historia
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/118,278,386,B/l962&FF=tanglicae+historiae+libri+vigintiseptem&1,1,,002094,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition (also here, 1570 Basel edition here, 1649 Leiden edition here)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Anglica historia
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/polverg
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2005)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE De Inventoribus Rerum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/170-4-quod-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Inventors
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of an undated edition is available here, 1509 Strassburg edition here, 1510 Strassburg edition here, 1512 Strassburg edition here, undated Strassburg edition here, a dpr of a 1521 edition is available here, 1532 Basel edition here, a dpr of the 1536 Basel edition is available here, 1550 Basel edition here, 1570 Basel edition here, 1868 English translation available here)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE De Rerum inventoribus libri octo
URL http://freimore.uni-freiburg.de/document/10931
SITE Freimore
SUBJECT Inventors
NOTES Hrml format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE De veritate & mendacio, lib. I
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/117772
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE De vita perfecta
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/117772
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogorum de patientia, & eius fructu, libri II
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/117772
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogus de iusiurando et periurio
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/pvdials5
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2014)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogus de patientia et eius fructu
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/pvdials
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2014)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogus de veritate et mendacio
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/pvdials3
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2014)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogus de vita perfecta
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/pvdials2
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2014)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Dialogorum de prodigiis libri tres
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033163/images/
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Prodigies
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Basel edition (also available here and here, 1545 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE In dominicam precem commentariolum
URL http://freimore.uni-freiburg.de/document/10931
SITE Freimore
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Hrml format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Prodigiorum libellus
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=243660
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Prodigies
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Basel edition (a dpr of the 1553 Lyon edition is available here)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555) 
TITLE Dialogus de prodigiis
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/pvdials4
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2014)
SUBJECT Philosophy 
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore (1470? - 1555)
TITLE Proverbiorum libellus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/69-quod-6/start.htm
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Venice edition (1510 Strassburg editon here, 1511 Strassburg edition here and here, 1512 Strassburg edition here, 1516 Strassburg edition here and here)

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore: see Desiderius Erasmus

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore: see Simon Grynaeus

AUTHOR Vergil, Polydore: see Pollio Gerus Vadius

AUTHOR Verheiden, Jacobus
TITLE Præstantium aliquot Theologorum, qui Rom. Antichristum præcipuè oppugnarunt Effigies
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN613132130
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Verheiden, Willem
TITLE De iure belli Belgici adversus Philippum regem Hispaniarum oratio
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=585
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Utrecht edition

AUTHORS Verhel, Arnold and Timon Ten Broecke
TITLE Florilegium Politicvm De Conciliis [et] Consiliariis Principum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN508058295
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Franeker edition

AUTHOR Verheyen, Philipp
TITLE De thymo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QmREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Verhoven, Theodorus
TITLE Rerum Amorfortiarum Scriptores Duo Inediti
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=A_GLOBAL&H_searchId=1053129149525&id=505
SITE MIAMI (Universitäts - und Landesblbliothek Münster)
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr the 1693 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Veri, Miguel
TITLE Disticha vel sententiae morales
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I088B/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Burgos edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Veri, Miguel
TITLE De puerorum moribus disticha / cum luculenta Martini Iuarrae Cantabrici expositione
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20011%20379.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Carlias
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1364681
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Carlias, appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1418355
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Carmen de Christianae religionis felicitate
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1430013
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Carmen in laudem beati Antonii
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1431696
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1433858
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Epigrammata varia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1470221
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Flametta
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1471875
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Gratulatio Christianorum
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1488902
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verino, Ugolino (1438 - 1516)
TITLE Panegyricon
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1489357
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Verloren, Margaretus Corneius (b. 1816)
TITLE Responsio ad quaestionem zoölogicam
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/10447
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 edition

AUTHOR Vermat, Hendrik
TITLE De aetate conscripta est Historia Augusta
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=w2IfAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE Ad Clementem VII pontificem maximum libellus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029493/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE De sacramento eucharistiae in celeberrima Angliae schola Oxoniensi habita tractatio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1455598
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE Dialogus de utraque in Christo natura
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/307420
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE Epistolarum ogdoas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DsFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Groningen - Bremen edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE In Aristotelis ethicorum ad Nicomachum librum primum, secundum et initium tertii commentarius doctissimus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015295/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Zurich edition (a dpr of the 1582 Augsburg edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE In duos libros Samuelis prophetae qui vulgo priores libri regum appellantur...commentarii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1460852
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Zurich edition (1575 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE In librum Iudicum commentarii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/824916
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Zurich edition (1572 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE In primum librum Mosis, qui vulgo Genesis dicitur commentarii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1496870
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Zurich edition (1579 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE In selectissimam S. Pauli priorem ad Corinth. Epistolam D. Petri Martyris, Florentini, ad Sereniss. regem Angliae, &c. Eduardum VI. Commentarii doctissimi
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/627577
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Zurich edition (second copy, 1567 Zurich edition here, 1579 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE Melachim, id est, Regum libri duo posteriores cum commentariis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1323154
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Zurich edition (1571 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire
TITLE Preces sacrae ex Psalmis Davidis desumptae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1318519
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Vermigli, Pietro Martire: see Josias Simmler

AUTHOR Vernia, Nicolettus
TITLE Perutilis et Subtilis Questio de Philosophie naturalis subiecto
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040462/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Conradinus tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Crispus tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Divus Eustachius sive fidei et patientiae triumphus, tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=gXETAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Divus Stanislaus tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Fritlandus tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=EuRgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Louivain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolase
TITLE Gorcomienses sive fidei exilium tragoedia
UR:L https://books.google.com/books?id=fHETAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Henricus Octavus seu schisma Anglicanum tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Henricus Octavus seu schisma Anglicanum tragoedia
URL https://www.stilus.nl/vernulaeus/index.htm
SITE Tilburg
CONTRIBUTOR Thomas M. Bervoets
NOTES PDF of the 2020 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Ioanna Darcia vulgo puella Aurelianensis tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Ioanna Darcia vulgo puella Aurelianensis tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Maximus
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Ottocarus Bohemiae rex
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Theodoricus tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Thomas Cantuariensis Tragoedia
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/vern
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2022)
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Tragoediae decem
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_VxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vernulaeus, Nicolas
TITLE Triumphus Ob Caeseos Ad Calloam Batavos A Rhetoribvs [rhetoribus] Academicis Collegii Porcensis Celebratus
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=&H_searchId=1049012245321&id=318
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Veronese, Guarino
TITLE Epistula ad Leonellem Estensem
URL http://augustaletteratura.demo.alchimedia.it/indice_documento.asp?ID_ediz=125&codice=Ms_I114
SITE Biblioteca Augusta di Perugia
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of ms. I114, sigs. 29v - 31r

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Brevissima de epistolis Latine conscribendis isagoge
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0_5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE De prosodia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h2c8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, poetry
NOTES Dpr of an undated Tornai edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Latinae Grammatices Etymologia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ygFMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ghent edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Latinae grammatices syntaxis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uJxJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ghent edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Latinae Lingvae Progymnasmata, Sive Primæ Studiorum Exercitationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Er4TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Praeceptiones De Figuris Seu De Tropis Et Schematibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CgdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Rudimenta, Sive Latinae Grammaticae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1oBNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Verrepaeus, Simon
TITLE Selectiores Epistolae Clarorum Virorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0_5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Verro, Gabriele (ed.)
TITLE Constitutiones Dominii Mediolanensis, decretis et Senatus consultis nunc primum illustratae
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=15126
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Milan edition

AUTHOR Verrucius, Hieronimus
TITLE Epistola ad Suffridum Petrum
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Franeken edition

AUTHOR Verschaffelt, Ambroise
TITLE Invoice (1853)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23053
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00755

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Commentum super Donatum minorem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040463/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Heidelberg edition (1507 Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Expositio super summulas Petri Hispani
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/te/te/225,234,297,B/l962&FF=texpositio+super+summulas+petri+hispani+una+cum+textu&1,1,,001611,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1477 Naples edition (a dpr of the 1488 Lyon edition is available here, one of the 1496 Venice edition here, and one of the 1499 Venice edition here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE In divi Aristotelis philosophie libros glosule exactissimi
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n052946
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 edition;

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE In divi Aristotelis philosophie libros quaestiones
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052889
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (a second copy is available here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE In magistri Petri Hispani logicam indagatio
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=176903
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Seville edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Liber Politicorum cum commento multum utili et compendioso magistri Ioahannis Versoris
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/149-3-quod-2f-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy, political science
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Liber yconomicorum Aristotelis tractans de gubernatione rerum domesticarum cum commento
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/149-3-quod-2f-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Family life
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones in Aristotelis Ethicorum libros
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I244A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Cologne edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (1494 Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones in Aristotelis Metaphysicorum libros
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=74446
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Toulouse edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones in Aristotelis philosophiae naturalis libros
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/gIBE+4164/gibe+4164/-26,1,1,B/l856~b1097915&FF=gibe+6045&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search*spi/gIBE+4164/gibe+4164/-26,1,1,B/frameset&FF=gibe+6045&1,1,/endreferer/
SITE Universidad de Granada
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1484 Toulouse edition (a dpr of the 1489 Lyon edition is available here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super de ente et essentia sancti Thome de Aquino
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/149-3-quod-2f-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Cologne edition (also here)

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super libros De anima Aristotelis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032391/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super libros De caelo et mundo et Meteororum Aristotelis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040464/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super libros Logicae veteris Aristotelis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040466/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super libros Logicae veteris et novae Aristotelis
URL vol. 1 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040467/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1486 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Versor, Jean Le Tourneu
TITLE Quaestiones super omnes libros novae logicae Aristotelis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/149-3-quod-2f-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vert, Wilhelm
TITLE Exercitium grammaticale puerorum per dietas distributum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006596/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Vert, Wilhelm
TITLE Lilium Grammaticae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032751/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition (undated Reutlingen edition here, 1497 Augsburg edition here, 1498 Augsburg edition here, undated Cologne edition here, undated Reutlingen edition here, 1500 Nuremberg edition here, 1503 Strassburg edition here, 1508 Cologne edition here, a dpr of the 1509 Speyer edition is also available, undated Cologne edition here), undated Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Vert, Wilhelm
TITLE Libellus grammaticus omnium regiminum et constructionum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040508/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Verzascha, Bernhard
TITLE Observationum medicarum centuria
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN594624606
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vertue, Owen
TITLE Saturnalia
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/saturnalia/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2006)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vertunien, François
TITLE Hippocratis Coi liber De capitis vulneribus liber latinitate donatus a Francisco Vertunianii,... commentarius in eundem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053955
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Verzelius, Benedictus
TITLE Nomenclatura plantarum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367351633
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Stockholm edition

AUTHOR Verzascha, Bernhard
TITLE Album amicorum (1654)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24454
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00490

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Anatomes totius aere insculpta delinatio
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00301
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Anatomicarum Gabrielis Fallopii observationum examen
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531969184
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE De humani corporis fabrica libri septem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098760
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Basle edition (also available here, here and here); dpr’s of the 1555 Basel edition - other copies are available here and here - , the 1560 Paris edition, the 1568 Venice edition, and the 1604 Venice edition, and the 1617 Amsterdam edition are also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats (a dpr is also available here and another one here)

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23056
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00758

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23057
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00759

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Epistola, docens venam auxiliarem dextri cubiti in dolore laterali secandam & melancholicum succum ex venae portae ramis ad sedem pertinentibus, purgari
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B2046907X&idioma=0
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Epistola [ad Joachimum Roelants], rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti, quo nuper... Carolus V. imperator usus est, pertractans
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00154
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Paris edition (also available here, 1546 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Epitome corporis humani
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00301
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas (1514 - 1564)
TITLE Paraphrasis in nonum librum Rhazae de singularum corporis partium affectuum curatione
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?33336
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andrea
TITLE Σκελετον a tergo delineatum
URL http://zoom.bib-bvb.de/StyleServer/calcrgn?cat=einbl&item=/300001065_0_r.sid&wid=750&hei=500&style=bsb/einbl.xsl&plugin=false
SITE Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andrea: see Guillaume Dupuis

AUTHOR Vesalius, Andreas: see Alfonzo Rodríguez de Guevara

AUTHOR Vespucci, Amerigo
TITLE Alberic Vespucci lauretio mundus novus
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n054428
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Exploration
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Augsburg edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (a dpr of the 1504 Augsburg edition is available here)

AUTHOR Vespucci, Amerigo
TITLE De ora antartica per regem Portugalliae pridem inventa
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011117/images/
SUBJECT Exploration
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Vespucci, Bartolomeo
TITLE Annotationes nonnullae in Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Busco (sic)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8GhenHABP-cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vespucci, Bartolomao
TITLE Oratio de laudibus astrologiae
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=293617
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Venice edition

AUTHOR Veslingio, Giovanni: see Prospero Alpino

AUTHOR Veterano, Federico
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2639194
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vetési, Lásló
TITLE Oratio ad summum sanctissimumque pontificem Sextum III
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch09.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Politics, religion
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Veth, Pieter Johann
TITLE De institutis Arabum erudiendae juventuti et literis promovendis inservientibus
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=30Akkn0xnNcC&pg=PA2&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP7,M1 SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Arabic studies, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vette, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Disp. inaug. iur. exhibens ea quae circa turpia iusta sunt
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011117/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vetter, Gottfried
TITLE Index Librorum Quibus Per Dimidium Et Quod Excurrit Seculum Cum Ad Labores Scholasticos. Tum Ad Studia Critica
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-226050
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Castigationes in Ciceronis epistolas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jAlSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Commentarij longe doctissimi, in tres libros Aristotelis De arte dicendi
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/autoren/vettori_itali.html
SUBJECT Philology, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tif formats

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Epistolarum ad Germanos missarum Libri tres
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013158/images/
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Epistolarum libri X
URL http://data.manumed.org/notices/9656/gallery/166133s/
SITE Bibliothèque Virtuelle de la Méditerranée
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Aix-en-Provence edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Laudatio Eleonorae Cosmi Medicis Florentini uxoris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ul1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Florence edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Liber de laudibus Joannae Austriacae
URL http://data.manumed.org/notices/9656/gallery/166133s/
SITE Bibliothèque Virtuelle de la Méditerranée
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Aix-en-Provence edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Marci Catonis ; ac M. Teren. Varronis ; per Petrum Victorium, ad veterum exemplarium fidem, suae integritati restituti
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/document?O=N052813
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Lyon edition;

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Oratio funebris de laudibus Ioannis Medicis S. R. E. cardinalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UV1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Florence edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
URL http://data.manumed.org/notices/9656/gallery/166133s/
SITE Bibliothèque Virtuelle de la Méditerranée
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Aix-en-Provence edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Petri Victori explicationes suarum in Catonem, Varronem, Columellam castigationum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052319
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (1543 Paris edition here)

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Petri Victori explicationes suarum in Ciceronem castigationum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052131
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Lyon edition;

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Preface to the 1557 Stephanus edition of Aeschylus
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=585&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 501 - 505

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Topographia Romae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=TgWszm1WWZ4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Vettori, Pietro (1499 - 1585)
TITLE Variarum lectionum libri XXXVIII
URL http://www.e-corpus.org/notices/9830/gallery/
SITE e-corpus
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Florence edition (1609 Strassburg edition here)

AUTHOR Vezzosi, Emilio
TITLE Gynaecyeseos sive De Mulierum Conceptu, Gestatione ac Partu cum Argumentis in Singulos Libros Antonii Blondi
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533424606
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vhael, Bartholdus Gabrielis
TITLE Grammatica Fennica
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/59000
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Viassius, Balthasar
TITLE Guillelmi Schickardi manibus apotheosis nec non Petri Gassendi
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/schickard1/jpg/s117.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Vic, Dominique de
TITLE Agones mathematici in Claromontano collegio Parisiensi Societatis Iesu celebrandi an. Dom. MDCXLIII
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Vicaeus, John
TITLE Pronunciata Philosophica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031833/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vicaeus, John
TITLE Theses Ex Universa Philosophia Desumptae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031834/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vicars, John (1589 - 1638)
TITLE Extract from Χειραγωγία, Manuductio ad Artem Rhetoricam
(1628 edition)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/vicars/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2006)
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Vico, Enea (1523 - 1567)
TITLE Ex gemmis et cameis antiquorum aliquot monumenta
URL http://www.ials.sas.ac.uk/warburg/ckn800.pdf
SITE Warburg Institute Library
SUBJECT Antiquarianism, art history
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition

AUTHOR Vico, Giambattista (1668 - 1744)
TITLE De Constantia Iurisprudentis
URL http://www.ipa.net/~magreyn/vicocont.htm
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Edited Latin text with partial English translation. "The text is an edited version of Nicolini’s edition (Bari, 1936), and also contains the readings of Cristofolini and Badaloni (Firenze, 1974)"; html format

AUTHOR Vico, Giambattista (1668 - 1744)
TITLE Oratio Inauguralis VI (1707)
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost18/Vico/vic_intr.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Harsch (1999)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vicomercati, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf633281
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Victor Tonennensis episcopus: see Theodor Mommsen

AUTHOR Victor Uticensis: see François Bauduin

AUTHOR Victor, Claudius Marius
TITLE De] Perversis suae aetatis moribus epistola ad Salmonem abbatem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-029836
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Victor, Marius Fabius: see Franceso Maturanzio

AUTHOR Victoriis, Leonellus Faventius de (Leonello Vittori)
TITLE De aegritudinibus infantium tractatus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079330
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition (dpr’s of the 1547 Lyon edition, the 1548 Lyon edition and the 1574 Lyon edition are also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Victoriis, Leonellus Faventius de (Leonello Vittori)
TITLE De morbis puerorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053980
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition (a dpr of the second 1546 Lyon edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Victoriis, Leonellus Faventius de (Leonello Vittori)
TITLE Practica medicinalis cum scholiis Joannis Kuefneri; appendix ad eundem per Georgium Kufnerum juniorem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060437
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition (dpr’s of a second copy and the 1574 Lyon edition are also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Victorino, Mario Fabio
TITLE M. T. Ciceronis de inventione a Mario Fabio Victorino. . . expositi
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aVictorino%2C+Mario+Fabio+/avictorino+mario+fabio/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=avictorino+mario+fabio&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Victorius, Andreas
TITLE Collectanea et excerpta ex variis scriptoribus Latinis et Italicis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026744/images/
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. Clm 816

AUTHOR Victorius, Petrus: see Angelo Maria Bandini (two items)

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Christiados libri vi
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=IN5IAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Constitutiones synodales eidem civitati ac dioecesi prescriptae
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=Xoy81cOxeM4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Cremona edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE De arte poetica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033015/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Basel edition (1723 Oxford edition here)

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE De Scaccorum Ludo (1527)
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Vida/vid_scac.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
CONTRIBUTOR François Grégoire (1998)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Dialogi de rei publicae dignitate
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/vida1/jpg/as001a.html
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Cremona edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Commentarij longe doctissimi, in tres libros Aristotelis De arte dicendi
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/autoren/vettori_itali.html
SUBJECT Philology, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tif

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_3_195(1)/Z_3_195(1)_fich_1.html
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Lyon edition (also here, 1566 Lyon edition here, 1581 Lyon edition here, 1605 edition here)

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Opera metrica
URL vol. 2.1 http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=wS0VAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 “Porsonium” edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Poematum pars prima
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=UzQGAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Scacchia ludus
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=pMFCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485 - 1566)
TITLE Scacchia ludus (1559)
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2420071
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format (also here)

AUTHOR Vidroscio, Lorenzo
TITLE Carmina ad Varchium
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2547839
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Viegas, Blasius
TITLE Vaticinium De Babylonis Et Meretricis Romanae Excidio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/202-79-quod-11/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 edition

AUTHOR Viète, François
TITLE Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula : cum appendicibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052673
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Viète, François
TITLE Canones in Kalendarium Gregorianum Perpetuum (1582)
URL http://hermes.ulaval.ca/~sitrau/calgreg/viete.html
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
CONTRIBUTOR Rodolphe Audette
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Latin text with French translation; html format

AUTHOR Vietor, Hieronymus
TITLE Computus novus et ecclesiasticus totius fere astronomiae fundamentum pulcherrimum continens
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/04600/04685
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
SUBJECT Religion, astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vietor, Hieronymus
TITLE Stella clericorum cuilibet clerico summe necessaria
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/04600/04687
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vietor, Theodor
TITLE Examen rhetoricum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-151396
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Hanau edition

AUTHOR Vietz, Ferdinand Bernhard (1772 - 1815)
TITLE Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum
URL http://www.abocamuseum.it/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=823&Display=E
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1904 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Vigel, Nikolaus
TITLE Constitutiones Carolinae publicorum iudiciorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038582/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vigel, Nikolaus
TITLE Juris civilis universi absolutissima methodus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-082885
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Basel edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vigel, Nikolaus
TITLE Ordo Et Index in Libros Fevdorvm
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032579/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vigelius, Erik: see Linnaeus

AUTHOR Vigerio, Marco (1446 - 1516)
TITLE Decachordum Christianum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B20805901
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 Fano edition (1517 Nuremberg edition here)

AUTHORS Vigil, Germanus
TITLE Germani Vigilis Ad Secure Soporatos Germanos Classicum, Ut Ad Ferale Gallicinium Hostis Galli Evigilent
UR http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/t-317-4f-helmst-2s/start.htm
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Germanopolis edition

AUTHOR Vigitill, Karl Benedikt
TITLE Positiones philosophicae De philosophia in genere
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2643/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Vignier, Nicolas
TITLE Rerum Burgundionum chronicon
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021608/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Basel edition (also here)

AUTHOR Vigo, Giovanni (1460 - 1520)
TITLE Opera in chyrurgia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532389319
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1542 Lyon edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vigo, Giovanni (1460 - 1520)
TITLE Prima pars practice in chirurgia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532384651
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vigo, Giovanni (1460 - 1520)
TITLE Practica in chyrurgia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533669854
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vigo, Giovanni (1460 - 1520)
TITLE Secunda pars practice in professione chirurgica
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532387820
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Viis, Christian Jacob van der
TITLE De Ezrae libro apocrypho vulgo quarto dicto
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41901ucmf_4
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Villa, A. and G. B. Villa
TITLE Dispositio systematica conchyliarum terrestrium et fluviatilium quae adservantur in collectione fratrum Ant. et Jo. Bapt. Villa
URL http://www.dodoline.it/biosophia/docs/mollusca/disk1/00000333.zip
SITE Biosophia
NOTES Dpr the 1841 Milan edition ; downloadable RTF file

AUTHOR Villa Dei, Alexander de
TITLE Doctrinale P. I cum commento Gerardi Zutphaniensis
URL http://www.pbi.edu.pl/search/advanced_search.php?t=&a=&h=&ti=y&ya=1400&yat=1&yb=1501&ybt=1&x=41&y=10
SITE Polska Bibioteka Internetowa
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTE Dpr of the 149i Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Villa Dei, Alexander de
TITLE Doctrinale P. III-IV cum commento valde utili
URL http://www.pbi.edu.pl/search/advanced_search.php?t=&a=&h=&ti=y&ya=1400&yat=1&yb=1501&ybt=1&x=41&y=10
SITE Polska Bibioteka Internetowa
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTE Dpr of the 1495 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Villa Dei, Alexander de: see Johann Synthen (2 items)

AUTHOR Villa Dei, Alexander de: see Glosa prime partis Alexandri cum notabilibus et argumentis quibusdam

AUTHOR Villadiego, Gundissalvus Cardinal
TITLE De legato (in Francesco Ziletti (ed.), Tractatus illustrium in utraque tum Pontificii, tum Caesarei juris facultate jurisconsultorum, pp. 258 - 282)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058961
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584-86 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff format

AUTHOR Villadiego, Gundissalvus Cardinal
TITLE De origine ac dignitate et postate sanctae Romanae ecclesiae (in Francesco Ziletti (ed.), Tractatus illustrium in utraque tum Pontificii, tum Caesarei juris facultate jurisconsultorum, pp. 57 - 59)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058961
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584-86 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff format

AUTHOR Villalba, Juan O. P.
TITLE Cursus philosophicus iuxta mentem angelici magistri D. Thomae Aquinatis
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/440,455,587,B/l962&FF=tcursus+phylosophici+juxta+mentem+angelici+magistri+d+thomae+aquinatis+tomus+primus+comprehendens+dialecticam+et+logicam&1,1,,003535,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/440,455,587,B/l962&FF=tcursus+phylosophici+juxta+mentem+angelici+magistri+d+thomae+aquinatis+tomus+secundus+comprehendens+totam+phylosophiam+natural&1,1,,003536,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Zaragoza edition

AUTHOR Villamena, Francisco (d. 1624)
TITLE Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII iussu restitutum atque editum
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aVillamena/avillamena/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=avillamena&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Rome edition

AUTHOR Villani, Filippo
TITLE Expositio seu comentum super comedia Dantis Alligherii
URL http://www.bibliotecaitaliana.it:6336/dynaweb/bibit/autori/v/villani_f/expositio_super_comedia2
SITE Bibliotheca Italiana
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Villani, Niccolò
TITLE Satyra Dii vestram fidem
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/545-1-quod-1/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 edition

AUTHOR Villanova, José de O. S. A.
TITLE Cursus philosophicus ad mentem Aegydii Romani
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/438,455,587,B/l962&FF=tcursus+philosophicus+ad+mentem+aegydii+romani&1,,2,002700,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/438,455,587,B/l962&FF=tcursus+philosophicus+ad+mentem+aegydii+romani&2,,2,002701,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy of vol. 1 is also available)

AUTHOR Villanuo, Matías de O. S. B
TITLE Summa conciliorum Hispaniae
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/193,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+conciliorum+hispaniae&1,,4,003795,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/193,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+conciliorum+hispaniae&2,,4,003796,-1
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/193,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+conciliorum+hispaniae&3,,4,003797,-1
vol. 4 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/193,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+conciliorum+hispaniae&4,,4,003798,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 - 85 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Villarroel, Manuel de (b. 1661)
TITLE Concionatoris generalis in sacras tautologias :cum illustrationibus, panegyricis, anagogicis, tropologicis, et politicis commetariorum literalium
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045092_L/1080045092_L1.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 - 43 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Villars, Dominique (1745-1814)
TITLE Flora delphinalis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097991
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Cologne edition; pdf format

AUTHOR Villavicencio, Lorenzo de O. E. S. A.
TITLE De oeconomia sacra circa pauperum curam a Christo instituta
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/60,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+oeconomia+sacra+circa+pauperum+curam+a+christo+instituta+apostolis+tradita+and+et+in+uniuersa+ecclesia+libri+tres&1,1,,001922,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Paris edition

AUTHOR Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de
TITLE Caroli V. Imperatoris Expeditio in Africam ad Argieram
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018220/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Villerius, Petrus
TITLE Ratio ineundae concordiae inter ecclesias reformatas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DsFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Groningen-Bremen edition

AUTHOR Villeta, Luis Juan
TITLE Disputatio de communione sub una panis specie
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023939/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Villinger, Joseph Regulus
TITLE De lethargo theses
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/41584
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vimercati, Francisco (d. 1570)
TITLE Commentarii in quatuor libros Aristotelis meteorologicorum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=360563
SITE Fondos digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vimercati, Francisco (d. 1570)
TITLE Commentarii in tertium librum Aristoteli de anima
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053104
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Paris edition; pdf format

AUTHOR Vimercati, Francisco (d. 1570)
TITLE De principis rerum naturalium libri tres
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059205
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Venice edition; pdf format (also available here)

AUTHOR Vimercati, Francisco (d. 1570)
TITLE In octo libros Aristotelis de naturali auscultatione commentarii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059221
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition; pdf format

AUTHOR Vinacci, Giovanni Andrea (1852 - 1910)
TITLE Polymetron (1881)
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost19/Vinacci/vin_poly.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana

AUTHOR Vincart, Jean S. J.
TITLE Sacrarum heroidum epistolae
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost19/Vinacci/vin_poly.html
SITE Jesuitica
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Tornai edition

AUTHOR Vincent, Levinus
TITLE Catalogus et d3escriptio animalium votilium, reptilium, et aquatilium
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-177666
SITE SICD (Universities of Strasbourg)
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Vincent, Levinus
TITLE Catalogus et descriptio animalium votilium, reptilium, et aquatilium
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-178357
SITE SICD (Universities of Strasbourg)
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Haarlem edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE De Antichristo mixto et puro
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE De fine mundi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042038/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 Nuremberg edition (1483 Nuremberg edition here, undated Augsburg edition here, here and here)

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE De interiori hominis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013081/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Epistola eiusdem ad Benedictum Papam decimumtertium, de fine mundi
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Expositio decem preceptorem modum sermonum
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n058740
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrer, St. (1350 - 1419)
TITLE Opera omnia (vol. 1)
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/avicente+ferrer/avicente+ferrer/1,1,9,B/l962&FF=avicente+ferrer+santo&4,,9,006841,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Prognosticon
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrer, St. (1350 - 1419)
TITLE Sancti Patris nostri Vincentii Ferrarii, valentini, Ordinis Praedicatorum, Opuscula / à Fratre Vincentio Iustiniano Antistio ... collecta, & scholiis explicata
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aAntist&Submit3=Cercar/aantist/1,3,11,B/l962&FF=aantist+vicente+justiniano+o+p+1544+1599&6,,9,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Sermones
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db/bsb00001953/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrer, St. (1350 - 1419)
TITLE Sermones de tempore et de sanctis
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I183A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Nuremberg edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here, also available here, a dpr of the 1496 Venice edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrer, St. (1350 - 1419)
TITLE Sermones estivaleshttp://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/avicente+ferrer/avicente+ferrer/1,1,9,B/l962&FF=avicente+ferrer+santo&6,,9,007874,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrer, St. (1350 - 1419)
TITLE Sermones hyemaleshttp://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/avicente+ferrer/avicente+ferrer/1,1,9,B/l962&FF=avicente+ferrer+santo&2,,9,007855,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Sermones de tempore et de sanctis
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Nuremberg edition (a dpr of an undated Lyon edition is available here)

AUTHOR Vincent Ferrier, St.
TITLE Sermonum sancti Vincentii,... de tempore pars hyemalis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054302
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Lyon edition (dpr’s of a second copy, a third copy, and of the 1499 Lyon edition are also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Vincentius
TITLE De fine mundi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014310/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Vincentius Lerinensis
TITLE Pro Catholicae fidei antiquitate et veritate, adversus prophanas omnium haereseon novationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025965/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Vincentius, P.
TITLE Q. Horatii Flaccii Carmen Seculare, Diis Deabusq[ue] Romae Tutelaribus S. in Seculi, a primi Rectoris Gorlicens. P. Vincentii introductione hactenus feliciter elapsi, memoriam publicat, idq[ue] in Nissiaco Pindo Notis variis illustrandum, variis item modis exprimendum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:089537X_001,800,600 through

SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Görlitz edition

AUTHOR Vicentiunus, Nicolaus Leonicenus
TITLE In artem medicinalem Galeni clarissimi medici prefatio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060148
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Ferrara edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vicentiunus, Nicolaus Leonicenus
TITLE In opus de tribus doctrinis ordinatis secundum Galeni sententiam prefatio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060148
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Ferrara edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vincentia, Petrus de
TITLE De beate virginis conceptione ducentorum et sexdecim sancte Matris ecclesie doctorum
URL http://dewey.library.upenn.edu/sceti/printedbooksNew/index.cfm?textID=inc_p537&PagePosition=1
SITE University of Pennsylvania Library
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of an undated Venice edition

AUTHOR Vincentino, Bernardino
TITLE Ori Apollinis Niliaci de hieroglyphicis notis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PWNWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Egyptology, writing systems
NOTES Dpr of th e 1534 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vincentino, Galassio
TITLE Carmina minora
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf783123
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vincentino, Galassio
TITLE Theseis
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf777301
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vincentius Bellovacensis
TITLE Speculum morale
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vincentius Bellovacensis
TITLE Speculum naturale
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X531445908
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vincentius Ferrerius
TITLE De fine mundi
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005973-6
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Vinet, Élie
TITLE Epistula ad Petrum Danielum
URL http://www.europahumanistica.org/article.php3?id_article=47
SITE Europa Humanistica

NOTES Dpr of Bern, Burgersbibliothek, cod. 141, f. 23

AUTHOR Vinet, Élie
TITLE Theognidis Megarensis sententiae elegiacae cum interpretatione et scholiis
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-180318
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Vinet, Élie: See Johannes de Sacro Bosco

AUTHOR Vineti, Johannes
TITLE Tractatus contra demonum invocatores
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/81-2-quod-5/start.htm
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vinke, Johann Dietrich von
TITLE Alloquium gratulatorium
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:127182U_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Gotha edition

AUTHOR Vinkesteyn, Cornelius Jan
TITLE De fontibus ex quibus scriptor libri De viris illustribus urbis Romae hausisse videtur
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=XBhCAAAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1886 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vinnius, Arnoldus
TITLE In quatuor libros Institutionum imperialium commentarius
URL vol. 1 http://fama2.us.es/fde/institutionumImperialiumCommentariusT1L1.pdf
vol. 2 http://bib.us.es/guiaspormaterias/ayuda_invest/derecho/onumImperialiumCommentariusT1L2.pdf
vol. 3 http://bib.us.es/guiaspormaterias/ayuda_invest/derecho/onumImperialiumCommentariusT1L3.pdf
vol. 4 http://bib.us.es/guiaspormaterias/ayuda_invest/derecho/onumImperialiumCommentariusT1L4.pdf
SITE Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Sevilla
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vinnius, Arnoldus
TITLE Institutionum Imperialium commentarius academicus & forensis, tomus secundus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/397,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&406,406,,006015,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1722 Venice edition is also available, a dpr of the 1767 Lyon edition is available here, 1772 Naples edition here, and a dpr of the 1786 Valencia edition is available here)

AUTHOR Vinnius, Arnoldus
TITLE Tractatus varii, nempe de pactis, jurisdictione, collationibus, et transactionibus
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=2_58848
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vinta, Francesco et al.
TITLE Carmina quinque hetruscorum poetarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058584
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Florence edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vio, Tommaso de, Cardinal (1469 - 1534)
TITLE Lentacula nova testamenti
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+46{|}313{}TDI00013.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1526 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vio, Tommaso de, Cardinal (1469 - 1534)
TITLE Oratio in secunda sessione Concilii Lateranensis
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+fondos+xerais/sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais/1,1,132,B/l856~b1964898&FF=sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais&81,,132,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Rome edition

AUTHOR Viotti, Bartholomeo
TITLE De balneorum naturalium viribus libri quatuor
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533558149
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vipera, Giovanni Mercurio (d. 1527)
TITLE De divino et vero numine apologetica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023710/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Vipera, Giovanni Mercurio (d. 1527)
TITLE In M. P. Ciceronis de optimo genere oratorum commentarius
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034521/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vipera, Giovanni Mercurio (d. 1527)
TITLE Orationes
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+fondos+xerais/sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais/1,1,132,B/l856~b1964680&FF=sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais&84,,132,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vipera, Giovanni Mercurio (d. 1527)
TITLE Orationes sex
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034522/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE De componenda oratione, libri 3
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083902
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Antwerp edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE De scribendi historia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025652/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Antwerp edition (1679 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE In M. T. Ciceronis de optimo genere oratorum commentarius
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034521/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Orationes sex
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034522/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Bucolica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-iNuX5C2gbUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Naples edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Carmina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-iNuX5C2gbUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Naples edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Filius prodigus comoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-iNuX5C2gbUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Naples edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Miscellanea
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-iNuX5C2gbUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Naples edition

AUTHOR Viperano, Giovanni Antonio
TITLE Poemata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-iNuX5C2gbUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, drama
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Naples edition

AUTHOR Virchow, Rudolph (1821 - 1902)
TITLE De Rheumate Praesertim Corneae
URL http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/historisch/virchow-rudolphus/HTML/
SITE Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Virchow, Rudolph (1821 - 1902)
TITLE Vita (1843)
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost19/Virchow/vir_vita.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Brutus
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/jpg/s065.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Carmina varia
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/jpg/s007.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Juvenilia
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/te02.html
SUBJECT Poetry, drama
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Libellus epigrammatum
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/jpg/s043.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Saul tragoedia nova
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/jpg/s043.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael
TITLE Thrasea tragoedia
URL http://www.floodcontrol.co.riverside.ca.us/Data/Rainfall_Summary_Report.pdf
SITE Universität Regensburg
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Iudicium Lipsense
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035881/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition (second undated Nuremberg edition here)

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Nova medicinae methodus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025365/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Prognosticon super novis stupendis et prius non visis planetarum coniunctionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039670/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Landshut edition (1522 Krakow edition here)

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Prognosticon super solis eclipsim anno 1513
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002865/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Prognosticon super solis eclipsim anno 1513
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002865/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Johann
TITLE Tabulae resolutae de supputandis siderum motibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022024/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Nuremberg edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael (1575 - 1637)
TITLE Iuvenilia
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/vird1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Virdung, Michael (1575 - 1637)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_24.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Virdung von Hassfurt, Johann
TITLE De cognoscendis et medendis morbis ex corporum coelestium positione libri IIII
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533920859
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine, astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Venice edition

AUTHOR Viret, Mathieu
TITLE Regulae generales et perpetuae, de rebus ad Calendarium spectantibus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/38229
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De adulterata cœna Domini, et de tremendis sacræ missæ mysteriis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/585861
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De adulterato baptismi sacramento
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/585861
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De communicatione fidelium
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/682294
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De origine, continuatione, usu, autoritate, atque præstantia ministerii verbi Dei
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/585382
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De origine veteris et novae idololatriae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/682483
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De theatrica missæ saltatione cento ex veteribus poetis Latinis consarcinatus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/585861
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Viret, Pierre
TITLE De vero verbo Dei
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/585861
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Virgander, David Magnus: see Linnaeus

AUTHOR Vital de Blois
TITLE Comoedia Amphitryonis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070702
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Vitman, Fulgenzio (1728-1806)
TITLE Summa plantarum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7550
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 - 92 Milan edition (in six volumes)

AUTHOR Vitman, Fulgenzio (1728-1806)
TITLE Summae plantarum,,,supplementum. Tomus I
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7695
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Milan edition

AUTHOR Vergil: see Christoforo Landino (two items)

AUTHOR Virgilius, Marcellus
TITLE P. Dioscoridae Pharmacorum simplicium reiq[ue] medicae libri VIII / Io. Ruellio interprete ; vna cum Herm. Barbari corollariis & Marc. Vergilii in singula capita ce[n]suris siue annotationibus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532556568
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Virgilius, Marcellus
TITLE Pedacii Dioscoridae Anarzabei, de medica materia, libri sex / a Marcello io,... latinitate donati, cum ejusdem commentationibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060694
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 Florence edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Virovius, Jakob
TITLE Synopsis quatuor librorum Aristotelis De coelo: et duorum de ortu et interitu
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/2696/index.html
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Stettin edition; DjVu format

AUTHOR Virulus, Carolus (ad. 1493)
TITLE Epistolae Karoli
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/171-14-quod-8/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr the 1493 Cologne edition (1498 Cologne edition here)

UTHOR Virulus, Carolus (ad. 1493)
TITLE Epistulares formulae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040712/images/
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr an undated Cologne edition (later undated Cologne edition here, 1486 Speyer edition here, 1487 Leipzig edition here, 1495 Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Virulus, Carolus (ad. 1493)
TITLE Epistolarum familiarium magistri Karoli viri dissertissimi Colonie impressorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021424/images/
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Virulus, Carolus (ad. 1493)
TITLE Formulae epistolarum (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040712/images/
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr an undated Cologne edition (1490 Strassburg edition here, a dpr of the 1502 Cologne edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de angina
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031836/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1583 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de arthritidis ac podagrae causis
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db/0003/bsb00030822/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1581 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de causis pestilentiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031838/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1580 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de differentiis et causis affectuum intestinorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031841/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1582 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de dolorum thoracis dignotione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031842/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1584 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de lactis eiusque partium natura et viribus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031843/images/
SUBJECT Physiology (?)
NOTES Dpr the 1586 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de phlebotomia praegnantium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031844/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1572 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de usu atque officio splenis in homine
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031845/images/
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr the 1578 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Disp. de vero pulmonis in homine usu
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031846/images
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr the 1580 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vischer, Johann
TITLE Theses De Ratione Explorandi, Et Iudicandi Leprosos
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038896/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr the 1586 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Visconti, Antonia
TITLE Liber iocalium
URL http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=hp_artikel&id=12557&id2=14042&sprache=de
SITE Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart
SUBJECT Family life
NOTES Dpr of ms. A 602 (32)

AUTHOR Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, Conte de Virtù
TITLE Epistle http://dewey.library.upenn.edu/sceti/ljs/PageLevel/index.cfm?option=view&ManID=ljs226
SITE University of Pennsylvania Schoenberg Collection
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of ms. ljs267

AUTHOR Visconti, Girolamo (d. 1512)
TITLE Lamiarum sive striarum opusculum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053280
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Milan edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats (another dpr of this edition with a linked html transcript is available here)

AUTHOR Visconti, Zaccaria
TITLE Complementum artis exorcisticae
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20016%20352.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Venice edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand Christoph Balthasar Camerlohr
TITLE Mariae Philosophiae Suae Illustri Sideri
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188256K_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Johann Friedrich Kolb
TITLE Tabula iii, In II Librum Physicorum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188113E_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Johann Christoph Oswald
TITLE Tabula iv physica, In iv libros De Coelis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188201P_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Johann Franz Mauch
TITLE Tabula v physica, in Lib. I et II De Generatione
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188228E_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Johann Christoph Oswald
TITLE Tabula vi physica, de meteoris
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188251W_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Lorenz Schwarzenberger
0TITLE Tabula viii physica, de corpore animato rationali
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188265H_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Georg Mayr
TITLE Tabula ix physica, de corpore animato rationali
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188268F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Prosper Clas
TITLE Tabula x physica, de vivente sensitivo
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188295C_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Johann Franz Mauch
TITLE Tabula xi physica, de vivente sensitivo
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188299H_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHORS Visler, Ferdinand S. J. and Matthäus Dendl
TITLE Tabula xii physica, de vivente vegativo
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:188303K_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Visorius, Johannes
TITLE Ingeniosa cum primis ac elegans dialecticae methodus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033107/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Basel edition

AUTHOR Vital de Blois
TITLE Comedia Amphitrionis (late 15th c.)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070702
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vital de Thèbe: see Niccolo Tedeschi

AUTHOR Vitale, Giano
TITLE Imperiae panaegyricus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072051
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 (?) Rome edition;

AUTHOR Vitale, Giovanni Francesco
TITLE Panegyris
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf667967
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vitale, Girolamo (1624 - 1698)
TITLE Lexicon mathematicum astronomicum geometricum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1198679
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics, astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Paris edition (1690 Rome edition here and in two volumes here and here)

AUTHOR Vitalis de Furno
TITLE Pro conservanda sanitate tuendaque prospera valetudine, ad totius humani corporis et aegritudines, salutarium remediorum, curationumque liber
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533068729
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Vitalis de Furno
TITLE Speculum morale totius sacrae scripturae
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20023%20087.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Venice edition

AUTHOR Vitalis, Janus
TITLE De monstro nato
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007993/images/
SUBJECT Prodigies
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Erfuhrt edition

AUTHOR Vitalis, Janus
TITLE Leonem X. P. M. Lateranen. episcopatum ingredientem laetabundus admiratur
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/04600/04678
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Rome edition

AUTHOR Vitalis, Janus
TITLE Panegyris. R. D[omi]ni Mathei Episcopi Gurce[n]sis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007255/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition

AUTHORS Vitelli, Cornelio et al.,
TITLE Annotationes doctorum viroru[m] in grammaticos, oratores, poetas…
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=teV-3c_KFKoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 edition

AUTHOR Vitelli, Cornelio
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1858777
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vitelli, Lorenzo
TITLE Elegia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf645433
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vitellianus, Franciscus
TITLE Nova Novorum Hoc est, Nova Exacta Narratio, In qua novorum Confoederatorum Magnae Victoriae & laeti progressus Anni 1625. continentur
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DSOViewerServlet?DocID=681&DvID=666
SITE MIAMI (Universitäts - und Landesblbliothek Münster)
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr the 1626 Neuberg a. d. Donau edition

AUTHOR Vitéz, János
TITLE Epistolae
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch02.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vitius, Matthias
TITLE Honores Doctorales Viro Nobilissimo, Amplissimo ac Consultisasimo Dn. Johanni Christophoro Wexi
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:647857T_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Vitringa, Campegius
TITLE Anakrisis apocalypsios Joannis Apostoli
URL http://rarebooks.dts.edu/viewbook.aspx?bookid=1407
SITE Dallas Theological Seminary
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vitruvius: see Bernardino Baldi

AUTHOR Vitruvius: see Johannes Buteo

AUTHOR Vitruvius: see Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE De ulcerum exteriorum medela opusculum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533571730
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the1536 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE De unguentis ad cuiusuis generis maligna vlcera conficendis lucubratio (in the anthology Morbi Gallici curandi ratio exquisitissima à variis iisdemq[ue] peritissimis medicis conscripta)
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533571730
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the1536 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE De morbo Gallico liber (in the anthology Morbi Gallici curandi ratio exquisitissima à variis iisdemq[ue] peritissimis medicis conscriptaI
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533571730
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the1536 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1551 Florence edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE Empirica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054039
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE In Hippocratis Prognostica comentarii
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532234609
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Florence edition

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE Liber de pleuritide ad Galeni & Hippocratis scopum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060288
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1551 Florence edition is available here); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE Medicinalia consilia ad varia morborum gener
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060670
sSITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Venice edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vittorio, Benedetto
TITLE Opus theorice latitudinum medicine ad libros tegni Galeni
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060256
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Bologna edition (a dpr of the 1551 Florence edition is available here); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vittorio, Pietro
TITLE Epistle to Giovanni Della Casa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=e188AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Florence edition

AUTHOR Vitzthum von Eckstedt, Wilhelm Matthias
TITLE Oratio Ligata
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN584555342
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico
TITLE De contritionis veritate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014176/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Hagenau edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico
TITLE De veritate
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052531
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1507 Lyon edition is also available, and a dpr of the 1513 Hagenau edition is availble here)

AUTHOR Vivarius, Jacobus
TITLE Descriptio aurei velleris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=T24TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vivarius, Jacobus
TITLE Petrus praedicans, comoedia sacra
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=X749AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vivarius, Jacobus
TITLE Redemptio nostra: comoedia nova
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=U749AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Vives, Juan Luis (1492 - 1540): see here

AUTHOR Vives y Tutó, José Calasanz
TITLE Compendium iuris canonici
URL http://www.archive.org/details/compendiumiuris00tutgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1905 Regensburg - Rome - New York edition

AUTHOR Vivetus, Johannes O. C.
TITLE Tractatus de orthographia
URL http://project.lib.keio.ac.jp/dg_kul/incunabula_detail.php?id=012&lang=en
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Paris edition

AUTHOR Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703)
TITLE De locis solidis secunda divinatio geometrica
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Florence edition

AUTHOR Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703)
TITLE De maximis et minimis geometrica diuinatio in quintum Conicorum Apollonii Pergaei
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Florence edition (a dpr of a second copy is available at the same site)

AUTHOR Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703)
TITLE Enodatio problematum universis geometris
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Florence edition

AUTHOR Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703)
TITLE Grati animi monumenta Vincentii Viviani in praeceptorem Galilaeum Lynceum, Ferdinandum II et Cosmum III ... et Ludovicum...
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Florence edition (a dpr of the 1791 Florence edition is available at the same site)

AUTHOR Viviani, Viviano
TITLE De peste  
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n051196
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Venice edition;

AUTHOR Viviano Toschi
TITLE Casus longi super Codice
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040576/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Freiburg edition

AUTHOR Viviano Toschi
TITLE Incipiunt casus longi domini Viviani,... super codice  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053899
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 edition;

AUTHOR Viviano Toschi
TITLE Incipiunt casus longi domini Viviani,... super infortatio  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053897
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 edition;

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE A Deo esse omnem dignitatem
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0019.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Ad sponsam
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0016.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE D. M. Federico Vander Muelen elegantis ingenii iuveni
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0027.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE De introitu Christi in Hierusalem
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0017.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598) (attribution uncertain)
TITLE Epistola ad Adolphum Occonem (1597)
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0032.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
SUBJECT Epistolograpy
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Hymnus ad Rhenum
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0012.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Hymnus sacer
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0013.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Ille blanda iterat promissu
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0023.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In Albertum Durerum
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0011.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In bursam Antwerpiensem, rogato Christophori Plantini
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0010.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In imaginem G. Mercatoris
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0010.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In obitum filioli quinquennis
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0022.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In picturam Julii Clovii Macedonis
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0026.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE In Theatrum Orbis Abraham Ortelli
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0014.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Justo Lipsio (1592)
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0009.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Precatio ad Deum
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0018.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Proverbia Regis Salomonis Ex Hebraica Latine Expressa
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0003.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598)
TITLE Psalmi XVI paraphrasis
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0070.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHORS Vivianus, Johannes (Jean Vivien, d. 1598) and Jacobus Susius
TITLE Si quando solis aureum
URL http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/rade004albu01/rade004albu01_0015.htm
SITE DBNL (Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren)
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes: see Carolus Clusius

AUTHOR Vivianus, Johannes: see Marcus Velserus (two items)

AUTHOR Vizanus, Paul
TITLE Assertiones Logicae, Circa primum et secundum caput primi libri Posteriorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031855/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vizanus, Paul
TITLE Positiones Logicae, Physicae Et Metaphysicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031858/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vlacq, Adriaan
TITLE Tabulae sinuum, tangentium, secantium
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1255351
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Vlamingus, Petrus
TITLE Preface to the 1728 Amsterdam edition of David Van Hoogstraten’s Poemata
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/DvHoogstraten01.html
SITE Leiden University Heinsius-Collectie
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vliederhoven, Gerhard von (d. 1402)
TITLE Quatuor novissima cum miultis exemplis pulcherrimis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/202-19-quod-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Daventer edition (a dpr of the 1497 Leipzig edition is also available)

AUTHOR Vlierden, Daniel Van
TITLE Danielis Vlierdeni Bruxellani, Artium ac Medicinae Doctoris Epistola, non minus theologica quam medica, ostendens Medicum non corpori solum, verumetiam animae suppetias dare
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032977/images/
SUBJECT Medicine, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Basel edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Vlierden, Lambertus
TITLE Braedanae Tres Epistulae
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN594935296
SUBJECT Literature (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Augst edition

AUTHOR Vlierden, Lambertus
TITLE Crisis Momi
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN594935296
SUBJECT Literature (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Augst edition

AUTHOR Vlis, Christian Jacob Van Der
TITLE De Ezrae libro apocrypho vulgo quarto dicto
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41901ucmf_4
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vockel, Christian Friderich
TITLE Celsa. Non celsa. Weissenfelsa
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-78934
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Weissenfels edition

AUTHOR Vockel, Johann Friedlieb
TITLE De Omissione Renovationis Investituræ Feudalis Non Dolose Facta, Hodie, Et Praecipue In Saxonia, Ad Amissionem Feudi Non Sufficient
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-189247
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Voedra, Nicasius de
TITLE De actionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032643/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Voedra, Nicasius de
TITLE De arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et spiritualis cognationis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032643/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Cologne edition (1502 Cologne edition here, 1504 Cologne edition here, 1506 Cologne edition here, 1508 Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Voedra, Nicasius de
TITLE De succesione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032643/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Voedra, Nicasius de
TITLE Lectura super libro Institutionum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032643/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Voege, Adam
TITLE De origine et natura eorum quae apud veteres Romanos per aes et libram fiebant
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4777342
SITE The Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1856 Kiel edition

AUTHOR Voegelin, Johann
TITLE Elementale Geometricvm, Ex Euclidis Geometria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015787/images/
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Voelker, (Erich Otto?)
TITLE De anno, quo natus sit Andocides orator commentatio
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deannoquonatuss00voelgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1872 Meppen edition

AUTHOR Voemel, Johann Theodor
TITLE Notitia Codicum Demosthenicorum II
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4748859
SITE The Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Voerda, Nicasius de
TITLE Arborum trium, consanquinitatis, affinitatis, cognationisque Spiritualis Lectura
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004422-6
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Cologne edition (a dpr of the 1506 Cologne edition is available here, and one of the 1508 Cologne edition is available here)

AUTHOR Voerthusius, Joannes
TITLE Academiae Veteris Et Novae Ad Divvm Maximilianvm Avstrivm II. Romanorvm, Bohemiae, Etc. Regem, In Coronatione Francofvrtensi Gratvlationis Ergo Legatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023684/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Voerthusius, Joannes
TITLE Phoenicis, sive Consecrationis augustae liber unus, ad divum Philippum Hispaniarum, Neapolis, Siciliae &c. regem
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=180
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Voet, Johann Eusebius (1706 - 1778)
TITLE Catalogus systematicus coleopterorum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/catalogussystema12voet
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 The Hague edition (also here)

AUTHOR Voet, Gijsber
TITLE Lachrymae Crocodili Abstersae. Hoc est, Notae & castigationes in Threnum Sabbathicum I. B.
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00002538-9
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 edition

AUTHOR Voet, Gijsber
TITLE Selectarum disputationum theologicarum. Pars prima  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-062976
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Voet, Gijsber
TITLE Selectarum disputationum theologicarum. Pars tertia  
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n062978
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Voet, Gijsber
TITLE Selectarum disputationum theologicarum. Pars quarta  
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n062979
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Voet, Johann (1647 - 1713)
TITLE Compendium juris juxta seriem pandectarum
URL vol. 1 http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=2_97068
vol. 2 http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=2_97069
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Naples edition

AUTHOR Voet, Johann Eusebius (1706 - 1778)
TITLE Catalogus systematicus coleopterorum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN49039793X
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 The Hague edition (1806 The Hague edition here)

AUTHOR Vogel, Cornelius: see Joachim Feller

AUTHOR Vogel, Emil
TITLE De rabie caninia
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/283
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Veterinary medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1827 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Gustav Philiopp
TITLE Funus Viri qvondam Summè Venerabilis & Magnifici Domini Christiani Spechtii
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/db-4f-558-10cs/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Wolfenbüttel ediVogel, Gottlob HeiWolff, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Dissertatio inauguralis de Lemna
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN584554524
SITE Ludwig Maximiliam Universität, Munich
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Vogel, J.
TITLE Quaestionum Tullianarum specimen
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4767266
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1875 Mitau edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Johann
TITLE Sciagraphiam Cvriae Provincialis Norimbergensis Magnifici ICtorvm Ordinis Avctoritate In Academia Altorfina Sistit
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-153075
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Johann
TITLE Augustanae Confessionis Articuli XXI. in thesi & antithesi cum abusibus VII
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN595925235
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Johann
TITLE Meditationes Emblematicae De Restaurata Pace Germaniae
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN595924832
SUBJECT Politics, emblems
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Johannes
TITLE Epithalamion
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-183339
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Johann Christian Emanuel
TITLE Dissertatio inauguralis iuridica de requisitis torturae
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11451/
SITE Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1792 Erfuhrt edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Matthäus (1519 - 1591)
TITLE Thesaurus theologicus ex sola sacra scriptura depromptus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/b-39-2f-helmst/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Paul Joachim Siegmund
TITLE Commentatio De Coniectvurae Vsv In Crisi Novi Testamenti
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00043528/images/
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Rudolf August
TITLE De hodierno more examinandi aquas minerales nondum ab omnibus erroribus ac commentis repurgato
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0002
SITE Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 2 (1772) 14 - 26

AUTHOR Vogel, Rudolf August
TITLE De pulvere caementariis nonnullis usitato, tras vulgo dicto, commentatio chemica
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0003
SITE Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1773) 50 - 59

AUTHOR Vogel, Rudolf August
TITLE Definitiones Generum Morborum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11326/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vogel, Rudolf August
TITLE Experimenta circa partium salis ammoniaci constituentium proportionem
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0003
SITE Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1773) 37 - 49

AUTHOR Vogel, Rudolf August
TITLE Rvdolphi Avgvstini Vogel Medicina Doctoris Et In Vniversitate Gottingensi Professoris, Academiae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Sodalis Institvtiones Chemiae Ad Lectiones Academicas Accommodatae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-136110
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vögele, Andreas
TITLE Disputatio Philosophica De Cavsis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033673/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vögelin, Gotthard (1572 - 1634)
TITLE Dedicatio gratulatoria ad ... Bohemiae Regem Fridericum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/366-2-quod-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 edition

AUTHOR Vogelius, Matthaeus
TITLE Thesavrvs Theologicvs Ex Sola Sacra Scriptvra Depromtvs : Jn Qvo Vnico Tomo Omnes Loci Theologici Testimoniis Verbi Dei Explicantvr
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/b-39-2f-helmst/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Tubingen edition

AUTHOR Vogelsang, Johannes
TITLE Musicae Rudimenta (1542)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/VOGMUS_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Vogl, Ludwig
TITLE Theses Philosophicae De Principiis Et Cavsis Corporis Natvralis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030563/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vogl, Ludwig
TITLE Theses Philosophicae de quantitate et infinito
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030644/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Gottfried
TITLE Programma In Funere Clarißimi & excellentißimi Viri, Joannis Sigfridi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/134-helmst-dr-4s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Gottfried: see Sponsis Elegantissimis V. Cl. Dn. Gotfrido Voglero

AUTHOR Vogler, Johann Philipp
TITLE Pharmaca Selecta, Observationibus Clinicis Comprobata
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-207882
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Wetzlar edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Valentin Heinrich
TITLE Ad Fridericum Fabricium Slesvicensem Epistola. Qua supremos in Philosophia honores D. XXI Augusti A. MDCLVI sollemniter ei collatos gratulatur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/904-helmst-dr-24s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Valentin Heinrich
TITLE Ad Sacrae Physicae Et Medicinae In Academia Iulia Studiosos Programma
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/904-helmst-dr-25s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Valentin Heinrich
TITLE Diaeteticorum Commentariorum Liber Unus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/me-244/start.htm
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Vogler, Valentin Heinrich
TITLE Sponsis elegantissimis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:232424V_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Helmstedt edition z

AUTHOR Vogler, Wilhelm
TITLE Disp. phys. de motu locali rerum vita carentium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033835/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Vogli, Giuseppi
TITLE De terrae motu qui calendis Juniis anno 1779 Bononiam vexare coepit http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=15343&format=jpg&seqnum=94
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VII (1792) 27 - 38; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Vogt, Franz Ernst
TITLE Dissertatio Juridica De Solennitatibus In Genere, Earum Natura, Jure, Usu Et Abusu
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-189599
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Kiel edition

AUTHOR Vogt, Konrad (d. 1691)
TITLE Feriis Paschalibus Jesu Christi, Redemptoris nostri Opt. Max. Ex umbra mortis gloriosissime emergentis, sacrum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:083374P_001,800,600 through

NOTES Dpr of the 1682 edition

AUTHOR Vogt, Paul
TITLE De Luciani libellorum pristino ordine quaestiones
URL http://www.archive.org/details/delucianilibell00vogtgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1889 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Andreas
TITLE Disputatio ethica de liberalitate
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-8542-27s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Gottfried
TITLE De Conventu Sagarum Ad Sua Sabbata, quae vocant
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN594965918
SITE Witchcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Gottfried
TITLE Thysiasteriologia, sive de altaribus veterum
URL https://books.google.com/books/reader?id=enlPAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Gottfried: see Johann Albert Fabricius

AUTHOR Voigt, Hugo
TITLE De fontibus earum quae ad artes pertinent partium Nat. Hist. Plinianae quaestiones
URL http://www.archive.org/details/defontibusearum00voiggoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, art history
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Halle edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Johann Christian
TITLE De lepra
URL https: //play.google.com/books/reader?id=zR2SdODYjLMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Voight, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Dissertatio mathematico exhibens tentamen ex notione lineae rectae distincta et completa axiomatis XI Euclidis veritatem demonstrandi
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN603843565
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 Jena edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Johann Karl
TITLE De capite infantis abrupto, variisque illud ex utero extrahendi modis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition

AUTHOR Voigt, Richard
TITLE De quarto Propertii libro
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737380
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1872 Helsingfors edition

AUTHOR Voit, David
TITLE Orationes quaedam de vita, pia et constanti confessione, & obitu illustrissimi & inclyti Herois Divi Alberti, Senioris, Marchionis Brandenburgensis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018489/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Voitus, Albertus (d. 1606)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_25.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Volaterranus Sabellico, Raphael: See Filippo Beroaldo

AUTHOR Volbeding, Johann Ernst
TITLE Thesaurus Commentationum Selectarum Et Antiquiorum Et Recentiorum: Illustrandis Antiquitatibus Christianis Inservientium
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mD4AAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1849 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Volborth, Johann Karl
TITLE Preface to Nova Chrestomathia Tragica Graeco-Latina
URL http://dfg-viewer.de/v2/?set%5Bimage%5D=9&set%5Bzoom%5D=default&set%5Bdebug%5D=0&set%5Bdouble%5D=0&set%5Bmets%5D=http%3A%2F%2Fgdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de%2Fmets_export.php%3FPPN%3DPPN620984961
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Volbracht, Johannes
TITLE Catoptrum Academico-Sphaerologico-Cosmographico-Hodoeporicum, plerasq[ue] Europae Universitates, Post CHR. natum natas Alphabetico ordine kaddynamin, recensens
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN601423070
SUBJECT Travel, topography, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Erfuhrt edition

AUTHOR V0lcardus, Iacobus
TITLE In Martinum Dorpium
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0042_005_txt.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
NOTES Dpr from the the 1528 Basel edition of Erasmus' De recta Latini Graecique sermonis pronuntiatione

AUTHOR Volck, Christian Johann
TITLE Historia belli de successione Austriaca et pacis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=xe0BAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP9,M1 SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Volck, Johann (1621 - 1656)
TITLE Dn. Christophoro Brunchorstio Concionatori Aulico Et Assessori Consistorii Saxonici ... Die Natali Quadragesimo Sexto
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:152294K_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Volckmann, Paul (1669 - 1721)
TITLE Serenissimo & Potentissimo Principe ac Domino, Domino Friderico III. Electore Brandenburgico
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:073409H_001,800,600 through http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:073409H_004,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Frankfort a. O. edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Heinrich
TITLE Carmen consolatorium ad Musam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037523/images/
NOTES Text in Greek and Latin; dpr of the 1565 edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Henning
TITLE Disputatio Academia De Aquis Supracoelestibus
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn267264453
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Johann Georg
TITLE De Dignitate Et Officio Magristratus Secularis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037052/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Johann Georg
TITLE Theorema de officio mediatoris se, non ratione suppositi tantum, sed vere ad utramque Christi naturam extendente
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031587/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Johann Georg
TITLE Theses de regimine ecclesiastico visibili
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031686/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Johann Georg
TITLE Theses de S. Spiritus divinitate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031824/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Jarl (1814 - 1872)
TITLE De Xenophontis Hellenicis commentatio
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4763751
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Volckmar, Nicolaus
TITLE Compendium linguae Polonicae in gratiam iuventutis Dantiscanae collectum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11287/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Bibliothek Munich
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Danzig edition

AUTHOR Volcyr de Sérouville, Nicole
TITLE Enchiridon musice  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052168
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Paris edition (dpr’s of a second copy and a third copy are also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Volder, Burchard de
TITLE Epistola (1684)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23071
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00770

AUTHOR Volder, Burchard de
TITLE Epistola (1684)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23072
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00771

AUTHOR Volder, Burchard de
TITLE Oratio De Rationis Viribus, Et Usu In Scientiis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00008960/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Volder, Willem de
TITLE Acolastus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039442/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Volder, Willem de
TITLE Triumphus eloquentiae, in bonarum literarum, et doctae facundiae commendationem, carmine redditus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012274/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 edition

AUTHOR Volkamer, Johann Christoph (1644-1720)
TITLE Hesperidum Norimbergensium, sive, De malorum citreorum, limonum, aurantiorumque cultura et usu
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/45467
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
SUBJECT Botany, fruticulture
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Volkenau, Johann
TITLE Biga observationum de morbis nervorum
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/volkenau.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1814 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Volkmann, Alfred Wilhelm (1800-1877)
TITLE De colubri natricis generatione
URL http://www.archive.org/details/decolubrinatrici00volk
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr the 1834 Leipzig edition (also here)

AUTHOR Volkmar, Gustav (1809-1893)
TITLE Esdra propheta
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41902ucmf_2
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1863 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Volland, Johann
TITLE Locorum communium philosophicorum Graecolatinorum epitome
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035087/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Vollberg, Karl Ulrich Friedrich
TITLE Pharmaca quaedam indigena, pharmacopoeae Rossicae addenda
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/vollberg.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1816 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Vollbracht, Johann
TITLE In alma Gerana Catoptrum Cosmographi-Plani-Sphaericum in usum Lini-Cyclo-Trigono-Tetragono-Stereo-Geo-Metricum, Geo-Graphicum, Optico-Catopt-Diopt. Meteoroscopt-Gnomonico-Scioterico-Sphaerologico-Astronomicum: studiosae iuventuti Academiae singulari opera elaboratum & donatum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:152118G_001,800,600
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Vollgraff, Johann Christoph (1848 - 1920)
TITLE Studia palaeographica
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737922
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, paleography
NOTES Dpr of the 1870 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vollsack, Johann Gottlob
TITLE Decanvs Ordinis Philosophorvm In Illvstri Academia Wittebergensi Io. Gottlobivs Vollsaccivs Calovia-Lvsatvs Philosophiae Atqve Liberalivm Artivm Magister
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-134502
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Volmar, Melchior Rufus
TITLE Homeri Iliados libri duo, una cum annotatiunculis Volmarii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070791
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 (?) Paris edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Volmar, Melchior Rufus
TITLE Preface to Demetrius of Chalcedon, Erotemata sive institutiones grammaticae
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0038_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Basel edition

AUTHOR Volschovius, Moevius
TITLE De Viribus Naturae Et Gratiae In Conversione Hominis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/317-19-theol-15s/start.htm
SUBJECT Etiquette
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Greifswald edition

AUTHOR Volsco, Antonio
TITLE Epistulae heroides Ovidii / cum commentarii Antonii V[o]lsci et Ubertini Clerici Crescentinatis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059361
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1509 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf and tiff formats)

AUTHOR Volsco, P. Delio
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf668750
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Volt, Edmundo
TITLE Theologia moralis
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080041833_C/1080041833_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1860 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Volterranus, Raphael
TITLE De magistratibus Romanis et Sacerdotiis Romanorum commentarius
SITE Google Books
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RjhbAAAAQAAJ
NOTES Dpr of an incompletely preserved and therefore undatable edition

AUTHORS Voltus, Daniel et al.
TITLE Sacra Gamēlia Pro Felicissimis Nuptiarum Auspiciis Viri ... Dn. D. Abraham Calovi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844401
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Voltz, Valentin
TITLE De defensione vitae, corporis, honoris, vel rerum facultatumque causa suscepta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032083/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Voltz, Valentin
TITLE De fideiussoribus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033357/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Voltz, Valentin
TITLE De inquisitione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031861/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Voltz, Valentin
TITLE De pignoribus seu hypothecis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031441/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Volzard, Eugéne
TITLE De disputatione inter Marotum et Sagontum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/dedisputationei00voizgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT History (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1885 Paris edition

AUTHOR Vonstadl, Chrysostomus
TITLE Theses philosophicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030886/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Munich edition

AUTHOR Voorse, Anton van
TITLE Ad leg. cum a matre, 14 c. de rei vindic.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qFxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Vorovius, Christopherus
TITLE Synopsis quatuor librorum Aristotelis de coelo
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=2696&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Stettin edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Vorrilong, Guillermo
TITLE Super quattuor libris sententiarum
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I071A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Lyon edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (a dpr of the 1496 Venice edition is available on this page)

AUTHOR Vorst, Adolf
TITLE Laudationes funebres <Petri Cunaei>
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-4262/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Vorst, Everard
TITLE De Caroli Clusii vita & obitu oratio aliorumque epicedia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X533405474
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Leiden edition (1611 Antwerp edition here)

AUTHORS Vorst, Johann and Christian
TITLE De Variis Modis, Quibus Summa Potestas Civitatem Gubernandi Ad Unum Devolvitur, Dissertatio
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN598771352
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Vorst, Johann
TITLE SS. Apostolorum Pauli & Jacobi Super Doctrina De Justificatione Conciliandorum Facilis Et Expedita
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-341/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Coloniae Brandenburgicae edition

AUTHOR Vorst, Johann: see Johann Matthias Gesner

AUTHOR Vorster, Franz Sebastian
TITLE Epistola (1688)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24466
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00501

AUTHOR Vorster, Franz Sebastian
TITLE Epistola (1688)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24467
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00502

AUTHOR Vorster, Franz Sebastian
TITLE Epistola (1692)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24468
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00503

AUTHOR Vorster, Franz Sebastian
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24469
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00504

AUTHOR Vorstius, Adolphus
TITLE Album amicorum (1637)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23073
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00772

AUTHOR Vorstius, Adolphus
TITLE Epistola (1661)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=24468
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00773

AUTHOR Vorstius, Aelius Everardus
TITLE Album amicorum (1615)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23077
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00776

TITLE Aron et Titus
SITE Drama
SUBJECT Leiden University
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Teil edition

AUTHOR Vorstius, Conradus
TITLE Disputatio Theologica, De Sacramentis In Genere; Ac speciatim De Baptismo & Coena Domini
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029634/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vosich, Simon
TITLE Instrumentum citationis abbatum ordinis sancti Benedicti provinciae Moguntinensis in Romanam curiam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040472/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Vosmeere, Michiel
TITLE Principes Hollandiae et Zelandiae, Domini Frisiae. Cum genuinis ipsorum iconibus.
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/hola.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Galle edition

AUTHORS Voss, Gerardus Johannes et al.
TITLE Epistolae celeberrimorum virorum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/epistolaecelebe00grotgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Voss, Gerardus Johannes: see Supplementa et Observationes ad ium de Historicis Graecis et Latinis

AUTHOR Voss, Isaac
TITLE De Nili et aliorum fluminum origine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WxEPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Geographyt
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 London edition

AUTHOR Voss, Isaac
TITLE Epistolae ad Claudium Salmasium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA329
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Voss, Isaac: see Paul Columiès

AUTHOR Voss, Isaac: see Jacobus Gronovius

AUTHOR Voss, Isaac: see Jean Mabillon

AUTHOR Voss, Julius Karl
TITLE De cardialgia
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/vossjulius.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Voss, Johann Gerhard: see Kaspar Scioppe

AUTHOR Voss, Johann Heinrich (1751-1826)
TITLE Commentarii Virgiliani
URL http://www.archive.org/details/johannishenrici00reingoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Leipzig - Paris edition

AUTHOR Voss, Johann Heinrich (1751-1826)
TITLE Commentarius in Vergilii eclogam ix
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4769570
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 Kreuznach edition

AUTHOR Voss, Johann Heinrich: see Johann Friedrich Lindemann

AUTHOR: Voss, Samuel: see Georg Calixt

AUTHOR Vosse, Joachim
TITLE De intestino caeco
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cTFVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 17491 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Dionysius: see Menassah Ben Israel

AUTHOR Vossius, Franciscus
TITLE In Lusus Amatorios Ioannis Iuniani Brunaei
77URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/FVOS01.html
SITE Leiden University Heinsius-Collectie
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Album amicorum (1633)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23077
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00776

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Ars Historica : Sive, De Historiae, & Historices natura, Historiaeque scribendae praeceptis commentatio
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/vossius_hist.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Book owner’s note (1609)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23078
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00777

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE De arte grammatica libri septem
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/vossius1.html
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE De arte poeticae natura ac constitutione liber
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/vossius2.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE De Historicis Latinis Libri Tres
URL http://www.erwin-rauner.de/ (then follow the ERV Server link)
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE De imitatione cum oratoria tum praecipue poetica
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/vossius2.html
SUBJECT Poetry, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE De recitatione veterum liber
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/vossius2.html
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Elementa rhetorica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038070/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Hannover edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Gerardi Ioan. Vossii et clarorum virorum ad eum epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/vossius_cera.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Augsburg edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes (1577 - 1649)
TITLE Poeticarum institutionum libri tres
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/vossius2.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Gerardus Johannes: see Johann Ernst Müller

AUTHOR Vossius, Isaac (1617 - 1680)
TITLE De lucis natura et proprietate
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/32-9-phys-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Optics, physics
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vossius, Isaac (1617 - 1680)
TITLE Epistola (1659)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23086
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Astronomy, gemmolopgy, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00782

AUTHOR Vossius, Isaac (1617 - 1680)
TITLE Epistola (1668)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23087
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00783

AUTHOR Vossius, Isaac: see Johannes Albert Fabricius

AUTHOR Vossius, Isaac: see Nicholas Heinsius

AUTHOR Vries, Gerhardus de
TITLE De cogitatione ipsa mente, et ideis rerum innatis  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-065585
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vriemoet, Emo Lucius
TITLE Dissertationes de aulaeo adyti tabernaculi Levitici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GrsTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Vriemoet, Emo Lucius
TITLE Dissertationes quinque de Messia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GrsTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Vriemoet, Emo Lucius
TITLE Observationes philologicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=leVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Orienetalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen œedition

AUTHOR Vriemoet, Emo Lucius
TITLE Specimen ex omni philologia sacra et orientali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BWsOAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion, 0rientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Vries, Gerhardus de
TITLE Exercitationes rationales de deo divinisque perfectionibus nec non philosophemata miscellanea  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-065584
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Utrecht edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vrolik, Gerardus
TITLE Oratio de viribus vitalibus, in omni corpore organico observandis, iisque constantibus
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=W0YAAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=de+intitle:oratio&num=30&as_brr=1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Vuinsemius, Vitus
TITLE Interpretatio Eidylliorum Theocriti
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-117028
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Vulcanius, Bonaventura
TITLE De literis et lingua Getarum, sive Gothorum item de notis Lombardicis, quibus accesserunt specimina variarum lingua
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093002
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Leiden naples; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vuelpius, Henricus
TITLE Libellus de minutiis physicis et practicis astronomicae arithmeticae regulis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023854/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy, physics
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Vulpin, Jean-Baptiste
TITLE Haemophobiae triumphus  
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n057436
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf and tiff formats

AUTHOR Vulpin, Jean-Baptiste
TITLE Succus ex opera criminali P. Farinacci extractus
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aVulpin/avulpin/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=avulpin&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Vulpius, Joannes Antonius
TITLE Andreae Naugerii patricii Veneti vita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fe5WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Padua edition

AUTHOR Vulpius, Thomas (contemporary)
TITLE De Pugna Arminii  
URL http://pagina.de/pugna-in-saltu-Teutoburgiensi-facta
SITE Dedicated site
NOTES Html format with photographs

AUTHOR Vulteius, Hermann
TITLE De feudis eorundemque iure
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-114751
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Hermann
TITLE In institutiones iuris civilis a Iustiniano compositas commentarius
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025078/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Hermann
TITLE Positiones de restitutionibus, quae fiunt mero officio iudicis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032412/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Hermann
TITLE Propositiones de societate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032412/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Hermann
TITLE Theses de pignoribus et hypothecis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032409/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Justus (J. Will, 1529 - 1575)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Polyaenus
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0264_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Justus (J. Will, 1529 - 1575)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Aelian, Varia Historia
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0309_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTE Dpr of the 1548 Basel edition

AUTHOR Vulteius, Justus (J. Will, 1529 - 1575)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_27.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Vürtheim, Julius Johan
TITLE De Ajacis origine, cultu, patria
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deajacisorigine00vgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1907 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vürtheim, Julius Johan
TITLE De Amazonibus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deajacisorigine00vgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1907 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vürtheim, Julius Johan
TITLE De Carneis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deajacisorigine00vgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1907 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Vürtheim, Julius Johan
TITLE De Euripidis Bacchis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deeuripidisbacc00vrgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Haarlem edition

AUTHOR Vürtheim, Julius Johan
TITLE De Telegonia
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deajacisorigine00vgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1907 Leiden edition

A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page