A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page

Gl - Gy

AUTHOR Glad, Rasmus
TITLE De re nautica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/30716
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Navigation, seamanship
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glad, Rasmus
TITLE Rerum Danicarum libri undecim
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qn9gAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gladovius, M.
TITLE Praefatio apologetica in qua Naudaeus a variis liberatur imputationibus
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=5xMVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Glaefer, Adolph
TITLE De Haemorrhoea Petechiali
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/3645
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Glafey, Adam Friedrich
TITLE De Jure Praecedentiae Foeminarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030797/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Halle edition

AUTHOR Glan, Anton Guenther von
TITLE Summum In Philosophia Gradum, Quem Rectore Magnifico ... Dn. Christiano Taubmanno
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-87097
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Glandorff, Heinrich
TITLE De abscessu lymphatico
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glandorff.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Annotationes in C. Ivlii Caes. et Hircii Vel Oppij de bello Gallico, ciuili, Alexandrino, Africano & Hispaniensi Commentariorum ac Derelictorum libros
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tNFPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Annotationes in M. T. Ciceronis epistolas familiares
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v6P7qHIKQckC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Distichorum proverbialium sententiarum elegantissimus liber
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wjk8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Familiae Juliae gentis, Romanas inter familias neutiquam postremae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wjk8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Notitia familiae Caii Julii Caesaris dictatoris et Caii Caesaris Octaviani
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-sNOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Paris edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Onomasticon historiae Romanae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tNFPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del3/books/deliciae3_13.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Glandorp, Johann (1501 - 1564)
TITLE Sylva in enarratione commentariorum C. Iulii Caesaris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=__kiwfhokZEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Ad D. Max. Aemilianum Romanorum imperatorem panegyricon
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003617-3
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (1514 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Aelii Donati Methodus scholiis D. Henrici Glareani P. L. illustrata, ac eiusdem subsequentibus octo tractatibus aucta
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/988997
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Zurich edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Chronologia in totam Romanam historiam
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/184115
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Commentariorum Caesaris elenchus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HL46AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Freiburg i. Br. edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Concio de coena domini
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=P4JVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE De asse et partibus eius
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/184831
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Numismatics, weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Basel edition (also here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE De geographia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024611/images/
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 Freiberg edition (a dpr of the 1533 Freiberg edition is available here, 1536 Freiburg edition here, 1533 Freiburg edition here, 1603 Cologne edition here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE De Ratione Syllabarvm Brevis Isagoge
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014603/images/
SUBJECT Language studies, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Basel edition (1525 Vienna edition here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE De sex arithmeticae practicae speciebus epitome
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032839/images/
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Freiberg i. Br. edition (a dpr of the 1550 Freiberg i. Br. edition is also available)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Descriptio de situ Helvetiae et vicinis gentibus, una cum aliis carminibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025935/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition (1554 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Dodecachordon
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-268198
SITE SCD Université Strasbourg
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Basel edition (?)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Dodecachordon
URL Book I: http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/GLADOD1_TITLE.html
Book II: http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/GLADOD2_TITLE.html
Book III: http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/16th/GLADOD3_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files. A dpr of this text is available here

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Duo elegiarum libri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iC1VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Helvetiae descriptio
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028246/images/
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE In C. Crispi Sallvstii Historici clarissimi, quae adhuc extant historiarum fragmenta, Henrici Glareani Heluetij Annotationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018143/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Basel

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE In C. Julii Caesaris... commentarios de bello Gallico, ac civili Henrici Glareani... annotationes
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052496
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Hist7ory
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Lyon edition of George Buchanan’s Latin translation (a dpr of the 1538 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (148843 - 1563)
TITLE In clarissimi viri Ioannis Caesarii Iuliacensis Dialecticen vice commentariorum annotationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Y-o5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE In omnes, quae quidem extant, T. Livii Patavini ... decadas, annotationes
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/184115
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE In P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphosin annotationes
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/896554
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE In T. Livium annotationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iLs6AAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Isagoge in musicen
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010835/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Musicae epitome ex Glareani dodecachordo
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003512-1
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Panegyricus de Helviticarum 13 urbium
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003512-1
SUBJECT Poetry (with a musical setting)
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Poetic extracts
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252687000
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg
NOTES Quoted in the course of Heinrich Schrieber, Heinrich Loriti Glareanus (Freiburg, 1837)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Dionysius of Halicarnassus
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0248_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Project
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Homer, Batrachomyomachia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014385/images/index.html?id=00014385&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Freiburg i. Br. edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Horace, Poemata omnia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036178/images/index.html?id=00036178&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Freiburg i. Br. edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his edition of Urbanus, Grammaticae institutiones
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0032_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus
TITLE P. Ovidii Nasonis Vita
URL http://dfg-viewer.de/show/?set%5Bimage%5D=11&set%5Bzoom%5D=default&set%5Bdebug%5D=0&set%5Bdouble%5D=0&set%5Bmets%5D=http%3A%2F%2Fmdz10.bib-bvb.de%2F%7Edb%2Fmets%2Fbsb00016574_mets.xml
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES (Prefacing his edition of Ovid’s Opera) dpr of the 1541 Basel edition

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus (1488 - 1563)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del3/books/deliciae3_41.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus: see Jodocus Castner

AUTHOR Glareanus Loritus, Henricus: see Oswaldus Myconius

AUTHOR Glasberger, Nicholaus (d. 1508)
TITLE Chronica
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k114557f
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Quaracchi edition

AUTHOR Glasenapp, Joachim von (1600 - 1667)
TITLE Felicissimum novi Anni & plurimorum subsequentium Ingressum, Progressum & Egressum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:668427N_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Bernhardt
TITLE Arithmologia Sacra Salomonis Et Syracidis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585590648
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Ad Amplißimum, Prae-Clarißimum & Excellentißimum Virum Dominum Augustum Buchnerum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/293-helmst-dr-28/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Ad Solidioris Iurisprudentiae Studiosos praemissa Compellatio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-4/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Assertiones Iuridicae De Homicidio
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN609474642
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Augustis Serenissimi Principis Augusti Brunsvicens. ac Lunaeburgensium Ducis Incluti Horis Natalibus a.d. IV. Id. Aprilium 1663
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/gn-kapsel-13-15/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Circa dotes
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-69-7/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De contractu literali
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-9/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De examine testium
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-204-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De fama eiusque imminutione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-299-31-18/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De foro privilegiato
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/761-helmst-dr-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Helmstedt edition0

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De gratia derilinquentibus facienda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=e3RGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De incendiis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-5/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De iudice eiusque officio in genere
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-7/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De iudiciis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-6/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De iure in re opposita Iacobo Bornio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-240-3/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De iure statutario
URL http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/49-7-jur-13
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De mutuo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fMdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De nullitatibus sententiarum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/926-helmst-dr-8/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De procuratore
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/843-helmst-dr-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De simulatione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/sch-r-27-10s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De sortitione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-290-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De thesauro
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-299-9-6/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De Usucapionibus Et Praescriptionibus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-260-4s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De vera philosophia iuris oratio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/200-helmst-dr-11/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De via publica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HWVGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE De vocatione in ius
URL http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/926-helmst-dr-1a
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Felicitas Guelphica: Panegyricus Serenissimo Celsissimoque Principi Ac Domino Domino Augusto Brunsvicens. Et Lunaeburgensium Duci
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/gn-4f-kapsel-1-7/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Hexastichon eteologicum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:232084N_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Prae-Clarißimo et Excellentißimo Viro Dn. Henrico Iulio Scheurl/ In hac Illustri Iulia Professori Philosopho celeberrimo, suaeque Facultatis Seniori spectatissimo, Domino & Patrono suo Optimo Natalem L. Ad D. XIV. Kal. Febr. A.O.R. MDCL. Feliciter recolenti
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/db-4609-21/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Scazon eucharisticus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/512-helmst-dr-27/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of an undated Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Enoch
TITLE Succursuro dn. Samuele Rittern
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ig5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Glaser, Friedrich Reinhold von
TITLE De virtute et vi medica lepidii ruderalis
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glaserfrid.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1816 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Philipp
TITLE Syngramma historiae theoreticae
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00000847-4
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Strassburg edition

UTHOR Glaserus, Nikolaus
TITLE Apocrypha: paraenetica philologica, publico iuventutis literariae bono edita
URL http://www.uni-kiel.de/ub/digiport/bis1800/Cb3760_1.html
SITE Universität Kiel Bibliothek
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Ulrich Adolf
TITLE De haemorrhosa petechiali
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glaeserulricus.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gläser, Wilhelm
TITLE De induratione uteri scirrhosa
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glaeser.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Glass, Christian Philipp
TITLE De admirando sanguinis circuitu omnis solidae ac rationalis medicinae vero fundamento
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QmREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Göttingen

AUTHOR Glass, Salomon
TITLE Christus in peccatis nostris serviens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dYguAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Glass. Salomon
TITLE Evangelicorum et epistolicorum textuum exegesis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oFs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Gotha edition

AUTHOR Glas,. Salomon
TITLE Onomatologia Messiae prophetica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Sgw8AQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Jena edition

AUTHOR Glass, Salomon
TITLE Philologiae sacrae...libri duo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2NUvAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Jena edition

AUTHOR Glass, Salomon
TITLE Philologiae sacrae...libri quinque
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PpydcYXIc5AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glass, Francis
TITLE Washingtonii Vita
URL http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/PR/washington.ann.html
SITE Perseus Project
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Annotationes in nuper editam Continuationem Miraculi mundi
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533394049
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Apologia contra mendaces Christophori Farnneri calumnias
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18811760
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE De auri tinctura, sive auro potabili vero
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=b18811383
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Amsterdam edition (a dpr of the 1663 Amsterdam edition is available here)

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE De natura salium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XAW_7HLGIrgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Explicatio tractatuli, qui miraculum mundi inscribitur
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=b18811565
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Fornacum phiolosophicarum pars quinta
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DYy6FbArOAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Annotationes in appendicem quintae partis fornacum philosophicarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NbLyoph7kZQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Furni novi philosophici, sive descriptio artis destillatoriae novae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rcQPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Miraculi mundi continuatio
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533394022
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Miraculi mundi pars altera
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533393808
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Miraculum mundi siue Plena perfectaque descriptio admirabilis naturae, ac proprietatis potentissimi subiecti, ab antiquis menstruum uniuersale siue mercurius philosophorum dicti
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533393646
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Amsterdam edition (also here)

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Miraculi mundi continuatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qW6U9BUloskC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Explicatio tractatuli qui Miraculum mundi inscribitur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HQ6Lv9mHYkAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Novum lumen chymicum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18811887
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Opera chymica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-88-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Operis mineralis pars
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DYy6FbArOAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Operis mineralis pars secunda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=65zIxOobT4sC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Operis mineralis pars tertia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=w4GLSdfFa2YC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Panaecea sive medicina universalis antimonialis eiusque usus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DYy6FbArOAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Pars sexta pharmacopoeiæ spagyricæ, sive lumen nuperrimè ortum & clavis sortis, ad aperiendam philosophicam veritatem, tractans de igne philosophorum secretissimo
URL http://www.abocamuseum.it/uk/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=221&Display=P&From=S&Id_page=-1
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Pharmacopoeiæ spagyricæ pars septima, in qua uberius pertractatur, qualiter ex hominis urina secretum philosophorum sal armoniacum præparetur; atque quanta incredibilia beneficio ejus in medicina pariter atque alchymia persiciantur; cum annexa
URL http://www.abocamuseum.it/uk/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=222&Display=P&From=S&Id_page=-1
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Pharmacopoeæ spagyricæ quinta pars, de vera medicina universali summisque illis arcanis
URL http://www.abocamuseum.it/uk/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=220&Display=P&From=S&Id_page=-1
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Pharmacopoea spagyrica , sive exacta descriptio, qua ratione ex vegetabilibus, animalibus & mineralibus, modo haud usitato faciliorique, utilia, efficacia, & penetrantia medicamenta fieri præpararique possint
URL pars 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TaQ9BlW0-8MC
pars 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vJjtBuRy650C
pars 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v0iFG9p3u9IC
pars 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pTfMDsdhEDMC

pars 5 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ExgOf8_-CnIC
pars 6 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mwohdD8oA3cC
p;ars 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QPtL4GSLaWQC
SITE B Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 - 1666 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Prosperitas Germaniae
URL part 1 http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18817105
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Economics
NOTES Dpr of the 1556-61 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Tractatus de medicina universali sive auro potabili vero, hoc est accurata descriptio veræ medicinæ universalis, ejusque admirabilis efficaciæ & virtutis, quas in vegetabilia, animalia & mineralia exercet. Coeco hiuc mundo, instar liminis claro
URL http://www.abocamuseum.it/uk/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=224&Display=P&From=S&Id_page=-1
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Amsterdam edition (a dpr of the 1663 Amsterdam edition is available here)

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Tractatus de tribus principiis metallorum, videlicet sulphure, mercurio et sale philosophorum, quemadmodum illa in medicina, alchymia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B1881184X
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Alchemy, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604 - 1668)
TITLE Vera ac perfecta descriptio, qua ratione ex vini fecibus bonum plurimumque tartatum sit extrahendum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18811632
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Chemistry, pharmacology (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Glaumius, Philippus
TITLE Conclusiones Feudales De Personis, Quae Feuda Dare Et Accipere Possunt
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN583316425
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Glazer, Theodor
TITLE Selectarum Iuris Quaestionum, ad materiarum, in Sacratiß. Imp. Iustiniani quatuor Institutionum libris tractatarum ordinem adcommodatarum, Diputatio III. De Tutelis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585663041
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Glazer, Theodor
TITLE Selectarum Iuris Quaestionum, ad materiarum, in Sacratiß. Imp. Iustiniani quatuor Institutionum libris tractatarum ordinem adcommodatarum, Disputatio XII. De Successione Ab Intestato Et Bonorum Possessione
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585664935
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Gleditsch, Johann Gottleib
TITLE Epistola (1747)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27224
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01643

AUTHOR Gleditsch, Johann Gottleib (1713-1786)eib
TITLE Epistola (1751)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27226
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01645

AUTHOR Gleditsch, Johann Gottleib (1713-1786)
TITLE Epistola (1753)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27227
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01646

AUTHOR Gleditsch, Johann Gottleib (1713-1786)
TITLE Systema plantarum a staminum situ
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7692
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Gleich, Johann Andreas (1666 - 1708)
TITLE Praeside Conrado Samuele Schurzfleischio, publice disputabit M. Jo. Andreas Gleich
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:003748V_001,800,600 through http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:003748V_004,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gleichenstein, Hans Basilius von
TITLE Hist. geneal. commentatio de perillustri et antiqua stirpe dominorum de Greif, acceptisque officii cognominibus Marscallorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032981/images/
SUBJECT Geneaology
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gleim, Johann (d. 1667)
TITLE Keimelion
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:668282C_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Gleim, Johann Ludwig
TITLE De morum et morborum consensu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dL5NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gleissenberg, Matthias (1630 - 1657)
TITLE Allusio ad Nomen Familiae Perillustris ... Domini Joachimi Friderici Liberi Baronis De Blumenthal
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:298952X_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Halberstadt edition

AUTHOR Gleissenberg, Matthias (1630 - 1657)
TITLE Viris Spectatissimis, & Consultissimis Dominis Consulibus, Exconsulibus, Archi-Camerariis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:272715A_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 (?) Halberstadt edition

AUTHOR Gliczner, Erazm (1535 - 1603)
TITLE Appellatia ktorą sie popiera y znowu wywodźi obroną dołożna Confederatiey Kroliestwa polskiego z okazaniem pewnym że Evangeliey Auspurskiey Confessiey [...] w państwie Korony Polskiey [...] słusznie ucżą [...] przes Erasmusa Glicżnera [...] napisana [...]
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent2?id=22211&from=&from=metadatasearch&dirids=1
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Królewiec edition; downloadable DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Gliczner, Erazm (1535 - 1603)
TITLE Chronicon regum Poloniae, una cum origine gentis Regnique Polonici, provinciarum, districtuum [...] civitatum
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=22206&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Torún edition; downloadable DjVu format (browser plugin available here) (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Gliczner, Erazm (1535 - 1603)
TITLE De sacrosanctissima Trinitate, orthodoxae ac verissimae observationes
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=31209&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Frankfurt a. O. edition; downloadable DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Gliczner, Erazm (1535 - 1603)
TITLE De sacrosanctissima Trinitate, orthodoxae ac verissimae observationes
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/31209/directory.djvu
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Frankfurt a. O. edition; DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Gliczner, Erazm (1535 - 1603)
TITLE Libellus brevis ac dilucidus contra novos circumcisores Ecclesiae coenarios
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=25993&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Frankfurt a. O. edition; DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Glocke, Georg Johann
TITLE De secali cornuto eiusque vicibus medicinalibus
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glockegeorg.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gloglowski, Felix
TITLE De melituria
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/2291
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Ad theorema geometricum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ddByZEB0zCIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Venice edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Castigatio examinis Scipionis Claramontii in secundam decadem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yJB_LbudxxMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE De cometis dissertatio
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Venice edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Exercitationum mathematicarum decas prima - tertia
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Responsio ad apologiam Benedicti Maghetti
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hwf7UjkRu6cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Responsio ad controversias de cometis peripateticas, seu, potius ad calumnias et mendacia cuiusdam
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Venice edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Responsio ad scholium Fortunii Liceti
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Responsio ad Scipionem Claramontium
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hwf7UjkRu6cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo (1572- 1643)
TITLE Responsio ad vindicias Bartholomaei Soueri
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Naples edition

AUTHOR Glorioso, Giovanni Camillo: see Scipione Chiaramonti (two items)

AUTHOR Glosius, Samuel
TITLE Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica Sistens Diagnosim Morborum Systematis Biliferi Et Uropoetici
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN632220872
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Glossenus, Nicolaus
TITLE De utilitate disputandi apologia
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mfbLrSRyIAwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Glossenus, Nicolaus
TITLE Disputatio contra errores Papisticos, in negotio Sacramenti, corporis &; Sanguinis Christi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037876/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Magdeburg edition (1546 Magdeburg edition here)

AUTHOR Glotz, Christoph von
TITLE Prognosticon
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033575/images
SUBJECT Almanacs
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Glycas, Michael: see Johannes Löwenklaws

AUTHOR Gmelin, Christian Gottlob
TITLE De aere atmosphaerico eiuque vi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3K5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1830 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Descriptio animalis moschiferi, kabarga dictis
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN350423350
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 4 (1758) 393 - 410

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1681)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27233
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01662

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1682)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27239
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01662

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1682)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27235
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01663

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1682)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27242
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01665

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1682)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27243
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01666

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1683)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27245
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01667

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1685)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27250
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01669

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1685)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27251
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01670

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1690)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27254
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01666

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1692)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27260
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01674

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola (1692)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27257
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01673

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27262
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01675

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg (the younger)
TITLE Epistola (1757)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27264
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01680

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg (the younger)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27269
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01678

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg (the younger)
TITLE Flora Sibirica
URL vols. 1 and 2 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=30&pos=0
(also available here and here)
vol. 3 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=29&pos=0
vol. 4 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=38&pos=0
vol. 5 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=46&pos=0
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 - 1766 St. Petersburg edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg, et al.
TITLE Joannis Georgii Gmelini Reliquias quae supersunt commercii epistolici cum Carolo Linnaeo, Alberto Hallero, Guilielmo Stellero et al., Floram Gmelini sibiricam ejusque Iter sibiricum potissimum concernentis
NOTES Dpr of the 1861 Stuttgart edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Mus aquaticus exoticus clus. Auctar.
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN350423350
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 4 (1758) 383 - 388

AUTHOR Gmelin, Johann Georg
TITLE Rupicapra cornubus arietinis
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN350423350
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 4 (1758) 388 - 392

AUTHOR Gmelin, Karl Christian
TITLE Flora Badensis Alsatica
URL vol. 1 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=169&pos=0
vol. 2 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=176&pos=05
vol. 3 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=170&pos=0
vol. 4 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=178&pos=0
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 - 26 Karlsruhe edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De analepticis quibusdam nobilioribus e cinnamomo, aniso sellato, et asa foetida
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EL9MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De febribus malignis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ChdNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De hypopo...gravi ac intricato affectu oculi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nmhSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De influxu fodinae Bulacensis wirtembergicae in acidulas proximas Deinacenses
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mxtNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Public health, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De noxis ex abusu potuum spirituosorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8WSkr5ZkGf8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De primis viis ut fonte plurimorum morborum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=p7xMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De sero lactis dulci Hoffmanniano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ETZbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De tincturis antimonii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mxtNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE De transpiratione cutanea hominis, sanitatis praesidio, morborum causa et victrice
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=o59UAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Fasciculum plantarum patriae urbi vicinarum sponte crescentium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GxNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Lumbrici teretis in ductu pancreatico reperti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=O7tMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Observatones in botanicum generales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GxNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Onomatologia medica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I7xgf-he9LkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES in German, glossing Latin medical terminology; dpr of the 1766 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Otia botanica
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7574
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Probato tutoque usu interno vitrioli ferri factitii adversus haemorrhagias sp ontaneas largiores
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=O7tMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Rarior ulceris intestinalis casus et epicrisis cum similici probata sanandi methodo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GxNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Tübingen edition

AUTHORS Gmelin, Philipp Friederich (1721-1768) and Achatius Gärtner
TITLE Specifica methodus recentior cancrum sanandi, cuius historiam analysimque chemicam et medicam practicam exponit
SITE Google Books
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zR2SdODYjLMC
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich (1721-1768)
TITLE Theoria solutionis chemicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LRxQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Samuel Gottleib
TITLE De Capra Saiga et Erinaceo Aurito
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367581337
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 14 (1770) 512 - 524

AUTHOR Gmelin, Samuel Gottleib
TITLE Historia Fucorum
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 St. Petersburg edition

AUTHOR Gmelin, Samuel Gottleib
TITLE Lychanthos Volubilis et Limnanthemum Peltatum Nova Plantarum Genera
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367581337
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 14 (1770) 525 - 530

AUTHOR Gnapheus, Guilielmus
TITLE Adversus temerariam, ne dicam impiam excommunicationis censuram, novo sane ac praeter scripturam usurpato exemplo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7-FNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 edition

AUTHOR Gnapheus, Guilielmus
TITLE Comoedia: Acolasti titulo inscripta, de filio prodigo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071076
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Paris edition (1535 Amsterdam edition here)

AUTHOR Gnapheus, Guilielmus
TITLE Triumphus eloquentiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012274/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 edition

AUTHOR Gnodalius, Petrus
TITLE Seditio repentina vulgi, praecipue rusticorum anno 1525 Tempore verno per universam fere Germaniam exorta, pancisque diebus mirabiliter aucta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031719/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gobbi, Antonio
TITLE De iure intestatae successionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XCBlW7DowscC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Mantua edition

AUTHOR Gobbi, Antonio
TITLE De medorrhea
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21763
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Padua edition

AUTHOR Gobbi, Antonio
TITLE Tractatus varii in quibus de universa aquarum materia L. Bene a Zenone. Cod. de quadr. praescriptione explanatio; de permissa feudi, ac emphyteusis alienatione; ac de monetis; subtilissimae quaestiones ad interpretationem statutorum, ac consuetudinum, quae in praemissis ubique fere locorum, & praesertim in Ditione Mantuana, observantur, exactissime enucleantur
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21763
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Gobi, Johannes the Younger
TITLE Historia de spiritu quodam coniurato per priorem fratrum predicatorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042662/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gobi, Johannes the Younger
TITLE Scala coeli
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Lübeck edition (undated Ulm edition here, a dpr of the 1485 Louvain edition is available here)

AUTHOR Göbler, Justin (1504 - 1567)
TITLE Augustissimi Imperatoris Caroli quinti de capitalibus iudiciis constitutio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010672/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Basel edition

AUTHOR Göbler, Justin (1504 - 1567)
TITLE Ad Carolum Quintum . . . iam in Gallia
URL http://edocs.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/volltexte/2007/7593/
SITE Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a. M.
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 edition

AUTHOR Göbler, Justin (1504 - 1567)
TITLE Appendix to Johannes Sleidanus, De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare commentarii
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/sleidanus_hist.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Göbler, Justin (1504 - 1567)
TITLE Constitutio de pace publica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010672/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Basel edition

AUTHOR Göbler, Justin (1504 - 1567)
TITLE Preface to his edition and translation of St. Basil, De instituenda studiorum ratione oratio
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0449_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gockel, David Ernst
TITLE Actionum petitoriarum et possessoriarum quoad actum signatum differentiae principes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZM9FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES of the 1683 Tübingen edition

AUTHORS Gockel, David Ernst and Daniel Funck
TITLE Biga declamationum in laudem Sueviae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iClHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Ulm edition

AUTHORS Gockel, David Ernst and Daniel Funck
TITLE Quamquam magnificis, Funcci, suavissime consors, exordium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iClHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Ulm edition

AUTHORS Gockel, David Ernst
TITLE Regia imperandi ars atque scientia methodice exhibita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wxVNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE Basiligraphia Europaea, sive de Europaeis regibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZM9FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Ulm edition

AUTHORS Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De iurisdictione suprema, imprimis ad stylum et praxin Caesareo-imperialis iudicii aulici @@@@@
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zo9gAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De maiestatico legatorum iure
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Kf1GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Lindau edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De maiestatico religionis iure
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031259/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Lindau edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De maiestatico Sacri Romani Germani imperii, Sueviae et Franconiae circularum comitiorum iure
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Lindau edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De piis donationibus legatis et dotationibus stipendiorum studiorum causa factis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3JBMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 16871 Augsburg edition

AUTHORS Gockel, Ernst
TITLE De Sacro Romano-Germanici imperii circulo Sueviae recessibusque circularibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zo9gAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Gockel, Ernst
TITLE Deliciae academicae
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3G9bAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Göckel, Johann Christian
TITLE De microscopiis simplicibus, et theoretice et practice consideratis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1337482
SITE Universitäts-bibliothek
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Jena edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Eduard Franz
TITLE De implemento contractus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vsdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Rinteln edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Eduard Franz
TITLE Foemina illustris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031260/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Rinteln edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Eduard Franz
TITLE Spes iuridice considerata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VMdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Eduard Franz
TITLE Variae observationes iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uSFgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Rinteln edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Adversaria Ad Exotericas Aliquot Julii Caesaris Scaligeri acutissimi Philosophi exercitationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023703/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Conciliator philosophicus
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026371
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026372
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Kassel edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Cosmographiae seu sphaerae mundi descriptionis...rudimenta
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/n-98-8f-helmst-3s/start.htm
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Fortitudine : Disputatio IIII. ethica: Continens Aphorismos ex parte secunda tertij libri Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum ad cujus subjectas theses
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/125-37-quod-22/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De generatione et corruptione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032972/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Iustitia : Theses aphoristicae V. lib. Aristotelis ad Nicomachum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/125-37-quod-20/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Liberalitate et Magnificentia: Aphorismi ex libro Aristotelis quarto, thetice descripti
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/125-37-quod-21/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Magnamitate et Modestia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/202-28-quod-9/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Mansuetudine, Affabilitate et Vericitate, Theses Ethicae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/125-37-quod-19/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE De Temperantia : Quintae disputationis ethicae aphorismi seu breves propositiones
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/125-37-quod-23/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputatio philosophica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032899/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputatio philosophica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/175-quod-33s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputatio philosophica de reactione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037072/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputatio philosophica Duplex Metaphysico-Logica De Identitate, Et Distinctione: Et Physico-medica, De Corporis Humani Partibus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/175-quod-37s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy, anatomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputatio philosophica quadripartita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037076/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Disputationes duae, altera physica, altera ethica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033008/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Duo definitionum disquisitiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hRFSAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Encomium logicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015907/images/index.html?id=00015907&fip=
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Florilegium Ex Amoenissimo Philosophiae Horto
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/175-quod-36s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Gemmvlas Illvstres Scitv Ivcvndas Cognitv Necessarias. Hanc de Actionibus Mistis Physico-Ethicam, Illam de Ethnicorum Iure Iurando Policitam
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/20-12-eth-8s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Hortulum thesium philosophicarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037071/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Institutiones logicae de inventione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xmdnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Isagoge in Organum Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8oxXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Isagoge in peripateticorum et scholasticorum primam philosophiam
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026978
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Jehovah Bene Annuente, Hasce Sequentes theses Philosophica praeside ... Rodolpho Goclenio ... publicè ... defendere conabitur Justus Bücking Alsfeldianus Hassus, disputabuntur in Collegio Philosophorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032969/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Lexicon philosophicum Graecum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026978
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy, language study
NOTES Dpr of 1615 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Lexicon philosophicum quo tanquam clave philosophiae fores aperiuntur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-026977
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1613 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Magneticae curationis vulnerum defensio nova
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/105-1-phys-2/start.htm?image=00187
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Observationes linguae Latinae, sive puri sermonis analecta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FwBNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Lich edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Oratio De Nativa et Haereditaria in Nobis Labe et Corruptione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/145-quod-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Marburg edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Palaestra philosophica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/175-quod-34s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Περὶ τῶν ἀρετῶν ὁμιλητικῶν
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032972/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Physicae disputationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xYZXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Physiologia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tvdKs857kdAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Positiones de circulis coelestibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021130/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Preface to a translation of Aristotle's Organon
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015907/images/index.html?id=00015907&fip=
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Pro Artium Mathematicarum Laude, dignitate & praestantia Oratio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/37-1-rhet-b/start.htm
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Psychologia, hoc est de hominis perfectione
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-086084
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1597 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Themata Philosophica de subjecto physices
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032970/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Themata Philosophica de subjecto physices
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032970/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Themata Philosophica De Visu, Virtute, Ortu Et Occasu Corporum caelestium Astronomica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037073/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Themata physica De circulo lacteo, cum aliis nunnullis adiectis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021019/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Themata physica De circulo lacteo, cum aliis nunnullis adiectis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021019/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Theses philosophicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037401/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1586 Herborn edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Sollenis actus promotionis xx candidatorum philosophici magisterii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=l7o3-tqrf1kC
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Theses physicae de mundo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021131/images/6084
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of 1594 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Theses physicae de mundo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021131/images/6084
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of 1594 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Tractatus physicus [et] medicus de sanorum diaeta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RgjfISAxCocC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1645 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Varia problemata grammatica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FwBNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Lich edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621)
TITLE Zetemata philosophica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/175-quod-38s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus (1572-1621) 0
TITLE Acroteleution astrologicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kVBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Brevis et nova defensio magneticae curationis vulnerum ex solidis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zc8MumlTysYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE De luxuriosis et portentosis nostri seculi conviviis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-F1WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gastronomy, manners
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Goclenius Heautontimorumenos, id est curationis magneticae et unguenti armarii ruina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6i0PAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Luxumburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Loimographia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6i0PAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Mirabilium naturae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zc8MumlTysYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history, esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Physiologia crepitus ventris et risus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MGFWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Franksfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Quaestio an symposia homini Christiano sint fugienda, liceatque huic cum impoiis convivari
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-F1WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, manners
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger (1562 - 1621)
TITLE Tractatus novus de magnetica vulnerum curatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kVBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Franksfurt edition

AUTHOR Goclenius, Rodolphus the Younger: see Jacob S. J.

AUTHOR Godart, Pierre
TITLE Lexicon philosophicum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ewtaly5HZQAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1675 Paris edition

AUTHOR Godart, Pierre
TITLE Totius philosophiae summa
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057441
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1666 Paris edition

AUTHOR Godefridus de Trano
TITLE Summa super titulos decretalium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042669/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Centuria conclusionum de appellationibus extraordinariis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033334/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Centuria Quaestionum diversarum et controversarum iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=o_FXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Centuria quaestionum, ex variis iuris tam civilis, quam canonici articulis collecta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LGBPAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Centuria Quaestionum ex variis iuris tam civilis quam canonici articulis collecta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029666/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Commentarii in Parisienses supremi Galliae parlamenti, atque adeo totius regni Franciae, consuetudines principales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-OVEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De divortiis positiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4m1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De interdictis seu actionibus extraordinariis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4m1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De iure singulari
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/976618
SITE Bibliothèque de Genève
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De nobilitate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xqD67Caz7AYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De persons sui iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WH1HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De privilegiis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/976618
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De ratione ordinis a jurisconsulto in Pandectis, Codice, et Institutionibus servati
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/976618
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De regalibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dKhHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De renuntiationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=W2hSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Heidelberg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De tutelis electoralibus testamentariis legitimas excludentibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=akxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE De Usucapionibus Et Praescriptionibus, Positiones Aliquot
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029716/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Disputatio ex libro XLI Pandectarum deprompta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xtlgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Disputatio utilis et iucunda de nobilitate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031262/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Epitome feudorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pyo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Epitome Institutionum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pyo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Ex materia possessionis excerpta axiomata subsequentia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031567/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Ex trigesimo Pandectarum libro theses desumptae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ft-c-q1xsHoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Has de divortiis positiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031577/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Miscellanea iuris controversi<a>
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031469/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Novellarum epitome
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pyo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Opuscula iuridica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pyo8AAAAcAA J
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Positiones thesium ex utilissima et frequentatissima regalium materia selectae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qqhHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Heidelberg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Praxis civilis
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vURLAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Preface to Johannes Calvinus, Lexicon iuridicum iuris Caesarei simul et canonici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qQtZAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Geneva edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Preface to Nicolaus Everhardi, Loci argumentorum legales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9v9EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Darmstadt edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Prodromi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=veFEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Heidelberg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Propositiones matrimoniales
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030615/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Responsio ad narrationem Zachariae Fridenrichi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WdlKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Statuta regni Galliae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=n1NFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Denis
TITLE Tituli Digestorum seu Pandectgarum iuris enucleati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pyo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 edition

AUTHOR Godefroy, Jacques (1587-1652)
TITLE De interdicta Christianorum cum gentilibus communione epistola deque pontificatu-maximo num christiani imperatores eum aliquando gesserint
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061293
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of 1654 Geneva edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Godefroy, Jacques (1587-1652)
TITLE Novus in titulum Pandectarum de diversis regulis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/jacobigothofred00godegoog
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1780 Naples edition

AUTHOR Godelmann, Johann Georg
TITLE De Magis, Veneficis Et Lamiis, Recte Cognoscendis & Puniendis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019258/images/
SUBJECT Witchcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Frankfurt edition (other copies here and here)

AUTHOR Göden, Henning
TITLE Consilia
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-208651
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Bautzen edition

AUTHOR Göden, Henning
TITLE Processsus ordinis iudiciarii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VRU8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Godereccius, Wenceslaus
TITLE In tabulam Poloniae a se descriptam nuncupatoria epistola
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031728/images/
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Basel edition

AUTHOR Godham, Adam
TITLE Super quatuor libros Sententiarum
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20008%20220%20(2).
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Paris edition

AUTHOR Godhemius, Jonas
TITLE Aphorismi morales, nextum inter legem et officium in statu ordinario et extraordinario
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2931
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Law, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Godínez Samperio, José Manuel (contemporary)
TITLE Princeps Mosquiniae
URL http://www.suberic.net/~marc/godinez.html
SITE Poesis Latina Hodernia
NOTES With English and Spanish translations; xml-html format

AUTHOR Godlevaeus, Wilhelm
TITLE In Titi Livii Patavini libros observationes
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung6/allg/werk.xml?docname=livius1627b
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Godts, F.-X.
TITLE De paucitate salvandorum quid docuerunt sancti
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073912
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of 1899 Brussels edition

AUTHOR Godofredus, Petrus: see Desiderius Erasmus

AUTHOR Godefredus de Trano
TITLE Summa Ganfredi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/79-2-jur-2f-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Eduard (1831-1904)
TITLE De interrogativorum relativorumque enunciatorum confinio, maximum partem apud Herodotum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4768930
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1864 Fulda edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE Ad reverendissimum et illustrissimum Franciscum Ludovicum S. R. I. comitem de Oettingen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=e6pFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE Conringiana epistolica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EOk-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De acerrimis divinorum et humanorum Iesu Christi natalium hostibus profligatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7aXwxsFUOhoC
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De advocatia armata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xKZHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De archiofficiorum S. R. I. origine et archithesaurario
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RHtOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Leipzig editionn

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De capellanis imperii et cancellariis
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=anBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De causis corruptae iurisprudentiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mHBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De conventibus circularibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-npOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De emendando et abbreviando processu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N3BbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De feudis extra curtem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pd5GAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De fideicommissis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KChQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De Jure Et Judicio Rvsticorvm Fori Germanici
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-137770
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De iure principis circa religionem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FBhNAAAAcAAJ
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De iure venandi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XnBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De Legibvs Militaribvs Et Jvrisprvdentiæ Militaris Vtilitate
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-125831
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De observantia gentium et imperii in cap. III perpetuam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=X4rLqt4tpzcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De pactis, foederibus et sponsionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2e9KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De principe virtuoso
URL vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=MXBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De statu nobilitatis Germaniae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=geJMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De substitutione pupillari a Germania non exclusa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9dNgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De tutela
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_t5ZAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE De veris spiritibus et fictitiis ad imposturas sacras et profanas adhibitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3e5C-F4Qr6MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE Iustitia Caesareorum armorum contra Turcarum sultanum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_t5ZAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Göbel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE Positiones ex vario iure miscellaneae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=u0VNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Johann Wilhelm von
TITLE Programma quo genuinos Astraeae cultores...
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_t5ZAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Severin
TITLE De Succino libri II. prior Theologicus, posterior physicus & medicus: cum Corollario Conradi Gesneri
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X532239260
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Metallurgy (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Goebel, Severin
TITLE Epithalamion in nuptias
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/p-637-8f-helmst-9s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Wittenberg edition0

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Conradus
TITLE Laus Ululae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWBEAAAAcAAJ thuser=0&hl=en_US
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1644 “Glaucopolis” edition

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Conradus
TITLE Laus Ululae et Asini
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWBEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1644 “Glaucopolis” edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Assertiones Juridicae, De Amplissima, Elegantissima Et Difficillima Testamentaria materia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=St87AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Assertiones juridicae, de testamentis ordinandis, et quibus modis testamenta infirmentur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=521KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1597 edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Centuria positionum legalium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5m1KAAAAcAAJ å
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Commentarius de contrahenda et committenda stipulatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wzI8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Siegen edition (1609 edition Herborn here)

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Commentarius repetitae praelectionis in tit. xvi libri l. Pandectarum de verborum et rerum significatione
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-112593
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Siegen edition (1602 Herborn edition here, 1642 Herborn edition here)

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Johannes
TITLE De fideiussoribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TO1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE De Rebus Creditis Sive De Mutuo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Vyw8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 (1518 catalogue) edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE De sequestratione possessionum et fructuum repetitio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cxgty1MiCDkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Herborn edition (also here, 1607 edition here, 1623 edition Herborn here)

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Disp. de probationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_GhOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Disputatio Iuridica, De Contractu Societatis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN613431030
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Disp. pol. iur. de imperiali banno et proscriptis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qfxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Disp. sol. de legato, iure subsistente, agnito ab herede illustri impubere, tutoris authoritate accedente
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wdhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Feudalia, Sive Theses Et Disputationes De Feudis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lh1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goeddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Has de iure singulari, et legalibus personarum quarundam privilegiis conclusione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030666/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Medulla iuris feudalis sive theses et disputationes de feudis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=of5EAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Medulla lexici iuridici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OOlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 edition

AUTHOR Goddaeus, Johannes
TITLE Theses de successionibus ab intestato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ci1PAAAAcAAJ
TITLE De insectis in methodum redactus
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=879&pos=2
SITE SCD Université Strasbourg
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 London edition

AUTHOR Goedart, Jan
TITLE Metamorphosis et historia naturalis insectorum
URL vol. 1 http://dz-srv1.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cache/toc/D274953.html
vol. 2 http://dz-srv1.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cache/toc/D271117.html
vol. 3http://dz-srv1.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cache/toc/D271897.html
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 - 1669 Middelburg edition (vol. 1 was co-authored with J. de Mey)

AUTHOR Goedechen, Adolf Alexander
TITLE De prurigine universaliter apparente
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/glockegeorg.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Goedekenius, Henricus
TITLE Gamelia Solennitati Nuptiarum Clarissimi, Excellentissimi, Consvltissimiq[ue] Viri Domini Sebastiani Treschovii
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/db-4723-1s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Goedekenius, Henricus
TITLE Prosphonema Hidesiae ad dominos Henningum Arnichium et Ioachumum, et Ioachimum Brandisium
UR Lhttp://diglib.hab.de/drucke/433-helmst-dr-20s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Goedhart, Bastianus Janus
TITLE De Aristarchi commentatione ΠΕΡΙ ΤΟΥ ΝΑΥΣΤΑΘΜΟΥ Instauranda
URL http://www.archive.org/details/dearistarchicom00goedgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Göehausen, Hermann
TITLE Materia De Publicis Iudiciis Iunctis quaestionibus praecipuis quae circa eam in disceptationem vocantur
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN583333699
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Rinteln edition

AUTHORS Goedartius, Joannes and Martin Lister
TITLE De insectis
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN471241520
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 London edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De mutilo medicinae corpore resarciendo per chirurgiam et pharmaciam postliminio revocandas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RCAkOrq-RgEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De novo artificio curandi procidentiam uteri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De onopordo carcinomatis averrunco
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qRhQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De purgantibus specificis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HkcmbclYP6EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De revellentibus ac derivantibus veterum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4QbzW44kSMAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De spiritibus animalibus ex foro medico proscribendis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=L0-YMO5eqfYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE De veritate practica diversionis veterum per revellentia ac derivantia, eorumque ndi ratione mechanica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2Q_sUA2SyIgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Decas observationum physico-anatomico-chirurgicarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KSBgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, anatomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Epistola anatomica, problematica nona
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IwYSm-6LUGkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Epistola gratulatoria in qua commune refutatur praejudicium, medicos omnes Romae olim abjectae conditionis & servos fuisse
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6bMXlqI_bMwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Historia anatomiae nova aeque ac antiqua
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KSBgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Historia chirurgiae antiquae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z4w-SFdieEAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Historia medicinae universalis
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?32634
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Historiae medicinae universalis periodus tertia et quarta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QNVbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Historiae medicinae universalis periodus quinta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nk6ANl7xDxoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Introductio brevis atque succincta in historiam litterariam auctorum, qui hanc elementarem artis medicae partem ad haec usqye nostra tempora scriptis suis illustrare cordi habuere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uhq0_hfg2ZkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Introductio in historiam litterariam anatomes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XY3rrjLBpAgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Institutiones medicae secundum principia mechanico-organica reformatae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uhq0_hfg2ZkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Medicina forensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BDX0B8vBJ1UC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Oratio...qua Hippocrates ab atheismi crimine nuper ipsi imputato absolvitur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Wh8X9UCCpcgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goelicke, Andreas Ottmar
TITLE Specimen medicinae forensis quo demonstreatur partum octimestrem vitalem esse legitimum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yhhQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goerinus, Arnoldus
TITLE Vita Divi Bernwardi Hildesianae civitatis antistitis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/243-6-quod-4/start.htm
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Goes, Willem
TITLE Animadversiones In quaedam Capitis primi & secundi Speciminis Salmasiani Quibus varii Viri docti ab eius calumniis vindicantur
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M0FHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology?
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Goes, Willem
TITLE Pilatus iudex
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bg7--jfxhz4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Goes, Willem
TITLE Rei agrariae auctores legesque variae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/841144
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Agriculture
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Goes, Willem
TITLE Theologi in Pilatum iudicem stricturae cum Wilelmi Goesii...animadversionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=a0srubEr5X4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Andre
TITLE Oratio funebris in exequiis eminentissimi domini d. Joan. Bona S. R. E. titulo s. Bernardi ad Thermas Cardinalis presbyteri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0msZL2NJTecC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Antwerp (?) edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Carolus
TITLE De legatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iGpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1818 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans
TITLE De foelice et infoelice republica, ad senatum Brugensem
URL http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/c.p.h.m.tilmans/bestanden/De_foelice_et_infoelice_republica.pdf
SITE Universiteit van Amsterdam
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Transcription of the 1567 Leuven edition; downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Goethals, A. C.
TITLE Vicarii generalis dioecesis Gandavensis sede episcopali vacante
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vINNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Goethals, E. J. J.
TITLE De fractura intraarticulari colli femoris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TKw_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans
TITLE De usufructu paterno seu legali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xGxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans
TITLE De dominii distinctione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fV5EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Leuven edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans
TITLE De foelici et infoelici republica, ad senatum Brugensem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h15EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Leuven edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans
TITLE Soter gloriosus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yq0TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Leuven edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Frans-Joseph
TITLE De digitali purpurea
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ta0_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Ghent edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Georgius Vlietarpius
TITLE De dolore colico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KJhRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Lievin
TITLE Epitaphium sereniss. Imperatricis Isabellæ vxoris Caroli Quinti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jwVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Multilingual (Latin, French and Dutch) versions of the same epigrams; dpr of the 1549 edition

AUTHOR Goethals, Lievin
TITLE Pro religione Christiana res gestae in comitiis Augustae Vindelicorum habitis a. D. MDXXX
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+57{|}413{}TDI00025.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 Augsburg edition (also here)

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749 - 1832)
TITLE Positiones Iuris (1771)
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost18/Goethe/goe_jus.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Harsch (2000)
NOTES Text transcript, taken from Goethe’s Werke (1891); html format

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749 - 1832) (no kidding)
TITLE Scholia in Carmina Priapea (1790)
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/goe_pria.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Harsch (1997)
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Text transcript, taken from Goethe’s Werke (1891); html format

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: see Gustav Gabriel Fabritius

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: see Gustavus Gabriel Hällstrom

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: see E. F. Haupt

AUTHOR Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: see Kristoffer Rudolf Hjartman

AUTHOR Goette, Ernst
TITLE Scorbuti theoria
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/goetteernest.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Goetzke, Joachim
TITLE Casus Medico-Practicus De Polypo Cordis Cum Nimia Palpitatione Cordis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN635723220
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Speyer edition

AUTHOR Gogava, Antonius Hermannus
TITLE Aristoxeni musici antiquiss. harmonicorum elementorum libri III
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058219
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of 1562 Venice edition

AUTHOR Goguel, Hermann
TITLE De nonnullis Helenae Jobulae Euripideae interfolationibus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/denonnullishele00gogugoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1882 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gohory, Jacques
TITLE De usu et mysteriis notarum liber, in quo vetusta literarum et numerorum ac divinorum ex Sibylla nominum ratio explicatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0HoTMCk3Cu0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of 1580 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gohory, Jacques
TITLE Theophrasti Paracelsi philosophiae et medicinae utriusque universae compendium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-064915
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1560 (?) Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Aliquot item epistolae ipsi operi insertae, ac lectu dignissimae Helenae aviae Davidis preciosi Joannis, ac ipsius etiam Davidis, ad Pontificem Romanum et Emanuelem, ac Joannem Lusitaniae reges, eodem Damiano a Goes, ac Paulo Iovio interpretibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zyY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT African studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Commentarii rerum gestarum in India citra Gangem a Lusitanis anno 1538
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0CY8AAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Deploratio Lappianae gentis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zyY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Lappland
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Fides, religio moresque Aethiopum sub imperio pretiosi Ioannis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zyY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT African studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Hispania
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(Hispania)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(Hispania)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28Hispania%29/1,4,4,B/l962&FF=Xt:(Hispania)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&4,4,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT History (topography?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Góis, Damião de (1502-1574)
TITLE Urbis Lovaniensis obsidio.
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/10920/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lisbon edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Alamannicarum rerum scriptores aliquot recentiores
URL vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WYROAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Appendix Commentariorum De Iuribus Ac Privilegiis Regni Bohemiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/3-1-pol-2s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Catholicon rei monetariae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/23-17-jur-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Economics
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Collectio consuetudinum et legum imperialium
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/drwgoldast1613
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Frankfurt a. M. edition (1617 Frankfurt a. M. edition here)

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Commentarii de regni Bohemiae
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9pVYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE De primogenitura
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/128-26-jur-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Hanover edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE DD.NN. Imperatorum Augustorum, Caesarum Ac Regum S. Imperii Romano-Theutonici Recessus, Constitutiones, Ordinationes Et Rescripta
URL vol. 1 http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/rg-4f-10-1s/start.htm
vol. 2 http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/rg-4f-10-2s/start.htm
vol. 3 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/rg-4f-10-3s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzigthe 1673 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Philologicarum epistularum centuria
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/goldast_cera.html
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Rerum Suevicarum scriptores
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HF0VAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Ulm edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld (1578 - 1635)
TITLE Virorum Clarissimorum Et Doctorum Ad Melchiorem Goldastum JCtum & Polyhistorem celebratissimum Epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/goldast_cera.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Frankfurt - Spire edition

AUTHOR Goldast, Melchior von Haiminsfeld: see Jacob Gretser S. J. (three items)

AUTHOR Goldbach, Bartholomaeus
TITLE De materia et forma crucis Christi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=35xGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Goldbach, Bartholomaeus
TITLE Disputatio Secunda De Terrae Motu Et Situ
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN609530046
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Goldbach, Bartholomaeus
TITLE Theses historicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8pxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Goldfuss, Georg August (1782 - 1848)
TITLE Diploma (1811)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27680
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01991

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Exegesis catholica in praecipuas sententias sacrae scripturae ab acatholicis alieno sensu male explicatas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U2U-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Mannheim edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Hodegus biblicus, sive nova methodus sacra Biblia intra annum cum fructu legendi
URL https://www.google.com/search?q=inauthor:Goldhagen&tbs=bkv:f&tbm=bks&ei=a9otWpKbC82SjwO7tZh4&start=10&sa=N&biw=1810&bih=1935&dpr=1.33
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Introductio in sacram scripturam Veteris ac Novi Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oHZAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Introductio in sacram scripturam Novi Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bdhoe-hQ2k0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Institutiones compendariae ad linguam Graecam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lD1nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Institutiones oratoriae et poeticae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ugE-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Institutiones stili Latini soluti et ligati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lD1nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Introductio Ad Finem Legis Veteris Jesum Christum In EaAgnoscendum Contra Recentiores Bibliomachos Et Varii Nominis Incredulos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3N-_HZiuop8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Phraseologia Germanico-Latina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=utjAHpnCy5sC xx
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Mannheim edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Progymnasmata sacra in linguam Graecam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=us9jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Mannheim edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Rhetorica explicata et applicata ad eloquentiam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=A3a2RfEtIgIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1772 Bamburg - Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Hermann S. J.
TITLE Vindiciae Harmonico-Criticae Et Exegeticae In Sacram Scripturam Veteris ac Novi Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3N-_HZiuop8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Johann Eustachius
TITLE Bellli tricennalis caussas, vicissitudines, mala, pacisque Vestphalicae commoda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Qz1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Nordhausen edition

AUTHOR Goldhagen, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb
TITLE De Febris Hemitritaeae Antiqvitatibvs
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-215247/
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goldhahn, Matthaeus
TITLE Compendium Hebreae grammatices
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-109435
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Language studies, hjebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Goldhahn, Matthaeus
TITLE De Hebraeis, vrbium, locorum, populorum que nominibus, e veteri instrumento congestis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SqVn1mRsMmkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Hebraica
NOTES Printed back-to-front; dpr of the 1526 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Goldhahn, Matthaeus
TITLE Grammatica Hebraeae Chaldaeaeque linguae...in lucem aedita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I3f0m8wunsMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Printed back-to-front; dpr of the 1539 Basel edition

AUTHOR Goldmann, Nikolaus
TITLE Tractatus de stylometris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AfFPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics, architecture
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Goldmann, Nikolaus
TITLE Tractatus de usu proportionatorii
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Goldoni, Carolo: see Charles Guillaume Rabany

AUTHOR Goldstein, Carl Gottlob von
TITLE Ethica Thaletis Milesii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CN9PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, history, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goldstein, Carl Gottlob von
TITLE Leges Solonis cum Mosaicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XutGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, history, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Halle edition

AUTHOR Goldstein, Johann
TITLE De vita et morte Davidis Chytraei
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xY5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Hanau edition

AUTHOR Goldstein, Kilian
TITLE Enchiridion processus iudiciarii
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027933/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Goldwitzer, Franz Wenzel
TITLE Bibliographia dogmatica
URL http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographiado00goldgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Library science, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 Sulzbach edition

AUTHOR Goldwitzer, Franz Wenzel
TITLE Compendium dogmatum Christiano-Catholicorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2XJQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Sulzbach edition

AUTHOR Göler, Friedrich
TITLE Dialogus Poeticus de Belli Germanici Abysso Eiusdemque Causis et Remediis
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=&H_searchId=1049012245321&id=321
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Hanover edition

AUTHORS Gölicke, Andreas Ottmar and Johann Otto Bruckner
TITLE Ergo Parisinis variolarum inoculatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Educatio puerilis linguae Graecae
URL pars 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=605GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Educatio puerilis linguae Latinae
URL pars 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1LZFZTVY4rkC
pars 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4-87AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Epitome doctrinae moralis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015866/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Epitome doctrinae oeconomicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sFQ-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Economics
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Epitome doctrinae politicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sFQ-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Grammatica Graeca
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FE9GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Grammatica Latina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7ZInC3bxFs0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Golius, Theophilus
TITLE Onomasticon Latino-Germanicum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028129/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES With a preface by Johann Sturm; dpr of the 1585 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Göllner, Kilian
TITLE Disputatio iuridica de nuptiis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:002984X_001,800,600 through
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Gölner, Thomas
TITLE Laurentius martyr
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037627/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 edition

AUTHOR Gölner, Thomas
TITLE Rosa Caspari Brandneri ... nuptias celebrantis cum Susanna Musmannia ... descripta
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012312/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Goltzius, Hubertus
TITLE De Re Nummaria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MlchAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goltzius, Hubertus
TITLE Siciliae historia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MlchAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goltzius, Hubertus: see Luis Nuñez

AUTHOR Gom, Johann von
TITLE De existimatione imperantium
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-9579/start.htm
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Wiessenfels edition

AUTHOR Gomes de Lima, Manuel
TITLE Epistola (1763)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23292
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collectionms. espt-00056

AUTHOR Gomes de Lisboa
TITLE Quaestiones naturales Philosophiae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X531799556
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the ca. 1490 Pavia

AUTHOR Gómez, Alfonso
TITLE Ad Leges Tauri commentarium absolutissimum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1669,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1669,1669,,006302,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Antonio
TITLE Commentariorum, variarumque resolutionum iuris civilis, communis, et regii tomi tres
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1273,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1282,1282,,007702,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Antonio
TITLE Dilucida, vera, et fidelis sanctae Cruciatae Bullae explicatio
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20014%20200.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Alfonso
TITLE Libellus de humorum praeparatione, nunquam hactenus a quoquam in lucem editus aduersus arabes
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532735632
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Seville edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Alfonso
TITLE Opus praeclarum et commentum super legibus Tauri
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/to/to/121,206,265,B/l962&FF=topus+praeclarum+and+commentum+super+legibus+tauri&1,1,,002396,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Alfonso
TITLE Variae resolutiones iuris ciuilis, communis et regii
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045250_V/1080045250_V.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1780 Madrid edition is available here, and a dpr of the 1794 Madrid edition is available here)

AUTHOR Gómez, Luis
TITLE Commentaria in nonnullos libri sexti decretalium titulos
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20011%20437.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gómez, Luis
TITLE Decisionum singularium et conclusionum centuria una
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022591/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Castro, Álvaro
TITLE Publica laetitia, qua Dominus Ioannes Martinus Silicaeus Archiepiscopus Toletanus ab Schola Complutensi susceptus est
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19414341
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of an undated Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Cuidad Real, Avaro (d. 1538)
TITLE Ad beatissimum patrum Hadrianum Sextum pontificem maximm
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aG{226}omez+de+Cuidad+Real/agomez+de+cuidad+real/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=agomez+de+ciudad+real+alvaro+ca+1488+1538&1,,2,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Cuidad Real, Avaro (d. 1538)
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18318368
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Cuidad Real, Avaro (d. 1538)
TITLE Thalichristia
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18305684&idioma=0
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Alcalá de Henares edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Hoyos, Luis
TITLE Oratio funebris pro Ferdinando primo
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026785/images
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE Epigramas Latinos con su version Castellana
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=026TiOymImsC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE Epistola (1783)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23331
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms.espt00095

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE Florae Hispanicae delectus
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=336
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=337
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1791-2 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE List (1784)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23336
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms.espt00099

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE Novarum, aut rariorum plantarum Horti Reg. Botan. Matrit. descriptionum decades
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=327
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=328
vol. 3 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=329
vol. 4 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=330
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1797 - 1800 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Ortega, Casimiro
TITLE Tabulae botanicae
URL http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=91
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1773 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez de Toledo, Jorge
TITLE De ratione minuendi sanguinem in morbo laterali
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533459515
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Toledo edition

AUTHOR Gómez Miedes, Bernardino
TITLE Commentariorum de sale libri quinque
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aG{226}omez+Miedes/agomez+miedes/1,1,5,B/l962&FF=agomez+miedes+bernardino&1,,5,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Valencia edition (a dpr of the 1579 Valencia edition is available here and here)

AUTHOR Gómez Miedes, Bernardino
TITLE De constantia, sive de vero statu hominis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iVEpwcwRRtgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Gómez Miedes, Bernardino
TITLE De vita et rebus gestis Iacobi I regis Aragonum
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aG{226}omez+Miedes/agomez+miedes/1,1,5,B/l962&FF=agomez+miedes+bernardino&3,,5,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Gómez Pereira, Juan
TITLE Antoniana margarita : opus nempe physicis, medicis, ac theologis, tomus primus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/325,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&326,326,,006628,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Medicine, physics, theology
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gómez Pereira, Juan
TITLE Novae veraeque medicinae, experimentis et euidentibus rationibus comprobatae, prima pars
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532802941
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Methymna edition

AUTHOR Gomezius Hispanus
TITLE Questio perutilis de cuiuscumque scientie subiecto principaliter tamen naturalis philosophie
URL http://www.hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/library/gomezius_hispanus/SS1490.pdf
SITE Private site
CONTRIBUTOR Marco Forlivesi
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Pavia edition; downloadable pdf form

AUTHOR Gomiel, Pedro
TITLE De quantitate syllabarum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=115961
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gondissalvus de Villadiego
TITLE Tractatus de legato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sQ2PAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1905 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gonet, Jean Baptiste
TITLE Clypeus theologiae Thomisticae
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/145,455,587,B/l962&FF=tclypeus+theologiae+thomisticae&1,,7,002808,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Cologne edition (also available here, dpr’s of the 1772 Venice edition, the 1677 Cologne edition and the 1725 Antwerp edition are also available)

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De commento speculi Suevici nec non juris Suevici seu Alemannici: quod in illo haberi creditur exercitatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RE5KAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of 1753 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De directorio circuli mixti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EGdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1754 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De ducatu Franciae orientalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=28NNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of 1756 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De evictione feudi oblati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=t3BbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1751 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De feudo gastaldiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uHBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1736 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De invertendo iura tractandi ordine
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8_xJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1756 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De jure neutralitatis statuum circulorumque imperii commentario
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093802
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of 1746 Erlangen-Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De probatione religionis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oBdQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1756 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonne, Johann Gottlieb
TITLE De tortura confessi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=A81NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1744 Erlangen edition

AUTHOR Gonsalvo, Gaspar S. J.
TITLE Oratio in legatorum Iaponiorum introitu Rumae habita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DD2Ym5K4cAEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Injgolstadt edition

AUTHOR Gonsalvo Montano, Reginaldo
TITLE Relatio de martyribus protestantium in Hispania
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DsFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Groningen - Bremen edition

AUTHOR Gonzaga, Fernando
TITLE Piae meditationes quadragesimales
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023993/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Gonzaga, Ptolemeo
TITLE Contra detrahentes operibus fratris Baptistae Mantuani Carmelitae theologi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cQElBfpu7eUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion (and poetry?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gonzaga, Ptolemeo
TITLE De licentiis antiquorum poetarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cQElBfpu7eUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Lyon edition

AUTHOR González de Apodaca, Ildefonso O. P.
TITLE Theologia scholastica
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/68,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttheologia+scholastica&1,1,,001224,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR González de la Heras, José
TITLE Discursus in sensu veritatis
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(Discursus)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(Discursus)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28Discursus%29/1,5,5,B/l962&FF=Xt:(Discursus)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&2,2,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR González de la Peña, Vicente O. F. M.
TITLE Cursus philosophici Scotistici tertia pars
URL part 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aGONZALEZ+A+PE{228}NA+/agonzalez+a+pen~aa/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=agonzalez+de+la+pen~aa+vicente+o+f+m&3,,3,006748,-1
part 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aGONZALEZ+A+PE{228}NA+/agonzalez+a+pen~aa/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=agonzalez+de+la+pen~aa+vicente+o+f+m&3,,3,006748,-1
part 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1621,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1632,1632,,006749,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR González Martinez, Juan
TITLE Aristotelis logica
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/397,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&402,402,,007518,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Mantua edition

AUTHOR González Telez, Manuel (d. 1649)
TITLE Commentaria perpetua in singulos textus quinque librorum Decretalium Gregorii IX
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080046683_C/1080046683_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Venice edition

AUTHOR González Varela, José (d. 1842)
TITLE Ars ratiocinandi
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1128707&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&53,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Compostella edition (also available here)

AUTHOR González y Díaz Tuñon, Ceferino, Cardinal (1831-1894)
TITLE Philosophia elementaria
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080075802_C/1080075802_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Madrid edition (a dpr of the 1894 Madrid edition is also available)

AUTHOR Gonzalo de Villadiego
TITLE Contra haereticam pravitatem
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=48034
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gonzalo de Villadiego
TITLE De irregularitate
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=48034
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gøogowczyk, Jan
TITLE Introductorium compendiosum in tractatum sphere materialis mgri. Joannis de Sacrobusto
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015218/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Strassburg edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Goorle, Abraham van: see Jacobus Gronovius

AUTHOR Göpel, Adolph
TITLE De aequationibus secundi gradus indeterminatis
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Göppert, Heinrich Robert
TITLE Epistola (1836)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27291
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01691

AUTHOR Gorchen, Heinrich von
TITLE Tractatus de superstitiosis quibusdam casibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dexC_ZAxtCoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Göritz, Konrad
TITLE Syncretista transsubstantiator pontificius
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030958/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gordan, Paul Albert
TITLE De linea geodetica
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1862 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Gordon, Jacob
TITLE De puro Dei verbo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029882/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Antonio Francescio Gori: see here

AUTHOR Goria͡ninow, Pavel Fedorovich (1796-1865)
TITLE Prodromus monographiae scitaminearum :additis nonnullis de phytographia, de monocotyleis et orchideis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/44562
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1862 St. Petersburg edition

AUTHOR Górka, Andrzej
TITLE Epithalamion de nuptiis
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent2?id=24401&from=&from=metadatasearch&dirids=1
SITE Digital Library of Wielkoposka
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 edition; downloadable DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Conclusiones super quattuor libros Sententiarum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=119501
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Tractatus de observatione
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=tu9uaYZD8pIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1473 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE De praedestinatione et reprobatione divina
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=07gpnHD5cBAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1473 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE De simonia circa sepulturam
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=07gpnHD5cBAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1473 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Positones in libros de Celo et Mundo Aristotelis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rfzeE2AgJV0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Quaestiones compendiose excongerie positionum metaphysicalium
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rfzeE2AgJV0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Quaestiones in summam Sancti Thomae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=drHXv_75FVUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1475 edition

AUTHOR Gorkum, Heinrich von (d. 1431)
TITLE Tractatus de superstitiosis quibusdam casibus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=tu9uaYZD8pIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1473 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorlaeus, Abrahamus
TITLE Dactylotheca, sive Tractatus de anulorum origine
URL http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/pdf/cnh1070c.pdf
SITE Warburg Institute Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 edition (a dpr of the 1672 Leiden edition is available here)

AUTHOR Gorlof, Johann Jacob
TITLE De valoris natura
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/3089
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Carmina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kXNkAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.RA1-PA3
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Philosophy?
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Dum Musas sequitur Falconis ab arce Gerartus (prefacing the 1569 Antwerp edition of Nonnus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=664&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 579

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Francica
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=mnNkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Gallica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mXNkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Hermathena
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h3NkAAAAcAAJ 1
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Hieroglyphica
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kHNkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Egyptology, writing systems
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Hermathena
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h3NkAAAAcAAJ 1
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Hispanica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nnNkAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Origenes Antwerpianae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=l0n8QL3crpYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Language studies, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Vertumnus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kXNkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJE Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Goropius Becanus, Johannes
TITLE Sambuce, fontis Castalii decus (prefacing the 1569 Antwerp edition of Nonnus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=663&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
0NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 579

AUTHOR Gorr, Johann Otto
TITLE Lectori benevelo M. Joh. Otto Gorrius S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:165955V_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Darmstadt edition

AUTHOR Gorr, Johann Otto
TITLE Lectori benevelo M. Iohannes Otto Gorrius S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:629540U_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Darmstadt edition

AUTHOR Gorris, Jean de (1505 - 77)
TITLE Definitiones medicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ctxQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1564 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gorris, Jean de (1505 - 77): see Jean Héroard

AUTHORS Gorris, P:ierre de and Alfonsus Morescottus
TITT:E Compendium medicinae totius
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=D6paAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1604 Herborne edition

AUTHOR Gorris, P:ierre de
TITLE Formulae remediorum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=14TbEqmjboIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacoology
NOTES Dpr of 1623 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gorrris, William
TITLE Scotus pauperum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042670/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Speyer edition

AUTHOR Gorrutius, Andreas
TITLE De providentia divina et eius effectis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029685/images/
SUBJECT Religion

AUTHOR Górski, Jakob (1585 - 1652)
TITLE Animadversio, sive Crusius in theologos Wirtembergenses
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3eM7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Górski, Jakob (1585 - 165,)
TITLE De usu legitimo sacrosancti eucharistiae sacramentis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kvk7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Oologne edition

AUTHOR Górski, Jakob (1585 - 1652)
TITLE Praelectionum Plocensium liber primus, sive de baptismo recens natorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ofk7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Górski, Jakob (1585 - 1652)
TITLE Praelectionum Plocensium liber secundus, sive de Mediatore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xAV-wAnWQX8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion

AUTHOR Górski, Jakob (1585 - 1652)
TITLE Pro tremenda et veneranda trinitate adversujs quendam apostatam Francken
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oNxmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 158 Cologne editionPrael

AUTHOR Górski, Jakub (1585 - 1652)
TITLE Quaestio de alienatione rei emphyteuticae
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=60160&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cracow edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Gorter, Hermannus Boerhave de
TITLE Epistola (1763)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22483
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00331

AUTHOR Görtz, L.
TITLE Quaestionum criticarum de Juli Flori codice Nazariano pars altera
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4626617
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1883-5 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gorsky, S. B.
TITLE Analecta ad entomographiam provinciarum occidentali-meridionalium imperii Rossici
URL vol. 1 http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12465
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Acrostichon In Natalem LXIX. Serenissimi Et Augustissimi Principis Ac Dni. Dn. Augusti, Ducis Brunsv. Et Lunaeburgensis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:668402M_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Ad Clarissim. Virum Dn. M. Johannem Bunonem, Historicum & Philologum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:272562Z_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Arbustum seu arboretum poetice
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ow13c8TsEpoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE De lue venerea cognoscenda et curanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TbJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Gloriosissimo et Magnanimo Principi Ac Domino, Domino Friderico, Duci Wirtenbergico, Sponsalia celebranti
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:250052A_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Illustrissimo & Celsssimo Principi ac D[omi]no Dn. Rudolpho Augusto, Duci Brunovicensi Et Lunaeburgensi
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:669319V_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE In Insperatum, sed beatum obitum & abitum ... Dnae. Dorotheae, Ducis Brunsvicens. & Lunaeburgens
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:668214X_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Luneburg edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE In Natalem Bis decies recurrentem 16. Mai. Anno 1646. Illustrissimi & Celsissimi Principis ac Domini, Domini Rudolphi Augusti, Ducis Brunov. & Lunaeb.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:669313Z_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Dn. Henrici Stellae, vulgo Sternen/ Serenissimi Ducis Brunsv. & Lunaeb. Secretarii. Et Virginis Annae Mariae Uslariae, Aphrodisia In Ampulla seu ovo Philosophico iuxta trigonum & Circurolum concludenda, & obsignanda, incubatuq[ue] aut fomento & adminiculo ignis coelestis, seu spiritus aetherei tingenda & coagulanda, intraq[ue], foria sistenda, menstruoq[ue], Lunae vegeranda, ut desinant in Microcosmum, qui in lucem prolatus, diligenterq[ue] a sordibus purgatus immortalis fiet. Ad Sponsam
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:320217R_001,800,600
SUBJECT Family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Gosky, Martin (1586 - 1656)
TITLE Honoribus Viennae collatis Illustrissimo & Generosissimo Domino, Domino Christiano, Comiti de Ranzow
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:335575F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Wolfenbüttel edition

AUTHOR Gosławski Adam
TITLE Disputatio de persona in qua Jacobo Martini [...] respondetur
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=47740&dirids=4
SITE Digital Library of Wielkoposka
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Raków edition (browser plugin available here)

TITLE The Gospels: see Benedictus Aretius

TITLE The Gospels: see Johann Wilhelm Baier

TITLE The Gospels: see Tommaso Cardinal Caietano

TITLE The Gospels: see Jean Calvin

TITLE The Gospels: see Hugues de Saint-Cher

TITLE The Gospels: see Jan Cluver

TITLE The Gospels: see Adam Contzen S. J.

TITLE The Gospels: see Hugo de Prato Florido

TITLE The Gospels: see Jean de Gerson

TITLE The Gospels: see Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus

TITLE The Gospels: see Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples

TITLE The Gospels: see Magdalius Jacobus

TITLE The Gospels: see Cornelius Jansenius

TITLE The Gospels: see Jean Le Clerc (two items)

TITLE The Gospels: see Lucas Lossius

TITLE The Gospels: see Eilhard Lubin

TITLE The Gospels: see Martin Luther

TITLE The Gospels: see Juan Maldonado S. J.

TITLE The Gospels: see Antonio de Nebrija

TITLE The Gospels: see Peder Palladius

TITLE The Gospels: see Franciscus Polygranus

TITLE The Gospels: see Ernst Ludwig Posselt

TITLE The Gospels: see Alfonso Salmerón

TITLE The Gospels: see St. Simon de Casia

TITLE The Gospels: see Euthymius Zigabonus

TITLE The Gospels: see Homiliae et expositiones in Evangelios et Epistolas

TITLE The Gospels: see Homiliae per diuersos autores in Euangelia

TITLE The Gospels: see Homiliarius doctorum super Evangelia

AUTHOR Gosselin, Jean (1510? - 1604)
TITLE Historia imaginum caelestium nostro seculo accommodata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-074397
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of 1577 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gothus, Matthaeus
TITLE Inclitaee Familiae Stolbergicae Fragmentum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-51953
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Genealogy (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gothus, Matthaeus
TITLE Syntagma breve theologicium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UtBjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gott, Samuel (1613 - 1671)
TITLE Novae Solymae libri sex
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=815pAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 London edition (the 1902 New York edition and translation by the Rev. Walter Begley, who wished to attribute this work to Milton, is available here and here)

AUTHOR Gott, Samuel (1613 - 1671)
TITLE Philippica
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/gott/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Mark Riley (2013)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Gottchling, Gottfried
TITLE Dissertatio Academica De Libris Hodoeporicis
URL http://ora-web.swkk.de:7777/digimo_online/digimo.entry?source=digimo.Digitalisat_anzeigen&a_id=1523
SITE Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götten, Jacobus
TITLE Observationum liber i
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=C_5-qNM_gyAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Lübeck edition

AUTHOR Götten, Jacobus
TITLE Observationum Theologo-Historicarum Decas
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN611869764
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Lübeck edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE Augustissimum qui serenissimo principi ac domino, domino Friderico, duci Saxoniae ... feliciter illuxit diem natalem ... celebrandum indicit et ad hunc actum ... invitat ... Frid. Gotthelf Gotter
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=F7FLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of 1732 Eisenberg edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE De obscuritate, epistolis Pauli falso tributa
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=u-5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of 1732 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE De ornatu arationis Germanicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6bxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of 1711 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE De statu Saxoniae tempore Augusti
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=u-5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1732 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE De temperamento oratio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ag5JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of 1707 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE De vita et rebus gestis...Friderici secundi ducis Saxoniae
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=7TpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, biography
NOTES Dpr of 1732 Eisenberg edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE Elogia clarorum virorum qui Altenburgum nostra patrumque memoria
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Bbiography
NOTES Dpr of 1713 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE Exercitationes styli oratorii varii generis orationibus exhibitae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-5BNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of 1722 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gotter, Friedrich Gotthelf
TITLE Progamma de prono ex schola in ecclesiam transitu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=W61MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of 1737 Eisenberg edition

AUTHOR Gottfried, Johann Ludwig
TITLE Archontologia cosmica, sive imperiorum, regnorum, principatuum, rerumque publicarum omnium per totum terrarum orbem commentarii luculentissimi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zZREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics, topography. ?
NOTES Dpr of 1628 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gottfried, Johann Ludwig
TITLE Mercurius Gallobelgicus succenturiatus, sive rerum in Gallia et Belgio potissimum: Hispania quoque, Italia, Anglia, Germania, Ungaria, Transylvania, vicinisque locis ... historica narratio continuata
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=R3xBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=gnxBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=wnxBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=KnxBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=qXxBAAAAcAAJ
vol 6 https://books.google.com/books?id=vXxBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 7 https://books.google.com/books?id=33xBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 10 https://books.google.com/books?id=isFBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 13 https://books.google.com/books?id=0H5BAAAAcAAJ
vol. 14 https://books.google.com/books?id=8xjv-PGQAZoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Journalism
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 - 1622 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gottfried, Johann Ludwig
TITLE Zauberey
URL http://zoom.bib-bvb.de/StyleServer/calcrgn?cat=einbl&item=/300000198_0_r.sid&wid=750&hei=500&style=bsb/einbl.xsl&plugin=false
NOTES Dpr of 1626 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Gorttleber, Johann Christoph
TITLE De Gemmarvm Sculptarvm Excellentia Et Vtilitate Commentatio Brevis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN621088323
SUBJECT Gemmology
NOTES Dpr of 1780 Dresden edition

AUTHOR Gotti, Vincenzo Ludovico O. P.
TITLE Colloquia theologico-polemica... adversus Jacobi Picenini
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/13,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+eligenda+inter+dissentientes+christianos+sententia+adversus+joannem+clericum&1,1,,000728,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gotti, Vincenzo Ludovico O. P.
TITLE De eligenda inter dissentientes Christianos sententia... adversus Joannem Clericum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/13,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+eligenda+inter+dissentientes+christianos+sententia+adversus+joannem+clericum&1,1,,000728,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gotti, Vincenzo Ludovico O. P.
TITLE Theologia scholastico-dogmatica
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/68,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttheologia+scholastico+dogmatica+juxta+mentem+divi+thomae+aquinatis&1,,3,000671,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/68,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttheologia+scholastico+dogmatica+juxta+mentem+divi+thomae+aquinatis&2,,3,000672,-1
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/68,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttheologia+scholastico+dogmatica+juxta+mentem+divi+thomae+aquinatis&3,,3,000673,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1781 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gotti, Vincenzo Ludovico O. P.
TITLE Vera ecclesia Christi signis ac dogmatibus demonstrata
URL vol. 2 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=9lIPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Gotti, Vincenzo Ludovico O. P.
TITLE Veritas religionis Christianae . . . tomus secundus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/13,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+eligenda+inter+dissentientes+christianos+sententia+adversus+joannem+clericum&1,1,,000728,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gottschalk, Franz
TITLE Senarius, qui vocatur, Terentianus comparatur cum trimetro Graecorum (comoediae novae)
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4768571
SITE Internet Arcihve
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Patschkau edition

AUTHOR Gottschalk, Johann Theobald: see Johann Ludwig Fabricius

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann
TITLE De motu musculorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UWREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad audiendam orationem memoriae Riedelianae renovandam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2hhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad audiendas orationes anniversarias tres quibus memoriae Heinriciana, Riedeliana atque Seyfertiana...recolentur...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1GdTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad audiendas orationes duas in memoriam Riedelianam et Seyfertianam...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iwlNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Deutsche Fotothek
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad audiendas orationes tres invitat simulque locum ex poetica Aristotelis cap. VII. circa finem a doctorum virorum objectionibus vindicat
URL http://fotothek.slub-dresden.de/digisamm/buch000087.html
SITE Deutsche Fotothek
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad capessendos honores in philosophia et artibus ...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=i1gIYarAyuYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad memoriam viri dum viveret nobilissimi et consuoltgissimi Danaiel. Aegidii Henrici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1BhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad orationem memoriae Seyfertianae sacram...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2hhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad orationem solemnem qua viveret excellentissimi doctissimique Ioannis Friderici Menzii...memoria recoletur...humanissime invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KKBKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad solemnia anniversaria...humanissime invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0mdTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Ad solennem baccalaureorum philosophiae...promotionem...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2hhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Deutsche Fotothek
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Bellum grammaticale
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dCtQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE De optimismi macula, diserte nuper Alexandro Popio Anglo, tacite autem G. G. Leibnitio, perperam licet, iniusta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=02dTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE De regni, ex quo literae exulant, infelicitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=O0VNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Generosissimos atque nobilissimos commilitones ad praelectiones suas hiemales ... invitat
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn282590285
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Genuina omnipraesentiae divinae notio distincte explicata et observationibus illustrata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qdtOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Königsburg edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Hamartigenia sive de fonte vtiorum humanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HJYcPftFo6QC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Iniquitatem exterorum in ferendo de eruditis nostratibus iudicio illustrium virorum Iol. Lockkii et Wilhel. Molynaei exemplis confirmatam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TJVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Musas philosophiae quondam obstetrices sistit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sfpIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Preface to Melchior de Polignac, Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et natura
URL books.google.com/books?id=yOVZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Programma vii, quo ad promotionem baccalaurealem more antiquo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2GdTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Singularia Vindobonensia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uEJJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Vindiciarum systematis influxus physici secio posterior: philosophica, caput secundum Anti-Leibnitianum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_hAk7Rx2owsC
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Vita, fata et scripta Christiani Wolfii philosophi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2AIVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, philosophy

AUTHOR Gottsched, Johann Christoph
TITLE Voluntatis ab intellectu dependentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XRlMAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gottwaldt, Christoph
TITLE Museum Gottwaldianum
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-144652
SITE SICD (Universities of Strasbourg)
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Danzig edition

AUTHOR Götz von Olenhusen, Joachim
TITLE Amplissimo & Consultissimo Viro Dn. Christiano Wilhelmo Engelbrecht
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:311968V_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götz, Andreas
TITLE Ursulae Gansiae epistola arcana ad Ioannem Fridericum Herelium Noribergensem non ignoti satiricum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2715/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 Ochsenfurt edition

AUTHOR Götz, Thomas
TITLE De ostidite
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=maxOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Landshut edition

AUTHOR Götz, Thomas
TITLE Positiones selecta ex universa medicina et chirurgiaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9q5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Landshut edition

AUTHOR Goetz, Andreas
TITLE Disquisitio III problematum juris naturae et gentium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095840
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1722-31 Altorf edition

AUTHOR Goetz, Andreas
TITLE Epistola (1748)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27292
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01703

AUTHOR Götze, Christian
TITLE Constitutiones Fisci Vidualis Pastoralis in Ephoria Grimmensi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-60808
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Zwickau edition

AUTHOR Götze, Christian
TITLE Medicum sui ipsius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AjU8J86MsH8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Halle edition

AUTHOR Götze, Daniel
TITLE Propositiones philologicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NHJGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Daniel
TITLE Examen theologiae pacificae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XaxOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Friedrich Leberecht
TITLE  De nonismo et nihilismo in theologia
URL  https://books.google.com/books?id=-tQ_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Chemnitz edition

AUTHOR Götze, Friedrich Leberecht
TITLE De pistrinis veterum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kL9VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lemgow edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Cataclysmus Thuringiacus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=osqpJ-kkE_UC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Jena edition

UTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De asylis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Db1RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De culpa et reatu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8MpOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De differentiis osculorum horumque mortalitate
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=3udFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De decembiratu legibusque decem viralibus Romanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PYhJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De iure Dei in homines
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=U80GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De natura politices, sive, ut vulgo vocatur, philosophiae practicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rQROAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De praesepio Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=r32XkuYTvUwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De praesepio Christi pars altera
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M9_y2Kzj-dUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De suspendio Iudae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=er9RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE De voto
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PYhJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Gô'ēl had-dām sive dissertatio de vindice sanguinis quae est de redemptore Ebraeorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hntJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Gô'ēl had-dām sive dissertatio de vindice sanguinis quae est de redemptore Ebraeorum secunda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gIvMWeNw6AIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Josephi parentis Christi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2xdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Nušaqtā i. e. Philologema de osculo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pO1FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg
TITLE Scholae Salanae, sive discursus de quaestione an et quomodo Deus sit in praedicamento?
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=yndVQ2VMTckC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Georg Heinrich (1667 - 1728): see here

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE Bibliotheca magnifici amplissimique senatus Lipsiensis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN629744742
SUBJECT Library sciece
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Lübeck edition

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE De aequitate iuris Lubecensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BxAZktTVsVAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE De confiscenda haereditate ob inultam mortem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9zdHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa destructionem et ruinam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n3JGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Christian
TITLE De exceptione propter collisionem legum rite instituenda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EqhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Leipsig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE De Luthero oratore
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vr1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Christian
TITLE De masticatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mq5NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Nuremburg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Christian
TITLE De tabulis Romanorum quaedam explicationi legum inservientia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=r1lVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Gottfried Christian
TITLE De vivisepultura
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9zdHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Ex verbis Psalmi II, 12. naššeqû-bar osculum filii, adv. Judaeorum quorundam detorsiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K1RJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Christian
TITLE De glycyrrhiza
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sNxOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Götze, Johann Melchior
TITLE De Martino episcopo Turonensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EqhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Götze, Martin Wilhelm
TITLE Dissertatio inauguralis de tortura eiusque minis admodum caute adhibendis
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11426/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Botany (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Götze, Morfitz Volkmar
TITLE De advocatorum inhabilitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JVtEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Amoenitates numismaticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K1RJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Celeberrimorum virorum epistolae de re numismatica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M_rjLvfPLiMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 171654 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE De duobus nobilissimis agri Osnabrugensis monumentis sepulchralibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9iBJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Osnabruck

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE De nummis disserationes XX
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio I, ...de Iano bifronte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio II, qua prodeunt Caesar et Augustus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio III, tres Augustos, duos aereos et unum argenteum exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio IV, h. s. Augusti exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio V, Tiberium Caesarum, Germanicum Caes. aereos et Agrippinam Germanici uxorem ex argento exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio VI, Claudium et Neronem, istum aereum, hunc argenteum, exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio VII, duos Nerones aereos exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio VIII, duos Nerones exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio X, antiquissimum eumque maxime genuinum numum argenteum

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XI, numos Pegaseos duos, aureum et argenteum scilicet, exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XII, numos duos, argenteum victoriatum scilicet et aureum consecrationis Vespasiani exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XIII, numos duos, argenteum familiam Fonteiae scilicet et aereum Titi exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XIV, numos duos, argenteum familiam Sulpiciae scilicet et aereum Titi exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XV, numos duos, argenteum familiam Tituriae scilicet et aereum Domitiani exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XVI, numos duos, argenteum familiam Plautiae scilicet et aereum Nervae exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XVII, numos duos, argenteumMassiliensium scilicet et aereum Traiani exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XVIII, duos Hadrianos, argenteum scilicet et aereum exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XIX, Antoninum Pium aureum et Faustinam argenteam exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio XX, argenteum F. Aciliae et Antonini Pii aereum exhibens
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HmxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJCT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Schediasmatis philologico-critci dissertatio III, poeticam tradens
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HtdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Osnabruck edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Schediasmatis philologico-critci dissertatio V, musicam tradens
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JddIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Osnabruck edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias
TITLE Seculi XVIII a. C. n. primi quadrantis memorabilia
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TdpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Osnabruck edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias Nicolaus
TITLE De mas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CBwKuDu649EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias Nicolaus
TITLE De salivatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CBwKuDu649EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götze, Zacharias Nicolaus
TITLE De spina ventosa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XGgYYAqoF7IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Jena edition

AUTHOR Götzke, Paul
TITLE De communicatione natuarum et idiomatum in Christo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tA1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 16529 Wittenberg edition

AUTHORS Götzke, Paul et al.
TITLE Votivae Apprecationes Solemnitati nuptiarum Viri Reverendi Clarissimi atq[ue] Doctiss. Dn. M. Jacobi Eckelmann
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844385
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gouan, Antoine (1733 - 1821)
TITLE Flora Monspeliaca
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097721
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of 1765 Lyon edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gouan, Antoine (1733 - 1821)
TITLE Historia piscium
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN483695777
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Strasburg edition

AUTHOR Goudanus, Gueliemus Hermannus
TITLE Expostulatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=glJmAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA93
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gouan, Antoine (1733 - 1821)
TITLE Hortus regius Monspeliensis, sistens plantas tum indigenas tum exoticas n MM. CC.
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096901
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of 1762 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouan, Antoine (1733 - 1821)
TITLE Illustrationes et observationes botanicae ad specierum historiam facientes
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098158
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of 1733 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Goudin, Antoine O. P.
TITLE Philosophia Thomistica, tomus primus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tp/tp/73,255,324,B/l962&FF=tphilosophia+thomistica+juxta+inconcussa+tutissimaque+divi+thomae+dogmata+quatuor+tomis+comprehensa&1,,3,003635,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Madrid edition (a dpr of the 1779 Madrid edition is available here)

AUTHOR Goudin, Antoine O. P.
TITLE Philosophia Thomistica, tomus secundus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tp/tp/73,255,324,B/l962&FF=tphilosophia+thomistica+juxta+inconcussa+tutissimaque+divi+thomae+dogmata+quatuor+tomis+comprehensa&2,,3,003636,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gourmelen, Estienne
TITLE Chururgicus ars ex Hippocratis et aliorum veterum medicorum decretis ad rationis normam redactae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c8A7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gourmelen, Estienne
TITLE Synopseos chirurgiae libri sex
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052583
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Paris edition; downloadable pdf ahttp://huntbot.andrew.cmu.edu/HIBD-PDF/LinnaeanDiss/Liden-150.pdfnd tiff formats

AUTHOR Gourny, Édouard
TITLE De Apuleio fabularum scriptore et rhetore
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deapuleiofabula00goumgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1859 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gourraigne, Henri
TITLE De natura et causis fluiditatis sanguinis naturalis et deperditae
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana5175hall (go to p. 777)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Gourreau, Jacques
TITLE De rescind. vend. commentarii
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-111033
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad l. Gallus de lib. et posth.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad legem III d. imperium, de iurisdictione omnium iudicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC 1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad legem falcidam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad leg.Gallus XXIX de liber. et posthum. haeredibus instituendis vel exhaerendandis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad titulum De vulgari et pupillari substitutione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Ad titulum De vulgari et pupillari substitutione (repetita praelectio)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Animadversionum liber
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Adonis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Commentarius in M. Tullii Ciceronis Topica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Commentationes quatuor longe utilissimae in Terentium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE De iure accrescendi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE De iure accrescendi (repetitae praelectionis)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE De iurisdictione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Epigrammata (editionis repetitae)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Epigrammatum libri duo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Epistolae quatuor
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE In M. Tullii Ciceronis libros de legibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE In M. Tullii Ciceronis orationem in Vatinium testem commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE In primos duos libros epistolarum M. Tullii Ciceronis ad T. Pomponium Atticum commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Lectionum variarum iuris civilis libri duo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Opera iuridica, philologica, philosophica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Opera iuris civilis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xJ-Ht5Xz4LEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, philology, phiosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Poemata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c1WXxUDuYjcC&
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Gouvea, Antonio de (1505?-1566?)
TITLE Pro Aristotele responsio, adversus Petri Rami calumnias
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083874
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gouveia, Antonio de S. J.
TITLE Innocentia victrix , sive Sententia Comitiorum Imperii Sinici pro innocentia Christianae religionis lata iuridice per annum 1669 iussu R. P. Antonii de Govvea S. J. Sinice-Latine exposita anno 1671
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036442/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Canton edition

AUTHOR Govinius, Brynolphus
TITLE In salutiferam nativitatem domini et salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi oratio
URL you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Estnisches Historisches Archiv
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gozadino, Angelo
TITLE Constitutiones et decreta edita in prima diocesana synodo civitatis Castellanae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uDV_H_r2fc4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Ronciglione edition

AUTHOR Gozadino, Angelo
TITLE Synodus tertia in civitate Castellana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ILZr7mYvJXgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Ronciglione edition

AUTHOR Gozadini, Lodovico (1479 - 1536)
TITLE Annotationes ad statuta cum civilia tum criminalia civitatis Bononiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lrFunnkDXNAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Gozadini, Lodovico (1479 - 1536)
TITLE Repetitio super l. omnes populi ff. de iustitia et iure
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lrFunnkDXNAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Gozadini, Lodovico (1479 - 1536)
TITLE Repetitio super praticabili lege Si fundum C. de pact. inter empt. et vend.
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=24_7874
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Bologna edition0

AUTHOR Gråå, Martinus Martini
TITLE Quaestio: an philosophia felicitatem quoque aeternam respiciat
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52122
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Graaf, Regner de
TITLE De virorum organis genemtioni inferrientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphoris in anatomia [sic catalogue]
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/47251
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Graaf, Regner de
TITLE De virorum organis genemtioni inferrientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphoris in anatomia
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/47251
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Graba, Johannes Andreas
TITLE Disputatio Medica Inauguralis Exhibens Casum Laborantis Affectu Hypochondriaco Cum Symptomatibus Scorbuticis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585109028
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Giessen edition

AUTHORS Grabe, Christian and Philipp Jacob Hartmann
TITLE Historia regni Medorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CDlNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Königsburg edition

AUTHOR Graba, Johannes Andreas
TITLE Elaphographia sive cervi descriptio physico-medico-chymica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KQYiK_EMN1EC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE Collatio codicis Cottoniani Geneseos cum editione Romana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J5tbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 London edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE De variis vitiis LXX. interpretum versioni
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZZBsjaaF1p0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Oxford

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE Epistola ad clarissimum virum Joannem Millium, S. T. P. aulae S. Edmundi apud Oxonienses principalem, et ecclesiae Cantuariensis canonicum dignissimum : quâ ostenditur libri judicum genuinam LXX. interpretum versionem eam esse
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=u_aKulry2hsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE Preface to Charles Daubuz, Pro testimonio Flavii Iosephi de Iesu Christo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fJuR5NfaQfIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 London edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE Spicilegium SS Patrum ut et haereticorum seculi post Christum natum i, ii et iii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DrDgI4zgfO8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Johann Ernst
TITLE Utrum Magistratus Summus Leges Civiles Servare Teneatur
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN613431073
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Königsberg edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Joseph
TITLE Oratio, qua ad commendanda vitae genera divinitus instituta refellitur Epicureum lathebiosas quod & ab honestis, ac necessariis vitae humanae officiis avocat
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031924/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 edition

AUTHOR Grabe, Silvester
TITLE Memoriae et honori ultimo lectißimae pudicißimaeque virginis Annae Friedwaldiadis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E0teAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Königsburg edition

AUTHOR Grabisgrad, Matthaeus
TITLE De renum calculo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031928/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gråberg, Johannes Martinus: see Linnaeus

AUTHOR Grabon, Matthaeus O. P.
TITLE Conclusiones in sacro concilio Contantiensi oblata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NH8EaTFJwRkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grabon, Matthaeus O. P.
TITLE Revocatio et abiuratio praedictorum articulorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NH8EaTFJwRkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grabon, Matthaeus O. P.: see Jean de Gerson

AUTHOR Grabow, Peter
TITLE Syzetesis I. sanctae Hebraeae linguae, de simplici et absoluta prioris partis principiorum linguae notione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033950/images/
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grabow, Peter
TITLE Syzetesis philosophica De Communi Notione Philosophiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029642/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grace, James, of Kilkenny
TITLE Annales Hiberniae
URL http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/L100001/index.html
SITE CELT: The Corpus of Electronic Texts
CONTRIBUTORS Richard Butler and others
NOTES Html format

AUTHORS Gracián Falconi, Juan
TITLE Quingentarum regularum utriusque iuris : cum ampliationibus & limitationibus liber unus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tq/tq/34,48,54,B/l962&FF=tquingentarum+regularum+utriusque+iuris+cum+ampliationibus+and+limitationibus+liber+unus&1,1,,002079,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Graebe, Carl Otto
TITLE Dissertatio Jvridica Inavgvralis Sistens Legvm Hassiæ Cassellanæ Circa Commvnionem Bonorvm Inter Conivges Vicissitvdines
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-115413
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1787 Rinteln edition

AUTHOR Graef, Hermann
TITLE Annotationes ad Tibullum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4768570
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Mernel edition

AUTHOR Graefe, Carl Ferdinand von
TITLE Certificate (1838)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27366
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01761

AUTHOR Graells y de la Agüera, Mariano de la Paz
TITLE Indicatio plantarum novarum
URL http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=161
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Graeuwen, Paulus
TITLE Album amicorum (1774)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22484
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00332

AUTHOR 4, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Catalogus librorum qui in thesauro...
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-vY-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Cohors Musarum, sive historia rei literariae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GwUVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Utrecht edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Collectio dissertationum rarissimarum historico-philologicarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4VJWAAAAYAAJ0
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science, history, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE De febribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=byMSt6x0scEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE De modis adquirendi priscorum Germanorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GwUVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE De numeranda tribunitia potestate Augustorum Caesarumque Romanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pAlKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Altdorf edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE De pictura veterum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aUNPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1668)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22485
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00333

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1684)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22486
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00334

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1684)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22487
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00335

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1684)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22488
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00336

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1685)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22489
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00337

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1686)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22490
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00338

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1686)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22491
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00339

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Epistola (1702)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22492
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00340

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Epistolae Bentleii, Graevii...selectae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ssBCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 The Hague edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Epistolae ineditae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hYtBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 The Hague edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius et al. (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Funebres laudationes quibus Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae regi Guilielmo III clarissimi oratores...iusta suprema solemniter fecerunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I_dIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=zHNmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Jo. Geor. Graevii, Arcerii, Cunaei, aliorumque Epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/graevius_cera.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Rotterdam edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Lectiones Hesiodeae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Myo-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Mariae Stuartae serenissimae ac potentissimae Magnae Britanniae, Galliae et Hiberniae reginae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YLNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de auspicatissima expeditione Britannica cum potentissimus et invictissimus Guilielmus, Aurausionensis princeps, Britanniae, Galliae et Hiberniae rex inauguraretur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de cometis contra vulgi opinionem cometas esse malorum nuntios
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5nVLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, portents
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de Guilielmo III Magnae Britanniae rege
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de Palladio Traiectinorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TCxHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de veritate religionis Christianae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio de victoria navali ab Anglis mense Iuulio anno MDCLXVI reportata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, jhistory
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio funebris in exequiis...Isbrandi Diemerbroekii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IPKYaQMhwGAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio funebris in obitum...Francisci Burmanni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio funebris in obitum...Henrici Moreelsii i. c.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio funebris in obitum...Joannis de Bruyn
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio in natalem quinquagesimum Academiae Traiectinae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio in obitum Guilielmi III
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio in obitum R. H. Schelii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vmFbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Padua edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio in obitum...Regneri Mansveldii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio in obitum R. H. Schelii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vmFbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Padua edition (1772 Leiden edition here)

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Oratio inauguralis pro literis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Oratio qua Mariae Stuartae serenissimae ac potentissimae Magnae Britanniae, Galliae et Hiberniae Reginae, illustrium ac praepotentium Traiectinae dioeceseos ordinum iusta persoluta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Orationes quas Ultrajecti habuit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7f1s-i4tBBYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Delft edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Panegyricus serenissimo principi Guilielmo Henrico principi Aravsionensi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3E1MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Praefationes et epistolae CXX
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=17SAgDA1joQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Scholia in Horatii odarum libros duo priores
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ESdRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 Heidelberg edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Splendor magnificentissimae urbis Venetiarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X2mlSLfpjmQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography, antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Leiden edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Syntagma variarum dissertationum rariorum, quas viri doctissimi superiore seculo elucubrarunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bNUpAAAAYAAJ
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Language studies, religion, Egyptology, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703)
TITLE Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=Q3isChpbIOIC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zpliT7OuePAC
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=c3lVAAAAcAAJ
vol. 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CCU1AQAAMAAJ
vol. 9 https://books.google.com/books?id=AehXAAAAcAAJ
vol. 11 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zuhGAAAAcAAJ
vol. 12 http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19108060
SITE Google Books, Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 - 1699 Utrecht - Leiden edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae
URL vol. 1.1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-nS5aXVRCBYC (see also here)
vol. 1.2 https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TZRFAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2.1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PkRAAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=t0JAAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4.1 https://books.google.com/books?id=DZQWo2Dj7rUC
vol. 5.1 https://books.google.com/books?id=DQkowtWAQGwC
vol. 5.4 https://books.google.com/books?id=zVXXNIxGDXMC
vol. 6.3 https://books.google.com/books?id=sz_TU6Xm9-UC
vol. 7.2 https://books.google.com/books?id=VuyFNu6j4vsC
vol. 9.1 https://books.google.com/books?id=46Iify0y5ecC
vol. 9.2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2ZRFAAAAcAAJ
vol. 9.8 https://books.google.com/books?id=K5NsXeAg0gcC
vol. 11 https://books.google.com/books?id=ysU4-zSA6-4C
vol. 15 https://books.google.com/books?id=SUmUCLAHaW8C
vol. 45 https://books.google.com/books?id=VGJlak4RsxQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquities, topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 - 1723 Leiden edition

AUTHORS Graevius, Johannes Georgius (1632 - 1703) et al.
TITLE Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Siciliae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=Nf724ST4KNUC
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=36n4gxDM-fMC
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=sazucV-dDIAC
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=eNvdc5-zkrEC
vol. 6 https://books.google.com/books?id=3RUucmgWbTsCvol. 6.3 https://books.google.com/books?id=sz_TU6Xm9-UC
vol. 7 https://books.google.com/books?id=pT9svbDXkw8C
vol. 8 https://books.google.com/books?id=eJ00VuQbgX0C
vol. 11 https://books.google.com/books?id=LQvGScn3YZwC
vol. 13 https://books.google.com/books?id=JwdrI1R_1_sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquities
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius: see Pieter Burman

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius: see Nicholas Heinsius

AUTHOR Graevius, Johannes Georgius: see Giovanni Poleni et al.

AUTHOR Grafe, Johann Georg: see Pieter Burmann the Younger

AUTHOR Graf, Johann: see Joachim Feller (two items)

AUTHOR Grafe, Johann Georg: see Christian Saalbach

AUTHOR Graevius, Theodore
TITLE De iure praediatorio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=w6pJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquities, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Law edition

AUTHOR Gräffe, Karl Heinrich
TITLE Commentatio historiam calculi variationum inde ab origine calculi differentialis atque integralis usque ad nostra tempora complectens
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1371497
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Graffi, Giacomo
TITLE Additamenta ad primam, & secundam partem decisionum aurearum casuum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CYUq27K5sWIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Venice edition

AUTHOR Graffi, Giacomo
TITLE Consiliorum sive responsorum casuum conscientiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nvZKkWJOpJkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Venice edition

AUTHOR Graffi, Giacomo
TITLE De arbitrariis confessariorum quae ad casus conscientiae attinent
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TgpoFWxWiN0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Graffi, Giacomo
TITLE Decisiones aureae casuum conscientiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LHzzGeKoynIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Graffi, Giacomo
TITLE Sermones spirituales totius anni
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19270537
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gralath, Daniel
TITLE Dissertatio Inavgvralis Ivridica De Ivrisdictione In Cavsis Matrimonialibvs Et Hodierno Eivs Exercitio In Foro Gedanensi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-18371756
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Königsburg edition

AUTHOR Graminaeus, Theodorus (b. 1530)
TITLE Cometae ... anni praeteriti 1580 physica explicatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029486/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Graminaeus, Theodorus (b. 1530)
TITLE Uberior enarratio eorum quae a Ioanne de Sacro Bosco proponuntur
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=330218
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Cologne edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Grammaticus, Nicasius S. J.
TITLE De aera seu epocha conditi et per natales ac mortem filii Dei reparati terrarum orbis dissertatio chronologica, in qua e sacrae scripturae infallibus oraculis necnon indubiis astronomiae characteribus ostenditur mundi aetas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=t5U-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Chronology
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grammaticus, Nicasius S. J.
TITLE Dissertatio astronomica de ratione corrigendi typos et calculos eclipsium solis ac lunae mapparumque geographicarum constructiones ab astronomis et geographis hactenus adhibitas in hypothesi telluris sphaericae cum ista reapse sit figurae sphaeroidalis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/918175
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 edition

AUTHOR Grammaticus, Nicasius S. J.
TITLE Exercitatio De Cometa Anni 1723
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030893/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grammaticus, Nicasius S. J.
TITLE Problema geographicum de longitudine locorum terrae per Acum Nauticam indaganda
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/10739/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grammaticus, Nicasius S. J.
TITLE Solis et lunae eclipsium in plano organice delineandarum methodus nova
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=d25TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Freiburg i. Br. edition

AUTHOR Graña Nieto, Antonio (d. 1663)
TITLE Catena Iurium utriusque Jurisprudentiae sive in Decretalium Gregorii IX librum secundum et tertium comentarii per singula capita digesti
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&pag=2&idAutor=140
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Cologne edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)

AUTHOR Graña Nieto, Antonio (d. 1663)
TITLE Bibliotheca hispanica historico- genealogico-heraldica
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10937
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grainger, Jacob
TITLE De modo excitandi ptyalismum et morbis inde pendentibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Granado, Diego S. J.
TITLE Dei Genitricis M. Conceptione sive De singulari illius immunitate ab originali peccato
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10925
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Seville edition

AUTHOR Granado, Diego S. J.
TITLE Commentarii in summam Theologiae S. Thomae
URL vol. 1 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10957
vol. 2 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10958
vol. 3 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10959
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Seville edition

AUTHOR Granado, Diego S. J.
TITLE In secundam secundae Sancti Thomae Aquinatis commentariae
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10925
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Seville edition

AUTHOR Granci, Ranieri
TITLE De proeliis Tusciae
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf204495
SITITE Poeti d’Italia
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grandami, Jacques S. J. (1588 - 1672)
TITLE Chronologia Christiana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I3yKpMPtThwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, chronology
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grandami, Jacques S. J. (1588 - 1672)
TITLE De die Supremo et natali Christi quaestio evangelica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fyZBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 La Flèche edition

AUTHOR Grandami, Jacques S. J. (1588 - 1672)
TITLE De summa Dei gloria in Christo Iesu domino nostro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KmJCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grandami, Jacques S. J. (1588 - 1672)
TITLE Nova demonstratio immobilitatis terrae
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item (also available here)
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 La Flèche edition

AUTHOR Grandclaude, Eugene (1826-1900)
TITLE Breviarium Philosophiae scholasticae
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080021628/1080021628.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Paris edition

AUTHOR Granderath, Theodor (1839 - 1902)
TITLE Acta et decreta sacrosancti concilii Vaticani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L6cgAQAAMAAJ
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Freiberg i. B. edition

AUTHOR Granderath, Theodor (1839 - 1902)
TITLE Constitutiones dogmaticae sacrosancti oecumenici concilii Vaticani ex ipsis eius actis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/a584483100granuoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Freiberg i. B. edition

AUTHOR Granés, Bernardus
TITLE Libellus orthographiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ULY44zLrgxMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Barcelona. edition

AUTHOR Granés, Bernardus
TITLE Pueriles elegantiae flores
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ULY44zLrgxMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Barcelona. edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE De infinitis infinitorum et infinite parvorum ordinibus disquisitio geometrica
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Pisa edition (also here)

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Epistola de Pandectis ad Josephum Averanium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8bMWAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Florence edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Epistola geometrica ad v. cl. Thomam Cevam S. J.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=R1tDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Epistola mathematica de momento gravium in planis inclinatis, deque directione fulcri im mechanicis attendenda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ysa64r8onDwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Lucca edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Flores geometrici ex rhodonearum et cloeliarum curvarum descriptionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QSIOAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Florence edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Geometrica demonstratio Vivianeorum problematum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kIA_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Florence edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Mathematica de momento grauium in planis inclinatis deque directione fulcri in mechanicis attendenda
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics, mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Lucca edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Geometrica demonstratio theorematum Hugenianorum circa logisticam seu logarithmicam lineam
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Florence edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Geometrica demonstratio Vivianeorum problematum : quae in exercitatione geometrica, Etrusco idiomate anno 1692 edita, cum sola determinatione prodierant, circa formationem ac dimensionem cuiusvis regularis architectorum fornicis exactumque tetragonismum infinitarum partium curvae superficiei, tum sphaericae novi admirandi fornicis veliformis Florentini, tum cylindricae antiqui schaphiformis Romani
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics, mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Florence edition (also here, a dpr of the 1709 Florence edition is available at the same site)

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Prostasis ad exceptiones Cl. Varignonii libro De infinitis infinitorum ordinibus oppositas circa magnitudinum
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Pisa edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Quadratura circuli et hyperbolae per infinitas hyperbolas & parabolas quadrabiles geometricè exhibita & demonstrata
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Pisa edition (also here)

AUTHORS Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742) and Tommaso Ceva
TITLE Q. Lucii Alphei Diacrisis in secundam editionem philosophiae novantiquae [sic catalogue] R. P. Thomae Cevae, cum notis Jani Valerii Pansii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094293
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Autun edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Sectionum conicarum synopsis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hsJ5kYdg-S8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Naples edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido (1671 - 1742)
TITLE Sejani et Ruffini Dialogus de Laderchiana historia S. Petri Damiani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4d7qwlEuKzIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grandi, Guido: see Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz

AUTHOR Granicher, Joseph Marcel Sebastian
TITLE Notes (1757)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27407
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01783

AUTHOR Granius, Nicolaus Andreas
TITLE Disputatio Physicarum Quarta. De Loco Et Vacuo
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-31-8f-helmst-20s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Granius, Nicolaus Andreas
TITLE Dn. Matthiae Overbeck Et Agathae Scholier, Sponsis Lectissimis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/db-4228-1s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Granius, Nicolaus Andreas
TITLE Disputatio quinta de iusticia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/o-232-4f-helmst-8s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Granius, Nicolaus Andreas
TITLE In Novos Honores Andreae Mulleri
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN584243596
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Grannolachs, Bernat de
TITLE Lunariu[m] in quo reperiuntur co[n]iunctio[n]es [et] opositio[n]es lune et eclypses solis [et] lune
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Silber%29/1,23,23,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&4,4,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grant, Edward (d. 1601)
TITLE Oratio de vita et obitu Rogeri Aschami
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/ascham1/jpg/bs001.html
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Oxford edition (1581 London edition here)

AUTHOR Grant, Edward (d. 1601)
TITLE Oratio de vita et obitu Rogeri Aschami
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/aschamlife
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2007)
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Grapaldo, Francesco Mario
TITLE De Partibus Aedium dictionarius (1516)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058486
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Architecture, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 edition (dpr's of the 1508 Strassburg edition, the 1516 Parma edition and the 1533 Basel edition are also available)

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE An atheismus necessario ducat ad corruptionem morum?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wyhPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE An Talmud sit cremandum?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KqdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Controversiam recentiorem theologicam: Paionismi in Gallia et Belgio hucusque agitatam de verbi divini influxu in conversione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030963/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De calumnia ono- et chorolatriae, Iudaeis et Christianis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oV9GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De conceptione et nativitate temporali Messiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VgFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De Judaeorum et Muhammedanorum Chibbut Hakkebher, i. e. percussione sepulchrali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oF9GAAAAcAAJ&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De Menaeis et Menologiis Graecorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iWVGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De neo-prophetis cemmenis, Angliam et Scotiam hodie turbantibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uLFOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De rosa aurea a papa Romano quotannis solemniter consecrata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=j9NFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE De verbo abbreviato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=R8hOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Diss. extero-¬theol. repraesentans theologiam Sinensium eiusque reformationem a Iesuitis tentatam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Iu5RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio philosophica examinans cartesianam methodum convincendi atheum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3Qi4tm93eLoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio philosophica examinans placita quaedam scripti recentissimi sub titulo geologia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zxNmTtAUKa8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio Theologica Inauguralis, Controversias Quasdam Recentiores examinans
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ISVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Disp. theol. inaug. libellum recentissimum sub rubrica: Das ewige Evangelium der allgemeinem wiederbringung aller Creaturen
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eRNPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Dissertatio Theologica Inauguralis, Controversias Quasdam Recentiores examinans
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ISVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Historia literaria Talmudis Babylonici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1xhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Preface to Johann Meineke, Christus a Tridentino concilio...exccommunicatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fx5WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Theologia Recens Controversa Continuata
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN634490222/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Leipzig - Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE In turpissimum scelestissimi cuiusdam praedonis Martini a Roshem Gelrogalli latrocinium Psal. CXXIII paraphrasis
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=lmRDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Memorabilis conflagratio templi diuae Mariae Antverpien. heroico versu velut ob oculos posita
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=tgBBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Antwerp edition 0

AUTHOR Grape, Zacharias
TITLE Môledet ham-māšîah mē-ʿôlām h. e. Generatio Messiae aeterna
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Z6USMsSRwNwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Latinissimae colloquiorum formulae ex Terentii comoediis selectae ac in Germanicam linguam versae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_Wc6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Pacis inter Carolum V. Imp. Caes. Avg. et Franciscum Primum Galliarum Regem christianiss. ad aquas Mortuas in agro Narbonis initæ, descriptio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=23tCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Querela proditi Christi, per novos quosdam suos huius temporis Ischariotes Turcochristianos
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=lmRDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Sacrosanctvs senatvs praeclariss. vrbis Antverp. ab ipso Caesare divo Carolo Qvinto Avgvsto, an. M. D. XL. solenniter institvtvs... descriptvs
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V2ZPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Cornelius
TITLE Spectacvlorvm in svsceptione Philippi Hisp. prin. divi Caroli. V. Cæes. F. an. M. D. XLIX. Antverpiæ æditorvm, mirificvs apparatvs
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bf9OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grapheus, Rodolphus
TITLE Praedictio astrologica
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=437
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Harderwijk edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Analytica Tractatio Titulorum In Pandectis, Codice Et Institutionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4e5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Analyticae tractationis de emptione venditione disputatio secunda, de venditionis materia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3SZQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Centuria de testamentis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029978/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Centuriata disputatio de utili et usu quotidiano in Romano praesertim imperio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4KYbcgAACAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Conclusiones aliquot, quibus consuetudinis natura, causae, effectus, adfinia et contraria ex variis iuris locis, praecipue ex titulo D. de legibus et titulo C. Quae sit longa consuetudo, breviter sunt congesta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031347/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Conclusiones de personis per quas cuique dominium acquiritur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=b8z2Ncm05YIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE De Legatis Difficillima Ivxta Ac Vtilissima Materia Positiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029737/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE De mutuo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lt1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE De Publicis Iudiciis Theses
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029976/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE De rapina disputatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=H3VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE De usucapionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=H3VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de de curatione et satisdatione tutorum vel curatorum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11212/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de dominio eiusque modis acquirendi naturalibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031344/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de hereditatibus, quae ab intestato deferuntur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031346/images/

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio De Iure Eiusque Principiis Et Causis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029980/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio legitimatione et adoptione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=b8z2Ncm05YIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de mutuo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031575/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de obligationibus in genere, earumque speciebus, natura et causis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030929/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio de rapina
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031354/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio XVI de successione legitima, quae ab intestato defertur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031571/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio tricesima de iure dotium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031975/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Disputatio tricesima tertia de institutione et substitutione heredum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033342/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Positiones dubiae de usufructu
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031568/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Praesidente Clarissimo atque doctissimo Viro D. Paullo Graseccio I.C. & in celebri Argentinensium Academia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029667/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Themata iuridica de heredibus instituendis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yvVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de commodato
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031202/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de Crimine Suspecti Ultimo Tutelae Vel Curae Finiendae Modo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029977/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de damno iniuria dato
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031353/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de delictis privatis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031349/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de dominio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gTNVAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de donationibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031355/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de iustitia et iure eiusque partibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1MQXcgAACAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de obligationibus ex quasi delicto descendentibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036929/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de obligationibus in genere
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N2BPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de Obligationibus, Quae Quasi Ex contractu nascuntur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029979/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de personis quibus alienare licet, vel non
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031202/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de petitione hereditatis, seu rei vindicatione universal
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031202/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de rerum divisione, qualitate, dominio et modis acquirendi naturalibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029668/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de servitutibus urbanorum atque rusticorum praediorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029981/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de testamentis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029669/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de testamento militis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031350/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de tutelae causis, effectibus, e t modis eius finiendae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lKJLAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de usucapionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030927/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de usufructu, usu et habitatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031352/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graseck, Paul
TITLE Theses de verborum obligatione sive de stipulationibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031348/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Graser, Giambattista
TITLE De Eo Quod Dicitur: Ubi Desinit Ethicus, Ibi Incipit Jurisconsultus, Sive De Philosophiae Moralis Ad Jurisprudentiam Necessisate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011278/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Grasolarius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola ad Christoforum de Priolis (prefacing his 1481 Venice edition of Quintilian's Declamationes)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=256&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 172f.

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De successione tam ex testamoento quam ab intestato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0Md5xxK7T0kC 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Venice edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE Receptarum sententiarum volumina duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vFaQM8UDbwUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE Repetitones duae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8SY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De arbitriis familiae eriscundae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6bBTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa pabulatorias militum excursiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9utKAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa recuperationem bellicam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SlvHhL9m6R0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De impensis in rem alienam factis, maxime in modo aestimandi & repetendi consideratis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031298/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De iure exequendi in imp. in specie de executione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CUsnHE5nF9cC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De modo et iure taxandi iurisdictionem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SAtYAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De libertate fluminum publicorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oZ9NAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De negotatione clericom prohibita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=m9VgAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De nexu ordinis equestris immediati in Suevia, Franconia et Terra Rhenensi &c. erga Caesarem & Imperium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031295/images/
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De propolio iuste prohibito
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jtJkAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De praescriptione superioritatis territorialis acquisitiva
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031297/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE De redotatione eiusque iure
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Michael
TITLE Theses selectiores ex materia de literis status
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031293/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grass, Samuel
TITLE Epistola (1714)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27399
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01790

AUTHOR Grass, Sigismund
TITLE De iure belli
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=REtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Strassbirg edition

AUTHOR Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor
TITLE Bibliotheca magica et Pneumatica
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=fOnZfY-dRxQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor
TITLE Orbis Latinus; Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (1909)
URL http://www.columbia.edu/acis/ets/Graesse/contents.html
SITE The Electronic Text Service; Columbia University
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grassert, J. P. A.
TITLE Index testaceorum viventium quoe in collectione J.P.A. Grasset extant
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/10577
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1884 Casablanca edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Benvenuto
TITLE De oculis eorumque aegritudinibus et curis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058490
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Orazio S. J. (d. 1654)
TITLE De tribus cometis anni MDCXVIII disputatio astronomica
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Orazio S. J. (d. 1654)
TITLE De tribus cometis anni MDCXVIII disputatio astronomica
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Orazio S. J. (d. 1654)
TITLE Divini tempoli excisio, oratio habita in Vaticano sacello
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cZiM-cL1z2cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy?
NOTES Dpr of the 163 1Rome edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Orazio S. J. (d. 1654)
TITLE Libra astronomica ac philosophica : qua Galilaei Galilaei opiniones de cometis a Mario Guiducio in Florentina academia expositae atque in lucem nuper editae examinantur a Lothario Sarsio
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Perugia edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Orazio S. J. (d. 1654)
TITLE Ratio ponderum librae et simbellae : in qua quid e' Lotharii Sarsii Libra astronomica, quidque e' Galilei Galilei Simbellatore de cometis statuendum sit, collatis vtriusque rationum momentis, philosophorum arbitrio proponitur
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Naples edition

AUTHOR Grassi, Paride de
TITLE De ingresssu summi pontificis Leonis 10 Florentiam
URL http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/image4592.pdf
SITE Università degli Studi dei Torino
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Florence edition

AUTHOR Grassovius, Hermann
TITLE Ad theses subsequentes, ex L. 2. C. de rescind. vend. desumptas
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031570/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE De fide haereticis et rebellibus servanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zAhFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Dordrecht edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE De iure maiestatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6ZJCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE De iure praecedentiae inter serenissimam Venetam rempublicam et...Sabaudiae ducem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m2RJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Keudeb edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE De praeludiis iustitiae et iuris adversus R. P. F. rebellum Lusitanum ex Societate Iesu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zAhFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Dordrecht edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE Epigrammata sacra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bDMUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Dordrecht edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE Libertas Veneta, sive Venetorum in se ac suos imperandi ius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KUUVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE Maris liberi vindiciae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093829
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE Psalmi Davidis carmine heroico versi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Graswinckel, Dirk
TITLE Stricturae ad censuram Ioannis a Felden ad libros Hugonis Grotii de iure belli ac pacis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8dBBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gratama, Henricus
TITLE Disputatio juridica inauguralis qua Hugonis Grotii memoria vindicatur adversus inconstantiae ac vitiositatis maculam in quaestione foenebri, ipsi inustam quam summo numine
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093763
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 Gronigen edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Alchemiae quam vocant artisque metallicae doctrina certisq[ue] modus scriptis tùm nouis tùm veteribus, duobus his voluminibus comprehensus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533923688
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Ars auarifera quam chemiam vocant
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533923688
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Artis auariferae quam chemiam vocant volumen secundum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zPRRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Artis auariferae quam chemiam vocant volumen tertium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wssCrD1JwucC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Artis memoriae pars iv, videlicet de memoria reparanda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zPRRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mnemonics
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Artis auriferae quam chemiam vocant volumen secundum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zPRRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De literatorum conservanda valetudine liber
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De literatorum et eorum qui magistratibus funguntur conservanda praeservandaque valetudine (expanded version of the preceding?)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De memoria reparanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KucTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mnemonics
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De mutatione temporum eiusque signis perpetuis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KucTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Portents
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De praedictione morum naturarumque hominum facili cum ex inspectione vultus aliarumque corporis partium tum aliis modis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google
SUBJECT Physiognomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE De tuenda sanitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nbmltXBy68sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Libellus de memoria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Memory, mnemonics
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Regimen omnium iter agentium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HBA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Opuscula
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533900904
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Alchemy, physiognomy, medicine, mnemonics
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition (1588 edition here)

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Pestis descriptio, causa signa omnigena et praeservatio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053934
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Praefationes duae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032949/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Proficiscentium seu magnis itineribus diversas terras obeuntium medicina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HF06AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, travel
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Prognostica naturalia de temporum mutatione perpetua
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xPA5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Prognostication
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Temporum mutationes certae ex praedictione rerum quae in aere, terra aut aqua sung aut fiunt breviter et clare ordineque alphabetico descriptae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google
SUBJECT Prognostication
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Theses, hoc tam periculoso Pestis ubique grassantis tempore
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/482403
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SITE Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Undecim signa motus terrae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GlhygjvPxfsC
SITE Google
SUBJECT Earthquake prediction
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grataroli, Guglielmo
TITLE Verae alchemiae artisque metallicae, citra aenigmata, doctrina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M2texx6As5QC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gratia Dei, Johannes Baptista (d. 1341)
TITLE De confutatione Hebraicae sectae
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=19629
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJEC Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Rome edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Gratianus: see Aemilius Ludwig Richter

AUTHOR Gratianus de Clusio
TITLE Decretum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042672/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Nuremberg edition (1496 Venice edition here)

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Epigram preceding Johann Pfefferkorn’s Hostis Iudaeorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rXo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT po try
NOTES Dpr of the 1509  edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Epistola apologetica ob primam a parvulo educationem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rXo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Fasciculus rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum
URL vol. 1
vol. 2
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 London edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Gemma penosticationum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006575/images/
SUBJECT Prognostication
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Hoc in opusculo. co[n]tra Speculu[m] oculare Joannis Reuchlin Phorce[n]sis. hec in fidei et ecclesie tuitionem continentur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011546/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Lamentationes obscurorum virorum non prohibitae per sedem apostolicam
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005523-2
SUBJECT Religion (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Cologne edition (second copy here)

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Orationes quodlibeticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=botXAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Triumphus beati Iob
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pnBTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 edition

AUTHOR Grauert, Wilhelm Heinrich
TITLE De Aesopo et fabulis Aesopiis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deaesopoetfabul00graugoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Bonn edition

AUTHOR Graun, Adam
TITLE Carmen heroicum de turri in inclyta urbe Dresdensi ad templum S. Crucis singulari, ac pene nova arte extructa
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037847/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gratius, Ortwin
TITLE Gemma prenosticationu[m] ponderata supra Orizontem generalem et specialem
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/127-2-quod-25s/start.htm
SUBJECT Prognostication
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Heidelberg edition

AUTHORS Graupitz, Balthasar Benjamin
TITLE De concursu et graduatione creditorum in foro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LD1UAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Wittenberg edition

AUTHORS Graupitz, Balthasar Benjamin
TITLE De maiestate armis et legibus instruenda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3gJJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Wittenberg edition

AUTHORS Graupitz, Balthasar Benjamin and Jeremias
TITLE Os animi vis vigorque Autorem aeque aemulari Vitae humanae semper vivendi
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:018557H_001,800,600
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Gravel, Philipp
TITLE De superfoetatione
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana5175hall (go to p. 315)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Carl Theodor
TITLE De caussis corruptae post bellum Peloponnesiacum apud Graecos artis tragicae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4768569
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Luneburg edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Jacob Bennebroek
TITLE Specimen iuridicum inaugurale
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2xVEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777 - 1857)
TITLE Cleoptera microptera Brunvicensia nec non exoticorum quotquot extant in collectionibus entomologorum Breunvicensium
URL http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/ebind/mfn/gravenhorst_1802/XML/
SITE Humboldt Universität Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Brunswig edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777 - 1857)
TITLE Ichneumonologia europaea
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11531
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777 - 1857)
TITLE Monographia coleopterorum micropterorum
URL http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/ebind/mfn/gravenhorst_1806/XML/
SITE Humboldt Universität Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777 - 1857)
TITLE Monographia ichneumonum pedestrium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6ZBIAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777 - 1857) cccccccccc
TITLE Reptilia Musei zoologici Vratislaviensis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/5000
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Cornelius’s
TITLE De moderamine inculpatae tutelae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DQdEAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Cornelius Christianus
TITLE De alimentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bHBhAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Jeremias’s
TITLE Ad legem Corneliam de sicariis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C1RWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE De evidentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IzBOAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE De hygraulica corporis humani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=W-PmVV6kZe8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE De vera et nunquam vituperata philosophia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IzBOAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Introductio ad philosophiam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_7EUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Matheseos universalis elementa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TQ0OAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Orationes duae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IzBOAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Physices elementa mathematica experimentis confirmata, sive, Introductio ad philosophiam Newtoniana,
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=F25bAAAAQAAJ 
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=U7c-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Philosophiae Newtonianae Institutiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jHUtAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravesande, Willem Jacob's
TITLE Physices elementa mathematica experimentis confirmata, sive, Introductio ad philosophiam Newtoniana,
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=F25bAAAAQAAJ 
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=U7c-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gravet, Pierre-Joseph-Frédéric
TITLE Enumeratio muscorum Europaeorum
URL http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=460
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gravina, Petrus
TITLE Oratio de Christi ad caelos ascensu
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+incunables/sbusc+dixital+incunables/1,1,141,B/l856~b1965740&FF=sbusc+dixital+incunables&74,,141,1,0
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Rome edition

AUTHOR Gravina, Petrus
TITLE Oratio publice dicta
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=t25eAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Naples edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De actionibus petitoriis, possessoriis, mixtis et praeiudicialibus aliisque remediis cognatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bMdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De austregis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qOFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De commisso ephyteuseos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ynJJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De condictionibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bsdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa nivem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PNZRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De felonia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7_1IAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De investitura feudali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h2pPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De iudice
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qOFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De iudicio diffamatorio
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Johann_Gravius_De_iudicio_diffamatorio?id=a8dJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De iudicio syndicatus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=asdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De officio iudicis nobili
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yd9IAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE De salvo conductu iudiciali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g2pPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE Diss. inaug. selectarum conclusionum ex processu iudicario
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wRpNAAAAcAAJ 10
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johann
TITLE Facies iuris publici Hungariae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jdpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gravius, Johannes Hieronymus
TITLE Auspicatissimas Nuptias Augustissimi, Potentissimi, & Invictissimi Principis ac Domini, Dn. Leopoldi I. Romanorum Imperatoris ... Cum ... Principe ac Domina, Dn. Eleonora Magdalena Theresia
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:301389E_001,800,600
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Absurda Calvinistica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Absurda Absurdorum Absurdissima Calvinistica Absurda (the same as the preceding?)

SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Analysis quaestionum theologico-physicarum de localitatte et illocalitate corporis Christi

SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Bellum Ioannis Calvini et Iesu Christi Dei et hominis
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=eO1BAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Disputationes Theologiae In Quibus Fundamenta Verae Et Vivivficae Consolationis Per Pontificias, Calvinianas ac Photinianas ... corruptelas labefactari, ostenditur:
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Disputationes antijesuiticae tomus 1
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Dissertatio De Quaestione illa ardua, minusq́[ue] perspicua, Qui Fiat, Qvod Multi, Etiam Omni Exceptione eruditissimi Viri, in sacrarum literarum interpretatione à viâ veritatis aberrare videntur?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Grawerus continuatus, sive disputationum Anti-Jesuiticarum...tomus II
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QopWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Dissertatio de novo et horrendo errore Photinianorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Examen praecipuarum sophisticationum quibus recentiores Calvinianorum et Photinianorum etc.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Harmonia praecipuorum Calvinianorum et Photinianorum etc.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Libellus de unica veritate
URL https://books.google.com oks?id=dD1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Praelectiones Academicae in Augustanam Confessionem,pars sexta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Au9oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Prophetae Michaeae expositio plana et perspicua
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QitBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Propugnaculum antipataeanum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Colloquium M. Alberti Graweri Rectoris Scholae Eislebiensis. Et M. Wolfgangi Amlingi Pastoris Servestani
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-72145
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Libellus De Unica Veritate
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN613131797
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grawer, Albert
TITLE Oratio de ordine scholastico
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=Iw9LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Gray, George John (b. 1863)
TITLE Abstracts from the wills and testamentary documents of printers, binders, and stationers of Cambridge, from 1504 to 1699
URL http://www.archive.org/details/stationerscambridge00grayuoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Book trade
NOTES (Text partially in Latin) dpr of the 1915 London edition

AUTHOR Gray, Jacobus
TITLE Harmoniae Catholicae Sectio Quarta, Qua binis Oraculis periphrastice ex Vet. & Nov. Test. tractatur
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN611952718
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Lübeck edition

AUTHOR Gray, Jacobus
TITLE Harmoniae Catholicae Sectio Quarta, Qua binis Oraculis periphrastice ex Vet. & Nov. Test. tractatur
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN611952718
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Lübeck edition

AUTHOR Gray, Thomas
TITLE Poemata
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=QggOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA173&dq=poemata&as_brr=1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1857 London edition

AUTHOR Gray, Thomas: see Christopher Anstey

AUTHOR Graziadio, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Commentaria... in totam artem veterem Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058879
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Venice edition

AUTHOR Graziadio, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Oratio ad crucifixumhttp://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+fondos+xerais/sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais/1,1,132,B/l856~b1966099&FF=sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais&73,,132,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition

AUTHOR Graziadio, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Quaestiones
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058321
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1484 Venice edition

AUTHOR Graziani, Antonio Maria
TITLE De casibus virorum illustrium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057950
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Leonhard
TITLE Diss. inaug. iur. hist. chronolog. crit. philol. publ. de sincera, ac secura artis praecipue diplomaticae, ac suo modo sigillariae, & numismaticae crisi, itemque momentosa quorundam imperatorum, aut potius regum Germanicorum, puta Chuonradi Primi, et Heinrici Aucupis post extinctam in imperio per obitum Arnolfi, & Hludovici infantis stirpem Carolingicam in Neustria adhuc superstitem cura, ac re diplomatica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031300/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Bamberg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Thomas
TITLE Compendium Historiæ Universalis et Pragmaticæ Romano-Germanico imperii
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=kOg2VsnSV9UC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Johann Thomas
TITLE Expositio doctrinae catholicae de sacramento extremae unctionis
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1791 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Thomas
TITLE De scientia eiusque genuinis principiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QXxgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Thomas
TITLE Expositio de ortu et progressu Cellae Superioris, sacri et canonici ordinis
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Thomas
TITLE Germania Sacra In Primitivo Statu Ecclesiae, Tanquam Reipublicae Sacrae, A Christo Institutae, Et Ab Apostolis Horumque Successoribus Propagatae Usque Ad Constantinum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033754/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Grebner, Thomas
TITLE Philosophia moralis
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Grech Delicata, Giovanni Carlo
TITLE Flora Melitensis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/9965
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1853 Malta edition

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Andreas Alciato

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Klaus Henrik Van Herwerden

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Janus Lascaris

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Franz Passow (two items)

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Paul Sakalowski

TITLE The Greek Anthology: see Josephus Justus Scaliger

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De concilio Nicaeno I
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=T-1GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De distributione subditorum in certas classes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0XZpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De ecclesia Bohemica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GChPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De haeresi veterum praedestinatianorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gHUyKNVnCR4
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De imperio Magnae Britanniae
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN597607842
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De rebus Herodis Magni
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De Rugia, insula maris Baltici
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De rusticatione et villis veterum
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De sacris quadragesimae
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE De Sibyllis
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE Destructio imperii Romani occidentalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=owFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE Disputatione hist. Ptolemaeum Philadelphum, Aegypti regem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PfRQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE Ex historia civili de republica Veneta
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE Pentas quaestionum historicarum
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg
TITLE Tōn monachōn te monastikōn exereunēsis ex Patribus eruta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C_pOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Ad secularia scholae Misenensis sollenia...invitat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ES1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De Anchialo, ad Martial. lib. XI. epigr. 95
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3RpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De clade auctore levata, ad Ovid. Metam. II, 281
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VCRJAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De daduchois tēs sophias Facigeris Sapientiae Ad Plutarchi p. paid. Agōg. c. xiv § 18.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0XZpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philololgy
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De diis in clypeis, ad Virgil. Aen. II, 389. 396
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QjVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De euphemia et dysphemia nominis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=INdVAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De Graecorum verbo turbationem significante
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De Iudaeis, noctibus continuis bustum Iulii Caesaris freqentantibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1QBTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De nata e terra prole
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OTVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De regibus sacerdotibus, sive sacerdotio cum pontificatu coniuncta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bAVgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, policits
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Meissen edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De termino salutis humanae peremptorio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zUdQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE De vite in templo Hierosolymitano a Romanis reperto
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hwlJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Exercitatio logica prior: de propositionibus exhibitivis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=aD1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Exercitatio philologica de Graecorum poetis theologicis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nAvID6kjKIsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Exercitatio philologica de theologis Graecorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=meTS206a5qEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Exercitatio philologica de theologis Graecorum secunda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=meTS206a5qEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Leipzig edition (1736 Leipzig edition here)

AUTHOR Green, Georg Sigismund
TITLE Exercitatio philologica de theologis Graecorum tertia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N4FNpsOdS64C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Greflinger, Georg
TITLE Ethica complementoria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Bamberg - Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Gregel, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De Vita Canonicorvm Commvni Eivsque Vestigiis Hodiernis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006634/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Würzburg edition

AUTHOR Gregorini, Gerasimus Constantinus
TITLE De Hydrope Uteri Et De Hydatidibus In Utero Visis Aut Ab Eo Exclusis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN635608936
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Halle edition

AUTHOR Grégoire de Hologne
TITLE Laurentias
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00016451/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Assertiones ex utroque iure miscellaneae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DZpRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Commentaria & annotationes in decretalium proemium, tit. de summa Trinitate & fide Catholica, de constitutionibus his accedunt, ad titulum de rescriptis tractatus in duas sectiones distinctus de electione in re beneficium clara ac dilucida enarratio capitulo conquerente, de officii & potestii indicis ordinis liber 1 decret. tit. 3, explicatio praelectiions ad titul. de responsalibus & matrimonio, libro 4 decretal. titul. 1...una cum indicibus capitum, verborum, rerumque notabilium locupletissimis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058134
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Lyon edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Commentaria in prologomena syntaxe[o]n mirabilis artis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nNg5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning?
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Commentaria in Syntaxes artis mirabilis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GDJCAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning?
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Cologne edition (vol. 1 here)

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Commentaria et annotationes in decretalium prooemium, tit. de summa trinitate et fide Catholica, et de constitutionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tvtAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De appellationibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qhU8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Ursel edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De beneficiis ecclesiasticis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039353/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De immortalitate animae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eJT-VVU3QYIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De iuris arte, methodo et praeceptis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LLFtbAlq9aAC 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De republica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IggV5szqeYIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE De usuris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eTI8AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Institutiones breves et novae rei beneficiaria ecclesiasticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dxI8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Iuris canonici partitiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022587/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Opera omnia ad Ius Pontificum spectantia
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061270
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057862
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Partitiones totious iuris canonici continentur in quinque libros digestae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tvtAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Praeludia optimi iurisconsulti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Y9Vz9A-MTO0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Semina atque axiomata artium ad quaslibet scientias applicanda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BZk8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Syntagma iuris universi atque legum pene omnium gentium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sku5IUZuI_UC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Syntaxes artis mirabilis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bC3SbHqBH5oC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning?
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grégoire, Pierre (1540-1617)
TITLE Syntaxeon artis mirabilis alter tomus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=i-NQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning?
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gregorius a Sancto Vincentio
TI TLE Problema Austriacum plus ultra Quadratura Circuli
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN599406895
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gregorius Ariminensis
TITLE Lectura supra primum librum Sententiarum
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10148
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Valencia edition

AUTHOR Gregorius de Heremino: see Pierre Tartaret

AUTHOR Gregorius de Tipherno
TITLE Hymnus in virginem Dei matrem
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/80-6-quod-6/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Daventer edition

AUTHOR Gregorius de Valentia S. J : see Jacob Heerebrand (three items)

AUTHOR Gregorius de Valentia S. J : see here

AUTHOR Gregorius Nazianzenus: see Philip Melanchthon

AUTHOR Gregorius Nazianzenus: see Willibald Pirckheimer

AUTHOR Gregorius, Franciscus
TITLE Collectanea in sacram Apocalypsin D. Ioannis Apostoli
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1189,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1194,1194,,007856,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gregorius, Martinus: see Thomas Linacre

AUTHOR Gregorius, Rupertus
TITLE Oratio funebris
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=47758&dirids=4
SITE Digital Library of Wielkoposka
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Gregorius Tifernas, Publius
TITLE Opuscula
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072056
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Miscellaneious
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gregorovius, Ferdinand
TITLE Lucrèce Borgia d’après les documents originaux et les correspondances contemporaines (partially in Latin)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-028996
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1876 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianzenus: see Fabricius Ruremundanus

AUTHOR Gregory IX: see Diego de Covarrubias y Levya

AUTHOR Gregory IX: see Anastasio Germoni

AUTHOR Gregory XII, Pope
TITLE Decretales
URL http://digital.library.ucla.edu/canonlaw/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr (?) o fthe 1582 Rome edition

AUTHOR Gregory XII, Pope
TITLE Substantia panis materialis (1415)
URL http://theol.uibk.ac.at/leseraum/texte/250-36.html
SITE Innsbrucker Theologische Leseraum
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Latin text with German translation; html format

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Acta consistorii publice exhibiti a S. D. N. Gregorio Papa XIII regum Iaponiorum legatis Romae, die XIII Martii MDLXXXV
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040712.2979;sessionSeq=17029;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=697701ang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=697702
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Rome edition (a dpr of the 1585 Milan edition is also available)

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Bulla Processus
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11460/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Canon in Calendarium Gregorianum Anni Correctionis MDLXXXII
URL http://hermes.ulaval.ca/~sitrau/calgreg/cgcar.html
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
CONTRIBUTOR Rodolphe Audette
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Latin text with French translation; html format

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Compendium novae rationis restituendi calandarium . . . ad principes christianos et celeberrimas quasque academias missum (1577)
URL http://hermes.ulaval.ca/~sitrau/calgreg/compend.html
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
CONTRIBUTOR Rodolphe Audette
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Latin text with French translation; html format

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Bull Inter Gravissimas (1582)
URL http://www.bluewaterarts.com/calendar/InterGravissimas.htm
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
CONTRIBUTOR Rodolphe Audette
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Latin text with French and English translations; html format

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE [Bulla del papa Gregorio XIII sobre la división de las iglesias de Segorbe y Albarracín]
URL http://saavedrafajardo.um.es/biblioteca/biblio.nsf/novedades/33D3BA7C5AC56A99C1256E9A00402692
SITE Biblioteca Virtual Saavedra Fajardo
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE S.D.N.D. Gregorii Divina Providentia Papae XIII. Bulla Processvs
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022993/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Index tractatuum universi juris duce & auspice Gregorio XIII pontifice maximo in unum congestorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058964
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 (?) Venice edition

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Motu proprio (1582)
URL http://hermes.ulaval.ca/~sitrau/calgreg/motuprop.html
SITE Site devoted to the development of the Gregorian calendar
CONTRIBUTOR Rodolphe Audette
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Latin text with French translation; html format

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope
TITLE Tractatus vniuersi iuris, duce, & auspice Gregorio 13. Pontifice Maximo, in vnum congesti
URL vol. 3.1 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018956/images/
vol. 3.2 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018957/images/
vol. 7 http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=14186
vol. 11.1 http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21436
vol. 11.2 http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=14040
SITE MDZ and Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gregory XIII, Pope: see Pius IV and V

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Erasmus

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Johann Lange

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Johannes Leunclavius

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Wolfgang Musculus

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Johannes Straub

AUTHOR Gregory of Nazianus: see Philologica: De Stvdio, Stylo et Et Artificio Epistolico: F. Qvintiliani; E. Roterodami; A. Senecae; Plinii; D. Phalerei; G. Nazianzeni & Libanij, Sapientissimorvm Virorum Placita

AUTHOR Gregory of Nyssa: see Jacob Gretser S. J.

AUTHOR Gregory of Nyssa: see Nicolaus Episcopius

AUTHOR Gregory, Adriaan Frederik Lodowyk
TITLE Specimen juris civilis de ratihabitione
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN530588714
NOTES Dpr of the 1864 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Gregory, David
TITLE Arithmeticae et algebrae compendium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nE9xXDXmuRcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Edinburgh edition

AUTHOR Gregory, David
TITLE Astronomiae physicae et geometricae elementa
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/460088
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Oxford edition (1726 Geneva edition here)

AUTHOR Gregory, David
TITLE Exercitatio geometrica de dimensione figurarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tJU_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Edinburgh edition

AUTHOR Gregory, James (1638-1675)
TITLE In vindicationem examinis sui libri de vera de vera circuli et hypoerbolae quadratura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lppGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 London edition

AUTHOR Gregory, James (1638-1675)
TITLE Optica promoto, seu Abdita radiorum reflexorum et refractorum mysteria, geometrice enucleata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-062397
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 London edition

AUTHOR Gregory, James (1638-1675)
TITLE Responsum ad animadversiones domini Huygenii in eius librum de vera circuli et hyperbolae quadratura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lppGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 London edition

AUTHOR Gregory, James (1638-1675) : see Christiaan Hugygens (two items)

AUTHOR Gregory, James
TITLE Conspectus medicinae theoreticae ad usum academicum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/conspectusmedic01greggoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1818 Edinburgh edition

AUTHOR Greiderer, Vigilius
TITLE Chronica ref. provinciae s. Leopoldi Tyrolensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tIfNNi5YWaYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Quaracchi edition

AUTHOR Greiderer, Vigilius
TITLE Germania Franciscana, seu chronicon geographo-historicum Ordinis S. P. Francisci in Germania: tracta
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=10870
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Innsbruck edition

AUTHORS Greifeld, Karl Friedrich Adolf
TITLE De Andriae Terentianae gemino exitu
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deandriaeterent00greigoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1886 Halle edition

AUTHOR Greiffenghagen, Andreas
TITLE Conclusiones de legitima ne
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031580/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition

AUTHOR Greiffenhagen, Andreas Müller
TITLE Glossarium sacrum, hoc est vocum et phrasium peregrinarum quae in Hebraico veteris testamenti codice occurrant
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=t2sKBE4bAo8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Greiner, Johann Philipp
TITLE De testamento imperfecto inter liberos
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021644/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Greissl, Melchoir
TITLE De charitate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031581/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grell, Heinrich
TITLE De iure succedaneo coronandi, archiepiscopo Trevirensi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031305/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Grentzing, Christoph
TITLE De baptismo et confirmatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031578/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grentzing, Christoph
TITLE De Divina Gratia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029748/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Grentzing, Christoph
TITLE De praedestinatione et reprobatione divina
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031018/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Grentzing, Christoph
TITLE De sacrosancto et augustissimo corporis et sanguinis Christi sacramento
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=W588AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Munich edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Carmen de historia violatae crucis et eius vita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019469/images
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition (1512 Strassburg edition here, 1514 Strassburg edition here, 1564 Mainz edition here)

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich the Younger
TITLE Iucundissimus in septem artium liberalium defensionem dialogus
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2808/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich the Younger
TITLE Lucubratiunculae bonarum septem artium liberalium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039394/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Oratio ad sanctam synodum Moguntinam
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/180-2-quod-31/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Podalirii Germani cum Catone Certomio de furore germanico diebus genialibus carnisprivii dialogus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00043188/images/
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of an undated Mainz edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Versiculi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013198/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Vita s. Rochi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8KcNrqFoNfYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich the Younger: see Hieronymus Gebweiler

AUTHOR Greser, Daniel (1504 - 1591)
TITLE Enarratio Brevis Et Orthodoxa Evangeliorvm Dominicalivm & Festorum aliquot
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/680-38-theol/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Greser, Daniel (1504 - 1591)
TITLE Homiliae quinquaginta et una de poenitentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Kug7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Greswell, Edward (1797-1869)
TITLE Fasti temporis catholici and origines kalendariae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=L9xSAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=StxSAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=pZ0NAAAAQAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=PgxVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Greswell, Edward (1797-1869)
TITLE General tables of the Fasti Catholici or Fasti temporis perpetui from A.M. 1, B.C. 4004 to A.M. 6004, A.D. 2000
URL http://www.archive.org/details/generaltablesoff00gresuoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Calendar, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Greswell, Edward (1797-1869)
TITLE Harmonia evangelica, sive quatuor evangelia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bCY-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1834 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Greswell, Edward (1797-1869)
TITLE Harmonia evangelica, sive quatuor evangelia atque Actus apostol.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=11BKAAAAYAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1855 Oxford edition

AUTHOR Gretser, Jacob S. J.: see here

AUTHOR Greusser, Johannes
TITLE Passio cum expositionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021495/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Nuremberg

AUTHOR Grévin, Jacques
TITLE De venenis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qic3xGgtN_kC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Antwerp edition

AUTHORS Grévin, Jacques
TITLE Ode for Robert Estienne
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070609
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the undated Paris edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Carmen de historia violatae crucis
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004296-0
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Iucundissimus in septium artium liberalium defensionem dialogus
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004296-0
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Lucubratiunculae bonarum septem artium liberalium, capitulum quintum, De musica (15th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/GRELUC_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Oratio ad sanctam synodum Moguntinam elegantissima
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/180-2-quod-31/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich (1475 - 1512)
TITLE Versiculi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IDZ3i348euIC 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 edition

AUTHOR Gresemund, Dietrich: see Thenderici Gresemundi vita

AUTHOR Greserus, Daniel
TITLE Enarratio Brevis Et Orthodoxa Evangeliorvm Dominicalivm & Festorum aliquot
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/680-38-theol/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Greve, Heinrich
TITLE Parva logicalia
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004420-6
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grevin, Jacques
TITLE De antimonio tractatus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533567296
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grevin, Jacques
TITLE De venenis libri duo
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533567296
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Grevin, Jacques
TITLE Partium corporis tum simplicium tum compositarum brevis elucidatio
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00301
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grew, Nehemiah
TITLE Epistola (1677)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=19810
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Natural sciences
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. gb-00763

AUTHOR Grew, Nehemiah
TITLE Epistola (1678)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=19812
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. gb-00765

AUTHOR Grey, Thomas
TITLE Latin poems and verses
URL http://www.thomasgray.org/cgi-bin/view.cgi?collection=primary&edition=BrJ_1891#p1:p172
SITE Thomas Grey Archive
NOTES Html 0

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Catalogus interpretum iuris civilis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WM1bAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Commentarii in aliquot praecipuos Digesti, Infortiati novi et codicis Iustiniani titulos atque leges
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OSc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Commentarius in difficilem paragraphum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Myc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Communium opinionum in iure loci communes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SvA7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De dominio directo in territorio alieno
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De Gerone marchione duce
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure incerto ex dubia legum quibus utimur auctoritate oriundo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure suffragandi usu intermisso non pereunte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De observantiis collegiorum iuridicorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE De omni genere homocidii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OSc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Speyer edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De precibus primariis imperialibus sine pontificis indultu validis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE De ratione studendi libri tres
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(studendi)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(studendi)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28studendi%29/1,3,3,B/l962&FF=Xt:(studendi)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&2,2,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Historia de quodam quem hostes evangelii in Italia coegerunt abiicere agnitam veritatem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eFw8AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE In leges non puto: de iure fisci
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GCc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1551Venice edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Interpretationes in diffici8llimam il.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fyc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Interpretationes in l. rerum mistura et l. si is qui pro emtore de usucapio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fyc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Interpretationes in ll. Cod. Commu. de lvs .
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fyc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gribaldi, Matteo
TITLE Interpretationes in ll. Cod. Commu. de lleg. et in l. verbis legis, de verbo signifi.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JCc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gribko, Christian
TITLE Officia nonnulla praecipua, quae medici sunt in lectis aegrotantium proferens
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/2269
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Ad audiendam orationem qua quinque iuris candidati
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7fdUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Ad Caroli 4 Bullam auream Saxonicam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wvRnuXjop4IC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE An et quatenus filiifamilias senatusconsulto Macedoniano utentes tuti sint in conscientia?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sDdGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Auspiciis rectoris magnificentissimi, serenissimi principis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QCccEUfaTrUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Collegii ICtorum in Academia Witembergensi h. t. decanus Michael Henricus Gribner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mfpMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De dominio directo in alieno territorio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vqhUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa feras ex custodia dilapsas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De Friderico Sapiente praefecto praetorio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De intercessione coniugum in crimine bigamiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure legitimandi comitum Palatinorum in terris principum imperii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure legitimandi principum imperii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure principum imperii restituendi famam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iure territorii subordinati
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031418/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Leipzig edition (second copy)

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iuribus palatinatus Saxonici duci electori propriis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iuribus principum regalibus, quae vulgo sed perperam ad iurisdictionem referuntur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De iuribus vicariorum imperii, illis in primis quae perperam a nonnullis in dubium vocantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De litium ambagibus in foro Saxonico recidendis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LmwInG3KYfIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Frankfurt - Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De mandato speciali et actibus,qui sine eo a procuratore in iudicio peragi nequeunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De observantiis collegiorum iudiciorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HQtNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De palatinatu Thuringiae observatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De palatinatu Thuringiae programma (the same as the preceding?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dYNMk5sD-PIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De praeiudicio principum imperii ex abusu iuris Iustinianei
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De precibus primariis principum imperii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De probationum quae iurisiurandi declinandi causa suscipiuntur ambagibus recidendis et denegando a probatione ad iusiurandum regressu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De repetitione tormentorum confesso infitiante
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De sigillo maiestatis Saxonico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De terris iuris Saxonicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De titulo comitis palatini Saxoniae in literis Henrici Illustris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De usu exceptionis spolii in foro Saxonico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE De usufructu legitimae patri non adimendo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nLpGAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Electa processus executivi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N04kdu8PkSUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Examen doctrinae communis de mandato speciali et actibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E0kDBLi4rWwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Exercitationem iuris publ. qua ius restituendi famam principibus Imperii asseritur et vindicatur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031309/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Lusat. ius civitat. German. asseritur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Meditationes probabiles de incestis cum novercae matre nuptiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Mich. Henricus Gribner academiae h. t. prorector idem ordinis ICtorum prodecanus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gndGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Mich. Henricus Gribner ICtus ad inauguralia sollenia
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Observationes iuris publici de sigillo maiestatis Saxonico
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031309/images/
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Observationes selectae ex iurisprudentia criminali de intercessione coniugum in delictis carnis, inprimis crimine bigamiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VsXQ2dxUj2cC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Opusculorum iuris privati tomus unus
URL vol., 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Praecipuae differentiae iuris Saxonici electoralis et Lusit. superior in luitione fundi sub hasta venditi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tHNUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Leiopzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Principia iurisprudentiae privatae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lgNDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Principiorum iurisprudentiae naturalis libri IV
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_vQTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Principia processus iudiciarii in usus privatos auditorum conscripta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LmwInG3KYfIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Frankfurt - Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Pro-cancellarius Mich. Henr. Gribner. Ictus solennia inauguralia...celebranda indicit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DO9FAAAAcAAJ&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Pro-rectorem magnificum, patresque ac cives academiae ad disputationem inauguralem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031308/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Selectorum opusculorum iuris privati tomus unus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAU
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Selectorum opusculorim iuris publici tomi IV
URL vol., 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Spicilegium observationum miscellanearum de vicariis imperii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribner, Michael Heinrich
TITLE Utrum fratres, instituta querela inofficiosi testamenti, probare teneantur se non fuisse ingratos?
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5blQCI-oFAUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gribus, Bartholomaeus
TITLE Monopolium philosophorum vulgo Die schelmezunfft
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/53-quod-13/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Grieb, Leonhard
TITLE Oratio coram ... Julio Papa II. nomine totius Elveciorum Ligae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003785/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 edition

AUTHOR Griebner, Johann Sigismund
TITLE De furti apud Lacones licentia
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-130213
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Griebner, Johann Sigismund
TITLE De titulo fraternitatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sc1PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Griemiller, Jarosÿ z Trÿebska
TITLE Rosarium Philosophorum (1578)
URL http://digit.nkp.cz:1111/cgi-bin/c1250.bat/mnscr/xvii_e.77/En_uk/descr.htm
SITE Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the manuscript in the National Library of the Czech Republic

AUTHOR Grienberger, Christoph
TITLE Catalogus veteres affixarum longitudines, ac latitudines conferens cum novis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/730858
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Geometry
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grienberger, Christoph
TITLE Elementa trigonometrica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-gcHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grienberger, Christoph
TITLE Nova imaginum caelestium prospectiva
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EnIdHQAACAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grienberger, Christoph
TITLE Speculum ustorium verae ac primigeniae suae formae restitutum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SdlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Rome edition

AUTHOR Griendel, Johann Franz
TITLE Micrographia nova
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=872&pos=3
SITE SCD Université Strasbourg
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Grieninger, Heinrich
TITLE De praeteritis et supinis verborum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011533/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nuremberg edition (1517 Augsburg edition here)

AUTHOR Grieninger, Heinrich
TITLE Epitome de generibus nominum, declinationeque ipsorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011533/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nuremberg edition (1517 Augsburg edition here)

AUTHOR Grienwald, Franz Joseph
TITLE De vita plantarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gTdJAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Grienwald, Franz Joseph
TITLE Novitii gratiosi ordinis medicorum in methodo discendi medicinam oppido scrupulosi, studio, quod est Ingolstadii, medico accommodati Caput I., de iis, quae ante accessa medicinae sacra futuro medico trutinanda veniunt
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030674/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Commentarius criticus in textum Graecum Novi Testamenti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bt9JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Jena edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Curae in historiam textus Graeci epistolarum Paulinarum specimen primum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=duFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Jena edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE De codicibus quatuor evangeliorum Origenianis pars prima
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, codicology
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE De fide historica ex ipsa rerum quae narrantur natura iudicanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE De historiae ecclesiasticae nostri seculi usibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE In Novum Testamentum synopsis
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=czUHAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Jena edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Loci theologtici collecti ex Leone magno
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Multorum N. T. codicum Graecorum descriptio et examen
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=spwUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Opuscula academica
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE Symbolae criticae ad supplendas et corrigendas variarum N. T. lectionum collectiones
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=spwUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE De vera notione vocabuli πνευμα in cap. viii. epist. ad Romanos
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40301ucmf_3
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Jena

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob (1745-1812)
TITLE De vera notione vocabuli πνευμα in cap. viii epist. ad Romanos commentatio altera
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=btY2AAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Griesbach, Johann Jacob: see Johann Salomo Semler

AUTHOR Griesebach, A.
TITLE Commentatio de distributione hieracii generis per Europam geographica; sectio prior: revisio specierum heracii in Europa sponte crescentium
NOTES Dpr of Abhandlung der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschafter Göttingen 5 (1843) 83ff.

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Gulielmo Furtwänglero, Gutenbacensi, lycei Constantiensis collegae
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252214587
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Natalitia Augustissimi ac Clementissimi Principis ac Domini Car. Leopoldi Frid. Magni ducis Badarum
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252219708
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Piae memoriae Caroli Friderici Magni Badarum ducis
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252218248
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1844 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Pro patria Germanica ac Badensi
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252222660
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Reverendissimo et doctissimo gravitate seni, vigore iuveni Josepho Loreye, lycei Rastadini rectori
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252229797
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Reverendissimo, dodctissimo clarissimoque viro Vincentio Zahn
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Reverendissimo illustrissimoque viro J. Leonardo Hug
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252228839
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Rastadt edition

AUTHORS Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866) and Karl Friedrich
TITLE Sacra Natalitia saecularia Caroli Friderici Magni Ducis Badarum... celebrat Lyceum Rastadiense
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN510275982
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Viri plurimum reverendi Jo. Baptistae Ambs, ecclesiae metropolitanae Friburgensis praebendarii et bibliothecae praefecti
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/25223636X
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Grieshaber, Franz Karl (1798 - 1866)
TITLE Viro doctissimo clarissimoque Carolo Zell
URL http://digilib.ub.uni-freiburg.de/document/252236599
SITE Universätsbibliothek Freibur i. Br.
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Rastadt edition

AUTHOR Griesinger, Ludwig Friedrich
TITLE De servitute luminum et ne luminibus officiatur
URL http://www-test6.mpg.de/mfer-cgi/kleioc/0010MFER/exec/books/%22174873%22
SITE Max-Planck-Institut, europäische Rechtsgeschichte
NOTE Dpr of the 1819 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Griessheim, Heinrich Christoph von
TITLE Iurisprudentiae publicae Romano-Germanicae brevis delineatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030365/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Griffith, William
TITLE Muscologia itineris Assamici
URL http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/FichaLibro.php?Libro=465
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Calcutta edition

AUTHOR Griffoni, Matteo (1351 - 1426)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf4759439
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Griffolinus, Franciscus: see Lorenzo Valla

AUTHOR Grifo, Leonardo (d. 1485)
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf818713
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grillandus, Paulus (Paolo Grillando)
TITLE De lamiis
URL http://www.library.upenn.edu/etext/occult/tractatus/index.html
SITE University of Pennsylvania Library
SUBJECT Witchcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Grillandus, Paulus (Paolo Grillando)
TITLE De hereticis et sortilegiis omnium coitu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=27-K9nUXdtEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Grillandus, Paulus (Paolo Grillando)
TITLE De sortilegiis (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://www.library.upenn.edu/etext/occult/tractatus/index.html
SITE University of Pennsylvania Library
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Grillo, Giovanni Matteo
TITLE Abiuratio multorum errorum haereticorum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-201384
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Dillingen edition

AUTHOR Grillo, Giovanni Matteo
TITLE Epistola de rationibus et causis, quae eum movereunt ut ad ecclesiam Catholicam Romanam rediret
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_1_190_2/Z_1_190_2_fich_1.html
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grimaldi, Francesco Maria (1618 - 1663)
TITLE Physico-mathesis de lumine, coloribus et iride
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094921
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Grimaldi, Francesco Maria S. J.
TITLE De vita aulica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jVYeuIcfXO0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Manners, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Grimaldi, Francesco Maria S. J.
TITLE De vita oeconomica
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=d4ovCVVKWlgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Rome edition

AUTHOR Grimm, Simon
TITLE Augusta Vindelicorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003711/images
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Augsburg (?) edition

AUTHOR Grimm, Simon
TITLE De profanatione rei sacrae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EdJMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gogle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grimmius, Heinrich
TITLE Anagrammata votiva
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:274650S_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Consensus ac dissensus, seu harmonia ac disharmonia barometrorum simplicium, seu tuborum ac tubulorum Torricellianorum diversissimorum mercurio sive fervente, sive frigente ac frigidiusculo repletorum observatione saepius repetita notatus determinatusque
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/6/jpg-0400/00000112.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 6 (1740) pp. 104 - 108

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Hyetometriae Grischovianae, Berolini, Regiae scientiarum Societatis auspiciis, inde ab initio anni 1728. coeptae, et proxime praegresso Miscellaneorum Berolinensium Tomo usque ad anni 1733. finem exhibitae, continuatio per annos 1734. et 1735
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/5/jpg-0600/00000117.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 5 (1737) pp. 113 - 120

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Hyetometriae Grischovianae, Berolini, Regiae Scientiarum Societatis auspiciis, inde ab initio anni 1728. coeptae, exhibitaeque per sexennium usque ad finem anni 1733. Tomo Miscellaneorum Berol. penultimo, continuatae hinc per annos 1734. et 1735. Tomo proxime praegresso, continuatio per novissimum quadriennium, scilicet annos 1736-1739. inclus.
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/6/jpg-0400/00000098.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 6 (1740) pp. 90 - 103

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Hyetometri, In Societatis Reg. Boruss. Scientiarum usum adornati, descriptio, una cum sexennio Observationum Hyetoinetricarum, Berolini ab eodem habitarum
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/4/jpg-0400/00000356.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 4 (1734) pp. 349 - 376

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Methodus investigandi parallaxin lunae et planetarum eclipsibus Stellarum fixarum a luna et planetis innixa
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN350423350
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 4 (1758) 451 - 473

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Observatio insoliti luminis Australis Petropoli habita
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN350423350
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 4 (1758) 474 - 476

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Relatio observationum et experimentorum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN509114253
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 7 (1758-9) 445ff.

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Significatio brevissima, eaque tantum, cui satis tuto fidere licet, Frigoris extremi Berolinensis, inde ab initio praesentis seculi, usque ad A. 1740. inclusum
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/6/jpg-0400/00000313.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 6 (1740) pp. 313 - 316

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Significatio brevissiina, rursusque ea tantum, cui satis tuto fidere licet, frigoris extremi, mensibus Januario ac Februario anni 1740, locorum quorundam septentrionalioris Europae partis in austrum, boream, ortum atque occasum Berolino dissitorum
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/6/jpg-0400/00000316.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 6 (1740) pp. 316 - 323

AUTHOR Grischow, Augustin
TITLE Thermometria Comparata accuratius, atque Harmonica, ex ipsamet, potissimum in plurimis, creberrima Observatione, Tabulis exhibita aliquot, synoptice sistentibus Partes, Gradusve sibi respondentes Mensurarum, seu Scalarum Thermometrorum praecipuorum
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/6/jpg-0400/00000275.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 6 (1740) pp. 267 - 312

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Catalogus plantarum Cubensium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097747
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1866 Leipzig edition (a dpr of another copy is available here)

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Commentatio de distributione Hieracii generis per Europam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gA0bAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Genera et species gentianearum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097744
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Tübingen edition

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Observationes quaedam de gentianearum familiae characteribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TVxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Berlin edition

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Plantae Wrightianae e Cuba orientali
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/708
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1860 - 62 Cambridge Mass. edition

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Spicilegium florae rumelicae et bithynicae
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097745
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097746
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1844 Braunschweig edition

AUTHOR Grisebach, August (1814 - 1879)
TITLE Symbolae ad floram argentinam
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098349
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Griselle, Eugène
TITLE De munere pastorali quod... adimplevit... Jacobus-Benignus Bossue
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-065473
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1901 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gritsch, Johann
TITLE Quadragesimale
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 Cologne edition (a dpr of the 1484 Strassburg edition is available here -- another javascript-driven site - and dpr’s of the 1489 Lyon edition, the 1492 Lyon edition, the 1495 Venice edition, and the 1497 Lyon edition are also available, and a dpr of the 1505 Strassburg edition is available here)

AUTHOR Gritsch, Johann
TITLE Selecta iuris publici novissima
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=s_y15nQBdCAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Frankfurt - Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grob, Johann Huldrych
TITLE Carmen seculare, hoc est, Praesagium in seculum 1600 a nativitate Domini nostri
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/340259
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Grob, Johann Huldrych
TITLE Cygnus evangelicus : historiam doctorum ecclesiae Christi, inde à reformatione, adversum Romani vulturis et omnis volucris invisae molitiones, prosopopoeia heroica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/326426
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Grocinus, Gulielmus
TITLE Epistola ad Aldum Manutium (prefacing Manuzio's 1499 Venice edition of Astronomi veteres)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=324&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 240f.

AUTHOR Groitzsch, Gregor
TITLE Libellus continens Salae fluvii descriptionem, eidemque adiacentium oppidorum, artium, coenobiorum & episcopalium sedium, situs, fundationes & antiquitates
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013214/images/
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Vienna edition (1584 Leipzig edition here)

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De Epistola Hominis Ultima
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-161670
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De legato collegio relicto
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GXBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De necessaria ultimarum voluntatum praelectione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_vVXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1772 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De officio et potestate arbitratorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iMlGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De Operarum Debitarum Mutatione
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-161730
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De praesumptione debiti ex solutione usurarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lhVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grolmann, Melchior Dethmar
TITLE De recusatione iuramenti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-7qLO8Z2Yv4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Giessen-Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grönbeck, Isaak
TITLE Synopsis historiae Christi usui puerorum exarata
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-153523
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Groneweg, Rudolf Wilhelm
TITLE Quaedam Momenta De Victu In Morbis Adhibendo Dissertatio Inavguralis Medica
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN63449774X
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Grönstrand, Frederik
TITLE De magnis ingeniis, raro felicibus
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2784
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Grönholm, Fredrik
TITLE De emendatione morali
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2910
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gröning, Caspar Gabriel
TITLE Nomenclator Linnaeanus In Elisabeth Blackwell Herbarium
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN633180084
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Leipzig edition

AUTHORS, Jacobus and Abraham van Goorle
TITLE Dactylotheca, seu annulorum sigillarium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-EtVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Seal rings
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leiden (?) edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Abraham
TITLE Pars major bibliothecæ Gronovianæ, sive Catalogus librorum exquisitissimorum rarissimorumque bibliothecae...Bibliothecae publicae acad. Lugd. Bat. Praefecti
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=YzRbAAAAQAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=YzRbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Abraham
TITLE Bibliothecæ Gronovianæ pars reliqua et praestantissima...quae omnia constituerunt partem optimam bibliothecae v. cl. Abrahami Gronovii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SE4VAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Ferederik
TITLE In aliquot C. Plini Naturalis Historiae libros notae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=aGM9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1855 Gothen edition

AUTHORS Gronovius, Jacobus et al.
TITLE Catalogus librorum tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Publicae Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=UcI-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De chulosi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cekHTTKhyXEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De imaginibus et statuis principum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=96pGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De lege regia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1hXpP83FUXkC 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De origine Romuli
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yGU-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De nece Iudae τοῦ προδότου et cadaveris ignominia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gg5xXIqUVdYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De pernicie et casu Iudae τοῦ προδότου
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fEZMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE De variolis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fyB0X7MIM6YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Decreta Romana et Asiatica pro Iudaeis ad cultum divinum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-U0wAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Defensio curae et operae quam ante annos impendit exitio et ignominiae proditoris Iudae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2CoUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leiden (?) edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Disquisitio de icunula Smetiana, quam Harpocraten indigetarunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rhRBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Dissertatio de lege regia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=W5lAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Dissertatio de origine Romuli
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yGU-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Dissertatio philologica de imaginibus et statuis principum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oQpKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola (1672)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22498
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00346

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22499
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00347

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22500
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00348

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola ad v. cl. Ioannem Georgium Graevium v. cl. de Pallacopa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG0TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola ad Ioannem Georgium Graevium qua respondetur argutiolis quibus in appendice observationum ad Pomponium Melam utitur Isaacus Vossius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dDwTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leiden

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Felicitas Ramelensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I_dIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Leiden edition

AUTHORS Gronovius, Jacobus et al.
TITLE Funebres laudationes quibus Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae regi Guilielmo III clarissimi oratores...iusta suprema solemniter fecerunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I_dIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Geographica antiqua, hoc est : Scylacis Periplus maris Mediterranei, anonymi Periplus Maeotidis paludis et Ponti Euxini, Agathemeri Hypotyposis geographiae, omnia graeco-latina. Anonymi Expositio totius mundi latina
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061496
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Geography, exploration
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Leiden edition (a dpr of the 1700 Leiden edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Honoraria dissertatio de lege regia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083048
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Infamia emendationum in Menandri reliquias
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Laetitia academiae Lugduno-Batavae ob successum expeditionis Hibernicae Wilhelmo Britanniae, Scotiae, Franciae et Hiberniae regis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IPdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Laudatio funebris recitata post obitum venerandi et eruditissimi viri Christophori Wittichii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jXJLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Ludibria maelevola clerici, vel proscrioptio pravae mercis et mentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GfRfAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature (humor?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Memoria Cossoniana, hoc est Danielis Cossonii vita breviter descripta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=j5w_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Memoria natalis noni et tricesimi, quem primum in regia purpura vidit celebravitque serenissimus ac potentissimus Britanniarum rex Wilhelmus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HPdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Memoria Namurci
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KumC90MgTiIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Notitia et illustratio dissertationis nuperae de morte Iudae et verbo ἀπαγχέσθαι
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KumC90MgTiIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Oratio de geographiae origine, progressu ac dulcedine
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WplAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Oratio de lege regia pro concione quum fasces academicos secundum deponeret
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0-Y_AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Oratio de primis incrementis urbis Lugduni et appellatione eiusdem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ixhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Oratio de ratione studiorum suorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Mz16Cfrk3xkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Panegyricus serenitati hiemis et conventui potentissimorum ac celsissimorum principum Hagae-comitis celebrato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-LYSHxNK5HIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Pietas ultima academiae Lugduno-Batavae circa serenissimum et potentissimum Magnae Britanniae regem Wilhelmum II
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0_XFYGmda4cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Preface to Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum, vol. 10
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Preface to Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum, vol. 10
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Regia auspicia academiae Lugduno-Batavae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6C7jrMksRTgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Responsio ad cavillationes Raphaelis Fabretti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VZlAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Aquaducts
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus
TITLE Supplementa lacunarum in Aenea Tactico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UVg-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus: see Jacques Pilipp d’Orville
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leiden edition

AUTHORS Gronovius, Jacobus et al.
TITLE Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=AAALwVo6sDQC
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=30hfLSWL4a4C
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=fTq9IQpsAV4C
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=qV0lKEURa1EC
vll. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=4J8gQnOgu1sC
vol. 6 https://books.google.com/books?id=VhFyTxorVUYC
vol. 7 https://books.google.com/books?id=bfVWjoZLtswC
vol. 8 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GcW54cX14OwC
vol. 9 https://books.google.com/books?id=Sde3SI5N1PoC
vol. 10 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
vol. 11 https://books.google.com/books?id=jl68k_H5iKUC
vol. 12 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GcobckKGqagC
vol. 12.2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xYjv8JJccQcC
index vol. https://books.google.com/books?id=E_MnwR5lYO4C
SITES Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 - 1702 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus: see Richard Bentley

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus: see Jan Frederik Gronovius

Orville, Gronovius, Jacoobus: see Jacques Philippe d'Orville

Orville, Jacques Philippe d’
TITLE In obitum celeberrimi doctissimique xsviri Jacobo Gronovii.Giovanni Poleni et al.

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jacobus: see Wolferdus Senguerdius

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Ad...legatos extraordinarios et plenipotentiarios...προπέμπτικος
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VRAt4HpJOtMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Daventer edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Ad L. et M. Senecas notae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P4o9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Allocutio ad Cosmum Etruriae principem cum academiam vistaret
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De centesimis usuris et foenore unciario antexegesis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2AhFAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Nimwegen edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De fibulis antiquorum vestiariisin agro Neomagiensium suburbano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E7RaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1783 Nimwegen edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De lucernis vetrum reconditis in agro Neomagiensium suburbano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kdtgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Nimwegen edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De Gothorum sede
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=93tdAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Strasburg edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De icuncula Smetianaquam Harpocraten indigetarunt
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Iconography , religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Strasburg edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE De sestertiis seu subsecivorum pecuniae veteris Graecae et Romanae
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=Hh4VAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Elenchus antidiatribes Mercurii Frondatorus, ad Papinii Statii Sylvas
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistola (1731)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22503
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00349

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistola (1672)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22498
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00346

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistolae ad Claudium Salmasium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA325
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistolae ad Johannem Kirchmannum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA320
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition

AUTHORS Grotius, Hugo (1583 - 1645) et al.
TITLE Epistolae celeberrimorum virorum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/epistolaecelebe00grotgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistolae in quibus multa Titi Livii loca geographica emendantur
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Epistolae xxxvii ad filium suum Iacobum nondum editae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pXBCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Landshut edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE In Statii Sylvarum libro v diatribe
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zBk-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Mantissa pecuniae veteris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NCz6yB4uxmMC  
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Notae in Terentium
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Strasburg edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Observationum liber novus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MYVoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Daventry edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Observationum libri tres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LrgTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Observationum libri quatuor
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=s9ApAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Observatorum in scriptoribus ecclesiasticis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=utA7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Daventer edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Observatorum in scriptoribus ecclesiasticis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=utA7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Daventer edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Pecunia vetus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UrYKHprkXBoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Responsio ad Cl. Salmasium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Hh4VAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Varia geographica libellus provinciarum Romanarum et civitatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3e8OAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquiarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik: see Nicholas Heinsius

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik: see Paulinus Petrocordiensis

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik : see Claudius Salmasius (see also here)

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor
TITLE Emendationes pandectarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mTEsfFZglWEC
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Auctuarium in bibliothecam botanicam antehac a ...Joanne Francisco Seguierio conscriptam et editam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bsJAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Bibliotheca regni animalis atque lapidei
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/39608
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
SUBJECT Zoology, geology, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Epistola (1669)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22506
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00354

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Epistola (1671)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22507
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00355

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Flora orientalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qC4YAAAAYAAJ
SITE Kurt Steuber’s Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Flora Virginica exhibens plantas quas v. c. Johannes Clayton in virginia observavit atque collegit
URL http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/gronovius/index.html
SITE Kurt Stueber’s Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Index supellectilis lapideae
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN487741994
SITE AnimalBase
SUBJECT Mineralology
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Strasburg edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik: see John Clayton

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Epistola (1757)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22504
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00352

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor
TITLE Animalia quadrupeda, amphibia atque pisces (vol. I of Zoophylacium Gronovianum)
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN50020554X
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Bibltiotheca regni animalis atque lapidei
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IBEVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science, geology, zoology
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor
TITLE Enumeratio insectorum (vol. II of Zoophylacium Gronovianum)
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN500205736
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Flora orientalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qC4YAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor
TITLE Vermes, mollusca, testacea et zoophyta(vol. III of Zoophylacium Gronovianum)
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN500205817
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor
TITLE Marmor basis Colossi Tiberio Caesari erecti ob civitates Asiae restitutas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X7g-AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor (1730 - 1777)
TITLE Museum ichthyologicum
URL vol. 1 http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN369538870
vol. 2 http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN369539176
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gronovius, Jan Frederik
TITLE Zoophylacium Gronovianum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gjD-zS4-AeQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1781 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Grönstrand, Fredericus
TITLE De usucapione
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/50747
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Groot, Benjamin de
TITLE De circumscripta probatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RI1PAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Groot, Bernardus
TITLE De cessione bonorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7cyQUS_AzksC 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Utrecht edition

gAUTHOR Groot, Hugo de: see Hugo Grotius

AUTHOR Groot, C. P. Hofstede de
TITLE Pauli conversio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eKs-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Groot, Cornelis
TITLE Repetitio L. Vnicae C. de Sententijs quae pro eo quod interest proferuntur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wGpaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 edition

AUTHOR Groot, Geert
TITLE Sermo sinodalis purgatorium sacerdotum appellatus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003989/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Groot, Jacobus de
TITLE De differentia imputationis in falcidiam et trebellianicam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4lVuGtr_KfQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Groot, Jan de
TITLE Deliciae poeticae
URL vol. 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LmATAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Groot, Jan de
TITLE Disputatio juridica inauguralis De differentiis actionum bonae fidei et stricti juris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=o2BDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Utrecht edition

AUTHORS Groot, Jan de et al.
TITLE Epithalamium
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 edition

AUTHOR Groot, Jan de
TITLE Nuptiis Jani Bickeri Bickeri...et Catharinae Sixiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gWBaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1769 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Groot, Joan Arnold
TITLE Quibus modis testamenta (tesmenta catalogue) infirmatur
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/groot.pdf
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Groot, Karl Friedrich
TITLE Ulcerum chronicorum pathologia medica
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/groot.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Groot, Marcus de
TITLE De vermibus intestinalibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X_oOAQAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Groot, Olavus O.
TITLE De captis in bello
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095949
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Stockholm edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofsted de
TITLE Institutio theologiae naturalis (substantially different from the following?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ygheAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofstede de
TITLE Institutiones theologiae naturalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qeVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofstede de
TITLE Institutiones historiae ecclesiae Christianae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ygheAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofsted de
TITLE Lineamenta theologiae Christianae universae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IT0-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Teligion
NOTES Dpr of the 1848 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofstede
TITLE Oratio de Davide poeta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4r9PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1832 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Groot, Petrus Hofstede
TITLE Oratio de ecclesia Christiana quae nostris temporibus cernitur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6b9PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Groot, Willem de
TITLE De Principiis Iuris Naturalis Enchiridion
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/groot/principi/
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 The Hague edition

AUTHOR Groot, Willem de
TITLE Isagoge ad praxin fori Batavici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y5dFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Groot, Willem de
TITLE Vitae iurisconsultorum quorum in Pandectis extant nomina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y5dFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Antididagma
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LsU7AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 15493 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Capita institutionis ad pietam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mr6qEhwCGTMC 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Canones concilii provincialis Coloniensis anno celebrati 1536
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OIxSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Venice edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE De praestantissimo altaris sacramento
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=yWtOAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=4GtOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE De veritate corporis et sanguinis Christi in eucharistia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-tBRrZHEp4EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Enchiridion Christianae provinciali Coloniensi editum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Cs9llljx4FAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Formula, ad quam visitatio intra dioecesin Coloniensem exigetur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LLxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Institutio Catholica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0BE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Libellus Piarum Precum, Ad Usum Pueritiae apud Divum Gereonem Coloniae Agrippinae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018085/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gropper, Johann
TITLE Oratio in solenni Epiphaniae Domini die Tridenti habita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025954/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Groshans, George Philip Frederik (1814 - 1874)
TITLE Prodromus faunae Homeri et Hesiodi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076435
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1839 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Groshans, George Philip Frederik (1814 - 1874)
TITLE Specimen anatomico-physiologicum de systemate uropoietico, quod est radiatorum, articulatorum et molluscorum acephalorum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/10128
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Grosippus, Pascasius: see Kaspar Scioppe

AUTHOR Groslotius, Hieronymus
TITLE Poems on Sir Philip Sidney
URL http://www.dbnl.nl/tekst/dors002poet01_01/dors002poet01_01_0015.htm#15
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gross, Johann Georg
TITLE De Christiana republica, seu de felici gubernatione populi Dei
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Jq9cHekN8_MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gross, Johann Georg
TITLE De formandis orationibus oratoriis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/32-theol/start.htm
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gross, Johann Georg
TITLE Theatrum biblicum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/32-theol/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gross, Johann Georg
TITLE Urbis Basil. epitaphia et inscriptiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xT0PAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gross, Johann Georg Mulhausanus
TITLE Eichsfeldi inferioris descriptio geognostica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eNgAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography?
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Mühlhausen edition

AUTHOR Gross, Nicolaus (contemporary)
TITLE De vespis et vespillonibus (2000)
URL http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/retiarius/vespa.html
SITE Retiarius
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gross, Nicolaus (contemporary)
TITLE Vocabula Civitatis Solis a Thoma Campanella Scriptae (1998)
URL http://www.chlt.org/sandbox/colloquia/gross/index.html
SITE Cultural Heritage Language Technologies (University of Kentucky)
SUBJECT Literature, language studies
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grossbauer, Philipp
TITLE Programma analecticum de kakozelia, quo ad actum oratorio ... dramaticum ... de mutatione reip. Israeliticae personatis habendum ... invitat Philippus Großgebauer
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030491/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Catalogus librorum eorum qui sumptibus Henning Grossi Junioris bibliopolae Lipsensis excusi apud ipsius haeredes inveniuntur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/254-4-quod-9/start.htm
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Catalogus librorum, quos Gothofridus Grosius Lipsiae hactenus suis sumptibus imprimi curavit
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/254-4-quod-10/start.htm
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De causis feudum amittendi et processu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5xYMguC6H48C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De crimine laesae maiestatis divinae et humanae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WhFQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De privatis delicitis eorumque actionibus et poenis
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=EpdRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De sacro domaniorum iure
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0W5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De testamentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZRFQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE De translatione imperii Rom. a Graecis ad Germanos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0A5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Elenchus seu Index Generalis In quo continentur libri omnes, qui ultimo, seculi 1500. lustro, post annum 1593. usq[ue] ad annum 1600. in S. Romano Imperio & vicinis regionibus novi auctive prodierunt
URL vol. 1 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028533/images/
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Leipzig edition (second copy here)

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Elenchi generalis continuatio 5
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PyyA3N31vGIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Magica seu mirabilium historiarum de spectris
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022756/images
SUBJECT Magic, ghosts
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Isleben edition

AUTHOR Grosse, Henning
TITLE Rector Academiae Wittebergensis Henningus Grosse U.I.D. & Professor publicus &c. Civibus Academicis S.D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:151278X_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Ad orationem valedictoriam...invitat Philippus Grossgebauer rector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8q1oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Ad orationes valedictorias...invitat Philippus Grossgebaur rector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dxlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Weimar editionn

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Ad primum actum oratorio-progymnasticum...invitat Philippus Grossgebaur rector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZBlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Ad oratiunculas argumenti perutilis et periucundi...oratos et exoratos vult Philippus Grossgebauer rector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rnNpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE De cingulo veterum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cP1HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google ooks
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE De kakozelia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030491/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE De nigrore Aethiopum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bxlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Ethnography
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE De paschali solis tripudio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hjJGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Folklore (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE De Troia non capta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gRlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grosshain, Johannes Nokolaus
TITLE Magnum est, In Blandientis fortunae Solio Positum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:649574A_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Μandragora sanctae Rachelis in floralibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cddIAAAAcAAJ https://books.google.com/books?id=qnNpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cddIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossgebauer, Philipp
TITLE Germanorum proverbii de fideli Eccardo...dilucidatio brevis...invitat Philippus Grossgebaur rector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cddIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Weimar edition

AUTHOR Grossmann, Christian Gottlob Leberecht (1783-1857)
TITLE Quaestionum Philonearum primae particula prima
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41874ucmf_2
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grossmann, Heinrich
TITLE De doctrinae metricae reliquiis ab Eustathio servatis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/dedoctrinaemetr00grosgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, poetry, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grothe, Engelbert
TITLE Theses de feundi acquisitione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031949/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grotthuss, ?
TITLE De delirii trementis natura
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/3655
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1832 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Grotius, Hugo (1583 - 1645): see here

AUTHOR Grotthuss, Heinrich Karl von
TITLE De delirii trementis natura
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/grotthus.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1832 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de
TITLE Ad posteriorem Caroli Sigonii de binis magistratuum Romanorum comitiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=v0EVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de
TITLE Aristotelis de demonstratione, sive de secunda parte analyticorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015710/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de
TITLE Aristotelis logica, ab eruditissimis hominibus conversa, et a Nicolao Grouchio correcta atque emendata
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aGrouchius/agrouchius/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=agrouchy+nicolas+de&1,1,,007871,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de and Carlo Sigonio
TITLE De binis comitiis et lege curiata contrariae inter se disputationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OtA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de
TITLE De comitiis Romanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QF1EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Venice edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de
TITLE Praeceptiones dialecticae  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052627
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grouchy, Nicolas de: see Carlo Sigonio

AUTHOR Grube, Wilhelm
TITLE De tumoribus quibusdam benignis in nasi superficie obviis eumque deformantibus
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/grubeguil.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gruber, Michael
TITLE Περὶ κοσμοῦ
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027580/images/
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE Critica exercitatiohistorico-philologica
UR Lhttps://books.google.com/books?id=fOZZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Phlology
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Osnabrück edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE De consecratione principum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MWlGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE De praemiis et poenis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xCxKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE De salutatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e9pPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Minden edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE Disquisitio de lingua Germanorum veteri et hodierna
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dpxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Minden edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE Dissertatio Historico-Philologica, quae exhibet Kpologian, seu Considerationem Horti
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn273193627
SITE Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats- und Universitäts Biblliothek Dresden
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grübel, Christian
TITLE Oculum et oculos in sceptro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fOZZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics?
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grüber, Laurenz
TITLE De febre acuta epidemica exanthematico-dysenterica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition

AUTHORS Grüber, Nicholaus and Heinrich Pape
TITLE Thronus Doctorum Ad ... Reip. Christianae Et Ecclesiae Catholicae Augmentum, Almae Et Perantiqueae Universitatis Geranae Emolumentum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:630500G_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Grubinius, Oporinus
TITLE Amphotides Scioppianae, hoc est responsio ad satyram Menippeam Iosephi Bordonis pseudo Scaligeri pro vita et moribus Gaspari Scioppii patricii
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-8303/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 (?) Paris edition

AUTHOR Grubinius, Oporinus
TITLE Responsio ad confutationem fabulae Burdoniae dolo Calvinistarum diu suppressa
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-8303/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 (?) Paris edition

AUTHOR Grudius (1504 - 1570)
TITLE Andreae Stellae Bruxellensi Belgae sodali suo
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GelukTekst.htm
SITE Leiden University Deparmtnet of Dutch Language and Literature
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grubinius, Oporinus
TITLE Piorum poematum libri duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=knQTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Googlel Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Paris edition

AUTHOR Grudius (1504 - 1570)
TITLE Quod Hyanthide potitus sit, Eucharisticon
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GelukTekst.htm
SITE Leiden University Deparmtnet of Dutch Language and Literature
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grudius: see Janus

AUTHORS Grueber, Carl et al.
TITLE De virtutibus theologicis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ln5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Salzburg edition

AUTHOR Grueber, Carl and Johann Georg Lautter
TITLE Migrandum est
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ln5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 edition

AUTHOR Grueber, Carl and Johann Georg Lautter
TITLE Opposita iuxta se posita ex LL. de coelis, et LL. de ortu et interitu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rEFLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Salzburg edition

AUTHOR Grueber, Carl and Johann Georg Lautter
TITLE Theatrum naturae ex octo libris Physicis generaliter explicatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ee1XAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Salzburg edition

AUTHORS Grueber, Carl and Sigismund Ernst
TITLE Theses physicae ex libro primo physicorum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:166239D_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Salzburg edition

AUTHORS Grueber, Carl and Johann Georg Lautter
TITLE Theses physicae ex libro secundo physicorum
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:166244X_001,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Salzburg edition

AUTHOR Gruenewaldt, Otto von
TITLE Succi gastrici humani indoles physica et chemica ope fistule stomachalis indagata
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/gruenewaldt.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1853 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Grufberg, Isaacus Olai: see Linnaeus

AUTHOR Grüling, Philipp
TITLE Curationum dogmatico-Hermeticarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5WHem9D8yfwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grüling, Philipp
TITLE De difficultate intestinorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rGRs6MoERHsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 edition

AUTHOR Grüling, Philipp
TITLE Florilegium Hippocrateo-Galeno-chimicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gQyMIF03veEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, alchemy
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grüling, Philipp
TITLE Observationum Et Curationum Medicinalium Dogmatico-Hermeticarum...centuriae viii
URL vol. 1 http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN592292088
vol. 5 http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN592292169
SUBJECT Medicine, esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grüling, Philipp Gerhard
TITLE Medicinae practicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1vmofJv89A0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 edition

AUTHOR Grum, Michael
TITLE Oeconomica ex Aristotelis Politicorum libro
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=2694&dirids=4l
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1605 Stettin edition; DjVu format (browser plugin available here)

AUTHOR Grumm, Albert
TITLE Quaestionum Horatianarum particula
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4768927
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1880 Gera edition

AUTHOR Grumme, Albert
TITLE De lectionibus Pindaricis nuper a Tycho Mommsenio prolatis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4769631
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1866 Bielefeld edition

AUTHOR Grünberg, Apicius von
TITLE Feudales conclusiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031514/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grundgrieffer, Christian Heinrich
TITLE De Iure Belli Ac Pacis In Imperio Romano Germanico
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031304/images/
SUBJECT Law, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De morbo Gallico scriptores medici et historici partim inediti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=B1lTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Vita Johannis Ernesti Hebenstreit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sxo-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Halle edition

AUTHOR Grundherr, Carolus Alexander
TITLE Disquisitio IIII problematum juris naturae et gentium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095840
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1722-31 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Caspar
TITLE Evangelion Marci VI
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022006/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Giessen edition (1526 Altenburg edition here)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Analecta ad antiquitates medicas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oaETApL-mCUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Breslau edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Calvitiae enconium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sXRCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Catalogus bibliothecae Graecae ineditus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1fVWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Censura librorum Hippocrateorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1udbAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1775 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Commentatio de demoniacis a Christo sospitatore percuratis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=G1H-05Wcf_EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1772 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De arthritide
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JZlSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1792 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De camo zythi sive cerevisiae veteris specie
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=v6xOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De dolorum partus spasticorum natura et medela
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JZlSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1780 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De morbo Gallico scriptores medici et historici partim inediti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LomFpcX_lM4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Jena edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE De stupore mentis infanticidam non excusante
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_b1NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Delectus dissertationum medicarum Ienensium
URL vols. 1 -2 https://books.google.com/books?id=CXhPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Editio scriptorum de sudore Anglico superstitum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=271NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Epistola (1772)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27463
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Book trade
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01840

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Gonorrhoeae praeconium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sXRCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Historia sodalitatis chemicorum arcanae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Nbg-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1807 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Isidis Christiani et Pappi philosophi iusiurandum chemicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Nbg-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1807 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Itinerarium sudoris Anglici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Qn0_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Lusus medici orationibus expressi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sXRCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Morbi Gallici origines maranicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=B1lTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Morborum antiquitates
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OH5cAAAAcAAJ -
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Breslau edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Nosologia historica ex monumentis medii æui lecta animaduersionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2abiGbSYJyMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ur1pzFWd1yQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1780 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=94FnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-YFnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1787 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4nlnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AIJnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1792 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ViJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rd1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DABTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Ordinis medici in universitate litterarum Ienensi...d. Christian. Gothfrid. Gruner
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rd1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Pandectae medicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rPcGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Panegyris medica
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12205/
SITE Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1787 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Q. Calvi Venerei exequiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sXRCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Q. Calvi Venerei funus indicitivum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sXRCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Scriptorum de sudore Anglico superstitum editio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Qn0_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Semiotice physiologicam et pathologicam generalem complexa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XpWKnfmQ8F4C 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1775 Halle edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Variolarum antiquitates ab Arabibus sois repetendae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=D6JRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1773 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Via et ratio formulas medicas conscribendi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CmA_AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1778 Jena edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Christian Gottfried (1744 - 1815)
TITLE Vitae liberae et dissolutae encomium

SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Jena edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruner, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Comites De Truhendingen Quare Inter Ducum Meraniae Haeredes Fuerint
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN625184033
SUBJECT Heraldry, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Coburg edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Origines Monasterii Ordinis S. Benedicti In Bantz
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN62518355X
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Coburg edition

AUTHOR Gruner, Vincent
TITLE Expositio officii missae sacrique canonis
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I041A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Zaragoza edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Gruner, Wolfgang Ernst
TITLE Disputatio theologica de usuris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037144/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Ingolstadt edition

AUTHOR Grünewald, Johann
TITLE Melos syncharistikon
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:649363A_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Giessen edition

AUTHOR Grüninger, Johann
TITLE Vocabularius incipien Teutonicum ante Latinum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/121-quod-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Grünspeck, Joseph (1473 - 1532)
TITLE Ad reverendissimos Principes Philippum et Johannem Frisingens. et Ratispon. ecclesiarum episcopos ... exhortatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002690/images/
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 edition

AUTHOR Grünspeck, Joseph (1473 - 1532)
TITLE Comedie utilissime, omnem Latini sermonis elegantiam continentes
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/83-10-quod-2/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Grünspeck, Joseph
TITLE Speculum naturalis, caelestis et propheticae visionis omnium calmitatum quae super omnes status christianae reipublicae proximis temporibus ventura sunt
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011099/images
SUBJECT Prophecy (astrology?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Grünspeck, Joseph
TITLE Tractatus de pestilentiali scorra sive mala de Franzos, originem remediaque eiusdem continens
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027266/images/s
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Nuremberg edition (1496 Augsburg edition here, undated Nuremberg edition here)

AUTHOR Gruntinius, Andreas
TITLE Solus philosophus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028216/images
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Padua edition

AUTHOR Grünwaldt, E.
TITLE De Antiphontis quae feruntur tetralogiis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=Xmh2m410WaQC&pg=PP1&dq=intitle:disputatio&lr=&as_brr=1#PPA1,M1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1873 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE Commentatio succincta ad L. Si a sponso. 16. c. de donationibus ante nuptias
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030582/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE De applicatione tormentorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UXBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Hannover edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE De donationibus ante nuptias
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KoBXAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Göttingen edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE De succcesione legitima augistissimae Hannoveranae domus in Magnae Britanniae regna
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=STxHAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Lemgow edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE De uxore Romana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UXBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Hannover edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE De virgine priae vidua ducenda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I9xFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Jena edition

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE Disceptationes forenses
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030582/images/
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Göttingen edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE Observatio Iuris Criminalis De Applicatione Tormentorum
UR Lhttps://books.google.com/books?id=OdkBAAAAYAAJ 
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Hannover edition

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE Observationes rerum et antiquitatum Germanicarum et Romanarum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN630636885
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Hannover edition

AUTHOR Grüsser, Johann
TITLE Opusculum artis grammaticae introductorium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039395/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Grupen, Christian Ulrich
TITLE Schediasma de amoris illecebris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JnBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Frankfurt-Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Isaak
TITLE Epistola (1664)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22508
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Book trade
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-0356

AUTHOR Gruterus, Isaak
TITLE In Lusus Amatorio Belgico Rhythmo Conscripto (1639)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GRUT01.html
SITE Leiden University Heinsius-Collectie
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Ad Cornelium Tacitum discursus aliquot
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung6/allg/werk.xml?docname=livius1627
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Animadversiones in L. Annaei Senecae operahttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Zy6LDxFH8G4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Balthasaris Venatoris panegyricus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iR1UAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES (the title page attribution must be wrong: Gruter died in 1627 and Venator lived much later in the century) dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Bibliotheca Exulum seu Enchiridion Divinae Humanaeque Prudentiae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/gruterus.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt a. M. edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Chronicon Chronicorvm Ecclesiastico-Politicvm
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JQZXiZ0wclwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Frankfurt edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE De operis novi nuntiatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2e1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE De pactis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Y0JJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Delitiae C. poetarum Belgicorum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2YTU6LkqkJ4C
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=o6Rcjnqmu9IC
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z-dPAAAAcAAJ (1612 Frankfurt edition here)
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Delitiae C. poetarum Gallorum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zedPAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JWgVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 16o9 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Delitiae CC. Italorum poetarum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=5VpEAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M6eJgXXJR34C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 16o8 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=o6Rcjnqmu9IC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2d5PAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=wIY-qCx65PUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahtdocs/start1.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Discursus politici in C. Corn. Tacitum et notae maxima ex parte politicae in T. Liv. Patavinum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iR1UAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Epistolae ad Johannem Kirchmannum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA200
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Florilegium ethico-politicorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EXVCAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Frankfurt edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Florilegium magnum sive Polyanthea
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=cbw_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Florilegium rerum et materiarum ex auctoribus vetustis alterum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7VZXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE In Titum Livium notae maxima parte politicae
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung6/allg/werk.xml?docname=livius1627a
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
SUBJECT Philology, politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated Frankfurt a. M. (?) edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani in absolutissimum corpus redactae
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BqmhQp8cGjIC
vol. 1.2 https://books.google.com/books?id=6IhDAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6IhDAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2.2 https://books.google.com/books?id=2G9EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Amsterdam edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Inscriptionum antiquarum appendix
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XY9CAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Inscriptionum Romanorum corpus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3zSVmU3h0-YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Lampas sive fax artium liberalium, hoc est thesaurus criticus
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=RHxMAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC z
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=gqpNAAAAcAA
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ASZRAAAAcAAJ
vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=5D1XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 - 5 Frankfurt edition (vol. 4 from the 1751 Naples edition)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Liminial epigram for Theodorus Rhodius, Dramata sacra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BsQ9AAAAcAAJ&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA16
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Frankfurt edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Manes Gulielmiani
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/acid1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Notae Romanorum veterum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=d4hCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Pericula
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fsk7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Heidelberg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Theophylact, Historiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015928/images/index.html?id=00015928&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Qualiter Argivos proceres per caerulea Nerei (prefacing the 1601 Augsburg edition of Photius' Myriobiblion)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=728&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 644 - 649

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus (ed.) (1560 - 1627)
TITLE Varii discurus, sive prolixiores commentarii ad aliquot insigniora l oca Taciti atque Onosandri
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=QXVpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus: see Carolus Utenhovius Boissardus

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus: see Friedrich Hermann Flayder

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus: see Jacob Gretser S. J.

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus: see Antonius Praetorius

AUTHOR Gruterus, Janus: see Baltharus Venator

AUTHOR Gruterus, Johannes
TITLE Epistola (1602)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22509
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Book trade
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-0357

AUTHOR Gruther, Philip a Dixlant
TITLE De prisca virtute Batavorum oratio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/163-quod-2f-6/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Grütsch, Conrad O. M. (1409 - 1475)
TITLE Quadragesimale
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042680/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Ulm edition (1470 Nuremberg edition here, 1486 Strassburg edition here, undated Reutlingen edition here, undated Nuremberg edition here, 1477 Augsburg edition here, 1488 Nuremberg edition here)

AUTHOR Grützmacher, Franz
TITLE De ossium medulla
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zGNEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Grylling, Johan A.
TITLE De argumenti dispositione in satiris i-viii Juvenalis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deargumentidisp00grylgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1886 Lund edition

AUTHOR Grylling, Johan A.
TITLE De argumenti dispositione in Satiris IX-XVI Iuvenalis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deargumentidisp00gyllgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1889 Lund edition

AUTHOR Gryllus, Lorenz
TITLE Epistola (1556)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=27541
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-01847

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Aloys
TITLE Paedagogia sublimior theoretica et applicata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3-9MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1851 Pest edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Bonaccursius
TITLE Boni Accursii Grynei Spongia, Contra Aspergines Lucretii
URL vol. 1 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00009224/images/
vol. 2 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00009225/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, B(onaccursius?): see Continuatio biographiae B. Grynaei

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Johannes
TITLE Actus inauguralis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C5gUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTESdpr of the 1746 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Johannes
TITLE Dissertatio theologica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C5gUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTESdpr of the 1740 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Johann
TITLE Epistola (1640)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23639
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Book trade
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00160

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Georg Bodicenus
TITLE De persona Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8JFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Johannes Jacobus (1540 - 1617): see here

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE De cometis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024288/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE De obitu Oecolampadii Epistola
URL http://www.jalb.de/agora/html/3429TABLE_OF_CONTENTS.html
SITE Johannes A Lasco Bibliothek, Emden
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Strasbourg edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE De utilitate legendae historiae
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=IeJaAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Epistola ad Cuthbertum Tonstallum (prefacing his 1533 Basel edition of Euclid's Elements and other mathematical works )
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=464&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 381f. (also available here)

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I4FBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography, miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1847 Basel edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Mzw8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE In librum octavum Topicorum Aristotelis commentaria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034798/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Liminal epigram prefacing Polydore Vergil’s Anglica Historia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E4Dro-MeTOoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Novus orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LXO2VdlZfpsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Exploration
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Praefationes in dialogos Platonis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader2?id=tkkTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to Bude's translation of Aristotle, De Mundo
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0117_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Aristophanes
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0205_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Aristotle, Opera
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0113_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Aristotle, Topica
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0118_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Diadochi Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0291_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his translation of Diodorus Siculus
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0247_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Project
SUBJECT Philology
dNOTES Dpr of the 1578 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his Monumenta S. Patrum Orthodoxographa
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0439_003_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Plato, Opera omnia
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0142_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Plutarch, Lives
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0102_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Plutarch, Lives
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0103_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Pollux, Onomasticon
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0081_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his translation of Plutarch, Sitne rationis aliqua in bestiis
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0106_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Proclus Diadochus, Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0291_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon
TITLE Preface to his edition of Ptolemy, Almagest
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0278_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon (1564 - 1628)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del3/books/deliciae3_14.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon (1564 - 1628)
TITLE Typus omnium praeceptorum Aristotelicorum, quae in octavo libro Topikon interroganti & respondenti dantur
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/342717
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon: see Joachim Camerarius

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon: see Alexandre Chamaillard

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon: see Isaac Keller

AUTHOR Grynaeus, Simon: see Sebastian Lepusculus

AUTHOR Gryphiandrus, Johannes
TITLE De Poetis Disputatio historico-politica
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585662762
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gryphiandrus, Johannes
TITLE Velitatio Politico-Iuridica decima tertia De Democratia
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN585659672
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Andreas
TITLE Andreae Gryphii Epigrammatum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN595411290
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Andreas
TITLE Mumiae Wratislavienses
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jP1lAAAAcAAJ
SITE Googlel Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous (humor?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Christian
TITLE Consessus poetici sciagraphiam in gymnasio Elisabethano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bb1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Christian
TITLE De scriptoribus historiam seculi xvii illustrantibus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/ge-288/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Leipzig edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gryphius, Christian
TITLE Graecorum imperium, a Muhamede Secundo eversum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qg9LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Christian
TITLE Miracula mundi minoris, sive paradoxa ex historia Christi patientis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Wf1IAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Christian
TITLE Wirtembergias, hoc est Vitae selectae quorundam eruditissimorum ac illustrium virorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J-xLAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Breslau edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gryphius, Otto
TITLE Disp. de fidei certitudine in peccatorum remissione, contra dubitationem Pontificiam,
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031939/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Otto
TITLE Illustrissimorum inclytae Wirtembergiae et Tecciae ducum et. breves descriptiones Virgiliano carmine confectae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031939/images/
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Regensburg edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Otto
TITLE Pannonia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031939/images/
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Gryphius, Otto
TITLE Virgiliocentones Continentes Vitam Salvatoris Nostri, Domini Iesv Christi
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023393/imagesges
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Regensburg edition

AUTHOR Grysar, Karl Joseph
TITLE De Doriensium comoedia quaestiones scripsit: atque Epicharmi et Italicae ...
URL http://www.archive.org/details/dedoriensiumcom01grysgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, drama
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Regensburg edition

AUTHOR Gryssel, Johann: see Linnaeus

AUTHOR Gschwend, Adam
TITLE Progymnasmata Aphthoniana tabulis synopticis
URL http://ora-web.swkk.de:7777/digimo_online/digimo.entry?source=digimo.Digitalisat_anzeigen&a_id=1524
SITE Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Jena edition

AUTHOR Gryze, Michael de S. J.
TITLE Honor s. Ignatio
URL follow the link on this page
SITE Jesuitica
SUBJECT Religion (biography?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gschwend, Johannes David
TITLE Cui bono?
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-200767
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Politics (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Eisenberg edition

AUTHOR Guaccio, Francesco
TITLE Compendium maleficarum
URL part 1 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/image4995.pdf
part 2 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/image4995a.pdf
SITE OPAL (Università degli Studi dei Torino)
SUBJECT Witchcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Milan edition

AUTHOR Gualdo, Paolo
TITLE Vita Joannis Vincentii Pinelli, patricii Genuensis
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Augsburg edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gualla, Jacopo
TITLE Sanctuarii Papie  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058967
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Pavia (?) edition

AUTHOR Gualterio de Borlay
TITLE Expositio nova super libros Phisicorum
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000369
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 86

AUTHOR Gualterius, Georgius
TITLE Oratio in nuptiis ... Ferdinandi, Archiducis Austriae, et Mariae Annae Princ. Bavar.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024485/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Graz edition

AUTHOR Gualterus de Castellioni
TITLE Alexandri Magni Regis Macedonum vita
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012392/images/
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Gualterus, Philippus
TITLE Alexandreis cum glossis et tabula orbis terrarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021315/images/
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. CLM 14557

AUTHOR Gualtperius, Otho
TITLE Grammatica linguae sanctae
UR http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0 002/bsb00023656/images/
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Wittenberg edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gualtperius, Otho
TITLE Oratio De Ecclesia, Ejusque Auctoritate & potestate
UR http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023656/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Marburg edition

AUTHOR Gualtherus, Nicolaus
TITLE Index testarum conchyliorum quae adservantur in museo Nicolai Gualtieri
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367583143
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Florence edition

AUTHOR Gualtier, Jacques
TITLE Tabula Chronographica Status Ecclesiae Catholicae A Christo Nato Ad Annum MDCXIV
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001059-9
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Gualtperius, Otho
TITLE Sylloge vocum exoticarum Hebraearum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=HClGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Battista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE Carmen cur Iudai ferant IramO
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005056-8
NOTES Dpr of an undated Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Battista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE De ordine docendi et studendi  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058694
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ferrara edition (1489 Heidelberg edition here, 1514 Strassburg edition here)

AUTHOR Guarini, Battista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE In praestanda sanctissimo D.N. Paulo 5. P.M. pro civitate Ferrariae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7WEJ7F7c8ugC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Battista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE Oratio ad serenissimum Venetiarum principem Petrum Lauretanum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7WEJ7F7c8ugC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Venice edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Guarini, Battista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE Regulae Guarini cum glossis super carmina differentialia
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/28754/
SITE eod eBooks
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Giambatista (1538 - 1612)
TITLE Iuris naturae et gentium principia et officia
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=gLlqUU50lqwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1778 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Giambattista Lascaris
TITLE Ius naturae et gentium
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=gLlqUU50lqwC
SITE Biblioteca Italiana
NOTES Dpr of the 1778 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guarini, Girolamo
TITLE Epitaphia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf657701
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guarini, Guarino
TITLE De lingue Latine differentiis
URL http://www.bibliotecaitaliana.it:6336/dynaweb/bibit/autori/g/guarini_g/de_lingue_latine
SITE Biblioteca Italiana
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guarino, Battista (1424 - 1513)
TITLE Oratio M. Antonii in funere Iulii Caesaris per Baptistam Guarinum translata (from Dio Cassius)
URL http://www.corvina.oszk.hu/corvinas-html/hub1codlat425.htm
SITE Bibliotheca Corviniana
NOTES Dpr of Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Cod. Lat. 425

AUTHOR Guarino, Baptista (1424 - 1513)
TITLE Oratio in inchoando feliciter Ferrariensi gymnasio habita anno 1453
URL http://www.corvina.oszk.hu/corvinas-html/hub1codlat425.htm
SITE Bibliotheca Corviniana
NOTES Dpr of Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Cod. Lat. 425

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006001/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Basel edition (also here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf492291
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Ars dipthongandi 
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053551
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1482 Lyon edition (also available at this page and request the individual items in the collection, a dpr of the 1486 Basel edition is available here,1491 edition here, and a dpr of the 1501 Cologne edition is available here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Carmen Horatii ad Manlium Torquatum de vitae humanae brevitate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012944/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Carmina
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Carmina differentialia
URL http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/diglit/Cc9_qt
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 edition (1515 Vienna edition here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Carmina differentialia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf492464
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE De amore Aldae virginis carmen
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012944/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Leipzig edition (151r7 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Elogium
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005056-8
NOTES Dpr of an undated Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Plutarch's Parallel lives
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002122/images/index.html?id=00002122&fip=
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Erfurt edition (1520 Leipzig edition here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460)
TITLE Regulae grammaticales
SUBJECT Language studies  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058706
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated Florence edition (a dpr of the 1490 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone (1374 - 1460) (trans.)
TITLE Plutarchi de differentia veri amici et adulatoris
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071131
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Translation, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (a dpr of the University of Chicago Library copy is available here)

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone: see Lodovico Carbone

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone: see Niccolò Perotti

AUTHOR Guarino de Verone: see Poggio

AUTHOR Guarino, Battisto
TITLE De docendi discendique modo opusculum
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00003734-3
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Guarinoni, Cristoforo
TITLE Commentaria in primum librum Aristotelis De historia animalium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qnjvFxHnkuIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Frankfurt edition (also here)

AUTHOR Guarinoni, Cristoforo
TITLE Consilia medicinalia
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001829-4
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Venice edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Guarinonius, Hippolytus
TITLE Chylosophiae academicae artis Aesculapiae novis astris illustratae tomi duo
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=10866
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Innsbruck edition

AUTHOR Guarinoni, Cristoforo
TITLE De natura humana, sermones quatuor
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Jyo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Frankfurt (also here)

AUTHOR Guarinoni, Cristoforo
TITLE Sententiarum Aristotelis de anima...interpretatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GSo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea (1470 - 1517)
TITLE Bellum Grammaticale
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005056-8
NOTES Dpr of an undated Erfurt edition (1561 Bautzen edition here)

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea (1470 - 1517)
TITLE Bellum Grammaticale
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007968/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Strassburg edition (1514 Strassburg edition here, 1528 Paris edition here, a dpr of the 1740 Coburg edition is available here, and a dpr of Johann Bolte's Berlin 1908 edition is available here)

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Gaspar Aviatus et al.

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Leonard Hutten

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Georg Manderssen

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see J. V. Merbitz

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Jacobus Pontanus

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Johann Spangenberg

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Argument for a school play Bellum Grammaticum

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Bellum Grammaticale

AUTHOR Guarnas, Andrea: see Prologue and interlude for the play Godefridus Bullonius

AUTHOR Guattani, Carlo
TITLE De externis aneurysmatibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IRxLNFxqwJsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guattani, Carlo
TITLE Historiae duae aneurysmatum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IRxLNFxqwJsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Antidotarium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De apoplexia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De artetica et de calculosa passione
URL http://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/manuscripts/thumb.php?id=4
SITE Lehigh University Digital Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of a 15th c. ms. (shelfmark not quoted)

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De balneis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De calculosa passione
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De catarro
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus aurium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus cordis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus gutturis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus iuncturarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus narium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De egritudinibus oculorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De epilepsia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De febribus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058475
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 Padua edition (a dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition is also available

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De fluxibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De frenesi et parafrenesi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De incubo seu de empialdes
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De litargia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De matricibus, sive De propriis mulierum aegritudinibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058476
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 Padua edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De melia mania et moio lupio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De paralesi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De passionibus stomachi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De peste
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De pleuresi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De psasmo et tetano cum ezalcuzez [sic catalogue]
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De sahara seu vigiliarum instantia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De stupore
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De subeth
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De tortura oris
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De tremore
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De venenis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053762
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE De vertigine scotomia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Opera medica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058473
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Pavia edition (a dpr of the 1497-98 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Opera omnia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060659
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 edition (a dpr of the 1517 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Opus preclarum ad praxim non mediocriter necessarium cum Ioannis Falconis,... annotatis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060662
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1518 Pavia edition (dpr’s of the 1525 Lyon edition and the 1534 Lyon edition are also available)

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Practica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060311
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 edition (dprs of the 1502 edition and the 1517 Venice edition are also available)

AUTHOR Guaynerius, Antonius
TITLE Tractatus de egritudinibus capitis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058369
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition (a dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition is also available)

AUTHOR Guazzini, Sebastiano
TITLE Tractatus de pace, treuga, verbo, dato alicui principi, vel alteri personae nobili, & de cautione de non offendendo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093843
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 edition

AUTHOR Guazzo, Francesco Maria
TITLE Compendium maleficarum ex quo nefandissima in genus humanum opera venesica, ac ad illa vitanda remedia conspiciuntur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051480
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Milan edition (another dpr with a linked html transcript is available here)

AUTHOR Guazzo, Stefano
TITLE De civili conversatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010870/images
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Amberg edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Guazzo, Stefano
TITLE De confiscatione bonorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UOpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Amberg edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gude, Marquard (1635 - 1689)
TITLE Antiquae inscriptiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Zd8-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leeuwarden edition

AUTHOR Gude, Marquard (1635 - 1689)
TITLE Bibliotheca exquisitissimis libris...quae publica auctione distrahetur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RwFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Hamburg edition

AUTHOR Gude, Marquard (1635 - 1689)
TITLE Catalogus insignum ac praestantissimorum codicum manuscriptorum Graecorum, Arabicorum, Latinorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_HVFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gude, Marquard (1635 - 1689) (by reader’s pencilled attribution)
TITLE De clinicis ecclesiae veteris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Or5PAAAAcAAJJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Leipzig edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Gude, Marquard (1635 - 1689)
TITLE Marquardi Gudii et Doctorum Virorum Ad Eum Epistolae. Quibus accedunt ex Bibliotheca Gudiana Clarissimorum Et Doctissimorum Virorum ... Et Claudii Sarravii epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/gude_cera.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition (also here, 1714 The Hague edition here, more editions)

AUTHOR Gudelinus, Petrus
TITLE De Iure Novissimo Libri Sex
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vUx9qciysXUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Antwerp edition (1639 Antwerp edition here)

AUTHOR Gudelinus, Petrus
TITLE De iure pacis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oztzrFqfIrkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Arnheim edition

AUTHOR Guden, Christoph Ignaz von
TITLE Dispvtatio Inavgvralis Medica, Sistens Casvm De Colica Flatvlenta Incolis Gedanensibvs Freqventissima
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-185438
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Heinrich Philipp
TITLE De beneficiis
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-60446
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Jena edition

AUTHOR Guden, Heinrich Philipp
TITLE ΠΕΡΙ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΟΣ sive de argumentatione exemplari
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X_ZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Helmstedt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Leopold
TITLE De iudice
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9yxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Moritz von (1639 - 1688)
TITLE Auctoritate Caesarea
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:011077P_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Moritz von (1639 - 1688)
TITLE Farrago praecipuorum exemplorum de apostolis ... qui ... christianae religioni fideliter patrocinati sunt
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028340/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1539 Halle edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Moritz von (1639 - 1688)
TITLE Historia Erfurtensis Ab Urbe Condita Ad Reductam
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-58111
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Moritz von (1639 - 1688)
TITLE Iuridicae Facultatis Decanus, Joannes Mauritius Gudenus, ICtus, Comes Palatinus Caesareus, Celsissimi Principis Electoris Moguntini Consiliarius Et Erfordiae Praetor, Lectori Benevolo Salutem!
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/14:023280Q_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Johann Moritz von (1639 - 1688)
TITLE Iuridicae Facultatis Decanus, Joannes Mauritius Gudenus, ICtus, Comes Palatinus Caesareus, Celsissimi Principis Electoris Moguntini Consiliarius Et Erfordiae Praetor, Lectori Benevolo Salutem!
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:019484D_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Erfurt edition

AUTHOR Guden, Urbanus-Ferdinandus
TITLE De angina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jN9SAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guden, Valentin F. von
TITLE Sylloge variorum diplomatariorum monumentorumque veterum adhuc et res Germanicas in primis vero Moguntinas illustrantium
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung6/allg/werk.xml?docname=sylloge
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Frankfurt a. M. edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Analysis Libri V. Politicorum Aristotelis De Conservatione & Mutatione Rerum-Publicarum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/202-62-quod-8/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Brevis Lusatographia
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=7MoZ8zgtgR4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Ethnography (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Calendariographias partis generalis diatribe
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hZhmKQVA8_sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De abdomine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wps4Z9Saqf4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De adulatione et candore monita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FVdLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De ambitu ecclesiastico Simonia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iUdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De archidiaconatu Banni Hallensis epistola
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TDJoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De conciliis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TDJoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De educatione adolescentiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CgZHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De nativitate Iesu Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hB29pQ3EhhgCv
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De optica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=r94uS8gKoSwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De peregrinatione recte instituenda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1nficqplzCAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De principatu reipublicae consultatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hm1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE De terra
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=G08tZQ-mneAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Distinctiones metaphysicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Q6jLG9le5ysC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Maecenas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xndGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Mastum generalum Misniae et specialem Dresdae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LHiJoFmyc8IC 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Mnemosynon musicum ecclesiasticum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AZFvQE2-Mp0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Music, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Pallas ditata, seu de discentium stipendis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sexGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Pallas praetextata, sive de nobilitate eruditorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UnVGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Pallas togata, de habitu litteratorum commentatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=boDSmRP1wjoC 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Pars generalis synopsios de conciliis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2ydJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Petra Minervae Salariatae, sive de didactro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=u4qRPiAQqrcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Petra qua natura oeconomices fundatur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eUv4kd34Wa0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Economics
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Pharos ad Themidos montem
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-3207/start.htm
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Praefica Romana, sive de funeribus Romanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZP1GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Quaestionum aliquot geographicarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J72Do0t4aTQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Reverendissimi & Illustrissimi Principis ac Domini Domini Augusti, Archiepiscopi Postulati Magdeburgensis ... Ducis Saxoniae
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:152258P_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueinz, Christian (1591 - 1650)
TITLE Reverendissimo, Illustrissimo & Celsissimo Prinicipi ac Domino Dn. Augusto, Primati Germaniae, Archiepiscopo Magdeburgensi
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/14:621045V_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gueintz, Christian: see Georg Heinrich Brückner

AUTHOR Gueintz, Christian: see Suprema Pietas Viro Excellentissimo Atq[ue] Clarissimo Domino Christiano Gueinzio

AUTHOR Gueldenstaedt. A. I.
TITLE Anas nyroca
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367581337
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of Novi comentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 14 (1770) 403 - 408

AUTHOR Gueldenstaedt. A. I.
TITLE Mus suslica
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367581337
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of Novi comentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 14 (1770) 441 - 455

AUTHOR Gueldenstaedt. A. I.
TITLE Spalax, novum glirium genus
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN367581337
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of Novi comentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 14 (1770) 409 - 440

AUTHOR Guenault, Anton Nicolaus
TITLE An vulnerata crurali arteria ab amputatione auspicandum?
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Guenther von Andernach, Johann
TITLE Anatomicarum institutionum ex Galeni sententia libri IIII
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531932892
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guens, Matthias
TITLE Dissertatio medica pathologica inauguralis de morte corporea et causis moriendi
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=79
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Guens, Matthias
TITLE Disquisitio physiologica de eo quod vitam constituit in corpore animali
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=80
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Guens, Matthias
TITLE Oratio, qua an expediat reipublicae medicinam facientium opera expenditur
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=81
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Harderwijk edition

AUTHOR Guericke, Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand
TITLE De schola quae Alexandriae floruit
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=pnXoKJ6R7koC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Halle edition

AUTHOR Guericke, Hermann
TITLE Bellum Lamiacum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=A6hJAAAAYAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1869 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guericke, Leberecht
TITLE Theatrum nobilitatis praecipue equestris ordinis inferioris Germaniae imprimis Saxoniae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/t-128-2f-helmst/start.htm
SUBJECT Nobility, prosopography
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Magdeburg edition

AUTHOR Guericke, Otto von (1602 - 1686)
TITLE Experimenta nova (ut vocatur) Magdeburica de vacuo spatio
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=533_G93O_1672
SITE Carnegie Mellon Posner Library
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Amsterdam edition (dpr's of other copies are available here, here and here)

AUTHOR Guericke, Otto von
TITLE De calvitie, hirsutie, colorisque vitiis pilorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4UJPAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1853 Halle edition

AUTHOR Guéroult, Guillaume: see Macer Floridus

AUTHOR Guerra, Pedro
TITLE Allegatio Unica pro Imperiali Monasterio Montis-Feri
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1118096&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&19,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Santiago edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Guerra, Pedro
TITLE Catecheses mystagogicae pro advenis ex secta Mathometana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RKPNWrKFJa0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Guererrier, Louis
TITLE De Petro Damiano, Ostiensi episcopo Romanæque ecclesiæ cardinali
URL http://www.archive.org/details/depetrodamianoo00guergoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1881 Arles edition

AUTHOR Guerson, Guillaume
TITLE Utillissime musicales regule (ca. 1495)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/GUEUT_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files (dpr’s of the 1505 Tolouse edition and the the 1518 Paris edition are also available)

AUTHOR Guevara, Fray Antonio de (1480 - 1545)
TITLE Commentaria in Habacuc
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/199,455,587,B/l962&FF=tcommentaria+in+habacuc&1,1,,001904,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Guevara, Fray Antonio de (1480 - 1545)
TITLE De adventu Sancti Iacobi
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=236&idMenu=3&pag=3
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Amberes edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register)

AUTHOR Guevara, Fray Antonio de (1480 - 1545)
TITLE Disputatio contra Judazos
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=236&idMenu=3&pag=3
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register)

AUTHOR Guevara, Fray Antonio de (1480 - 1545)
TITLE Horologium principum, quod ad normam vitae M. Aurelii Severei imperatoris olim concinnavit
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/th/th/301,315,503,B/l962&FF=thorologium+principum+quod+ad+normam+vitae+m+aurelii+severi+imperatoris&1,1,,001786,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Frankfurt a. M. edition (a dpr of the 1671 Frankfurt edition is available here)

AUTHOR Guevara, Giovanni de
TITLE In Aristotelis mechanicas commentarii
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=gueva_mecha_005_la_1627;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project

NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Rome edition with linked html text

AUTHOR Guevara, Pedro
TITLE M. T. Ciceronis Topica Petri Velleii Guevarae notis explicata
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aGuevara%2C+Pedro+/aguevara+pedro/1,1,2,B/l962&FF=aguevara+pedro&2,,2,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Seville edition

AUTHOR Guevara y Basoazabal, Andres de (b. 1748)
TITLE Institutionum elementarium philosophiae ad usum studiosae juventutis: complectens physicam generalem
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080021748/1080021748.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1819 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guggenberger, Joseph
TITLE Coniecturas aliquot a Ricardo Bentleio in Horati Epodon librum propositas
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4738111
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Information unavailable

AUTHOR Gugger, Athanasius
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.e-codices.ch/ecodices-cgi/kleioc/g0010/exec/pagesmaframe/%22zbz-D0221_001r.jpg%22/segment/%22body%22
SITE Zentralbibliothek Zürich
NOTES Dpr of ms. D 221

AUTHOR Gugger, Athanasius
TITLE Hymnorum sacrorum libri quatuor
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=V-cUAAAAQAAJ 
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 ediiton

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Dominico (1655 - 1710)
TITLE Aquarum fluentium mensura nova methodo inquisita
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Scientific instruments, weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1690-91 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Domenico (1655 - 1710)
TITLE Epistola ad Praesidem, de Aquarum fluentium mensura, qua respondet Epistulae Dionysii Papini ad Hugenium
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/1/jpg-0400/00000212.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 1 (1710) pp. 188 - 196

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Domenico (1655 - 1710)
TITLE Epistola hydrostatica ad Antonium Magliabechium
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=3891&format=jpg&seqnum=558
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 545ff.; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Dominico (1655 - 1710)
TITLE Opera Omnia Mathematica, Hydraulica, Medica, Et Physica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nb-478-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Mathematics, medicine, physics
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Geneva edition (for another dpr on this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item)

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Dominico: see Giovanni Battista Morgagni

AUTHOR Guglielmini, Giambattista
TITLE De diurno terrae motu experimentis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/563475
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1792 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Gugliemo, Forfici
TITLE Epitaphia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf644865
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guibé, Robert
TITLE Oratio ad Innocentio VIII
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060743
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1485 edition (a second copy is available here, and a dpr of another edition is also available)

AUTHOR Guibert, Nicolas
TITLE Assertio de murrhinis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/9011
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Guicciardini, Francesco
TITLE Historia papatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YjECAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Guicciardini, Francesco
TITLE Historiarum sui temporis libri viginti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JWxE2tWn7mwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guicciardini, Francesco
TITLE Hypomneses politicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2Rk8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Guicciardini, Francesco
TITLE Loci Duo, ob rerum quas continent gravitatem cognitione dignissimi, qui ex ipsius historiarum libris III. & IIII. dolo malo detracti, in exemplaribus hactenus impressis non leguntur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032559/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guichard, Thomas
TITLE Oratio habita ... coram Clemente VII. Pont. Max. in qua Rhodiorum oppugnationis et deditionis summa continetur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/348-1-quod-11/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Paris edition (more editions)

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Alphabetum Hebraicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rzE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Canticum canticorum illustratum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xz08AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Louvain edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Grammaticae in sanctam Christi linguam institutiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qDE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE In quatuor et viginti primos Davidicos psalmos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-pkNmuJqEkoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE In quinque Psalmos (22., 24., 29., 41., 45.) secundum hebraicum veritatem recens expositio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013194/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Institutiones grammaticae Hebraicae linguae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=g69RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Nova commentaria in Canticum canticorum Selomonis (the same as the previous?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pLuinC95uoUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 edition

AUTHOR Guidacerio, Agazio
TITLE Peculium Agathii
URL http://aleph500.huji.ac.il/F?func=direct&local_base=nnl01&doc_number=002072222
SITE Jewish National and University Library
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guidalotti, Diomedes
TITLE Calpurnii & Nemesiani poetarum Buccolicum carmen una cum commentariis Diomedis Guidalotti Bononiensis
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20008%20074.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Bologna edition

AUTHOR Guidelli, Paolo
TITLE Illustrissimo ac reverendiss. D. D. Ioanni Suarer praesidi Choymbrensi comiti Arganilli... Paulus Guidellus medicus physicus Tridentinus S.P.D.
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aGuidelli/aguidelli/1,2,2,B/l962&FF=aguidelli+paolo&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Brescia edition (also here)

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE Artis medicinalis tomus tertius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pdw0-egYnd0C
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Veniccccien edition

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE Chirurgia e graeco in latinum conversa / Vido Vidio Florentino interprete cum nonnullis ejusdem Vidii commentariis  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052929
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Paris edition; downloadable pdf format (also available here)

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE De anatome corporis humani
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?09030
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 edition

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE De curatione generatim pars prima
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=vI88AAAAcAAJ 
vol. 2.2 https://books.google.com/books?id=IEAhJjLvXAIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Venice / 1587 Florence editions

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE De curatione membratim
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P0tBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Florence edition

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE De febribus libri septem 
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060596
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Florence edition (a dpr of the 1595 Padua edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE Opera omnia sive ars medicinalis
URL vo. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=W95fAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Frankfurt a. M. edition (1668 Frankfurt edition here)

AUTHOR Guidi, Guido (1508-1569)
TITLE Universae artis medicinalis pars quae ad curationem morborum spectat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TEIAX38rAckC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Guido, O. P.
TITLE Maniplus curatorum, officia sacerdotum secundum ordinem semptem sacramantorum complectens
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010699/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Guido, O. P.
TITLE Sermones dominicales
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000157
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 60

AUTHOR Guido, O. P.
TITLE Tractatus Guidonis correctorius multorum errorum, qui fiunt in cantu Gregoriano in multis locis (15th c.)
URL (a) http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/ANOTRA2_TITLE.html
(b) http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/ANOTRAC2_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guido, Frater
TITLE Ars musice mensurate
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/14th/GUIFAR_TEXT.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicae Latinae
NOTES Html text with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Guido de Columnis
TITLE Historia Troiana
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/288-2-hist-2f-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Strassburg edition (a dpr of the 1494 Strassburg edition is also available, undated edition here)

AUTHOR Guido de Monterocherio
TITLE Manipulus curatorum sunt medici, vel de eis dubitarunt, ut sunt Mamiras, Môly, Oloconitis, Doronicum, Bulbocastanum,...epistolae II
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition (dpr's of a 1474 edition, the 1474 Zaragoza edition, the 1484 Tarragona edition, the 1486 Venice edition, the 1490 Rome edition, the 1491 Venice edition, the 1494 Rouen edition, the 1508 Hagenau edition, and of an undated edition are also available)

AUTHOR Guido da Pisa
TITLE Expositiones et glossae super Comediam Dantis
URL http://www.bibliotecaitaliana.it:6336/dynaweb/bibit/autori/g/guidodapisa/expositiones/@Generic__BookView
SITE Biblioteca Italiana
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guido de Sancto Dionysio (Guy de Saint Denis)
TITLE Tractatus de tonis
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/14th/GUISTON_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicae Latinae
NOTES Html text with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Guido de Susaria
TITLE De iure emphyteutico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JY5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Guido de Susaria
TITLE Tractatus de indiciis et tortura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cBY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guido de Susaria
TITLE Tractatus de Indiciis et tortura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cBY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guido, Jehan
TITLE De temporis, astrorum, annique partium integra atque absoluta animadversione  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054073
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guigo de Castro
TITLE Statutis ordinis Cartusiensis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011568/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guiemherus, Hieronymus (1629 - 1641 [sic catalogue]
TITLE Chelys Inauguralis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:017635F_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 edition

AUTHOR Guilandino, Melchiorre (d. 1589)
TITLE Ad illustrem Comitem Nicolaum a Salmo Manuco diattae, hoc est aviculae Dei descriptio
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=308459
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Padua edition

AUTHOR Guilandino, Melchiorre (d. 1589)
TITLE De stirpibus aliquot, epistolae V
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=308459
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Padua edition

AUTHOR Guilandino, Melchiorre (d. 1589)
TITLE De stirpium aliquot nominibus vetustis ac novis quae multis iam seculis vel ignorarunt medici, vel de eis dubitarunt, ut sunt Mamiras, Môly, Oloconitis, Doronicum, Bulbocastanum,...epistolae II
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034015/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Basel edition (1558 Basel edition here)

AUTHOR Guilandino, Melchiorre (d. 1589)
TITLE Papyrus : hoc est commentaria in tria C. Plinii maioris de papyro capita
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=327451
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Writing materials
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guilandino, Melchiorre: see Josephus Justus Scaliger

AUTHOR Guilelmus Avernus
TITLE De collationibus et pluralitate ecclesiasticorum beneficiorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005400/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guilelmus Avernus
TITLE Rethorica [sic] Diuina de Oratione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00017583/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Freiburg edition

AUTHOR Guilelmus Avernus
TITLE Tractatus super passione Christi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011564/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Hagenau edition

AUTHOR Guilhelmus, de Salinis
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=16491
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Education (?)
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dk-00708

AUTHOR Guilliams, William
TITLE Receipt (1619)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=19856
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dk-00783

AUTHOR Guilliams, William
TITLE Receipt (1619)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=19857
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dk-00784

AUTHOR Guilielmus Brito
TITLE Vocabularius perutilis terminos biblie novi et veteris testamenti pregnantes ac difficiles optime declarans
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042714/images/
SUBJECT Religion, language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ulm edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Caioco O. P.
TITLE Super summam confessorum abbreviatam
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000295
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 79

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Conchis
TITLE De calore vitali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cJNTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Conchis
TITLE De fluminum oirigine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cJNTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Oceanography
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Conchis
TITLE De mari et aquis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cJNTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Oceanography
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Conchis
TITLE Dialogus de substantiis physicis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8f3RkvExmpkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history or physics
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Conchis
TITLE Philosophicarum et astronomicarum institutionum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hV9RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 151Basel edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Gouda
TITLE Expositio misteriorum misse et verus modus rite celebrandi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/202-69-quod-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Adversus C. Sigonium assertio, non esse satis dignam M. Tullio eam quae illius nomine venditetur consolationem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XRw8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE De Magistratibus Reipub. Romanae, Dum In Libertate Urbs Fuit
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038233/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Rostock edition (undated edition here)

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Plautinarum quaestionum commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zgETSPzYbvwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Poemata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=u18TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Liegnitz

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Rosae, etc
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/acid1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Verisimilium libri iii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Rxw8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus de Blydenbergh, Janus
TITLE Theses iuridicae inaugurales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oONXlEBp17wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus Monachus
TITLE De preceptis artis musice et pratice compendiosus libellus (15th c.)
URL (a) http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/MONPRE_TITLE.html
(b) http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/MONPREC_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Gouda
TITLE Expositio mysteriorum missae
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1484 (?) Cologne edition (a dpr of a second copy is available at the same site, and a dpr of an undated Cologne edition is available here and here)

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Monte Lauduno
TITLE Apparatus constitutionum Clementis papae V
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NLlLAAAAcAAJ2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Laulne edition (1517 Paris edition here)

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Sancto Amore
TITLE Opera omnia  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051032
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Konstanz edition; downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Saliceto
TITLE Cirurgia  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060677
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Milan edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Saliceto
TITLE De salute corporis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027183/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus de Saliceto
TITLE Summa conservationis et curationis  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058555
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 edition (a dpr of the 1490 Venice edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guilielmus Hilacensis
TITLE Sermones super orationem dominicam singulas dictiones contentas abundatissime declarantes 
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n053908
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus Saphonensis O. M. (1425 - 1505)
TITLE De conficiendis epistolis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/171-14-quod-10/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guilielmus Saphonensis O. M. (1425 - 1505)
TITLE Modus epistulandi (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039318/images/
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guillaud, Claude
TITLE In sacrosanctum Iesu Christi evangelium secundum Matthaeum commentarii
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20012%20117.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Religion

AUTHOR Guillaume de Conches
TITLE Dialogus de substantiis physicis  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061894
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Strasbourg edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de Domqueur
TITLE De spiritu sancto
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058687
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de La Mare
TITLE De tribus fugiendis, ventre, pluma, & venere, libelli tres
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053443
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philospohy
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1521 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guillaume de Mara (the same as the preceding?)
TITLE Epistulae et orationes  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070690
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Epistolography, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de Monserrat
TITLE Perutile commentum super pragmatica sanctione quinque partes continens  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053254
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de Ramsey
TITLE Epygramma
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053916
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de Vaurouillon
TITLE Super quattuor libris sententiarum  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060745
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guillaume de Vaurouillon
TITLE Super quattuor libris sententiarum noviter correctus et apostillatus  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059159
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guillaume du Cun
TITLE Lectura super codice  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-031345
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 edition

AUTHOR Guillaume Perault
TITLE Tractatus de professione monachorum  
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053818
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 (?) edition

AUTHORS Guillemin, J. A. (1796 - 1842) et al.
TITLE Florae Senegambiae tentamen, seu, Historia plantarum in diversis Senegambiae regionibus a peregrinatoribus Perrottet et Leprieur detectarum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/595
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1830 - 33 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guillerinus
TITLE Postilla super epistolas et evangelia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/e-33-2f-helmst/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Guillermus
TITLE Postilla super epistolas et evangelia
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1482 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1488 Nuremberg edition is available at the same site, and a dpr of the 1497 Seville edition is available at this javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection)

AUTHOR Guillermus Alvernus
TITLE Rhetorica divina
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Ghent edition (a dpr of the ca. 1492 Basel edition is available here, at another javascript-driven site)

AUTHOR Guillermus de Podio
TITLE Ars Muscorum
URL Book VI http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/GUIARS6_TITLE.html
Book VIII http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/GUIARS8_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Guillermus de Podio
TITLE Enchiridion de principiis musice discipline
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/GUIENC_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files

AUTHOR Guillimannus, Franciscus
TITLE Gamelium musicum emmetrum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025901/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Freiburg edition

AUTHOR Guillimannus, Franciscus
TITLE Apostolica, sive apostolorum gesta et laudes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JGNI55mqWbAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Freiburg Helvetiorum . edition

AUTHOR Guillimannus, Franciscus
TITLE De episcopis Argentinensibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8sNEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Freiburg i. Br. edition

AUTHOR Guillimannus, Franciscus
TITLE Habsburgiaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y4NJAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Milan ediiton (1696 Regensburg edition here, 1735 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Guillimannus, Franciscus
TITLE Helvetia, sive de rebus Helvetiorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Xt49AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Freiburg i. Br. edition (1627 Leiden edition here, 1735 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Guiniforte de Barzizza
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uLbJDjP86j8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guiniforte de Barzizza
TITLE Orationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uLbJDjP86j8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guiniforte de Barzizza
TITLE Phoebus ad Hesperias iam pronus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uLbJDjP86j8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Rome edition

AUTHOR Guinterius, Joannes
TITLE Commentaria de balneis et aquis medicatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AsNEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1565 Strassburg edition

AUTHOR Guinterius, Joannes
TITLE De victus et medicinae ratione cum alio tum pestilentiae tempore observanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=35Pbue_0gtUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of 1577 Paris edition

AUTHOR Guinterius, Johannes
TITLE Opus de re medicina nunc primum integrum latinitate donatum, per Joanne Guinterio Andernacum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060588
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1532 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guinterius, Johannes
TITLE Preface to his translation of Alexander of Tralles, Medici libri duodecim
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0360_002_vor.htm
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guinterius, Johannes
TITLE Preface to his translation of Galen, De anatomicis administrationibus
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0331_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guinzius, D. J. G.
TITLE De entero-epiploocele
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guisand, Friedrich Ludwig
TITLE De gymnoto electrico
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7328
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1819 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Guise, Charles de, Cardinal
TITLE De ecclesia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sthLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 edition

AUTHOR Guise, Charles de, Cardinal
TITLE Oratio habita in sacro oecumenico Concilio Tridento in Novembri 1562
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=692
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Paris edition

AUTHORS Guise, Charles de, Cardinal and Théodore de Bèze
TITLE Quaestiones eucharisticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X2ZPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Casus medicales
SITE Memoria Medicinae
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Leipzig edition (1677 Leipzig edition here)

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Consilium de peste
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XSdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Consilium diaetiticon
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XSdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Epistolae et consilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XSdVAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Opera medico-practica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XSdVAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus
TITLE Responsa medica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nu4znX-2fP0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition (see also here)

AUTHOR Guldenklee, Balthasar Timaeus: see Egidius Van Der Myle

AUTHOR Guldin, Paul S. J.
TITLE De centro gravitatis trium specierum quantitatis continuae
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Vienna edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Guldin, Paul S. J.
TITLE De ratione ac praxi calendarii ecclesiastici Christianorum et computi Hebraeorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GiQ9eDMFxNAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Guldin, Paul S. J.
TITLE Refutatio elenchi calendarii Gregoriani a Setho Calvisio conscripti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GiQ9eDMFxNAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Guleke, Hermann
TITLE De vi magnesiae ustae alvum purgante
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/gulekearmin.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus Altissiodorensis
TITLE Summa aurea in quattuor libros Sententiarum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/184,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+aurea+in+quattuor+libros+sententiarum&1,1,,001622,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus de Vorillon
TITLE Super quattuor libros sententiarum
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aGulielmus+de+Vorillon+/agulielmus+de+vorillon/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=agulielmus+de+vorillon&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guimil, Fernando
TITLE Philosophicus cursus rationalis et naturalis
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1229352&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&826,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of a 1760 manuscript

AUTHOR Guinsius, Vincentius S. J.
TITLE Ignatius in Monte Serrato arma mutans, drama ideo-practicum (1622)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wr1XAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Guinsius, Vincentius S. J.
TITLE Poesis heroica, elegiaca, lyrica, epigrammatica...item dramatica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wr1XAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Guise, Charles Cardinal de (1524 - 1574)
TITLE De ecclesia theologica disputatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035882/images/
SUBJECT Relifgion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Verdun edition

AUTHORS Guise, Charles Cardinal de (1524 - 1574) and Theodore Beza (1519-1605)
TITLE Quaestiones Eucharisticae De praesentia & communione Christi in S. Coena, Ex Colloquio inter Cardinalem Lotharingum & Theodorum Bezam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029655/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Adversus C. Sigonium assertio, non esse aut M. Tulii aut satis dignam M. Tullio eam quae illius nomine venditetur Consolationem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XRw8AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Plautinarum quaestionum commentarius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KF06AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Paris edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Rosae, etc.
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/acid1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Breslau edition

AUTHOR Gulielmus, Janus
TITLE Verisimilium libri tres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2P75WLQV1jEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gummerus, Kristian
TITLE De veritate aestetica. I
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2786
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Carl, Freiherr von (1833-1893)
TITLE Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11125
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
SUBJECT Geography (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 - 1896 Halle edition (in eight volumes)

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Maximilian von.
TITLE Philosophia rationalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N1KuHCOwXPgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 edition

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Wilhelm S. J.
TITLE Atlas Marianus sive de imaginibus deiparae per orbem Christianum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0hlWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Trent edition

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Wilhelm S. J.
TITLE Idea atlantis Mariani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=a6mncUt_R8MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Trent edition

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Wilhelm S. J.
TITLE Iesus vir dolorum Mariae matris dolorosae filius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=STJjAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Munich edition

AUTHOR Gumppenberg, Wilhelm S. J.
TITLE Trias marianus quo sanctae Dei genitricis Mariae imaginum miraculosarum origines duodecim historiarum centuriis explicantur
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 edition

AUTHOR Gunarius, Halvardus
TITLE Chronici Carionis Philippici in Compendium redacti, & iuvandae memoriae gratia elegiaco carmine redditi, partes duae posteriores de Caesaribus Romanibus, Bizantinis, & Germanicis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN600423530
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Gunarius, Halvardus
TITLE Chronicon Regum Norvegiae, Olim Idiomate Norvegico Conscriptum: Nunc autem primo Elegiacis Versibus Latine expositum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN600422887
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Gundel, Philip von
TITLE De sacratissima divinitatis incarnatione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037752/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Gundel, Philip von
TITLE Panegyrici variorum autorum et declamationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005962/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Vienna edition

AUTHOR Günderrode, Heinrich von
TITLE De Veris Principiis Artis Dimicatoriae
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020243/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Wittenberg edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Epistola ad Johannem Petrum de Ludwig, de nummo Billugi
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000309.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 307f.

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Epistola ad Johannem Petrum de Ludwig, de nummo Gotschalci
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000310.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 308 - 310

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Epistola ad Virum Generosum et Magnificum Dominum Johannem Petrum de Ludwig, Universitatis Fridericianae Hallensis Cancellarium, de nummo Mistevoji
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000307.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 305 - 307

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Itargus Fluvius
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000305.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 303f.

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Moneta Regis Pribislai Sclavorum
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000301.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 299 - 301

AUTHOR Gundling, Jakob Paul Frieherr von
TITLE Tropaea Drusi
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/3/jpg-0400/00000303.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientarum, vol. 3 (1727) pp. 301f.

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Adlocutio ad inimicos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Adolphus Nassovius imperator iniuste depositus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE An nobilitet venter?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=m--nFyWn7xEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Annotationes in concilii Gangrensis canones xx
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UP0AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Bonifacius VIII e familia Caetanorum principum Romanus pontifex
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES (summarizing a Medieval papal letter recently published) dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE C. Trebatop
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Coniecturae de libro Sapientiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Coniecturae in locum Pauli ad ephes. vi. commat. xii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Corrupta per locos dialecticos eloquentia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De patria Aurelii Prudentii Clementis coniecturae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Bedae aetate ac cognomine Venerabilis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Christophori Cellarii orationibus selectis Halensibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Christophori Cellarii notitia orbis antiqui iudicium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De dedicationibus libris praefigi solitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De efficientia metus tum in promissionibus liberarum gentium tum etiam hominum privatorum auxiliisque contra metum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=k1RGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De feudis vexilii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=p-NZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Francisci Balduini Constantino Magno
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Francisci Balduini Institutione historiae universae et eius cum iuris prudentia coniunctione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Francisci Balduini iuris prudenetia Mutiana
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Francisci Balduini Iustiniano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Iacobi Labitti indice Pandectarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De intempestivo libros scribendi et disputandi pruritu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Ioannis Aventini Annalibus Boiorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Ioannis Casae monimentis Latinis iudicium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De iure oppignorati territorii secundum ius gentium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_DphAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De ius augustissimi imperatoris et imperii in magnam Etruriae ducatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DSYxPCvz8nkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De naevis Iustini Martyris, praesertim in ratiocinando ab eo commissis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De lite contesta commoda plerumque, incommoda nunquam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=A7BMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De naevis Iustini Martyris, praesertim in ratiocinando ab eo commissis (a different item)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Nicolai Burgundi historia Belgica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books

NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De origine sepulchrorum in templis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Platone atheo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De rei vindicatione ex iure Romano et patrio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=quRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De stilo lapidario iudicium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De Theodora imperatrice Iustiniani Magni uxore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De transactione testamenti tabulis non inspectis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=apdRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De transactoinum stabilitate et instabilitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zNJtsjhwlG4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De usu practico actionum bonae fidei et stricti iuris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e8ZPv9Hy4l4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE De vita, fatis et scriptis Conradi Celtis
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Declaratio sententiae de atheismo Hippocratis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Disquisitiuncula circ. de ʿôlām periodico et yôm aeterno
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FQNJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Altdorf edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Dissertatio Inauguralis Iuridica De Transmissione Actorum In Legibus Imperii Permissa Eiusque Repetitione
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11070/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Wetzlar edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Exercitationes academicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mXBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Hobbesius ab atheismo liberatus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Ioannes Casa an paederastias crimen defenderi potest?
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Iudicium de oda Horatiana quam Palinodian vocant
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Ius naturae ac gentium connexa
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/gundling_hist.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Halle edition (1751 Geneva edition here)

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Loco Ciceronis libr. vii Epist. vi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Observationum selectarum ad rem litterariam spectantium
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Praefatio Malquytii Freheri et Doviatius libellis praemissa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Preface to Johannes Aventinus, Annalium Boiorum libri vii
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/aventinus_hist.html
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Responsio ad Christ. Aug. Heumannum, qua nivladmirari Horatianum uberius explicatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Salebrae in via ad veritatem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4W7Dv4j0bpkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Sententia Horiana nil admirari ex philosophia Epicurea explicata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GRYVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Statvs Natvralis Hobbesii In Corpore Ivr. Civ. Defensvs Et Defendendvs
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-183603
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus (1671 - 1729)
TITLE Preface to Suada Cellariana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=t-9eAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Halle edition

AUTHOR Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus: see Daniel Wilhelm Triller

AUTHOR Gunther de Paris O. B.
TITLE De arte rhetorica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-083875
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Strasbourg edition

AUTHOR Gunther de Paris O. B.
TITLE Ligurini de gestis imperatoris Caesaris Friderici primi Augusti libri decem [: carmine heroico conscripti nuper apud Francones in silva Hercynia & druydarum eberacensi coenobio a Chunrado Celte reperti posliminio restituti
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060640
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 edition (also available here)

AUTHOR Gunther de Paris O. B.
TITLE Opus pulcherrimu[m] de tribus vsitatis christianoru[m] actibus: oratione videlicet: ieiunio [et] elemosynas
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014308/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 Basel edition

AUTHOR Günther, Matthaeus
TITLE Oratiuncula, quod viros principes, et quosvis alios rerum publicarum gubernacula tractantes, oporteat esse literatos
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032960/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Nuremberg edition

AUTHOR Günther, Peter
TITLE De arte rhetorica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007876/images
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Mainz edition

AUTHOR Guntherus (contemporary)
TITLE Cometes
URL http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~gunther/opera/cometes.html
SITE Private site
NOTES Translation of Olavo Bilao’s O Cometa with link to Portugese original; html format

AUTHOR Guntherus poeta Ligurinus
TITLE De rebus gestis Friderici 1 Caes. Aug.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=r4tPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Basel edition

AUTHOR Guntherus (contemporary)
TITLE Lingua Lusitana
URL http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~gunther/opera/lusitana.html
SITE Private site
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Translation of Olavo Bilao’s Língua Portuguesa with link to Portugese original; html format

AUTHOR Günther, Karl Friedrich
TITLE Ad §. II. legis Saxonicae de incendiariis
URL part 1 http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2634/
part 2 http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2633/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 - 4 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gunther, Owen (1532 - 1615)
TITLE De Felicitate, Seu Fine Hominis : Disputatio Philosophica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/171-17-quod-5/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Rostock edition

AUTHOR Güntner, Gabriel Johann
TITLE Hermeneutica Biblica generalis juxta principia Catholica
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41624ucmf_7
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1848 Prague edition

AUTHOR Guntz, Johann Gottfried
TITLE De suffusionis natura et curatione animadversiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pmSZeHHs420C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Guntzellus, Christophorus
TITLE Disputatio Exhibens ea Quae D. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum Libro primo continentur
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN58410863X
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Coburg edition

AUTHOR Günz, Hieronymus
TITLE Preface to his edition of Cyrus Theodorus Prodromus, Epigrammata
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0458_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Basel edition

AUTHOR Günz, Justus Gothof
TITLE De staphylomate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kViNq399PQMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Gunz, Justin Gothof
TITLE Prolusio quae lapillos glandulae pinealis in quinque mente alienatis inventos proponit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Gürgens, Carl Ferdinand
TITLE De asthmate thymico
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/3434
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1834 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Gurlitt, Ludwig
TITLE De M. Tulli Ciceronis epistulis earumque pristina collectione
URL http://www.archive.org/details/demtulliciceron00gurlgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of 1879 Frieburg edition

AUTHOR Gürtler, Hieronymus
TITLE Tersissima Latini eloquii synonymorum collectanea
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00008035/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Gurtler, Nicolaus
TITLE Historia Templariorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9ueLvkUOUDQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Amsterdam edition

AUTHOR Gurtler, Nicolaus
TITLE Oratio de adventu et habitatione Iesu Christi in plaga Bremensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen edition

AUTHOR Gury, Jean Pierre (1801 - 1866)
TITLE Casus conscientiae in praecipuas quaestiones Theologiae moralis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vVY-AAAAYAAJ
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES: Dpr of the 1865 Regensburg edition

AUTHORS Gury, Jean Pierre (1801 - 1866) and Antonio Ballarin
TITLE Compendium theologiae moralis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HtdAAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1884 New York - Cincinnati - St. Louis edition (1885 Prato edition here, 1898 Regensburg - New York - Cincinnati edition here, vol. 1 of the 1901 Prato edition here)

AUTHOR Gury, Jean Pierre (1801 - 1866)
TITLE Compendium theologiae moralis supplementum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wCopAQAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1907 Rome edition

AUTHOR Gusebel, Johann
TITLE Oratio Ioanne Gussubelio Longicampio coram Universitate Ingolstatensi habita p[ro] D. Io. Capnione Phorcensi cum in lingua Hebraica & Graeca ludum literariu[m] ex conducto aperiret
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013174/images/
SUBJECT Education, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Augsburg edition

AUTHOR Gusov, Michael Adam
TITLE Disputatio qua novum paracenteseos instrumentum offertur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition

AUTHOR Gussone, Giovanni (1787-1866)
TITLE Enumeratio plantarum vascularium in insula Inarime sponte provenientium vel oeconomico usu passim cultarum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/9946
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Naples edition

AUTHOR Gussone, Giovanni (1787-1866)
TITLE Florae Siculae Prodromus
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/6700
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1827 - 8 Naples edition (in two volumes)

AUTHOR Gussone, Giovanni (1787-1866)
TITLE Plantae rariores quas in itinere per oras Jonii ac Adriatici Maris et per regiones Samnii ac Aprutii collegit
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/44889
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Naples edition (in two volumes)

AUTHOR Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden
TITLE Nos Gustavus Adolphus, Dei gratia, Svecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumqve Rex ... Et ut cœtera prætereantur, unica civitas Dantiscana
URL http://libris.kb.se/bib/10816705
SITE Libris
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Stockholm edition

AUTHOR Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden
TITLE Nos Gustavus Adolphus, Dei gratia, Svecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumqve Rex ... per ullos Polonici juris portus, professos eosdem hostes nostros
URL http://libris.kb.se/bib/10816715
SITE Libris
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Stockholm edition

AUTHOR Gutbier, Johann Michael
TITLE Salve, princeps optime
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:017408Y_001,800,600
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Langensalza edition

AUTHOR Gutherius, Jacobus
TITLE Tiresias seu Caecitatis encomium
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=dMsTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, humor
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Allegationes sive informationes iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA177
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Authent. sacram, puber. Cod. si adversus vendis
URL tps://play.google.com/books /reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC ht
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Canonicarum quaestionum, utriusque fori, tam exterioris quam interioris anima libri duo, in quibus multae quaestiones in praxi admodum utiles continentur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057872
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Lyon edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Canonicarum utriusque fori, tam exterioris quam interioris animae quaestionum liber unus
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Cap. quamvis pactum, de pactis, in 6.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Consilia
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tc/tc/311,455,587,B/l962&FF=tconsilia+clarissimi+iurisconsulti+d+ioannis+gutierrez&1,1,,002080,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Salamanca edition (a dpr of the 1618 Antwerp edition is available at this javascript-driven site; ; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection)

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Consilia sive responsa lii (the same as the preceding?)
UR https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA205
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Leg. unic. C. quando non pet. partes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA107
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Opera omnia
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045264_C/1080045264_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWFbEfcUb5sC
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5ZASUhau0QEC
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TtH5RybR-VEC
vol. 6 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWFbEfcUb5sC
vol. 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BZQPmDnGfYYC
vol. 8 https://books.google.com/books?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias Hispaniae : in librum quintum nouae collectionis regiae : liber secundus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tp/tp/159,255,324,B/l962&FF=tpracticarum+quaestionum+circa+leges+regias+hispaniae+primae+partis+nouae+collectionis+regiae+liber+i+et+ii&1,1,,002443,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias Hispaniae primae partis nouae collectionis regiae libri duo
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=a5Sq8RKWyTAC
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tp/tp/159,255,324,B/l962&FF=tpracticarum+quaestionum+circa+leges+regias+hispaniae+secundae+partis+nouae+collectionis+regiae+liber+iv&1,1,,002445,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of 1606 - 1611 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias Hispaniae secundae partis nouae Collectionis regiae liber IIII
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias Hispaniae secundae partis nouae Collectionis regiae lib. VII Tractatus de gabellis
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Practicarum quaestionum, super prima parte legum novae collectionis regiae Hispaniae : liber tertius et quartus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tp/tp/159,255,324,B/l962&FF=tpracticarum+quaestionum+super+prima+parte+legum+novae+collectionis+regiae+hispaniae+liber+tertius+et+quartus&1,1,,002047,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Madrid edition (also available here; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection)

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Quaenam personae debeant contribuere quando pauper ecclesia opus habet instgructione et reaedificatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Repetitio, textus in § sui Instit. de hered. qualit. et different.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Repetitiones vi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Lz96Jhfd_dkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Repetionum allegationumque novum commentarium
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/consulta/registro.cmd?id=7151
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Tractatus de iuramento confirmatorio et aliis in iure variis resolutionibus
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Madrid edition

AUTHOR Gutierrez, Juan
TITLE Tractatus de tutelis et curis minorum, deque officio et obligatione tutorum
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=616
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Salamanca edition

AUTHOR Gutiérrez, Juan (d. 1618)
TITLE Tractratus tripartitus de iuramento confirmatorio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWFbEfcUb5sC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Lyons edition

AUTHOR Gutrath, Rupert
TITLE De notione logicae diatriba II. isagogico-eclectica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030884/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Salzburg edition

AUTHOR Gütner, Raphael
TITLE Fundamentalis, eaqvé astronomica & astrologica doctrina de conjunctionibus magni
URL http://www.ials.sas.ac.uk/warburg/fah750hermesc.pdf
SITE Warburg Institute Library
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Chemnitz edition

AUTHOR Güttel, Caspar
TITLE Optima formula contexendi rosaceam coronam candissime Marie virginis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/41-3-quod-14/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Leipzig edition

AUTHOR Guttmann, Karl
TITLE De earum quae vocantur Caesarianae orationum Tullianarum genere dicendi
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deearumquaevoca00guttgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Greifswald edition

AUTHOR Gutzeit, Hugo Leonard von
TITLE De prophylaxi in morbis contagiosis et epidemici
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/gutzeithugo.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Dorpat edition

AUTHOR Guy de Chauliac (d. 1377)
TITLE Chirurgia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058482
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1408 edition (dpr’s of the 1493 Verona edition, the 1498 edition, the 1499 Venice edition, the 1506 (?) edition, the 1519 Venice edition, the 1537 Lyon edition, the 1559 Lyon edition, a second copy of that edition,and of the 1572 Lyon edition and of the 1585 Lyon edition are also available); downloadable pdf format

AUTHOR Guy de Chauliac (d. 1377)
TITLE Chirurgia magna Guidonis de Cauliaco... nunc demum suae primae integritati restituta a Laurentio Jouberto
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532312863
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Lyon edition

AUTHOR Guy de Chauliac (d. 1377)
TITLE Chirurgia parva
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531530379
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guy de Chauliac
TITLE Chirurgiae libri septem
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533788152
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1596 Venice edition is available here)

AUTHOR Guy de Chauliac (d. 1377)
TITLE De balneis Porrrectanis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532336428
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Venice edition

AUTHOR Guymier, Cosme
TITLE Pragmatica sanctio Caroli VII / cum commento Cosmae Guymier
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053096
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1486 edition

AUTHOR Guymier, Cosme
TITLE Pragmatica sanctio Caroli VII / cum commento Cosmae Guymier
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000718
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: I/20

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Ad Catholicam Ecclesiam omnemq[ue] fidelium posteritatem, pro D. Hvld. Zvinglio & Operum eius aeditione Apologia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010429/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Zurich edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Antichristus, id est, Homiliae quinque, quibus Romanum pontificem verum et magnum illum Antichristum esse probatur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027235/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Zurich edition (also here, undated Zurich edition http://www.e-rara.ch/zuz/ch16/content/titleinfo/1518644)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Archetypi homeliarum in omnes apostolorum do. nostri Iesu Christi epistolas tam catholicas quam Paulinas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I4RaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Argo Tigurina
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/741633
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Argumenta omnium tam veteris quam novi testamenti capitum elegiaco carmine conscripta
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/571031
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Zurich edition (1554 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE De incarnatione veri et aeterni filii Dei
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/756919
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE De Jesu Christi domini ac salvatoris nostri et Christianorum vita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DKE9AAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE De syllabarum et carminum ratione
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/368158
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Zurich edition (1549 Zurich edition here, 1554 Zurich edition here, 1575 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE D. Matthaeus evanagelista: homiliae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KV1BAAAAcAAJ 
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Homiliarum in Evangelium Iesu Christi secundum Matthaeum pars altera
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/715352
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Acta Apostolorum per divum Lucam descrioptia homiliae clxxxv
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-109898
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In D. Ioannis Parkhursti episcopi Nordovicensis in Anglia dignissimi obitum, epicedia
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/634405
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In d. Pauli apostoli epistolam ad Galatas homiliae LXI
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/715352
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Zurich edition (1581 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In d. Paulo apostoli epistolam ad Hebraeos homilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fe47AAAAcAAJ 
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 15900 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In d. Paulo apostoli epistolam ad Romanos homiliae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1269290
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In d. Pauli epistolas omnes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-KE9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Heidelberfg edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In d. Jo. Parkhursti, episc. Nordvic. in Anglia dignissimi, obitum
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Eiusdem Apostoli Duas Posteriores Epistolas Homilarum Sylvae
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022658/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Evangelium Iesu Christi secundum Joannem homiliae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OHhBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In evangelium Iesu Christi secundum Lucam homiliae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-172839
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Evangelium Iesu Christi secundum Marcum homiliae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/630837
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Hesterae historiam homiliarum sylvae vel archetypi
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/630837
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Isaiam prophetam Rodolphi Gvaltheri homiliae CCCXXVII
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1299218
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Joannis Apostoli & Evangelistae Epistolam Canonicam, Homiliae XXXVII
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/760916
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Zurich edition (1562 Zurich edition here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Joelem prophetam homiliae XIV
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030175/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Zurich edition (also here

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In Iulii Pollucis dictionarium annotationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dF88AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In posteriorem D. Pauli apostoli ad Corinthios epistolam homiliae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1268962
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE In priorem D. Pauli apostoli ad Corinthios epistolam homiliae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1268368
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf the Younger (d. 1577)
TITLE In prophetas duodecim minores quos vocant homiliae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yndBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 15770 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Monomachia Davidis et Goliae, et allegorica eiusdem expositio, heroico carmine descripta
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camautor/gwalther.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Zürich edition (also here)

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Nabal, comoedia sacra
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camautor/gwalther.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 (?) Zürich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE ΟΙΚΕΤΗΣ sive Servus ecclesiasticus : id est, de officio ministrorum ecclesiae oratio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/746624
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf the Younger (d. 1577)
TITLE Orthodoxa Tigurinae ecclesiae ministrorum confessio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NsA7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Zurich edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Pollux' Onomasticon
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005215/images/index.html?id=00005215&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 - 42 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del3/books/deliciae3_15.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf the Younger (d. 1577)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del3/books/deliciae3_16.html
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gwangin, Alexander (1538 - 1614)
TITLE Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=293956
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Spire edition

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE Aurum non aurum siue In assertorem chymicae sed verae medicinae desertorem Fra. Antonium aduersaria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tRsDf89t17EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Antwerp edition

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE In assertorem chymicae: sed verae medicinae desertorem Fra. Anthonium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=15bBWGNGMj0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 London edition

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE In laudem musices oratio (1582)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/music2/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (1997)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE Nero (1603)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/Nero
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (1997)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE Tres Sibyllae (1605)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/sibyls
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (1998)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format

AUTHOR Gwinne, Matthew (d. 1627)
TITLE Vertumnus, sive annus recurrens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zzpWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 London edition

AUTHOR Gwalther, Rudolf (1519 - 1589)

AUTHOR Gyalui Torda, Zsigmond
TITLE Epistola dedicatoria ad Martinum Kálmáncsehi
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch20s01.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format

UTHOR Gyalui Torda, Zsigmond
TITLE Epistola dedicatoria ad Maximilianum II
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch20s03.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tanönyvtár
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gyarmathi, Sámuel
TITLE Affinitas linguae hungaricae cum linguis fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-084331
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Göttingen edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Michael Olai
TITLE Epitome descriptionis Sueciae, Gothiae, Fenningiae, et subjectarum provinciarum
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/69496
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De amicitia
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52475
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De majestate ejusque juribus, ecclesiasticis et politicis
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51538
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Politics, law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De pietate
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51500
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De pietate parentum et liberorum reciproca
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51002
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De summo bono
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51115
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE De soliduriis
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/50834
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philology, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE Speculum conscientiae
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51582
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyldenstoipe, Samuel Michaelis
TITLE Virtutum intellectualium brevis delineatio
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51782
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Åbo edition

AUTHOR Gyllenhal, Leonard (17562 - 1840)
TITLE Insecta Svecica
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/8767
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 - 27 Leipzig edition (in eight volumes: four of which are also available here, here, here, and here)

AUTHOR Gymnasium Laurentianum
TITLE Ein Schulprogramm der Lateinschule aus dem Jahre 1594
URL http://www.laurentianum.waf-online.de/lcurku02.htm
SITE Gymnasium Laurentianum
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Latin text and German translation; html format with partial dpr

AUTHOR Gymnasium Mechliniense Societatis Iesu
TITLE Mechelen, Alsace...gratulatur
URL follow link on this page
SITE Jesuitica
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Mechelen edition

AUTHOR Gymnich, Johann
TITLE Compendium paradigmatum de nominibus adiectivis Graecis comparandis
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160230
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gymnich, Johann
TITLE Tractatus de fideiussoribus, privilegiis creditorum, excussione bonarum, discussionibus, debitore suspecto et fugitivo, carcerbus, repressaliis, sequestris, et sequestrationibus
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-112608
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Cologne edition

AUTHOR Gyöngyössi, Pál (1707-1766)
TITLE De Noacho typico, ad illustrationem Gen. cap. V. vers. 29
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40301ucmf_4
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Frankfurt a. O. edition

AUTHOR György, Thúri
TITLE Epitaphium
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch34s03.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtárat
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR György, Thúri
TITLE Epitaphium
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch34s05.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtárat
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR György, Thúri
TITLE Epitaphium
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch34s07.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtárat
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR György, Thúri
TITLE Memoria Casparis Carolini
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch34s01.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtárat
NOTES Html format

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Aewnigmata pleraque antiquorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Riddles,
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Calendarium Romanum et Graecum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De annis et mensibus caeterisque temporum partibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar,
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De historia poetarum dialogi decem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De Latinis poetis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De poetarum historia dialogus quintus, Caesares poetas et Christianos complectens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De poetarum historia dialogus decimus, lyricos et epigrammatarios
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De poetis suorum temporum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE De sepulchris et vario sepeliendi ritu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yT5AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Parma edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogi tres de tota scena et eius poetis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogus nonus lyricos et epigrammatum poetas complectens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus I: De studendi et annotandi ratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus II: De manus et digitorum nominibus deque numerandi per eos antiquorum ratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus III: De notis et figuris numerorum, quibus antiqui Latini ac Graeci utebantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus IV: De recta nominum impositione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus V: De quibusdam sophismatum generibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus VI: De venatione accipitrum caeterarumque avium rapacium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus VII: De fascino et fascinatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Witchcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus VIII: De chaemia et chaemistis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus IX: De eo genere osculi quod a nostris parentibus Florentinum vocatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus X: De nudipedalibus sacris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XI: De tonsura et rasione capitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XII: De materibus et castrosphendonis militaribus, necnon de baronibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XIII: De melanzana seu, ut alii, mala insana, an apud veteres eorum notitia fuerit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gastronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XIV: De moly herba Homerica, quaenam sit, et a quo inventa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XV: De Aquis Subruinis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XVI: De Daphne et Lauro parum a scriptoribus cognita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XVII: De inedia toleranda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XVIII: De silano quid sit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Hydraulics
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XIX: Super carmine Priaeiorum de Nemesi et Cynico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XX: De Atalanta et quot eius nominis fuere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXI: De propemptico et protroptico poematum generibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXII: In quo perpenditur locus Iuriscoss.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXIII: In quo de tibiarum inventione et abiectione, deque tibicine Marsya varia traduntur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXIV: De spectris et praestigia quaedam observata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Ghosts, wonders
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXV: De labaro imperatorum vecillo et insigni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC=
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Heraldry
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXVI: An liber de viris illustribus Romanis Plinii sit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXVII: De udonibus calciamentis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXVIII: De legibus scriptis et non scriptis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXIX: De Arabarchia, an labarchia dicendum sit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Dialogismus XXX: De morte et interitu Aristotelis philosophi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tcw_puhIg_wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Historiae deorum gentilium
URL http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/mythos/
SITE Kommission für antike Literatur und lateinische Tradition, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
SUBJECT Mythology
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Basel edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Paraeneticus adversus ingratos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy,
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Philosophi Pythagorae symbolarum interpretatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy,
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyraldus, Lilius Gregorius
TITLE Poemata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=drs_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gysius, Johann
TITLE Origo & historia Belgicorum tumultuum immanissimaeque crudelitatis per Cliviam & Westphaliam patratae
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=A_GLOBAL&H_searchId=1050484629387&id=389
SITE MIAMI (Universitäts - und Landesbibliothek Münster)
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Leiden edition

AUTHOR Gyulai, Paulus
TITLE Cum legerem Horatium
URL http://digilander.libero.it/Marziale/Grex/exempla/gyulai.html
SITE Grex Latine Loquentium
CONTRIBUTOR Emericus Pannonius
NOTES Latin translation by Géza Némethy; html format

A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page