A- Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | R | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page
Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630)
AAUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Ad rerum coelestium amatores universos, Hispaniae potissimum citerioris et Galliae ulterioris, insularumque Corsicae et Siciliae incolas, De Solis deliquio, quod hoc anno 1605.mense Octobri contigit, epistola
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/120171
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Prague edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Ad Vitellionem paralipomena
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=1
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition (also here and here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque coelestium studiosos
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Frankfurt edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Aetiologetos seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis de motibus stellae Maris, ex observationibus G. V. Tychonis Brahe
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/n-29-2f-helmst-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Prague edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Appendix habet comparationem huius operis cum Harmonices Cl. Ptolemi libro III. cumque Roberti de Fluctibus, dicti Flud. medici oxoniensis speculationibus harmonicis, operi de Macrocosmo microcosmo insertis.
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=520_K38PI
SITE Carnegie Mellon Posner Library
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Frankfurt edition of Kepler's Harmonices mundi libri
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Astronomia nova... seu Physica coelestis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-003361
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Heidelberg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Commentatiuncula
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00006654-3
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Sagan edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De Calendario Gregoriano
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN603904777
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Leipzig. edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De cometis libelli tres
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nx-22-6/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Augsburg edition (also here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De Jesu Christi servatoris vero anno natalitio consideratio novissimae sententiae Laurentii Suslygae quatuor anno
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Prague editio, (also available here and here, 1606 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De maculis solaribus et stellis circa Iovem errantibus
accuratior disquisitio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/240-80-8-quod/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/43-astron-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt edition (1610 Florence edition here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De raris mirisq[ue] anni 1631 phaenomenis, Veneris puta et Mercurii in Solem incursu
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Frankfurt editio
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De stella incognita Cygni narratio astronomica
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Prague edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De stella nova in pede Serpentarii et qui sub ejus exortum de nouo iniit trigono igneo : libellus astronomicis, physicis, metaphysicis, meteorologicis & astrologicis disputationibus plenus
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Prague edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE De Vero Anno Quo Aeternus Dei Filius Humanam Naturam In Utero Benedictae Virginis Mariae Asumpsit
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/252-quod-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Dioptrice seu demonstratio eorum quae visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094963
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Augsburg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Dissertatio Cum Nvncio Sidereo nuper ad mortales misso a Galilæo Galilæo Mathematico Patavino (same as above?)
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/43-astron-2/start.htm?image=00013
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Prague edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Epistolae ad Ioannem Kepplerum mathematicum Caesareum scriptae : insertis ad easdem responsionibus Kepplerianis, quotquot hactenus reperiri portuerunt
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/768481
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Epistulae ad Herwarten
URL http://hermes.richmond.edu/stevenson/keplerlucan/luckeppg.html
SITE Personal site
CONTRIBUTOR Walt Stevenson
SUBJECT Astronomy, literature
NOTES Editions of two letters for and against Lucans astrological competence, with English translation; html format
AUTHORS Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630) and Matthias Bernegger
TITLE Epistolae Johannis Keppleri & M(atthiae) Berneggeri mutuae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/275461
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1762 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Ephemeridum novum atque insigne opus ab anno domini 1556 us[que] in 1606 accuratissime supputatum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/693572
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 - 21 Linz edition (also available here and here, and a dpr of the 1635 Frankfurt edition is available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Epistola ad Galilaeum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6PrActCdNPUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of vol. 6, pp. 159 - 61 of the 1847 Florence edition of Galileo’s Opere
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Excerpta ex Ephemeride anni 1631
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Harmonices Mundi libri v
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=520_K38PI
SITE Carnegie Mellon Posner Library
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the 1619 Linz edition is available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Imp. Caes. Ferdinandi II. Mathematici Chilias Logarithmorum Ad Totidem Numeros Rotundos
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/5-1-arithm-1s/start.htm
SITE Herzog Augustus Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Marburg edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630) and Paulo Guildin
TITLE Magnificat
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=1152
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Jesuitenkollegium Graz ms. Alte Sign. 33/100
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Narratio De Observatis A Se quatuor Iouis satellitibus erronibus, Qvos Galilævs Galilævs Mathematicus Florentinus iure inuvntionis Medicæ a sidera nuncupauit
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/43-astron-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Nova Stereometria Doliorum Vinariorum
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=520_K38PN
SITE Carnegie Mellon Library
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Linz edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Opera omnia
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094953
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094955
vol. 3 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094956
vol. 4 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094957
vol. 5 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094958
vol. 6 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094959
vol. 7 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094960
vol. 8 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094962
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1858 - 1870 Frankfurt edition (note: an analytical index of the contents of these volumes may be found here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Phaenomenon singulare seu Mercurius in Sole
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/274499
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Pro suo opere harmonices mundi apologia adversus demonstrationem analyticam CL.V.D. Roberti de Fluctibus
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=520_K38PP
SITE Carnegie Mellon Posner Library
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the 1622 edition is available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum : continens Mysterium cosmographicum de admirabili proportione orbium coelesti
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Tübingen edition (also here, a dpr of the 1597 Tübingen edition is available here, a dpr of the 1621 Frankfurt edition is available at the same site, and is also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Somnium seu opus posthumum de astronimia lunari
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-082384
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Stereometriae Archimedeae Supplementum
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=520_K38PN
SITE Carnegie Mellon Library
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Linz edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Strena seu de nive sexangulae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00004598/images/
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt a. M. edition (also here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Strena seu de nive sexangula
URL http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/kepler/strena.html
SITE The Latin Library
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Strena seu de nive sexangula
URL http://fotothek.slub-dresden.de/digisamm/buch000058.html
SITE Deutsche Fotothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt a. M. edition (also available here)
AUTHORS Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630) and Jakob Bartsch
TITLE Tabulae manuales logarithmicae ad calculum astronomicum
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=67&pos=2
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
SUBJECT Astronomy, mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Strassburg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630) (given as Keppler in catalogue)
TITLE Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur
URL http://www.uni-kiel.de/ub/digiport/bis1800/Arch3_436.html
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Kiel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes (1571 - 1630)
TITLE Tychonis Brahei ... Hyperaspistes aduersus Scipionis Claramontii ... Anti-Tychonem, in aciem productus à Ioanne Keplero ... : quo libro doctrina praestantissima de parallaxibus, deque nouorum siderum in sublimi aethere discursionibus, repetitur, confirmatur, illustratur
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Tycho Brahe
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Scipione Chiaramonti
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Galileo Galilei (two items)
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Martinus Hortensius
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Johann Kies
AUTHOR Kepler, Johannes: see Johann Heinrich Rümelin
A- Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | R | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page