A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page
Ca - Ce
AUTHOR Cabadés Magí, Agustín
TITLE Institutiones theologicae in usum tyronum adornatae
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045224_C/1080045224_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 - 90 Valencia edition
TITLE The Cabbala: see August Pfeiffer
AUTHOR Caballini, Gasparo
TITLE De eo quod interest
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-166059
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caballini, Gasparo: see Charles Du Moulin
AUTHOR Caballus, Franciscus
TITLE De numero partium ac librorum Physicae doctrinae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x531651699
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Venice edition
AUTHOR Cabanis, Vitale de
TITLE Tractatus clausularum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059253
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1478 Naples edition (a dpr of the
1498 Venice edition is also available)
AUTHOR Cabassut, Jean (d. 1685)
TITLE Iuris canonici theoria et praxis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061290z
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Lyon edition (dprs of the
1698 Lyon edition and a
second copy of that edition also available)
AUTHOR Cabassut, Jean (d. 1685)
TITLE Notitia ecclesiastica historiarum, conciliorum, et canonum invicem collatorum
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080044258/1080044258.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1772 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cabeo, Nicolò
TITLE Philosophia magnetica, in qua magnetis natura penitus
explicatur et omnium quae hoc lapide cernuntur, causae propriae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073058
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Cologne edition (another copy is available here, and a dpr of the
1629 Ferrara edition is also available, and another copy is available here)
AUTHOR Cabonellio, Poncio
Commentaria in universa Biblia
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000605
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha/Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Toledo. Signatura: Ms. 214-221
AUTHOR Cabrera Morales, Francisco (1564 - 1616)
TITLE Oratio in exequiis Petri cardinalis Dezae
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=367999
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Rome edition
AUTHOR Caccialupi, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Solemnis repetitio legis si qua illustris ad
senatusconsultum orfitianum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059252
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 edition
AUTHOR Caccia, Giovanni Francesco
TITLE In octo et viginti priora consilia additiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eBD-zfFkPQUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Novara edition
AUTHOR Caccialupi, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Tractatus de officio advocati
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-112308
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cadaval Valladares de Sotomayor, Álvaro de (1505 - 1575)
TITLE De magno atque universali cataclysmo ichthyorranideque liber
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=184
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Paleontology
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Lisbon edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)
AUTHOR Cadaval Valladares de Sotomayor, Álvaro de (1505 - 1575)
TITLE De obitu et apotheosi invictissimi Ioannis III Lusitaniae et Algabiorum regis
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=184
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Lisbon edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)
AUTHOR Cadaval Valladares de Sotomayor, Álvaro de (1505 - 1575)
TITLE In librum quartum Antonii Nebrissensis de constructione decem partium orationis...explanatio
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=184
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Lisbon edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)
AUTHOR Cadaval Valladares de Sotomayor, Álvaro de (1505 - 1575)
TITLE In praeclarissimi atque beneficentissimi episcopi Iuliani de Alba...elegans ac brevis apographia
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=184&idMenu=3&pag=2
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Lisbon edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)
AUTHOR Caddell, Walter
TITLE De morbo glandulari Barbadensi
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=Ui4AAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Glasgow edition
AUTHORS Cademan, August et al.
TITLE Lessus quo Obitum Viri Plurimum Reverendi, Amplissimi, Excellentissimi atq[ue] Clarissimi Dn. Christiani Reinhardi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/845125
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Cadesreuter, Christoph
TITLE Quaestiones praeceptorum grammaticae Graecae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=gTQ8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cadovius, Matthias (1621 - 1679)
TITLE Praematurum ac Pium Joachimi Erici Filioli desideratissimi Obitum Lugens Prosequitur Georgius Steinheuser
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:629152U_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Hamburg edition
AUTHOR Cadrat, Pierre (d. 1510)
TITLE Oratio ad Innocentium VIII papam
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060478
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1485 edition (a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Caedmon: see Karl Wilhelm Bouterwek
AUTHOR Caelius Aurelianus: see Johannes Sichard
AUTHOR Caelius, S. C.
TITLE Preface to Franciscus Spiera, Quidquid susceptem semel Euangelicae veritatis professionem abnegasset damnassetque, in horrendam incidit desperationem historia
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+167{|}984{}TDI00009.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Basel edition
AUTHOR Caels, Théodoric Pierre (1739-1819)
TITLE Ratio occurrendi morbis a mineralium abusu produci solitis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/theodrpetricaels00cael
SITE Medical Heritage Library (hosted by The Internet Archive)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1783 Rome edition
AUTHOR Caepolla, Bartolomeo
TITLE Tractatus cautelarum
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Franksfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Bartholomeus
TITLE Elementale Hebraicum
URL http://aleph500.huji.ac.il/F?func=direct&local_base=nnl01&doc_number=000405271
SITE University of Jerusalem Library
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Johannes Andreas Alerensis
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Sir Francis Bacon
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see H. L. D. W. Beck
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Josephus Degenhart
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Johann Glandorp (4 items)
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Henricus Glareanus Loritus (two items)
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see D. Henne
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see François Hotman
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Joannes Jucundus
UTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Johann Friedrich Lindemann
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Aldo Manuzio
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Johann Müller
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Werner Müller
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Fulvio Orsini
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Petrus Ramus
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Eberhard Rudolph Roth
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Carl Ernst Christoph Schneider
AUTHOR Caesar, Caius Julius: see Heinrich Wölffel
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE Euphemiai gamikai in solennitatem nuptiarum clarissimi pietate, virtute, doctrina et fide viri Dn. Friderici Titeli
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038264/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE In honorem nuptiarum ornatissimi iuvenis, virtute, doctrina, morumque integritate conspicui Dn. Ioachimi Schoberi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038377/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE In secundas nuptias viri spectatissimi ... Dn. Zachariae Brendelii
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038271/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE In solennitatem nuptiarum secundarum ... praestantißimi viri Dn. Iohannis Olearii
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038272/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE Institutio grammaticae Latinae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/p-844-8f-helmst/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE Programma, Quo, De Voluntate Amplissimi Senatus Halensis, Brevis exhibetur ... cum Lectionum, tum Exercitiorum omnium, in eiusdem Schola ... receptorum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-65899
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Christoph
TITLE Salagastiana
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037681/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Halle edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Johann: see Henricus Glareanus Loritus
AUTHOR Caesar, Johann: see Hermannus Vuesdalius Raiianus
AUTHOR Caesar, Philipp
TITLE Doctrina de usura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qw08AAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Caesar, Philipp
TITLE Triapostolatvs Septemtrionis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00044301/images/
SUBJECT Religion (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caesaraugustanus, Hieronymus Surita: see Abraham Ortelius
AUTHOR Caesarius, Gerardus
TITLE Compendiaria artis grammaticae institutio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00016395/images
SUBJECT Language study
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caesarius, Johannes
TITLE Dialectica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032857/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Leipzig edition (a dpr of the 1537 Paris edition is available here, and one of the 1544 Ingolstadt edition here)
AUTHOR Caesarius, Johannes
TITLE Rhetorica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-074030
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Paris edition
AUTHOR Caesius, Bernard
TITLE Mineralogia, sive Naturalis philosophiae thesauri
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18803179
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Mineralogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Caesius, Georg
TITLE Catalogus, nunquam antea visus, omnium cometarum secundum seriem annorum a diluvio conspectorum, usq. ad hunc praesentem post Christi nativitatem 1579 annum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021025/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Caffa, Karl
TITLE Carolus Caffa, S.S. Th. D. Ital. & Gall. LL.P.P.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:165583C_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Jena edition
AUTHOR Cagnati, Marsilio
TITLE De Romanis aeris salubritate commentarius
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060400
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cagnati, Marsilio
TITLE De sanitate tuenda libri duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051202
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Padua edition
AUTHOR Caiado, Henrique
TITLE Eclogae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060268
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 edition
AUTHOR Caietano, Enrico
TITLE Litterae cardinalis Caietani, S. D. N. Papae ac sedis
Apostolicae in Regno Franciae Legati
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079777
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Epistolography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Caietano, Enrico: see Martin Luther
AUTHORS Caietano, Giuseppe and others
TITLE Fama Prognostica Ad Cvnas Serenissimi Principis Maximiliani Emmanuelis Ludovici Ferdinandi
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024665/images
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Munich edition
AUTHOR Caietano, Ottavio S. J.
TITLE Icones aliquot, et origines illusrium aedium Sanctissimae Deiparae Mariae, quae in Sicilae insula coluntur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H_o8XYvL91QC&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, architecture
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Milan edition
AUTHOR Caietano, Tommaso Cardinal (Thomas de Vio, 1469-1534): see here
AUTHOR Caius, John
TITLE De Canibus Brittanicis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-188-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Nuremberg edition (a dpr of the 1824 Paris edition is available here)
AUTHOR Caius, John
TITLE De medendi methodo libri duo
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533663635
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Basel edition
AUTHOR Caius, John
TITLE Preface to his editon of Galen, Libri aliquot
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0343_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Basel edition
AUTHOR Caixal et Estradé, Josephus
TITLE Veni-mecum pii sacerdotis
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080046278/1080046278.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1858 Barcelona edition
AUTHOR Cajanus, Abrahamus
TITLE De cultura
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52425
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Rhetoric (so catalogue)
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 edition
AUTHOR Cajanus, Abrahamus
TITLE De linguarum studio ab ingenio puerili haud alieno
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51522
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Language studies, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 edition
AUTHOR Cajanus, Abrahamus
TITLE De linguarum studio ab ingenio puerili haud alieno
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52141
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Language studies, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 edition
AUTHOR Calaminus, Georg (1547-1595)
Bibliotheca Siue Antiquitates Vrbis Constantinopolitanae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025052/images/
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Strassburg edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Calaminus, Georg (1547-1595)
TITLE De casu nuptiali Freidekiano Austriaco
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=bvI7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Calaminus, Georg (1547-1595)
TITLE Helis, tragoedia sacra
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=bvI7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Calaminus, Georg (1547-1595)
TITLE Rudolphottocarus: Austriaca tragoedia nova
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/calam1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Calander, Philippus
TITLE De arithmetrica [sic] opusculum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059517
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1491 Firenze edition
AUTHOR Calano Centurione, Prospero
TITLE Paraphrasis in librum Galeni De inaequali intemperie
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054339
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Lyon edition
(a dpr of a second copy is availble here)
AUTHOR Calasanctio A Lievaneras, Josépho (1854 - 1913)
TITLE Compendium e ascetico-mysticae beatae Mariae Virgini dicatum sive Institutiones theologiae mystica e fundamentalis quibus ordinariae viae perfectionis
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080020848/1080020848.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Milan edition
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE Carminum libri duo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=97leAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Venice edition
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE De libero arbitrio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1061954
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Basel edition
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE De officiis libri tres, Erasmi Roterodami argumentis & annotationibus, ac copiosissimis Xysti Betuleij, Viti Amerbachij, & Francisci Maturantij, itemque incerti cuiusdam authoris commentariis recèns natis illustrati. Accesserunt his, corollarij vice Caelij Calcagnini disquisitiones, necnon collectiones ex diuersis authoribus in eosdem tres Officiorum libros per Leodegarium à Quercu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FHJclGv8bzUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 edition
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE Epitoma super Prometheo et Epimetheo
URL http://iuav.inet2.it/engramma/engramma_v4/rivista/saggio/30/030_sandrolini_celio.html
SITE Engramma
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Html transcription of the Codice Vaticano Latino 7192, ff. 203-210, with Italian translation
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE Epistola ad Soterianum Capsalem (prefacing his 1517 Ferrara edition of Libanius)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=408&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 324
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 - 1541)
TITLE Opera aliquot
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=313541
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Basel edition
AUTHOR Calcagnini, Celio (1479 = 1541); see Ercole and Tito Vespasiano Strozzi
AUTHOR Caldarola, Pietro Antonio
TITLE Facti et juris animadversiones pro d. Joanne Baptista Mapello cum DD. Paulo Bettolino & Francisco Maria Massino pro d. Thoma Carlio modis ut in actis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=19377
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Milan edition
AUTHOR Caldas Pereira y Castro, Francisco de (1543 - 1597)
TITLE Analyticus commentarius sive ad typum instrumenti emptionis et venditionis tractatus
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1193494&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&449,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caldas Pereira y Castro, Francisco de (1543 - 1597)
TITLE De universo iure emphyteutico syntagma tripartitum
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1193511&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&448,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caldas Pereira y Castro, Francisco de (1543 - 1597)
TITLE Tractatus et analyticus commentarius et syntagma de nominatione emphyteutica eiusque successione et progressu
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1193454&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1062,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Lisbon edition
AUTHOR Caldera de Heredia, Gaspar
TITLE Tribunal, medicum, magicum et politicum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532516671
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Calderini, Domizio
TITLE Epistola ad Anellum Archamonum (prefacing his 1475 Verona edition of Quintilian's Declamationes)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=239&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Philolog y
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 155f.
AUTHOR Calderini, Domizio
TITLE Obwervationes quaedam
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=239&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHORS Calderini, Giovanni, Gaspar Calderini,
and Dominique de San Gimignano
TITLE Consilia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059329
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Venice edition
AUTHORS Bartolinus, Pius Antonius et al.,
TITLE Annotationes doctorum viroru[m] in grammaticos, oratores, poetas…
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=teV-3c_KFKoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 edition
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Annotationes in Propertium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059374
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 edition (a dpr of the
1502 edition is also available)
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1571366
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Junii Juvenalis Satyrae cum commentarii Domitii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060361
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Venice edition (dprs of the
1497 Venice edition and the
1492 Milan edition are also available)
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Marcus Valerius Martialis ; Domitii Calderini Veronensis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059196
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1480 Venice edition (dprs of the
1482 Venice edition and the
1485 Venice edition are also available, a second copy of the 1485 Venice edition is available here, and a dpr of the 1498 Venice edition is available here)
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Preface to Antonio Mancinellis commentary on
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059389
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition
AUTHOR Calderino, Domizio (1446 - 1478)
TITLE Publii Virgilii Maronis,... opera / cum commentariis Servi
Mauri Honorati Grammatici, Aelii Donati, Christophori Landini...
[et al]
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059403
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition
AUTHOR Caldogno, Francesco Bernardino
TITLE Commentarii in M. Valerium Martialem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059276
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 Cologne edition (a dpr of the
1482 Venice edition is also available)
AUTHOR Caldogno, Francesco Bernardino
TITLE Novum et egregium opus qui titulus praeservator
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060370
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Vicenza edition
AUTHOR Calenius, Gerwin
TITLE Selecti tractatus iuris varii
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-147089
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Calenus, Lambert
TITLE Carmina gratulatoria
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-151811
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Calenzio, Eliseo (1430 - 1502)
TITLE Croacus libellus (1448)
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1942868
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Calenzio, Eliseo (1430 - 1502)
TITLE De bello ranarum, croacus, libellus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00009673/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Basel edition
AUTHOR Calenzio, Eliseo (1430 - 1502)
TITLE Hector libellus (1480)
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1947626
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Calenzio, Eliseo (1430 - 1502)
TITLE Opuscula Elisii Calentii poeta clarissimi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058765
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Rome edition
AUTHOR Calepino, Ambrogio (1435 - 1511)
TITLE Calepinus Ad librum : Mos est putidus: [et] nouus repertus: Ingens materia vt queat videri: Preclarusq[ue] liber: bonusq[ue] totus: Versus addere nominis probati: Mentitis titulis: rubore nullo: Obscuriq[ue] viri: rudisq[ue] vatis: Auctor sic quasi tunc: bonusq[ue] fiat
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/p-422-2f-helmst-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Venice edition
AUTHOR Calepino, Ambrogio (1435 - 1511)
TITLE Dictionarium novem linguarum
URL vol. 1 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/kb-175-1/start.htm
vol. 2 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/kb-175-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leiden edition (a dpr of the 1510 Strassburg edition is available here, a dpr the 1534 Cologne edition is available here, 1544 Basel edition here, a dpr of the 1551 Basel edition is available here, 1558 Basel edition here, and of the two volumes of the 1647 Leiden edition are available here and here)
AUTHOR Calepino, Ambrogio (1435 - 1511)
TITLE Dictionarium ex optimis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018647/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Basel edition (1516 Strassburg edition here)
AUTHOR Calepino, Ambrogio (1435 - 1511)
TITLE Dictionum Latinarum e Graeco pariter derivantium earundemque interpretationum collector
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/268878
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Calfurnius, Giovanni
TITLE Sexti Publii Terentii Afri comoediae / cum comment. Aelii
Donati Grammatici et Joannis Calphurnii Brixiensis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060186
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1477 Treviso edition
AUTHOR Caligari, Giovanni Andrea (1527 - 1613)
TITLE I. A. Caligarii nuntii Apostolici in Polonia epistolae et acta 1578-1581
URL http://kpbc.umk.pl/dlibra/doccontent2?from=rss&id=23865
SITE Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1915 Cracow edition
AUTHOR Calin, Dominicus Franciscus
TITLE Avrora Exorta Hoc Est Serenissima Princeps Maria Anna Christina Iosepha Theresia Caietana Antonia Francisca Felix Hyacinta Victoria Serenissimis Bavariae Principibvs, Ferdinando Mariae Et Adelaidea Henrietae. Anno Qvo Gratia De Coelis Boias Manavit in oras. felicissime progenita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018583/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Munich edition
AUTHOR Calini, Ludovico Cardinal
TITLE Suffragium de virtutibus in gradu heroico Johannis
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087811&seite=00000208.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen
Litteratur 1781:1, pp. 203 - 208
AUTHOR Calisto de Napoles
TITLE De universo mille quaestiones
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=336990
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Rome edition
AUTHOR Calisto da Piacenza
TITLE De Libero Arbitrio, Atq[ue] eius uirtute, ac dignitate
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022733/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Centuria Thesium Theologicarum proponens Haereses, Schismata, Errores Et Controversias Maximam Partem Novas, Praeprimis Hoc Et Superiori Seculo Circa Veram Religionem Motas
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/433-helmst-dr-34s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE De chiliasmo cum antiquo tum pridem renato
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031785/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE De Diversis Totius Universi Religionibus Dissertationes Academicae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-sbd-242-6s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Disputatio Qua Ea potissimum, quae Disciplinae Theologicae constitutionem antecedunt Et Praecognita dicuntur Exhibentur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-20-8f-helmst-4s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Disputatio Theologica De Certitudine Fidei Iustificationis Et Salutis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-sbd-242-8s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Disputatio Theologica De Poenis Haereticorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-20-8f-helmst-2s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Disputatio Theologica De Sacraficio N. T. in Cruce Peracto
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/sch-t-76-36s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Dissertatio Theologica Moralis De Coniugio & Divortio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/433-helmst-dr-4s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Peculiaris Quidam De Iubileis Romanorum Pontificum Liber
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-sbd-242-11s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Centuria Thesium Theologicarum proponens Haereses, Schismata, Errores Et Controversias Maximam Partem Novas, Praeprimis Hoc Et Superiori Seculo Circa Veram Religionem Motas
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/433-helmst-dr-34s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Programma, Festo Paschatos In Academia Iulia Anno MDCXCVI
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/172-helmst-dr-3s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Programma In Festivam Solennitatem Pentecostes In Illustri Iulia. Anno Salutis MDCLXXIV P.P.
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/30-helmst-dr-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Programma In Funere Honestissimae Matronae Ursulae Werneriae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/122-helmst-dr-17s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Responsiones Ad D. Abrahami Calovii Theses Anti-Syncretisticas
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-20-8f-helmst-3s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Friedrich Ulrich
TITLE Summa Capitum Religionis Christianae E Corpore Doctrinae Iulio Excerpta
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-sbd-241-14s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Calixt, Georg (1586 - 1656): see here
AUTHOR Calixtus III, Pope
TITLE Alia epistola ad capitulum eccl. Setabensis, qua post brevem
calamitatum sui temporis descriptionem, nepotem suum Rodericum de
Borgia in ejusdem ecclesiae praecentorum electum indicat
URL http://saavedrafajardo.um.es/biblioteca/biblio.nsf/novedades/33D3BA7C5AC56A99C1256E9A00402692
SITE Biblioteca Virtual Saavedra Fajardo
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Calixtus III, Pope
TITLE Breve Calixti III ad capitulum ecclesiae Setabensis in
commendationem Ausiasii Ferran, familiaris sui : ex autograr. in arch.
eccl. Setab. (Lit. A.u.22)http://saavedrafajardo.um.es/biblioteca/biblio.nsf/novedades/196BED4354E1D829C1256EA200382A72
SITE Biblioteca Virtual Saavedra Fajardo
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Calixtus III, Pope
TITLE [Bula de Calixto III en que concede a los canónigos de la misma
iglesia el uso de hábitos canonicales que ya disfrutaban los de
URL http://saavedrafajardo.um.es/biblioteca/biblio.nsf/novedades/E19D1583105B93A8C1256E6600334313
SITE Biblioteca Virtual Saavedra Fajardo
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Calixtus III, Pope
TITLE Epistola ad capitulum ecclesiae Setabensis, qua de sua ad
Valentinum episcopatum promotione eos certiores facit
URL http://saavedrafajardo.um.es/biblioteca/biblio.nsf/novedades/C4B51A0A49AEDD16C1256EA200381EA9
SITE Biblioteca Virtual Saavedra Fajardo
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Callander, John
TITLE Terra australis cognita
URL vol. 1 http://gdzdoc.sub.uni-goettingen.de/sub/digbib/loader?did=D292964
vol. 2 http://gdzdoc.sub.uni-goettingen.de/sub/digbib/loader?did=D290710
vol. 3
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Callenberg, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Epistola
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25589
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00667
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Johann August Ernesti (two items)
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Nikodemus Frischlin
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Franz Volkmar Fritzschi
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Sigismund Gelenius
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Max Arthur Lincke
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Aldo Manuzio
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Philip Melanchthon
AUTHOR Callimachus: see Angelus Politianus
AUTHOR Callimachus: see David Rhunken
AUTHOR Callimaco Esperiente (1437 - 1496)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1311861
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Callimaco Esperiente (1437 - 1496)
TITLE Carminum appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1341927
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Callimaco Esperiente (1437 - 1496)
TITLE Epigrammatum libri duo
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1346307
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Callisto, Andronico (d. ca. 1470)
TITLE Epigramma
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1020870
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Callistratus: see Andreas Wilhelm Cramer
AUTHOR Calmberg, Paul
TITLE De iure emphyteutico conclusiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031582/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition
AUTHOR Calmet, Augustin O. S. B. (1672 - 1757)
TITLE Dictionarium historicum, criticim, chronologicum, geographicum, et literele sacrae scripturae, cum figuris antiquitates iudaicas repraesentantibus
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/232,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdictionarium+historicum+criticum+chronologicum+geographicum+et+literale+sacrae+scripturae+cum+figuris+antiquitates+judaicas+r&1,,2,003069,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/232,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdictionarium+historicum+criticum+chronologicum+geographicum+et+literale+sacrae+scripturae+cum+figuris+antiquitates+judaicas+r&2,,2,003070,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica, religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Venice edition
AUTHOR Calmet, Augustin O. S. B. (1672 - 1757)
TITLE Prolegomena, et dissertationes: in omnes, et singulos S. Scripturæ libros
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080043041/1080043041.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Lucca edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De delictis circa depositum
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51642
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1783 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De delinquentium ad publicam ignominiam expositione
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52125
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De elicienda in foro criminali reorum confessione
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51608
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De eo quod circa res inventas iustum est
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51355
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De exceptione non numeratae pecuniae
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52472
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De hypotheca
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51936
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De hypotheca
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51666
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1792 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De iuribus civium concessis et reservatis
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51388
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1762 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De nova facie orbis Europaei circa saeculum reformationis exorta
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51122
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De nova facie orbis Europaei circa saeculum reformationis exorta
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51794
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De nova facie orbis Europaei circa saeculum reformationis exorta
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52451
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De pactis antenuptialibus
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52237
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1781 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De poena homicidii adtentati
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52204
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1780 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De praescriptione criminum
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51459
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De prisco in patria servorum iure
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51415
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1780 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De prisco in patria servorum iure
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52449
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De prisco in patria servorum iure
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51318
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De prisco in patria servorum iure
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52333
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1791 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE De prisco in patria servorum iure
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/50953
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Calonius, Matthias
TITLE Nova facie orbis Europaei circa saeculum Reformationis exorta
URL http://bibbild.abo.fi/diss/diss.php?katalog=Calonius1764
SITE Åbo Akademis Bibliotek
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Åbo edition (also here, 1765Åbo edition here)
AUTHOR Calov, Abraham
TITLE Bergius senior autokatakritos gemino tractatu ... palam demonstratus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033326/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Calov, Abraham
TITLE Catalogus Eorum, Qui Ecclesiae Wittenbergensi Ab Illuscentis Evangelii
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-71821
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Calov, Abraham
TITLE Consensus-non-consensus ecclesiarum Lutheranarum atq; Reformatarum in Colloquiis, Marpurgensi & Lipsiensi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031389/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Calov, Abraham
TITLE De fide veterum in Christum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3LoTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Amsterdam edition
AUTHORS Calov, Abraham et al.
TITLE Nuptiarum Solennia Nobilissimi iuxta ac Amplissimi Iuvenis Dn. Michaelis Wirthii
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844404
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Calovius, Christoph
TITLE Decadem Controversiarum Miscellanearum Seqventem. I. Aristotelem Defensum, II. Novum Orbem Non Novum, III. Papam Johannem Puerperam, IV. Politicae Originem, V. Juramenta Per Creaturas, VI. Jus Bestiale Profligatum, VII. Judaeorum Theocratiam, IIX. Spiritum Lapidificum, IX. Pullos Sine Gallina, Et X. Sagarum Transportationes
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005450-6
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Calovius, Christoph
TITLE Thaumatanthr¯opologian Veram Pariter Atque Fictam dissertatione Historico-Physica Posteriori Exhibitam
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN600088979
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Calpurnius Flaccus: see Hans Weber
AUTHOR Calpurnius Flaccus: see Pierre Pithou
AUTHOR Calpurnius Siculus: see Bartolomeus Girardinus
AUTHOR Calpurnius Siculus: see Diomedes Guidalotti
AUTHOR Calsbeek, Horatius
TITLE An justificatio consistat in sola remissione peccatorum?
URL http://www.pitts.emory.edu/DISSERTATIONS/1667arnol/1667ArnolBook.pdf
SITE Emory University Library
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Franeker edition
AUTHOR Calverly, Charles Stuart (1831 - 1994)
TITLE Translations into English and Latin
URL http://www.archive.org/details/translationsinto00calvuoft
SITE Canadian Archive
NOTES Partially in Latin; dpr of the 1897 London edition
AUTHOR Calvin, Jean (1509-1564): see here
AUTHOR Calvinus, Innocentius
TITLE De eucrasi conservanda enchiridion
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532834290
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Calvisius, Seth
TITLE Excertationes musicae duae (17th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/17th/CALVEX_TEXT.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files
AUTHOR Calvisius, Seth
TITLE Harmonia cantionum ecclesiasticarum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/astro-eth/nav/classification/48247?&offset=361
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Calvisius, Seth
TITLE Opus chronologicum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/85863
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Frankfurt a. O. edition
AUTHOR Calvör, Joachim (1616 - 1693)
TITLE Poculum consolationis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:262456Q_001,800,600
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Calvus, Marcus Fabius (translator)
TITLE Hippocratis Coi medicorum omnia longe principis, octoginta
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060438
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Digitized photographic reproduction of the 1525 Rome edition
AUTHOR Calwer, C. G. (d. 1874)
TITLE Recensio avium in academici liberi baronis de Mueller ornithologico museo Stuttgardiano collectarum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/14126
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Stuttgart edition
AUTHOR Calzaveglia, Vincenzo
TITLE De theriacae abusu in febribus pestilentibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060364
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Brescia edition
AUTHOR Calzolari, Francesco
TITLE Iter Baldi civitatis Veronae pontis, quo mirabili ordine describitur montis ipsus, atque aliarum quarundam ipsum contingentium partium situs
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?07755x02
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHORS Camaldolesi Monastery
TITLE In regulam divi patris Benedicti
URL part 1 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/imagemar3325.pdf
part 2 http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/imagemar3325a.pdf
SITE OPAL (Università degli Studi dei Torino)|
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Florence edition
AUTHOR Cambessédès, Jacques
TITLE Cruciferarum, elatinearum, caryophyllearum,
paranychiearumque, Brasiliae meridionalis, synopsis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098230
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Cambessédès, Jacques
TITLE Enumeratio plantarum quas in insulis Balearibus collegit J. Cambèssedes
URL http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=119
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1827 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cambessédès, Jacques
TITLE Portulacearum, crassulacearum, ficoidearum,
cunontacearumque, Brasialie meridionalis, synopsis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098279
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Cambini, C. Aurelio
TITLE Opusculum elegiarum
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2191221
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cambio da Poggibonsi
TITLE Epistola
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf13204
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Actio in Henricum Garnetum (1607)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/garnet/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2001)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NApDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 London edition (1616 Frankfurt edition here, 1625 Leiden edition here, 1639 Leiden edition here, 1677 Amsterdam edition here)
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha, ad annum M.D.LXXXIX. ed. T. Hearnius
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Mk4VAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 edition
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Regnante Elizabetha
(1615 and 1625)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/camden/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2000)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English original; html
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Annalium regni Regis Jacobi I. apparatus
URL http://dlib.stanford.edu:6520/text1/dd-ill/camden.pdf
SITE Stanford University Library
SUBJECT Biography (this is actually a text of Camden's diary)
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 London edition
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica a veteribus scripta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OdpEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Britannia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PzsVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topgraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Frankfurt edition (1607 London edition here, 1616 Frankfurt a. M. edition here, 1639 Amsterdam edition here)
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Britannia (1607 version)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/cambrit/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2004)
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation (by Philemon Holland); html format
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Commentarius de antiquitate, dignitate, & officio comitis marescalli Angliae
URL http://dlib.stanford.edu:6520/text1/dd-ill/camden.pdf
SITE Stanford University Library
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 London edition
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/diary/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2001)
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Epistola (to Jacques Thou, 1606)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=19358
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. gb-00371
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Institutio Graecae grammatices compendiaria: in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QLBAAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 London edition (1787 London, edition here, 1804 New York edition here)
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Poems and Epitaphs (printed 1691)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/campoems/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2001)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Reges, reginae, nobiles et alii in ecclesia collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti: usque ad annum reparatae salutis 1600
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wiM8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topgraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 London edition (1606 London edition here)
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE Reges, reginae, nobiles et alii in ecclesia collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti: usque ad annum reparatae salutis 1603
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SWtQIG8VIQMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topgraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 London edition
AUTHOR Camden, William (1551 - 1623)
TITLE V. cl. Gulielmi Camdeni, et illustrium virorum ad G. Camdenum epistolae. Cum appendice verii argumenti. Accesserunt Annalium regni Regis Jacobi I. apparatus; et Commentarius de antiquitate, dignitate, & officio comitis marescalli Angliæ.
URL http://dlib.stanford.edu:6520/text1/dd-ill/camden.pdf
SITE Stanford University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 London edition
AUTHOR Camden, William: see Hector Boece
AUTHOR Camden, William: see Thomas Smith
AUTHOR Camden, William: see Digory Whear
AUTHOR Caméen, Sueno
TITLE Honoratissimis hospitibus
URL you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Estnisches Historisches Archiv
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Cameracensis, Cardenal
TITLE Tractatus de reformatione ecclesiae
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000147
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 46
AUTHOR Camerario, Bartolommeo
TITLE Repetitio legis imperialem de prohibita feudi alienatione per Fridericum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028215/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Basel edition (a dpr of the 1599 Frankfurt edition is also available)
AUTHORS Camerarius, Alexander and Julius Friedrich Breyer
TITLE De ophthalmia venerea
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Alexander
TITLE Historia pedis tumidi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition
AUTHORS Camerarius, Elias Rudolf and Georg Tobias Weissmann
TITLE De salivatione sine salivatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Dissertationes Taurinenses Epistolicae, Physico-Medicae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041521/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of
the 1712 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1671)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25591
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00671
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1686)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25596
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistologoraphy
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00672
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1686)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25598
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine, travel
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00673
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1687)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25600
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistologoraphy
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00674
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1687)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25607
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00675
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1687)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25609
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00676
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1689)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25610
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00677
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1690)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25611
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00678
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Epistola (1692)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25612
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00679
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Expositio Medica Casus De Aegritudine Animi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041524/images/
SUBJECT Medicine, psychology
NOTES Dpr of
the 1688 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Elias Rudolf
TITLE Positiones Medicae Inaugurales
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041525/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of
the 1693 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Heinrich
TITLE De iuris Romani initiis, progressu ac libris, horumque ordine, serie ac compositione
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030800/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Rostock edition
Camerarius, Joachim (1500-1574): see here
AUTHOR Camerarius, Joachim II (1524 - 1598)
TITLE De belli pacisque iure
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034213/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Joachim II (1524 - 1598)
TITLE De piscinis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034109/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Joachim II (1524 - 1598)
TITLE Epistola (1598)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25596
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00672
AUTHOR Camerarius, Joachim II: see Hubert Languet
AUTHOR Camerarius, Ludwig (1573 - 1651)
TITLE Brevis informatio et responsio solida ad praecipua capita, loca, et pucta secretae cancellariae Bavarico-Anhaltinae
URL http://digbib.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/391/index.html
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Ludwig (1573 - 1651)
TITLE Epistolae Aliquot Selectae, Quibus Ipse
Selectus Civilis Belli Auctor, Altor, Et Fautor Demonstratur
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/camerariuslud_cera.html
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Ludwig (1573 - 1651)
TITLE Brevis Informatio & Responsio solida, Ad praecipua capita, loca, & puncta Secretae Cancellariae Bavarico-Anhaltinae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-94932
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Ludwig (1573 - 1651)
TITLE Ludovici Camerarii aliorumque epistolae nuper post pugnam maritimam in Svedica navi captâ captae a victore Polono
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=48955&dirids=44
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 edition; DjVu format (browser plugin available here)
AUTHOR Camerarius, Ludwig
Mysterium Iniquitatis, sive secreta secretorvm Turco-Papistica Secreta, contra libellum famosum, sub titulo Secreta Calvino- Turcica, auctore quodam personato Theonesto Cogmandolo
URL http://digbib.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/394/index.html
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg
SUBJECT Politics , religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 "Justinopolis" edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Philipp (1537 - 1624)
TITLE Operae Horarum Subcisivarum, Sive Meditationes Historicae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/camerarius_hist.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 - 1609 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Rudolf Jacob
TITLE De fetu xlvi annorum
URL https://play.google.com//reader?id=IJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition
AUTHORS Camerarius, Rudolf Jacob and Theodor Christoph Scharff
TITLE De hydrophobia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition
AUTHORS Camerarius, Rudolf Jacob and Jonas Brunner
TITLE Disputatio exhibens hepatite defunctorum extispicia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Camerarius, Rudolf Jacob
TITLE Epistola (1685)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25606
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00684
AUTHOR Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob
TITLE Epistola (1688)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25613
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00685
AUTHOR Camerlohr, Christoph Balthasar
AUTHOR Camers, Angelo Rocca
TITLE Chronhistoria de Apostolico Sacrario
URL http://www.mgh-bibliothek.de/chronhistoria/camers.htm
SITE Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Spätmittelalters
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Rome edition
AUTHOR Camers, Johannes
TITLE Annotationes in Lucium Florum
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00011500-0
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Camers, Johannes
TITLE In C. Iulii Solini "Polyhistora" enarrationes
URL http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/book.cgi?call=910_S74_1520
SITE Carnegie Mellon Library Posner Collection
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Vienna edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Camiczianus, Andreas Francus
TITLE Epistola ad Pircheimerum
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+1{|}1{}TDI00007.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Leipsig edition
AUTHOR Camiña, Juan Bautista (1774 - 1827)
TITLE Omnium potentiarum noxiarum morbos in corpore humano excitantium : Delineatio seu primae lineae
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1115680&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&720,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Compostella edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Baldassarre
TITLE Usus et fabrica circini cuiusdam proportionis, per quem omnia fere, tum Euclidis, tum mathematicorum omnium problemata
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Padua edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Apologia pro Galileo
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the 1629 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Apologia pro Galileo
URL http://www.bivionline.it/it/ApologiaTOC_authors.html
CONTRIBUTOR Hans Ramminger
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Html text of the 1622 Franksfurt edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Astrologicorum, liber septimus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057271
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1630
Frankfurt edition is also available)
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Astrologicum libri VI, in quibus astrologia, omni
superstitione Arabum et Judaeorum eliminata, physiologice tractatur,
secundùm S. Scripturas & doctrinam S. Thomae &
Alberti, & et summorum theologurum ita ut abs que suspicione mala
in Ecclesia Dei multa cum utilitate legi possint
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057271
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Civitas solis poetica: idea reipublicae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-082268
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Civitas solis poetica: idea reipublicae philosophicae
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost17/Campanella/cam_intr.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Philosophy, politics
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE De libris propriis et recta ratione studendi syntagma
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=D1ITAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Amsterdam edition (1696 Leiden edition here)
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE De monarchia Hispanica discursus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/48,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+monarchia+hispanica+discursus&1,1,,002613,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Amsterdam edition (also available in three parts here, here, and here, 1740 Frankfurt a. O. edition here)
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639))
TITLE De libris propriis et recta ratione studendi syntagma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1mtNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE De sensu rerum et magia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057338
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoteric
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Paris edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Disputationum in quatuor partes suae philosophiae realis libri quatuor
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Paris edition
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso (1568 - 1639)
TITLE Realis philosophiae epilogisticae partes quatuor
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-101972
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the 1637 edition is available here)
AUTHOR Campanalla, Tommaso: see Nicholas Gross
AUTHOR Campanella, Tommaso: see Hugo Grotius
AUTHOR Campani, Matteo
TITLE Nova experimenta physico-mechanica pro demonstranda genuina causa elevationis aquae, & Mercurii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1372307
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Rome edition
AUTHOR Campanino
TITLE Appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf543509
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campanino
TITLE Epigrammatum libellus
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf538115
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1020942
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Carminum appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1025828
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Contra Turchos ad principes Germanos
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as090a.html
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE De dignitate matrimonii
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as048b.html
SUBJECT Family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE De ingratitudine fugienda
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as022a.html
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE De obitu fratris ad Cardinalem Papiensem epistola consolatoria
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as055b.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE De regendo magistratu
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as043a.html
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE De vita et gestis Andreae Bracchii Persuini
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028299/images/
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition (1602 Venice edition here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Descriptio Thrasimeni
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as051b.html
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Elegiarum epigrammatumque liber primus
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/gs006ba.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Epigrammatum viii libri
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/fs003a.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here, 1602 Venice edition here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Epistola ad Franciscum Piccolomineum Cardinalem Senensem (prefacing his 1470 Rome edition of Cicero's Orationes Philippicae)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=191&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 108f.
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Epistola ad Franciscum Piccolomineum Cardinalem Senensem (prefacing his 1470 Rome edition of Quintilian's Institutiones Oratoriae)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=186&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 104
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Epistola in qua comparat Ciceronem Quintiliano
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as065a.html
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Epistolarum ix libri
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/10-5-rhet-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here, 1502 Venice edition here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Funebris oratio pro Baptista Sphortia principe
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060479
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Historia Brachii
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/10-5-rhet-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In exequiis cardinalis S. Susannae Saxo Ferrarensis
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as110a.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In exequiis ducis Urbinatis
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as114b.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In exequiis Ioannis archiepiscopi Beneventani
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as110a.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In exequiis Nelli de Balionibus
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as100b.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In exequiis papae Pii
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as095a.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE In varios auctores censurae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as063b.html
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Omnia Campani opera
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060352
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Venice edition (also available here: you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection, and a dpr of the 1502 Venice edition is available here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio cinericia
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as073b.html
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio de sancto Stephano
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as084b.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio de sancto Thoma Aquinate
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as086b.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio de spiritu sancto
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as079a.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio in ascensionem domini
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as065b.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio in [con]uentu Ratispo. ad exhortandas [sice] principes Germano[rum] contra Turcos et de laudibus eorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/37-rhet-5/start.htm
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Oratio in principio studii Perusiae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/as067b.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Orationes xv
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/10-5-rhet-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Perusinorum ad Pium II in oboedientia oratio
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/campanus1/jpg/cs076a.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Preface to his 1470 Rome edition of Suetonius' Vitae duodecim Caesarum
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=186&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 104 -
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Tractatus v
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/10-5-rhet-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio (1429 - 1477)
TITLE Vita Pii
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/10-5-rhet-2f/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Rome edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Campano, Giannantonio: see Michaelis Fernus
AUTHOR Campanus-Vodnanský, Jan (1572-1622)
TITLE Turcicorum tyrannorum qui inde
usque ab Otomanno rebus Turcicis praefuerunt, descriptio
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/campanus1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Prague edition
AUTHOR Campanus de Novare
TITLE Tetragonismus id est circuli quadratura
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059099
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campanus de Novare: see Jacques Lefèvre dÉtaples
AUTHOR Campeggi, Camillo O. P.
TITLE De mundi fallaciis atque ruina oratio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022054/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Venice edition (a dpr fo the 1563 Brescia edition is available here)
AUTHOR Campeggio, Lorenzo Cardinal
TITLE Constitvtio Ad Removendos Abvsvs, Et Ordinatio ad Cleri uitam reformandam
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023813/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Augsburg edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Campeggio Lorenzo Cardinal
TITLE Der Cardinal-Legat Campegius fordert die Herzoge Heinrich und Albrecht von Meklenburg zur Unterdrückung der lutherischen Lehre auf (1525)
URL http://dlib.uni-rostock.de/servlets/YearbookInquiry?docid=2404
SITE Digitale Bibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Text reprinted from Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch, "Vermischte Urkunden," in Verein für Mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde: Jahrbücher des Vereins für Mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde Bd. 6 (1841), pp 203-224; html format
AUTHOR Campeggio, Lorenzo Cardinal
TITLE Oratio
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Campeggio, Lorenzo Cardinal
TITLE Reformatio cleri Germaniae ad correctionem vitae & mororum, ac ad removendos abusus
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCampeggi/acampeggi/1,3,6,B/l962&FF=acampeggi+lorenzo+1474+1539&4,,4,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Brescia edition
AUTHOR Camper, Piet
TITLE Album amicorum (1769)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22315
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00143
AUTHOR Camper, Piet
TITLE Annotated scientific illustration (1784)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22319
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00147
AUTHOR Camper, Piet
TITLE Annotated scientific illustration (1786)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22322
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00147a
AUTHOR Camper, Piet
TITLE De quibusdam oculi partibus
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana4174hall (go to p. 261)
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Camper, Piet
TITLE De visu
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana4174hall (go to p. 225)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Campes, J. H.
TITLE Robinson der Jüngere
URL http://www.pantoia.de/Robinson/index.html
SITE Pantoia
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Translation of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe; pdf format
AUTHOR Campesani, Benvenuto (d. 1323)
TITLE Epigramma
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf110447
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Campi, Pietro Maria
TITLE Gregorii X ex familia Vicecomitum placentina Pont. Max. vita
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051115
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Rome edition
AUTHOR Campion, Edmund S. J. (1540 - 1581)
TITLE Doctor Ironicus and Dialogus Mutus
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/edcamp/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTORS Martin Wiggins and Dana F. Sutton (2012)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Campion, Edmund S. J. (1540 - 1581)
TITLE Rationes decem : quibus fretus, certamen adversariis abtulit
in causa fidei
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039170/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ingolstadt edition (1601 Rouen edition here)
AUTHOR Campion, Edmund S. J. (1540 - 1581)
TITLE Rationes decem : quibus fretus, certamen adversariis abtulit
in causa fidei
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053292
SITE Project Gutenberg
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES With an introduction and English translation by Anna Swanwick; html format
AUTHOR Campion, Edmund S. J. (1540 - 1581)
TITLE Tractatus de Imitatione
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-082268
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Campion, Thomas (1567 - 1620)
TITLE Complete Latin Poetry
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/campion
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (1997)
NOTES Edited and annotated texts with English translation; contains
Epigrams, Elegies, Ad Thamesin, Umbra, De Pulverea
Coniuratione, and minor items; html format
AUTHOR Campis, Pedro de
TITLE Quaestio de viribus demonstrationum
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I091A/directory.djvu?DJVUOPTS&PAGE=50
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Barcelona edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Campius, Jacobus
TITLE Subsequentes conclusiones ex assignata sibi 1. 2. D. de verbor. obligationib. desumtas
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027932/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Campolungo, Emilio
TITLE De arthritide liber unus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060573
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campolungo, Emilio
TITLE De variolis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060573
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Venice edition
AUTHOR Campson, Pierre (Petrus Philicinus)
TITLE Comoedia tragica quae inscribitur Magdalena evangelica
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=Vp1vVu211sYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Campson, Pierre (Petrus Philicinus)
TITLE Tragoedia Esther
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070521
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Camus, Lucien
TITLE Calling card with note (1919)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23033
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. fr-01607
AUTHOR Camuzio, Andrea
TITLE Excussio brevis praecipui morbi, nempe cordis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060265
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Florence edition
AUTHOR Canale, Matteo (1442 - 1503)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1543732
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Canales, Johannes
TITLE Arbor successionis ex variis doctoribus et precipue Jo. de
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053180
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Paris edition (a dpr of the
1498 edition is also available)
AUTHOR Canamusalus de Baldach
TITLE De oculis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X531508322
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1500 Venice
edition is available here)
AUTHOR Cancianini, Gian Domenico (1547 - 1630)
TITLE Carminum appendix
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf3030679
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cancianini, Gian Domenico (1547 - 1630)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf3012125
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cancianini, Gian Domenico (1547 - 1630)
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf3030679
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Candano, Pedro de O. P.
TITLE Opusculum in parvulam dialecticam
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/to/to/142,206,265,B/l962&FF=topusculum+in+parvulam+dialecticam&1,1,,004098,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Bohemais, hoc est de ducibus Bohemicis libri duo, de regibus Bohemicis libri quinque
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023718/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Strassburg edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Concio Christi, Qvam Habvit Ad Dvos Discipvlos
URL http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/diglit/DkII307
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Epitaphia antiqua et recentia
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022079/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Gotiberis : Hoc est De Goticis Per Hispaniam
Regibus, e Teutonica Gente Originem Trahentibus : Libri Sex ... carmine scripti
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenapoem/candidus2/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Strassburg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_2.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Candidus, Pantaleon (1540 - 1608)
TITLE Tabulae chronologicae
URL http://mdz2.bib-bvb.de/~tabellen/loadframe.html?toc_name=Candidus1597.html&img_id=Candidus1597_001
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Strassburg edition (a spr of the 1602 Strassburg edition is also available)
AUTHOR Candidus, Sebastian
TITLE De Filio Dei Iesv Christo Nato Ex Virgine Elegia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037744/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Wittenberg edition
AUTHORS Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841) et al.
TITLE Astragalogia nempe astragali, biserrulae et oxytropidis, nec
non phacae, colutae et lessertiae, historia iconibus illustrata
URL http://www.botanicus.org/title.asp?bibid=b1204433
SITE Botanicus.org
NOTES Dpr of the 18o2 Paris edition (also here, a dpr of the 1812 Paris edition is available here)
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Botanical note
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23522
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00089
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Catalogus plantarum horti botanici Monspeliensis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097568
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1818 Paris edition
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Icones plantarum Galliae rariorum nempè incertarum
aut nondum delineatarum
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097656
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1808 Paris edition
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de
TITLE Icones selectae plantarum
URL vol. 1. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096819 (also here)
vol. 1. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096824
vol. 2. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096820 (also here)
vol. 2.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096825
vol. 3. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096821 (also here)
vol. 3. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096826
.1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096822 (also here)
vol. 4.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096827
vol. 5. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096823 (also here)
vol. 5.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096828
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 - 46 Paris edition (also available here)
AUTHORS Candolle, Alphonse de and Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Monographiae phanerogamarum prodromi nunc continuato nunc
revisio (vol. 3)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098234
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1881 Paris edition
AUTHOR Candolle, Alphonse de and Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis sive
Enumeratio contracta ordinum generum specierum que plantarum huc
usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096501 (also here)
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096502 (also here)
vol. 3 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096503 (also here)
vol. 4 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096504 (also here)
vol. 5 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096505 (also here)
vol. 6 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096506 (also here)
vol. 7 http://www.botanicus.org/title.asp?barcode=31753003013205
vol. 8 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096508 (also here)
vol. 9 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096509 (also here)
vol. 10 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096510 (also here)
vol. 11 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096511 (also here)
vol. 12 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096512 (also here)
vol. 13.1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096513 (also here)
vol. 13.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096514(also here)
vol. 14.1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096515 (also here)
vol. 14.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096516
vol. 15.1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096517 (also here)
vol. 15.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096518 (also here)
vol. 16.1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096519 (also here)
vol. 16.2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096520 (also here)
vol. 17 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096521 (also here)
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 - 73 Paris edition (also here)
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Plantarum historia succulentaruma
URL vol. 1 http://www.illustratedgarden.org/mobot/rarebooks/title.asp?relation=SB438C361799V1 (also here)
vol. 2 http://www.illustratedgarden.org/mobot/rarebooks/title.asp?relation=SB438C361799V2 (also here)
vol. 3 http://www.illustratedgarden.org/mobot/rarebooks/title.asp?relation=SB438C361799V3
SITE MBG Rare Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 - 1837 edition (partially in French)
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778 - 1841)
TITLE Synopsis plantarum in flora gallica descriptarum
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097951
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096524
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1828-30 Paris edition
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de: see H. W. Buek
AUTHOR Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de: see Jean-Bapiste de Monet de Lamarck
AUTHOR Canen, Theodorus Amandus (17-18. sz.)
TITLE Illustrissimae et excellentissimae dominae ... Julianae de Ragotski comiti in Aspermont ... principi Transsylvaniae, cum primum ex Austria Reckheimium intraret, adventum gratulabatur
URL http://oszkdk.oszk.hu/DRJ/1482
SITE Országos Széchényi Könyvtár - Digitális Könyvtár
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Maastricht edition
AUTHOR Cangiamila, Franciscus Emmanduele
TITLE Embryologia sacra sive de officio sacerdotum, medicorum et aliorum circa aeternam parvulorum in utero existentium salutem
SITE Memoria Medicinae
SUBJECT Religion, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Palermo edition
AUTHOR Canini, Angelo
TITLE Anglarensis Ellenismos
URL https://books.google.com/books/reader?id=MVLiavwjguYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Canini, Angelo
TITLE Institutiones linguae Syriacae, assyriacae atque
thalmudicae, unà cum aethiopicae, atque arabicae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-084329
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies, Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition (also available here)
AUTHORS Canis, Cornelius et al.
TITLE Cantiones selectissimi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026965/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Canis, Johannes Jacobus
TITLE De modo in iure studendi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/69-2-quod-1/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Brunna edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Assertiones De Probationibvs Et Earvm Speciebvs Ex Vtroqve Ivre Desvmptae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030962/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Assertionum matrimonalium pars prima
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030755/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Assertionum matrimonalium pars altera
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030758/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De Cavsis, Demonstrationibvs, Modis Et Conditionibvs Adiectis, Legatis Et Fideicommissis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030782/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De decimis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030784/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De possessione et remidiis possessoriis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030766/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De Praescriptionibvs Ex Vtroqve Ivre Desvmpta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030772/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De Simonia, Et Ambitv, Et Haeresi Et Crimine Laesae Maiestatis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032095/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE De successione ab intestato decedentium tam ecclesiasticorum quam saecularium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030768/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Disputatio de Praescriptionibvs Ex Vtroqve Ivre Desvmpta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030772/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Disp. feud. ex universo feudorum iure deprompta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030771/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Disp. iur. de Senatusconsulto Trebelliano
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030783/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Miscellanea utriusque iuris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031379/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Theses Iuridicae De Cavsis, Demonstrationibvs, Modis Et Conditionibvs Adiectis, Legatis Et Fideicommissis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030782/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Theses iuridicae de iure patronatus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038029/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Heinrich
TITLE Theses Miscellaneae, Ex Diversis, Ac Praecipvis Qvibvsdam Ivris Vtrivsqve Articulis depromptae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030977/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Petrus S. J.
TITLE Catechismus imaginibus expressus
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00006627-3
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Canisius, Petrus S. J.
TITLE Institutiones Christianae pietatis seu catechismus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019998/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Dillingen edition (a dpr of the 1578 Dillingen edition is also available, 1583 Dillinged edition here)
AUTHOR Canisius, Petrus S. J.
TITLE Notae In Evangelicas Lectiones, Qvae Per Totvm Annvm Dominicis Diebvs In Ecclesia Catholica Recitantvr Opvs Ad Pie Meditandvm ac simul ad precandum Devm accommodatum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022722/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Fribourg edition
AUTHOR Canne, Mauritius
TITLE Ad doctißimum humanißimumq[ue] iuvenem, Joannem Caselium A Bracht, Contubernalem ac amicum integerrrimum, In Nuptias Sororis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-kapsel-3-19s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cannegieter, Hendrik
TITLE Dissertatio de Brittenburgo, matribus Brittis, Britannica
herba, Brittia Procopio memorata, Britannorumque antiquissimis per
Galliam et Germaniam sedibus
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=A_GLOBAL&H_searchId=1053129149525&id=498
SITE MIAMI (Universitäts - und Landesblbliothek
SUBJECT Ethnography
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Canning, George
TITLE De navali laude Britanniae
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=PDZAAAAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1809 London edition of The Anti-Jacobin
AUTHOR Canning, George
TITLE Iter ad Meccam religionis causa susceptum (1789)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/canning
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2022)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format
AUTHOR Canning, George and Richard Wellesley
TITLE Two Latin Poems from the Anti-Jacobin
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/canning2/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2022)
NOTES Dpr of the 1809 London edition of The Anti-Jacobin
AUTHOR Cano, Melchior O. P.
TITLE De locis theologicis libri duodecim
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/acano%2C+melchior/acano+melchior/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=acano+melchor+o+p&4,,6,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Salamanca edition (1574 Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Cano, Melchior O. P.
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tm/tm/60,191,238,B/l962&FF=tmelchioris+cani+episcopi+canariensis+ex+ordine+praedicatorum+opera+in+duo+volumina+distributa+tomus+i&3,,3,003560,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tm/tm/60,191,238,B/l962&FF=tmelchioris+cani+episcopi+canariensis+ex+ordine+praedicatorum+opera+in+duo+volumina+distributa+tomus+ii&3,,3,003561,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Madrid edition (vols. 1 and 2 of the 1770 Madrid edition are available here and here, vols. 1 and 2 of the 1792 Madrid edition are available here and here)
AUTHOR Canonica, Domenica
TITLE Gradus Taurinensis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/404957
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Turin edition
AUTHOR Canonieri, Pietro Andrea
TITLE In septem Aphorismorum Hippocratis libros, medicae,
politicae, morales ac theologicae interpretationes.... Volumen
primum, Materias politicas complectens
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532127411
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Canonieri, Pietro Andrea
TITLE In septem Aphorismorum Hippocratis libros, medicae,
politicae, morales ac theologicae interpretationes.... Volumen
tertium, Materias morales ac theologicas, & multas etiam
politicas complectens
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532129201
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine, politics, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Canstein, Rabanus von
TITLE De immortalitate animae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EOk-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Braunschweig edition
AUTHOR Cantalicio, Gianni Battista (1445 - 1515)
TITLE Borgias
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1563132
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cantalicio, Gianni Battista (1445 - 1515)
TITLE Bucolica
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1547009
SITE Bibliotheca Italiana
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cantalicio, Gianni Battista (1445 - 1515)
TITLE Christiani penitentis elegiaca confessio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007990/images/
NOTES Dpr of en undated Erfurt edition
AUTHOR Cantalicio, Gianni Battista (1445 - 1515)
TITLE Epigramma
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1555658
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cantalicio, Gianni Battista (1445 - 1515)
TITLE Spectacula Lucretiana
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1555690
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format (also available here)
AUTHOR Cantiuncula, Claudius
TITLE De officio iudicis libri duo
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1207716
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Basel edition
AUTHOR Cantiuncula, Claudius
TITLE Paraphrasis in reliquos tit. libr. Secundi Institut.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018225/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Cantiuncula, Claudius
TITLE Topica legalia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011698/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Basel edition
AUTHOR Canter Phrisius, Jacobus
TITLE Ad Johannem Rincum epigramma
URL http://www.europahumanistica.org/article.php3?id_article=8
SITE Europa Humanistica
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Canter Phrisius, Jacobus
TITLE Epistola ad Johannem Rincum
URL http://www.europahumanistica.org/article.php3?id_article=8
SITE Europa Humanistica
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Epistola ad Ingramum ab Achlen (prefacing his 1575 Antwerp edition of Stobaeus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=671&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 587f.
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Epistola ad Johannem Sambucum (prefacing his 1575 Antwerp edition of Stobaeus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=675&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 591f.
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Preface to his edition of , Pepli fragmentum
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0132_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Basel edition
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Preface to his edition of Aelius Aristides
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0235_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Basel edition
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Preface to his 1575 Antwerp edition of Stobaeus
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=671&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 588 - 90
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Preface to an edition of Sophocles
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014509/images/index.html?id=00014509&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Preface to his edition of Synesius
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0468_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Basel edition
AUTHOR Canterus, Gulielmus
TITLE Variarum in Graecis Bibliis lectionum libellus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B20040763
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Canterzano, Sebastiano
TITLE De attractione sphaerae
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=78
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 66 - 70; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Canterzano, Sebastiano
TITLE De curvae catenariae aequatione
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=397
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 265 - 268; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Canterzano, Sebastiano
TITLE De machinis duabus ad metallicas formas quibus vitreae lentes conficiuntur construendas inventis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=517
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 382 - 391; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Canterzano, Sebastiano
TITLE Epistola qua Eustachii Zanotti observatio Veneris solem traiicientis ab omni erroris suspicione liberatur
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=264 SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 241 - 248; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
WORK The Canticles: see Jean de Gerson (three items)
AUTHOR Cantipratenis, Thomas
TITLE Bonum universale proprietatibus apum
URL http://www.pbi.edu.pl/search/advanced_search.php?t=&a=&h=&ti=y&ya=1400&yat=1&yb=1501&ybt=1&x=41&y=10
SITE Polska Bibioteka Internetowa
NOTE Dpr of the 1480 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cantiuncula, Hilarius
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_3.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Canussio, Niccolò
TITLE De restitutione patriae
URL http://www.fondazionecanussio.org/patria.htm
SITE Fondazione Niccolò Cannusio
Paolo Mantovanelli (with an Introduction by Cesare Scanlon)
NOTES Latin with Italian translation; htlm format
AUTHOR Canuti, Benedictus
TITLE Parvum regimen sanitatis valde utile
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053526
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Rouen edition
AUTHOR Canuti, Lorenzo
TITLE De febri epidemica quae urbem Comachium anno 1766 invasit
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=362
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 230 - 237; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Canz, Israel Gottlieb
TITLE Grammaticae iuniversalis tenuia rudimenta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031280/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cao Cordido, Pablo José
TITLE Venerabili Roberto Bellarmino Theses ex Sacra Scriptura depromptas
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&idAutor=153
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Compostella edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register, also available here)
AUTHOR Caoursin, Guillaume (b. 1430)
TITLE Ad summum pontificem Innocentium papam octavum oratio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060448
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1485 edition (a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Caoursin, Guillaume (b. 1430)
TITLE Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis descriptio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031718/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1480 Venice edition (a dpr of an undated Rome edition is available here, 1480 Passau edition here, and a dpr of the 1496 Ulm edition is available here)
AUTHOR Caoursin, Guillaume (b. 1430)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-71277
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Caoursin, Guillaume (b. 1430)
TITLE Rhodiorum historia
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Capasso, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Historiae philosophiae synopsis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-094243
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Naples edition
AUTHOR Capdevila, Antonio
TITLE Epistola (1773)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=13219
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. se-00475
AUTHOR Capece, Scipione (1480 - 1551)
TITLE De principiis rerum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/autoren/capece_itali.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Venice edition
AUTHOR Capella, Galeazzo Flavio
TITLE De rebus nuper in Italia gestis libri octo
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+12{|}101{}TDI00144.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix
TITLE De grammatica, de dialectica, de rhetorica, de geometri, de
arithmetica, de astronomia, de musica libri septem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060072
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies, philosophy, rehetoric, mathematics,
astronomy, music
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1502 Mutina edition is available here)
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix
TITLE De nuptiis philologiae et Mercurii
URL http://project.lib.keio.ac.jp/dg_kul/incunabula_detail.php?id=015&lang=en
SUBJECT Learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Vicenza edition
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix
TITLE Dialectica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015234/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix
TITLE Opus Martiani Capelle de nuptiis Philologie et Mercurii
libri duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060072
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1502 Mutina edition is available here)
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix
TITLE Rhetorica
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db/bsb00001889/images/
SITE Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix: see Johannes Aestercampus
AUTHOR Capellanus, Claudius
TITLE Mare rabbinicum infidum seu quaestio rebbinico-talmudicahttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NV5OAQAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Capello, Carlo
TITLE Epitome apostolicarum constitutionum
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+163{|}938{}TDI00037.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Ingolstadt edition (also available here)
\AUTHOR Capello, Marco Antonio
TITLE De appellationibus ecclesiae Africanae ad Romanam sedem dissertatio
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Y_4_99_1/Y_4_99_1_fich_1.html
SITE Universidad de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Paris edition
AUTHOR Capellus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xMxbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Hamburg edition
AUTHOR Capelluti, Rolando
TITLE De peste
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026347/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Brunswig edition
AUTHOR Capelluti, Rolando
TITLE Tractatus de curatione pestiferorum apostematum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058287
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (a dpr of an undated Rome edition is available here, 1642 Frankfurt a. M. edition here)
AUTHOR Capet, Jean
TITLE Indulgentia plenaria penarum purgatorii quam quilibet potest in mortis articulo acquirere
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005412/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Capet, Jean
TITLE Informatio de genealogia beatissime virginis Christi sponse Barbare
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003231/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Capet, Jean
TITLE Sermo de ortu, conversatione virtutibus praeclarissimis et martyrio beatissime virginis Christi sponse Katherine
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011711/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Speyer edition
AUTHOR Capet, Jean
TITLE Sermo de valore orationis hominis iusti
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003631/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1503 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Capgrave, John (1393 - 1464)
TITLE De illustribus Henricis
URL http://standish.stanford.edu/bin/search/advanced/process?sort=title&browse=1&clauseMapped%28titleBrowse%29=Johannis+Capgrave+Liber+de+illustribus+Henricis.+Ed.+by+F.+C.+Hingeston.
SITE SULAIR Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project
NOTES Dpr of the 1858 London edition (dedication also available here)
AUTHOR Capgrave, John: see Carl Horstmann
AUTHOR Capiferreus, Franciscus Magdalenus
TITLE Elenchus librorum omnium tum in Tridentino, Clemntinoq. indice congrega. particularibus decretis usque ad annum 1640 prohibitorum
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000680
SITE Religion Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Rome edition
AUTHOR Capilupa, Lelio
TITLE Cento Vergilianus de vita monachorum, quos vulgo fratres appellant
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/624934
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Capio, Coriolano
TITLE De Petri Mocenici imperatoris gestis libri tres
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+137{|}740{}TDI00102.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Basel edition
AUTHOR Capitius, Scipio
TITLE De principiis rerum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader2?id=4e85AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Paris edition
AUTHORS Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 -
1541) and Martin Bucer
TITLE Acta cum doctissimo et humanissimo viro, d. Philippo Melanthoni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ydtdIOTXoIoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 -
TITLE Ad reverendissimum atque illustrissimum principem, D. Albertum Archiepiscopum Moguntinum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024542/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Strasbourg edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 -
TITLE Di vita Johannis Oecolampadii
URL http://www.jalb.de/agora/html/3429TABLE_OF_CONTENTS.htm
SITE Johannes A Lasco Bibliothek, Emden
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Strasbourg edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 -
TITLE Epistola ad Huldericum Zuinglium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027164/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1526 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 - 1541)
TITLE Epistulae
URL http://www.library.utoronto.ca/rsa/capito/
SITE The Capito Project
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Strasbourg edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 - 1541)
TITLE Hebraicae institutiones
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00013765-9
SITE Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1518 Basel edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 -
TITLE In Habakuk Prophetam enarrationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029934/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1526 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 - 1541)
TITLE Preface to his translation of John Chrysostom's De eo quod dixit apostolus
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0388_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 - 1541)
TITLE Preface to his edition of John Chrysostom's Homilies
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0388_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (c. 1478 - 1541)
TITLE Preface to his edition of John Chrysostom's Paraenesis prior
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0389_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition
AUTHOR Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius: see Johannes Cellarius
AUTHOR Capivaccio, Girolamo
TITLE De differentiis doctrinarum, logicis, philosophis, atque
medicis pernecessarium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060264
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Padua edition
AUTHOR Capivaccio, Girolamo
TITLE De lue venerea acroaseis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038112/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Speyer edition
AUTHOR Capivaccio, Girolamo
TITLE De methodo anatomica liber
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X531914398
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Venice edition
AUTHOR Capivaccio, Girolamo
TITLE Medendi methodus universalis tabulis comprehensa
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051223
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Frankfurt edition
AUTHORS Capivaccio, Girolamo and Johann Hartmann Beyer
TITLE Practica Medicina Sev Methodvs Cognoscendorvm Et Cvrandorvm Omnivm humani Corporis Affectuum
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001698-7
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the 1596 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Capivaccio, Girolamo
TITLE Opera omnia quinque sectionibus comprehensa
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051222
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Frankfurt edition (a dpr of the
1617 Venice edition is also available)
AUTHOR Capoferreus, Johann Wilhelm
TITLE Encomium urbis Freibergae
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:632952L_001,800,600
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Freiberg edition
AUTHOR Capoferreus, Johann Wilhelm
TITLE Ernestina, Honori Antiquissimi & Heroici Nominis Serenissimi Celsissimiq[ue] Principis & Domini, Domini Ernesti, Ducis Saxoniae
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:165583C_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Capoferreus, Johann Wilhelm
TITLE In comitia Dresdensia, habita ductu atque auspicio serenissimi Dn. Johannis Georgii II ducis Saxoniae
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:152159R_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Capozio, Priamo (d. 1517)
TITLE Fridericeis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041719/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Capozio, Priamo (d. 1517)
TITLE Oratio metrica in alma Lipsensi universitate habita
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/104-7-quod-31/start.htm
SITE Herzog Augustus Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition (a dpr of the 1501 Leipzig edition is available here)
AUTHOR Cappel, Ludeco
TITLE Summarius de interdicto excommunicationis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041717/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Erfurt edition
AUTHOR Cappelbeck, Jacob
TITLE Disputatio de sumptibus a patre filio studiorum causa exhibitis, an possint ei tempore successionis imputari
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032003/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Capra, Baldassarre
TITLE Usus et fabrica circini cuiusdam proportionis
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Padua edition
AUTHOR Capra, Benedetto
TITLE Consilia utilissima ac cotidiana super materia rum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059331
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Capra, Galeazzo Flavio
TITLE De rebus nuper in Italia gestis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027778/images
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 edition
AUTHOR Capracana, Domenico
TITLE De temptatoribus penis infernalibus interrogationibus agonisantium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013843/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 edition
AUTHOR Capracana, Domenico
TITLE Speculum artis bene moriendi
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024662/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Capréole, Jean O. P.
TITLE Commentaria in quattuor libros sententiarum seu liber
defensionum theologiae Thomae Aquinatis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059343
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Venice edition (also available at this site: you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection; a dpr of another copy is available here)
AUTHOR Capretto, Pietro
TITLE Anterotica, sive De amoris generibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058484
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Treviso edition
AUTHOR Capsius, Liborius
TITLE Duce Deo: Luce Ratione: Comite Alacri Industria
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:152122T_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Ehrfurt edition
AUTHOR Capsius, Liborius
TITLE Panegyrismus
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:151806U_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Ehrfurt edition
AUTHOR Capuano de Manfredonia, Francisco
TITLE Expositio sphaerae
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=293617
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Venice edition
AUTHOR: Capuano, Niccolo
TITLE Compendium Musicale (15th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/NICCOM_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Landulfo O. F. M.
TITLE Liber secundus super sententias secundum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060350
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1480 Venice edition
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdIb
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Venice edition
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Opera varia (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060511
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1485 Venice edition
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Quadragesimale Roberti de peccatis
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=1857&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053467
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Lyon edition (also available here, a dpr of an undated, edition is also available)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones de adventu
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I260A/directory.djvu?DJVUOPTS&PAGE=273
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Venice edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (a dpr o fthe 1480 Basel edition is available here)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones dominicales de stipiendio peccati et gratiae praemio
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I106A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Lyon edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones de laudibus sanctorum
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/gIBE+4164/gibe+4164/-26,1,1,B/l856~b1100869&FF=gibe+1448&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search*spi/gIBE+4164/gibe+4164/-26,1,1,B/frameset&FF=gibe+1448&1,1,/endreferer/
SITE Universidad de Granada
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Venice edition (1489 Augsburg edition here, a dpr of the 1490 Venice edition is available here, a dpr of the 1490 Basel edition is available here, a dpr of the 1490 Augsburg edition is available here, a dpr of the 1490 Antwerp edition is available here, undated Reutlingen edition here, and a dpr of the 1498 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I072A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Basel edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones plurimi
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/112,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsermones+plurimi+sermones+de+adventu+sermones+quadragesimales+de+penitentia+etc+notati+supra+ad+gw+6043+etiamque+sermo+de+cat&1,1,,001634,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones praestantissimi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/151-4-theol/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Caracciolo, Roberto (1425 - 1495)
TITLE Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1472 Venice edition (also available here, dpr's of the 1473 Cologne edition and the 1479 Basel edition are available at the same site, a dpr of the 1476 Venice edition is available here and also here, one of the 1480 Basel edition here, 1485 Ulm edition here, and a dpr of the 1488 Venice edition is available here, and a dpr of the 1498 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan de (1605 - 1628)
TITLE Ad Petrum Gassendum epistola, qua significat Germanos
protestantes ad amplectendam fidem catholicam longe promptiores
futuros illa ipsis opinione detracta, non licere cuiquam esse
catholico nisi qui Papam infallibilem et oecumenico concilio
superiorem agnoscat
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073577
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan de (1605 - 1628)
TITLE Primus calamus ab oculos [sic catalogue] ponens metametrimetricam quae . . . multiformes labyrinthos exorna
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=273821
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Rome edition
AUTHOR Caravaggio, Pietro Paolo
TITLE In geometria male restaurata ab authore A.S.L. rimae detectae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1186965
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Caravita, Prospero
TITLE Commentaria. Super ritibus Magnae Curiae Vicariae Regni Neapolis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=20679
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carbaiali, Luis de O. F. M.
TITLE De restituta theologia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWzCuRo_M5AC&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Dogs, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carballo Nuñez de Castro, José Ignacio
TITLE Aqua medicina universalis cum methodo exibita
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1226947&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&12,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of a 1751 manuscript
AUTHOR Carballo Nuñez de , José Ignacio
TITLE Ars utilissima in qua proponuntur certae maximae
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1226983&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1103,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of a 1751 - 54 manuscript
AUTHOR Carballo Nuñez de Castro, José Ignacio
TITLE Opusculus parvus et curiosus de vera nostra fidei veritate ad mentem illuminati
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1226983&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1103,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of a 1751 - 54 manuscript
AUTHOR Carballo Nuñez de Castro, José Ignacio
TITLE Tractatus brevis de arte et methodo sciendi veram sapientiam
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1226983&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1103,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of a 1751 - 54 manuscript
AUTHOR Carballo Nuñez de Castro, José Ignacio
TITLE Tractatus de septem ecclesiae sacramentis
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1226983&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1103,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of a 1751 - 54 manuscript
AUTHOR Carben, Victor von
TITLE Opus aureum ac novum et a doctis vivis diu exspectatum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005469/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carbo, Ludovicus
TITLE Epistola ad Borsium Mutinae et Regii ducem (prefacing his 1471 Venice edition of Pliny II's Epistles)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=215&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 131f.
AUTHOR Carbo, Ludovicus (1435 - 1482)
TITLE Ad serenissimum principem et inclitum Pannoniae regem divum Mathiamdialogus de ipsius regis laudibus rebusque gestis
URL http://carbo.mtak.hu/en/study.htm
SITE Studiolum
NOTES Dpr of Budapest, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ms. K397
AUTHOR Carbone, Girolamo
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2198993
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carbone, Girolamo
TITLE Neniolae de morte Hieronymi Carbonis
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2204268
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carbone, Lodovico
TITLE Introductio in sacram theologiam
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCarbone/acarbone/1,203,598,B/l962&FF=acarbone+lodovico&2,,3,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carbone, Lodovico
TITLE De oratoria et dialectica inventione vel De locis communibus
libri quinque
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=b19112403
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carbone, Lodovico
TITLE Oratio habita in funere praestantissimi oratoris et
poetae Guarinis Veronensis (1460)
URL http://cibit.humnet.unipi.it/cdll.dll?OP=296
SITE Bibliotheca Italiana Telematica
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carbonell, Francisco
TITLE Pharmaciae Elementa Chemiae Recentioris Fundamentis Innixa
URL http://usuarios.lycos.es/rotedu/Carbonell.html
SITE Private site
CONTIBUTOR Eduardo Pijuan Soler
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Barcelona edition (DjVU format; plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Carcano, Michele CC. RR. MM. (d. 1490)
TITLE Opus perutilissimum per adventum et quadragesimam de peccato
in genere et de tribus peccatis principalibus sunt superbia, avaritia
et luxuria
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060490
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 edition
AUTHOR Carcano, Michele CC. RR. MM. (d. 1490)
TITLE Sermonarium per quaqdragesimam de commendatione virtutum et reprobatione vitiorum
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=55221
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Milan edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Carcano, Michele CC. RR. MM. (d. 1490)
TITLE Sermonarium de peccatis per adventum et per duas quadragesimas
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=75948
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Venice edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Carcano, Michele CC. RR. MM. (d. 1490)
TITLE Sermonarium de poenitentia
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=9534
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJEC Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carchesius, Antonius
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_4.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cardanus, Hieronymus (1501 - 1576): see here
AUTHOR Cárdenas, Juan de, S. J. (1612 - 1684_
TITLE Crisis theologica
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=508
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Seville edition
AUTHOR Cardillo de Villapando, Gaspar
TITLE Commentarius in quatuor libros Aristotelis De coelo
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1261,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1272,1272,,005900,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Cardillo de Villapando, Gaspar
TITLE De nomine Iesu, oratio ad sacro sanctam synodum Tridentinam
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCardillo/acardillo/1,2,9,B/l962&FF=acardillo+de+villalpando+gaspar&6,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Brescia edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Cardillo de Villapando, Gaspar
TITLE De primatu Petri, oratio ad sacro sanctam synodum Tridentinam
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCardillo/acardillo/1,2,9,B/l962&FF=acardillo+de+villalpando+gaspar&7,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Brescia edition
AUTHOR Cardillo de Villapando, Gaspar
TITLE Quod non sit laicis calix permittendus oratio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023929/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Zeerip edition (a dpr of the 1563 Cologne edition is also availble)
AUTHOR Cardim, Antonio Francisco S. J. (1596 - 1659)
TITLE Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, suo adhuc madentibus sanguine
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040713.2566;sessionSeq=18599;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=698107
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cardim, Antonio Francisco S. J. (1596 - 1659)
TITLE Nova Indica sive memorabilis virtus Christianorum LXI in Iaponia anno CIICXXXIX pro fide Christiana interfectorum
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040715.2465;sessionSeq=17487;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=689742
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Cardinals, Sacred Consistory of
TITLE Sententia in Galileum et abiuratio eiusdem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BtJKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, astronomy
NOTES Extracted from J. B. Riccioli’s Almagestus Novus in vol 11 of the 1811 Milan edition of Galileo’s Opere
AUTHOR Cardon, Georges
TITLE De Maximiliano a Bergis Cameracensi archiepiscopo
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=1BOgBR_EZngC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cardóna, Juan Bautista (1511 - 1589)
TITLE De expungendis haereticorum propriis nominibus
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCardona/acardona/37,90,243,B/l962&FF=acardona+juan+bautista+1511+1589&6,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Tarragona edition
AUTHOR Cardóna, Juan Bautista (1511 - 1589)
TITLE De regia S. Laurentii bibliotheca
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCardona/acardona/37,90,243,B/l962&FF=acardona+juan+bautista+1511+1589&5,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Tarragona edition
AUTHOR Cardóna, Juan Bautista (1511 - 1589)
TITLE Oratio de diuo Stephano protomartyre
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Cardona)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Cardona)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Cardona%29/13,19,19,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Cardona)&searchscope=9&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&18,18,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cardóna, Lazaro (b. 1533)
TITLE Commentaria In Tres Libros De Virginis Partu A Sannazaro Editos
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/autoren/cardona_itali.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cardulo, Francesco
TITLE Carmen ad Blasium Hoelcelium
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf667075
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cardulo, Francesco
TITLE Oratio in exsequiis Ardicini II de Porta cardinalis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060742
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1481 edition (a dpr of the
1493 edition is also available)
AUTHOR Cardulo, Fulvio
Sanctorum martyrum Abundij presbyteri, Abundantij diaconi, Marciani & Ioannis eius filij passio
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20037%20354.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Rome edition
AUTHOR Carerio, Ludovico (d. 1560)
TITLE Practica nova causarum criminalium
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=6712
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carerio, Ludovico (d. 1560)
TITLE Tractatus appellationum
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=6712
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carerio, Ludovico (d. 1560)
TITLE Tractatus de homicidio et assassinio
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=6712
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carerio, Ludovico (d. 1560)
TITLE Tractatus de indiciis et tortura
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=6712
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carfenna, Baleus
TITLE Oratio de pacanda et componenda republica, ad Belgas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DsFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Groningen-Bremen edition
AUTHOR Carger, Friedrich Constantin
TITLE De constitutione morborum stationaria
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/cargerdr.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Cargius, Stephanus
TITLE Isaac Immolandus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037813/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes
TITLE Chronica
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+135{|}730{}TDI00428.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes
TITLE Chronica expositum et auctum...a Philippo Melanchtone et Casparo Peucero
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/732236
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes
TITLE Disputatio circularis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN570359732
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes: see Daniel Wilhelm Moller
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes: see Daniel Wilhelm Moller
AUTHOR Carius, Johannes Pollus
TITLE Sylva quaedam consolationum philosophicarum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN570359732
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 edition
AUTHOR Carion, Joannes: see Johann Christoph Dommerich
AUTHOR Carl IX, King of Sweden
TITLE Nos Carolus Dei Gratia Suecorum Gothorum Vandalorumque Rex Et Princeps Haereditarius &c.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:089920K_001,800,600 and http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:089920K_002,800,600
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 edition
AUTHOR Carl XII, King of Sweden
TITLE Ad senatores et ordines regni Poloniae
URL you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Estnisches Historisches Archiv
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Carl, Johann Samuel
TITLE Ichnographia anatomiae et chymiae nec non formularum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-150202
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Anatomy, chemistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Buttgen edition
AUTHOR Carl, Johann Samuel
TITLE Ichnographia praxeos clinicae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-150202
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Buttgen edition
AUTHOR Carlander, Christopher
TITLE Prescription (1836)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=13219
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. se-00475
AUTHOR Carlberg, Arminius Friedrich
TITLE De cephalaematomate
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/garlbergarmin.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1846 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Carlblom, Ernst
TITLE De phthisi laryngea tuberculosa
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/carlblom.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Carlbohm, Gustaf Jacob: see Linnaeus
AUTHOR: Carlerius, Egidius
TITLE De cantu iubiliationis armonicae et utilitate eius (15th
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/CARLCAN_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR: Carlerius, Egidius
TITLE Sporta (sportula) fragmentorum
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Music (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1478-9 Brussels edition
AUTHOR: Carlerius, Egidius
TITLE Tractatus de duplici ritu cantus ecclesiastici in divinis
officiis et primo de simplici (15th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/CARLTRA_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carleton, Thomas Compton (1593 - 1666)
TITLE Fatum Vortigerni
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/vort
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2007)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format
AUTHOR: Carleton, Thomas Compton (1593 - 1666)
TITLE Philosophia Universa
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/6-2-quod-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Carleval, Tomás
TITLE Disputationes iuris variae
URL vol. 1 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10934
vol. 2
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Carleval, Tomás
TITLE Disputationum juris variarum ad interpretationem regiarum legum regni Castellae
URL vol. 1 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10962
vol. 2
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Carling, Hermann
TITLE Observatiuncula circa artem antiq. gentium celebriorum numismata adornandi
URL http://bibbild.abo.fi/diss/diss.php?katalog=Carling1745
SITE Åbo Akademis Bibliotek
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Åbo edition (downloadable pdf file here)
AUTHOR Carlon, Johannes
TITLE Chronica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024381/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Carlowitz, Carolus Guilelmus de
TITLE De foederibus finium disputatio
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093667
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carlson, Carl Axel
TITLE Dissertatio de flora strengnesensis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097610
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Carlstadt. Andreas
TITLE Christianissimi Wittenbergensis gymnasij, multarum Disputationum paradoxa & plane enigmata in Papistica illa mendacijs confusissima Ecclesia : vulgaria vero verae Christi Ecclesiae pronunciata. Atque ex his lector iudicabis, quid agatur in vere Christiana schola, quam haeretica sit Lutecia, & omnes filiae eius / Auctores sunt, Martinus Lutherus, Andreas Carolostadius, Philippus Melanchthon, &c.
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/70967
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 edition
AUTHOR Carlstadt. Andreas
TITLE De coelibatu, monachatu, et viduitate
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/528538
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Basel edition
AUTHORS Carmelites, Order of
TITLE Aurea et saluberrima ordinis fratrum Deipoare Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo staatuto in capitulo generali Venetiis celebrato et constitutiones ordinatae
URL http://roai.mcu.es/en/consulta/registro.cmd?id=35459
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Seville edition (also available here)
AUTHORS Carmelites, Order of
TITLE Constitutiones Fratrum ordinis B.Mariae de Monte Carmelo, cum tabula Johannis Mariae de Poluciis
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000717
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona. Signatura: Ms. 1/166
AUTHORS Carmelites, Order of
TITLE In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi et ad honorem beatissimae virginis Mariae de monte Carmeli
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=171020
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Valladolid edition
AUTHORS Carmelites, Order of
TITLE Ordinale diuinorum officiorum sacre religionis Carmelita[rum] ; Decreto capituli generalissimi celebrati Padue 1523 ... data opera in conuentu Bruxelle co[n]gregatos purgatum et correctum in capitulo generalissimo Vincentie celebrato 1539
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tordinale/tordinale/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tordinale&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carmelites, Order of (Munsterbilsen)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Ceneton/BaasaCarmelieten1776.html
SITE Leiden University
NOTES Argument; dpr of the 1776 Maastricht edition
AUTHOR Carmona, Juan de
TITLE Praxis subtilissima, ac ad curanda cognoscendamque pestilentiam apprime necessaria
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533148196
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Seville edition
AUTHOR Carmona, Juan de
TITLE Tractatus an astrologia sit medicis necessaria
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Astrology, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Seville edition
AUTHOR Carmona, Juan de
TITLE Tractatus de peste ac febribus cum puncticulis vulgo tauardillo
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533148196
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Seville edition
AUTHOR Carnoli, Lodovico
TITLE Disputatio de lactis et seminum melonum commixtione
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060558
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 edition
AUTHOR Caroc, Georg Adolf
TITLE De Usu Juris Naturalis in statu Civili s. Rep. practico
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-189611
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Wolfenbüttel edition
AUTHOR Carolides, Georg (1569 - 1612)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_5.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carolis, Jacobus de
Gemmatus pavo Iacobi de Carolis ... Aquilani, coloribus, seu capitibus distinctus : in quo Iuris Canonici, & Ciuilis variae per modum etymologiae, quaestionis, diffinitionis, declarationis, & distinctionis tanguntur materiae
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20019%20353.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carolus Fasolus
TITLE De Monstro Venetiis nato carmen
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070229
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Carp, Jacobus Arndt
TITLE Aphorismi institutionem juventutis in scholis spectantes
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51273
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Carpano, Domenico de
TITLE De nutrienda memoria
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058437
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mnemonics
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 edition
AUTHOR Carpano, Orazio
TITLE Commentaria absolutissimma in alteram iuris municipalis partem, quae nouissima dicitur
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=19148
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1616 Milan edition
AUTHOR Carpentarius, Nicolaus
TITLE Disputatio Philosophica De Anima In Commvni, Deqve Vegetativae Ac Sensitivae Natvris, Et Propriis affectionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031255/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Carpenter, Alexander
TITLE Destructorium viciorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052466
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 edition
AUTHOR Carpenter, Pierre
TITLE Glossarium novum ad scriptores medii aevi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Jf5YAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 edition
AUTHOR Carpio, Franciso
TITLE De executoribus et commissariis testamentariis libri quatuor
URL http://www.bne.es/cgi-bin/wsirtex?FOR=WBNBIBT4&VIS=W02BIMA&FMT=WBNARIA&ITE=0004900007987
SITE Biblioteca Nacional (Spain)
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Osuna edition
AUTHOR Carpov, Jakob
TITLE Inania Singvlarivm Clvgianorvm Theologiae Carpovianae
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-156106
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leipzig-Jena edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De blasphemia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8GZJAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De bonis uxorum receptitiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dmlJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De cambiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_UROAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De clausulis, libellis actionum adiici solitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H6FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De coercitione haeresium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hbxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De commendatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HINJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De Condictione Ex Moribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Y8dJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De confessione legali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4sZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De eo, quod justum est circa destructionem et ruinam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=n3JGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De eremodicio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=j2FGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De expromissione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yRBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De infantibus expositis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=P2NGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition (1741 Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iure postliminiihttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=x2FGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iudicio Imperatoris extraordinario
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jbxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iure braxandi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sm1GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iure fisci circa bona ob defraudatum falsa professione censum in commissum cadentia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XkxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iure patrum familias
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=i-dFAAAAcAAJ 2
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De iure weichbildorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DxxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De obligationum qualitatibus
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De obligationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2RtKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De observantia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tsZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De pignore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VwxTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De praecipuis rusticorum privilegiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ejBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition (1720 Jena edition here)
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De revocandis his qvae in fraudem creditorum alienantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=18ZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE De Transportatione Defvnctorvm Per Territorivm Alienvm
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-189119
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Leipzig edition (also here)
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE Ius aggratiandi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AbNIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE Ius circa aërem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VNZMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE Lectorem benevolum ad orationem sub auspicium professionis Institutionum imperatoriar. ... invitat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hdlGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict: see Andreas Mylius
AUTHOR Carpzov, August Benedict
TITLE Quatenus forenses obligentur statutis alienae civitatis?
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ncZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Asylum generale debitorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=37JJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Commentarius in legem regiam Germanorum sive capitulationem imperatoriam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SVhKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De autoritate iuris feudalis, natura feudorum, et personis ad eadem idoneis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JalXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De donatione bonorum utensilium
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De investitura feudi
vol. 6
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De iure ac privilegio Serenissimorum principum electorum et ducum Saxoniae de non appellando
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2IxYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De iure vectigalium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tqdGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De iuribus foeminarum singularibus
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=sM9JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De pignoribus et hypothecis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rrxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE De regali fidelium sacerdotio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZrlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Discussio hist. iur. voti septemviralis gravissimi, quod post obitum Maximiliani I. Imp. in Comitiis Electoralibus pro Carolo Austriaco Rege Hispaniarum contra Franciscum Galliarum Regem dixit Albertus Cardinalis episcopus Moguntinus a Johanne Sleidano consignati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bWxGAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Disputationes historico-politico-iuridicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mhVGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Legati eiusque privilegiorum delineatio succincta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pbxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Law, diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Libellus peculiaris formularum pronuntiandi in supremo appellationum senatus electoralis receptorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U09LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Notae et additiones perbreves ad part. ... iurisprudentiae forensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yVVXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Opus decisionum illustrium Saxonicarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ym5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Opus definitionum ecclesiasticarum sive consistorialium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KsRFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Opus responsorum iuris electoralium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WXhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Practicae novae imperialis Saxonicae rerum criminalium
URL vol. 1 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=704&pos=1
vol. 2 http://num-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr:8080/view/authors/Carpzov,_Benedict.html
SITE SCD Universities of Strasbourg
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Practica nova imperialis Saxonica rerum criminalium
URL vol. 1 http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/drwcarpzov1670B1
vol. 2 http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/drwcarpzov1670B2
vol. 3
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Processus iuris in foro Saxonico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U09LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leizig edition (1708 Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Synopsis iuris feudalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YilXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Theses de condictione causa dati, causa non secuta, item de condictione ob turpem vel iniustam causam, de condictione indebiti & condictione sine causa
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037979/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Trutina doctrinarum Jo. Brunnemanni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=appSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Benedict
TITLE Vindiciae pacificationis Osnabruccensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RwxGAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Christian Benedict
TITLE Medicos ab ecclesia pro sanctis habitos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jN5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=58dFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopgle Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De interdictis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vg1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De monetis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M_xGAAAAcAAJ 2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De pactis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2rxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De regalibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pfRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De regalibus seu iuribus maiestatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yfxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De remediis & auxiliis, quibus sententiae et processus, qui dicuntur nulli, ab hoc vitio purgari, defendi, et consolidari possint
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ccdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De trestamentis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=d6FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE De tribus hereditatem adeundi modis et inventarii confectione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1rxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE Diss. inaug. ad pacificationem religiosam Augustanum de anno 1555
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6S9WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE Rector Academiae Wittenbergensis, Dn. Conradus Carpzovius, I. U. D. Elector. Sax. Consil. & Prof. publ. Civibus Academicis S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:638708P_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Bibliotheca Carpzoviana sive Catalogus Librorum Quos Magno studio & sumtu, dum viveret, collegit Vir Nobilissimus Frider. Benedictus Carpzovius
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-70278
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Commentatio de eo, quod in iure proedriae ridiculum est
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bvNUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE De crimine residui
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=3AdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE De crimine residui
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eeBMAAAAcAAJ 2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE De iure proedriae naturali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mmNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE De poena excisionis iure positivo universali in incestas nuptias statuta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=h-5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE De Publii Virgilii Maronis ecloga quarta, an inibi Christi Servat. nativitas, ad mentem Eusebii Caesar. Pamph. celebretur, disquirens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MrZWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Conrad (1593 - 1658)
TITLE Disputatio ultima de regalibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KaJJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Diss. altera ex iure eccl. de eo quod consultum est in nuptiis personarum diversae religioni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xrxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Ex historia iuris literaria, de allotrio-episcopia iureconsultorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3AdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Ex jvre Germanico de ficta necessitate scabinorum in causa criminali quae delegatur commissariis principis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HbdHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Ex iure militari de murcis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZGZMAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Schediasma de eo quod justum est circa nuptias personarum diversæ religionis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RPkTAAAAQAAJ 3
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 17509 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Stricturae in celeb. icti Hildesiensis Dn. Jo. Georg. Pertschii tractatum Vom Recht der Beichtstühle
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tsRPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Vindiciae Carpzovianae, sive sententiae ... B. Ben. Carpzovii a dissensu modernorum doctorum vindicatae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HdtGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Friedrich Benedict
TITLE Vindiciae nominis Germanici contra quosdam obtrectatores Gallos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XlpYAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Actum solennem promotionis septem licentiarorum theologiae ad d. XXIV. et XXV. Augusti ... celebrandum intimat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=i2ROAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Ad Nummos Cornutum Mosen Exhibentes Schediasma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hdtPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Numismatics, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Analysis dicti apostolici de passione dominica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qVlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Bilʿām ham-mebaśśēr h. e. vaticinium Bileami evangelicum, Num. XXIV,15. seqq. a perversionibus Abarbenelis in Mašmîaʿ Yešûʿā vindicatum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pFBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Conclusionum theor.pract. ad Institutiones iuris exercitatio ad lib. IV. tit. 6. § 28 seqq. de actionibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ioRRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De asino Messiae, Christi in urbem Jerosolymam vectore
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Johann_Benedict_Carpzov_Philologema_sacrum_de_asin?id=OR9KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De charitate et veritate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iFlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De chuppa Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=l2VOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De crethi et plethi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=u3JGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De Descensu Christi Ad Inferos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QGVOAAAAcAAJ&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De dispensione circa iusiurandum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=C2lGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De divinitate Christi
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De fide per charitatem operante
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EHFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De filio hominis ad antiquum dierum delato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v8RPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De fundamento doctrinae de s. coena, huiusque materia et forma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tBJOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De gigantibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QndJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion?
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De iure decidendi controversias theologicas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=N2FGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De legitima tetragrammatis Jehovah lectione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Cf1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De mutua Dei Patris & Filii glorificatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nn5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De Non Speranda Lutheranorum Cum Pontificiis Et Calvinianis Unione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XxJOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De officio partium valentiorum et iustarum faciendae pacis cum hoste fracto et iniquo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sBFQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De orthodoxia et orthotomia in ecclesiae ministro
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hw5JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De regali fidelium sacerdotio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZrlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De religione quietistarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BAhOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition (1717 Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De Scripturae Sacrae theopneustia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VRFKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De verbis Jeremiae Deo supplicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LyFOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition (1698 Leipzig edition here
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De vocatione hominum ad salutem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yN1VAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE De vocatione Messiae ad sacerdotium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TtRPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Disputatio anti-iesuitica prima: praeliminaris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v5JNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Disputatio Exegetica ad Luc. XII, 49. 50
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Johann_Benedict_Carpzov_Disputatio_Exegetica_ad_Lu?id=d2pOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Diss. theol. ad librum Augustini de catechizandis rudibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RApRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Elenchus Spiritus Sancti catholicus a Salvatore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LpVNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Isagoge in libros ecclesiarum Lutheranarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LOlBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Isagoges in articulos visitatorios: De Calvinistarum erroribus circa propositiones personales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xRJOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Iusta funebria Potentissimo Saxoniae Electori
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KKBLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Frankfurt - Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Jo. Benedicti Carpzovi ad nobilissimum et clarissimum virum Jacobum Bornium epistola, qua de obitu parentis viri magnifici icti et antecessoris eum solatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1cFIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Jo. Benedictus Carpzov ... lectorem benevolum ad orationem inauguralem pridie Nonas Iunias anni MDCLXXXIV ... invitat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ab1PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Judaeorum Aurea Simia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2HxLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Ninevitarum poenitentias
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8ntOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Pars I. Collegii Antipapistici Instituti in Academia Lipsiensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OTBLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Sôd pārā adummā, dissertatio de vacca rufa, ad Numerorum Caput XIX. altera eaque dogmatica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2X1PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Specimen theologiae Chemnizianae in duobus locis de Deo et Christo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HFlTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Vindicatio Doctrinae Orthodoxae de Sacramentis in genere a corruptelis Tridentinorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MH5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict
TITLE Vindiciae Vindiciis oppositae, i. e. Apologetica disputatio adversus criminationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ogtRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict: see Ad virum summe venerabilem
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Animadversiones in nonnulla Musaei et Achillis Tatii loca
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-ZQ-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Aoinos methē, sobria Spiritu Sancto ebrietas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=i9lVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1775 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Bigae orationum pro defendendis bonis literis adversus philosophos recentiores eos qui illas contemnunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2DRLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Commentatio exegetica de interprete scripturae sacrae grammatico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dIc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Criticellvs Turgidvlvs Carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wAVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De Descensu Christi Ad Inferos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g7xOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De logō Philonis non Johanneo adversus Thomam Mangey
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=D7xOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De Nexu Conversionis Ivstificationis Et Sanctificationis Ex Sententia Librorvm Symbolicorvm
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-122813
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De non temere abrogandis pericopis evangeliorum et epistolarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jqVOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De Syncretismo Philosophiae Et Theologiae Revelatae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QaxSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Diorthōseōs Iōsēpikēs apospasmatia, seu lectionum Flavianarum stricturae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=08RPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE De non temere abrogandis pericopis evangeliorum et epistolarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jqVOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Interpretatio grammatica loci Act. Apost. 13, 31 - 38
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EoRPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Meditationes Logicae: Specimen 1 - 3
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ib4AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Musaei Grammatici De Herone Et Leandro Carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=65FAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Observationes philologicae super Psalmos tres
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bb1PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Observationum philologicarum in Palaephatum ΠΕΡΙ ΑΠΙΣΤΩΝ periculum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-ZQ-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Paradoxon Stoicum Aristonis
URL hhttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=d3w-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Philoniana
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LolAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Philosphorum de quiete Dei placita
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40315ucmf_0
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Primae Lineae hermeneuticae et Philologiae Sacrae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pXFAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Promissio Dei olim Abrahamo sancita, per legem praesentibus angelis dein promulgatam non antiquata rhēsis epistolae ad Galatas III, XV - XXII
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jNlVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Promotionem doctoralem O. N. Nicolai ... indicit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZNJOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Sacrae Exercitationes in S. Pauli Epistolam ad Hebraeos ex Philone Alexandrino
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LolAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Schediasma histor. polem. de non temere ... abrogandis pericopis evangeliorum et epistolarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=c_hJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Stricturae theologicae et criticae in Epistolam s. Paulli ad Romanos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-YUUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Vita et placita Critolai Phaselitae, philosophi peripatetici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=i_JIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict II (1720 - 1803)
TITLE Vindicae lectionum Flavianarum et deuterai phrontides
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2sRPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict III
TITLE De praecipuis adoptandi caussis apud veteres Romanos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tUVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Benedict III
TITLE Paradoxon stoicum Aristonis Chii
URL httpshttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3HFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Apparatus Historico Criticus Antiquitatum Sacri Codicis Et Gentis Hebraeae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nSxBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Frankfurt - Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Commentatio Critica Ad Libros Novi Testamenti In Genere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ym5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Commentatio de anno iobelaeo secundum disciplinam Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ym5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Critica sacra Veteris Testamenti
URL http://rarebooks.dts.edu/viewbook.aspx?bookid=1244
SITE Dallas Theological Seminary
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Criticae sacrae Codicis Hebraei p. II. caput III.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-7xPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE De Ecclesiae Iudaicae Prophetis In Genere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EnxOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE De synagoga cum honore sepulta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V3hKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE De veterum philosophorum circa naturam Dei sententiis, disputatio prior
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zd5JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Eleemosynae Iudaeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fNtFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Elohîm hôleḵîm sive pluralitas personarum in una Dei essentia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-7xPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Introductio ad libros canonicos, propheticos, poëticos et historicos Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti praecognita critica et historica ac autoritatis vindicias exponens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nZ4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Introductio ad libros historicos Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nQV8zZx0wD4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Introductio Ad Libros Poeticos Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fb9EAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Introductio Ad Libros Propheticos Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Zo7HNwXOvmYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Vindiciae criticae Codicis sacri Hebraei
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pO1OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE YHWH šôḵēn be-ʿarāfel Deum caliginis incolam ex philologia et antiquitate sacra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=gntJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE Yîḥôf bi-meqôm qôdeš Sive Discalceatio Religiosa In Loco Sacro
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OwxNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Johann Gottlob (1679-1767)
TITLE [Yovel] = Commentatio de anno iobelaeo secundum disciplinam Hebraeorum ex Lev. XXV et antiquis Iudaeorum monimentis eruta et in iobelaeo Aug. Confess. Lutheran
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40300ucmf_10
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Samuel
TITLE De duellis mulierum
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=WPZFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Weissenfels edition
AUTHOR Carr, Nicholas
TITLE De Scriptorum Britannicorum Paucitate et Studiorum Impedimentis Oratio
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/carr
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2006)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html format
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De differentiis juris Romani et Germanici in addictione in servitutem spontanae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ykNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De exemptionibus
territorium Germaniae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093825
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 edition (also here)
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De foro continentiae causarum ex identitate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TrZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Samuel Benedikt
TITLE Oratio memoriae...d. Johannis Mulleri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xMxbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Hamburg edition
AUTHOR Carpzov, Samuel Benedikt: see Johann Paul Hebenstreit
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De interpretatione legum imperii fundamentalium inprimis monetalium secundum analogiam cum superioritate territoriali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SG9HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De interrogationibus in jure earumque defectu in fores Germanicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wX1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De iure condendi capellas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NERKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De necessario literaturae juridicae studio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iUVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De regali cudendi monetam ex superioritate territoriali non ex privilegio imperiali competente
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BYNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE De relegatione cum fustigatione coniuncto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9vBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE Examen juris gentium voluntarii circa curialia imperantium atque rerum publicarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mJtPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Philipp von
TITLE Paradoxa de observantia imperiali
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0tpMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE An alter coniugum testamento renunciare possit unioni prolium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mXNJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De anatocismo licito et illicito
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=73FPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De brocardico: illiquidi cum liquido nulla est compensatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xgFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De cavto compromissorvm in arbitros vsv
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H_lGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De conflictu theoriae et praxeos iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V_ZGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in beneficio separationis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vqpJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in heredis institutione necessaria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=euxOAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in heredis institutione voluntaria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CGdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in mortis ausa donatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qy1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in peculio inprimis filiorum familias
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=E5BOAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De eiurando eieratione bonae spei, seu de exiguo usu iuramenti perhorrescentiae adversus iudicem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yAVGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De emendanda litium protractione circa appellationes eventuales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lY9JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De emendanda litium protractione circa sententias interlocutorias
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3olPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De exceptionibus litis ingressum impedientibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aVRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De exceptionibus litis impedientibus iustitiae impedimentis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tQFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De femina procuratrice ad litem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=q2ZMAAAAcAAJ 1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De genuino sensu ac valore constitutionis Friderici I. Imp. II. F. 56
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lwBVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De imaginaria aequitate probationis pro evitando periurio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tAFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De ivssv patris in conferendis stvdiorvm svmtibvs rato vel irrito
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0eZNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De matrimonio ad benedictionem sacerdotis incompetentis contracto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zdVOAAAAcAAJ 2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De praecipuis differentiis iuris Romani et Germanici in Compensatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6fVIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De privilegiis circa commercia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GxtEAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De quadriennali vita restitutionis in integrum reipublicae & ecclesiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=28hGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Halle edition (1745 Halle edition here)
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De reatu non omnem dignitatem excludente
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PhtRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De reprobatione per delationem iurisiurandi licita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AJBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De sorite fallaci, et de sensu legis 177. D. de verb. signif.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=J_VIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De Substitutionis Directae Argumentis In Formula Dubia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NwtNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De vera indole exceptionis legitimationis ad causam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=i9BOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE De vi transactionis contra matrimonium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HhtEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
TITLE Programma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0eZNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrach, Johann Tobias
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lrlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Bellobonus
TITLE De laqueo iugulatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=guxSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1841 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Carlo
TITLE De vomitu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OkxTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1844 Padua edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Gianfranco
TITLE Oratio ad Pium V, Pontificum Maximum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5qRNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Paolo
TITLE De varia increatae, creataeq. naturae secreta ratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hR8V_prwkckC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Rome edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Sigismondus
TITLE De diabete
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7nJQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1841 Padua edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Ubertino S. J.
TITLE Columbus carmen epicum
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=oWoCAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Rome edition (also here)
AUTHOR Carrara, Ubertino S. J.
TITLE Samson vindicatus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=N2cjaV_d4UwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Rome edition
AUTHOR Carrari, Vincenzo
TITLE De medico et illius erga aegros officio
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023870/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Ravena edition
AUTHOR Carrasco del Saz, Francisco
TITLE Interpretatio ad aliquas leges recopilationis regni Castellae
URL http://www.bne.es/cgi-bin/wsirtex?FOR=WBNBIBT4&VIS=W02BIMA&FMT=WBNARIA&ITE=0004900008007
SITE Biblioteca Nacional (Spain)
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Seville edition
AUTHOR Carranza, Alonso
TITLE Annos communes, seu civiles antiquos aegyptiorum ... a novissima ClaudI SalmasI impostura vindicat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=F22fGhPYjioC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Carranza, Alonso
TITLE Tractatus novus et accuratissimus de partu naturali et legitimo
URL http://www.bne.es/cgi-bin/wsirtex?FOR=WBNBIBT4&VIS=W02BIMA&FMT=WBNARIA&ITE=0004900000247
SITE Biblioteca Nacional (Spain)
SUBJECT Medicine, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Carranza, Alonso: see Pedro Carranza
AUTHOR Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé de
TITLE Controversia de necessaria residentia personali episcoporum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M707AAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé de
TITLE Summa conciliorum et pontificum a Petro Usque ad Julium tertium
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/193,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsumma+conciliorum+et+pontificum+a+petro+usque+ad+iulium+tertium&1,1,,000961,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Paris edition (dprs of the 1551 Salamanca edition, the 1563 Antwerp edition, the 1564 Paris edition, the 1576 Antwerp edition, the 1776 Paris edition are also available, and one of the 1766 Madrid edition here; for dprs of the 1691 Toledo and 1781 Madrid editions, in javascript-driven site, you must go here and perform a search for "Por Lengua / Latina"; this item will appear among the generated records)
AUTHOR Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé de
TITLE Statuta quaedam synodalia Pariensis et Senonensis ecclesiae
URLIn this javascript-driven site, you must go here and perform a search for "Por Lengua / Latina"; this item will appear among the generated records
SITE Fundación Sancho el Sabio
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Toledo edition
AUTHOR Carranza, Pedro
TITLE Doctori Petro a Carranza armante lucentiae opulentissimae ciuitatis primori moderatori & in causis fidei Sanctae Inquisitionis consultori, amico vero Alphonsus a Carranza, germanus, salutem ex animo semper dico gnatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JTGhYCqkCxMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Carrara, Giovanni Michele Alberto (1438 - 1490)
TITLE Bucolicum carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf1497783
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carrari, Piero
TITLE Quaestio de venenis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kRZK06m9zUQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Carraria, Antonio
TITLE Ad ludum vulgo del Lotto inuitant Impresarij illius impresiae, & Receptores pro illis, & ad dictum ludum inuitant
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21224
SITE Istituto di Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno
SUBJECT Law, games
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Carrasco Francisco
TITLE Dubia quae praecipue disceptari solent in sacra theologia scholastica
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/372,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdubia+quae+praecipue+disceptari+solent+in+sacra+theologia+scholastica+iuxta+communiorem+thomistarum+doctrinam+pars+haec+ordin&1,,2,003121,-1
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/372,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdubia+quae+praecipue+disceptari+solent+in+sacra+theologia+scholastica+iuxta+communiorem+thomistarum+doctrinam+tertia+pars+con&1,1,,003115,-1
vol. 4
vol. 5
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 - 96 Valladolid edition
AUTHOR Carrasco del Saz, Francisco
TITLE De casibus curiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6GZHJ-2PujcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Madrid edition (1648 Madrid edition here)
AUTHOR Carrasco del Saz, Francisco
TITLE Interpretatio ad aliquas leges recopilationis regni Castellae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ralWPwQds70C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Seville edition (1648 Madrid edition here)
AUTHOR Carrasco del Saz, Francisco
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NL-Ih4CTNI8C 5
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Carrasco del Saz, Francisco
TITLE Opus posthumum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NL-Ih4CTNI8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Carrera, Franciscus S. J.
TITLE Lyricorum Libri Quatuor, Et Epodon Liber Unus
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/25044/
SITE eod eBooks
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carrère, Thomas
TITLE Notes (1743)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23208
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. fr-01647
AUTHOR Carretonius, Franciscus S. J.
TITLE Oratio de Christi morte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YTtXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA5567
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carretus, Ludovicus
TITLE Epistola ad Iudaeos quae inscribitur Liber visorum divinorum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN581718054
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition
AUTHOR Carretus, Ludovicus
.TITLE Epistola de conversione eius ad Christum
URL http://aleph500.huji.ac.il/F?func=direct&local_base=nnl01&doc_number=001940974
SITE National Library of Israel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Hanover edition
AUTHOR Carreri, Alessandro
TITLE De somniis deque divinatione
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=ss-f31G-hYgC
SITE Google Books
TITLE Dreams, divination
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Padua edition
AUTHOR Carri, Alessandro
TITLE Viatorium seu...itinerarium ex utroque testamento
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_IpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
TITLE Religion, geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 edition
AUTHOR Carri, Ludovico
TITLE Ad Cassandram Fidelem
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf658180
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carrio, Ludovico
TITLE Antiquarum lectionum commentarii
URL http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/resolve/display/bsb10170133.html
SITE Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Carrio, Ludovico
TITLE Emendationes et observationes
URL vol. 1 http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/resolve/display/bsb10314527.html
vol. 2
SITE Google Books
TITLE Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Paris edition
AUTHOR Carroll, Lewis: see Carruthers, Clive Harcourt
AUTHOR Carroll, Lewis; see Gabrobocchia
AUTHOR Carroll, Lewis: see Hassard H. Dodson
AUTHOR Carruthers, Clive Harcourt
TITLE Latin translation of Carrolls Alice in
URL http://www.gmu.edu/departments/fld/CLASSICS/alice1.html
SITE The Latin Library
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carstens, Adolph Gotthard
TITLE Album amicorum (1786)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=21923
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dk-01673
AUTHOR Carstens, C.
TITLE De accusativi usu Euripideo
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=PT_hREQFW6kC&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP5,M1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1884 Jena edition
AUTHOR Carsughi, Rainier (1647 - 1709)
TITLE Ars Bene Scribendi . . . Carmen Didascalium. Adduntur
praeterea nonnulla eiusdem Epigrammata.
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/rainer.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rome edition with an introduction by Dr. Yasmin
AUTHOR Cartagena, Alfonso
TITLE Genealogia regum Hispanorum
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10174
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Granada edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Antonio de
TITLE Genealogia regum Hispanorum
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10174
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Granada edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Antonio de
TITLE Libellus de Fascinatione
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533151618
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Antonio de
TITLE Liber de peste, de signis febrium et de diebus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533151618
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Bartolome
TITLE Enchiridion juris utriusque
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iHqLW-KmwPIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Bartolome
TITLE Expositio titulorum iuris canonici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VinsBHvaA2YC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Francisco de
TITLE De praedestinatione et Reprobatione angelorum & hominum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zI9uKqj5ytIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE Conciones quadragesimales in sacro-sancta evangelia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RvWGMF5utyQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE De sacra antiquitate ordinis B. Mariae de Monte Carmelo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jEHjzS112oEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE Homiliae catholicae: de sacris arcanis deiparae et Iosephi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JTm3mhgbWgMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE Homiliae catholicae:in universa Christianae religionis arcana
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=O6ZRu_FmVpUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE Praxis orationis mentalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YXSTquvw8hoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cartagena, Juan de O. F. M.
TITLE Propugnaculum catholicum de iure belli romani Pontificis aduersus Ecclesiae iura violantes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z415k-XQLCIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Carlo
TITLE Aduocatorum Sacri consistorij syllabum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H4FDCqZLg6YC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Flaminio
TITLE De Executione Sententiae contumacialis capto bannico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RcM9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Flaminio
TITLE Decisiones Cavsarvm Execvtivarvm Rotae Reipvblicae Genvensis
TITLE Praxis et theorica interrogandorum reorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=b6Wy6c7vPN4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Brazza edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Flaminio
TITLE Thesaurus Iuris Executivi Ecclesiastici, Criminalis, et Civilis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iwDU09XkYpsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Giulio
TITLE De foro competente
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7KUpeQ09zk4
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Giulio
TITLE Decisiones criminales fori archiepiscopalis Mediolanensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6axLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Johannes-Ludovicus
TITLE Conciliationes Dilvcidae omnium Controuersiarum Super Libros Posteriorum Aristot.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nmpWAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Johannes-Ludovicus
TITLE De immortalitate atque pluralitate animae secundum Aristotelem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EZZXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Johannes-Ludovicus
TITLE Lectiones super Arist. prooemio lib. de physico auditu etc.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7Y1XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Perugia edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Johannes-Ludovicus
TITLE De primis principiis universam logicam constituentibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=t5BXAAAAcAAJ&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cratari, Vincenzo (b. 1531)
TITLE Imagines deorum qui ab antiquis colebantur
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/cartari.html
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cartari, Vincenzo
TITLE Theatrum ethnico idolatricum politico-historicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tY0BAAAAQAAJ& printsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PP11
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Cartheuser, Johann Friederich
TITLE De febribus intermittentibus epidemicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Carthois, Christoph (d. 1650)
TITLE Perspicax Prudentia & Prudens Perspicacitas circa motus bellicos in Germania & alibi Serenissimi ... Dn. Johannis Georgii, Ducis Saxoniae
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/14:010211L_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of an undated Erfurt edition
AUTHOR Carus, Julius Victor (1823-1903)
TITLE Prodromus faunae mediterraneae
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11523
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1885 - 1893 Stuttgart edition (in two volumes)
AUTHOR Carus, Carl Gustav
TITLE Epistola (1839)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25851
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00730
AUTHOR Carus, Rodericus
TITLE Flavii Lucii Dextri Omnimodae Historiae fragmentorumî
programma (1622)
URL http://www.geocities.com/pascualbarea/falecios.html
CONTRIBUTOR Joaquìn Pascual Barea
SITE Private site
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Carvalho, Joao
TITLE De vna et altera quarta deducenda, vel non legitima, falcidia et trebellianica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QQvJPykxvC4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carvalho, Thomaz de
TITLE Congratulatio canum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ieZEeF5PHqkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Dogs, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Lisbon edition
AUTHORS Carvalho, Valentin S. J. (1560 - 1631) and John Hay S. J.
TITLE Iapponiensis imperii admirabilis commutatio, exposita litteris ad reverendum admodum P. Claudium Aquaviva praepositum generalim Soc. Iesu
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040715.1600;sessionSeq=13863;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=698084
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Bernardino de (1456 - 1523)
TITLE Epistola consolatoria in obitu Iohannis Hispaniae principis
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+incunables/sbusc+dixital+incunables/1,1,141,B/l856~b1964145&FF=sbusc+dixital+incunables&37,,141,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Rome edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Bernardino de (1456 - 1523)
TITLE Homiliahttp://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+fondos+xerais/sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais/1,1,132,B/l856~b1965462&FF=sbusc+dixital+fondos+xerais&44,,132,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Bernardino de (1456 - 1523)
TITLE Oratio de eligendo summo pontifice habita Rome in ecclesia
Sancti Petri ad sacratissimum senatum cardinalium Innocentio octavo
de mortuo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060790
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 edition (undated Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Carvajal, Bernardino de (1456 - 1523)
TITLE Oratio in die circumcisionis dominice in capella domini
nostri Sixti pape IIII
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060722
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Carvajal, Bernardino de (1456 - 1523)
TITLE Sermo in commemoratione victorae [sic] Bacensis civitatis
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+incunables/sbusc+dixital+incunables/1,1,141,B/l856~b1965471&FF=sbusc+dixital+incunables&118,,141,1,0
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Luis de O. F. M.
TITLE Apologia monasticae religionis diluens nugas Erasmi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=prNbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Luis de O. F. M.
TITLE De restituta theologia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VWzCuRo_M5AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Carvajal, Luis de O. F. M.
TITLE Declamatio expostulatoria pro immaculata conceptione
genitricis Dei Mariae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053549
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Paris edition (also here)
AUTHOR Carvin, Jean
TITLE De sanguine dialogi VII
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053410
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casa, Giovanni
TITLE Gasparis Contareni vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader2?id=C6kMAAAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Paris edition
AUTHOR Casa, Giovanni: see Nicolaus Hieronymus Gundling (two items)
AUTHOR Casagrandi, Salvaore
TITLE De claris sodalibus provinciae Taurinensis Societatis Iesu commentarii
URL http://www.archive.org/details/declarissodalibu00casa
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1906 Turin edition
AUTHOR Casajoana, Valentini P.
TITLE Disquisitiones scholastico dogmaticae
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080014408_C/1080014408_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1888 Barcelona edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE In Legem Agrariam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V11JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1523 edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE De antiquis Romanorum ritibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=s7gq4B1iV2sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Rome edition (1681 edition here)
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE De profanis et sacris veteribus ritibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ia_zmEJJ52QC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE De urbis ac Romani olim imperii splendore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UyqtIUnXrAkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, topogaphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE De veteribus Aegyptiorum ritibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tUzIbFC-hI4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, egyptology
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE De veteribus Christianorum ritibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ia_zmEJJ52QC&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giambattista
TITLE Sacrae prophanaeque religionis vetustiora monumenta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TbKP7AMn-7IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giuseppe
TITLE De nummulis Peioesa inscriptis conjectura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=s1USAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Giuseppe
TITLE Descriptio inediti Pescennii nummi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=s1USAAAAYAAJ
SUBJECT Numismatics
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casali, Pietro
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf658273
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Casali, Theodatus
TITLE De apoplexia nervosa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=22NUAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Padua edition
AUTHOR Casali, Theodatus
TITLE De apoplexia nervosa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=22NUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Padua edition
AUTHOR Casali, Ubertinus de O. M.
TITLE Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lyFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1484 edition
AUTHOR Casali, Ubertinus de O. M.
TITLE De septem statibus ecclesiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GPZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 edition
AUTHOR Casali, Ubertinus de O. M.
TITLE De septem statibus ecclesiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GPZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 edition
AUTHOR Casali, Vincenzo
TITLE Explicatio corum quae pertinent tum ad qualitates simplicium medicamentorum tum ad eorundem compositionem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=06mn7tOZWA4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 edition
AUTHOR Casali, Vincenzo: see Giovanni Battista Monte
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De cochlea
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=316
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 303 - 311; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De conicarum sectionum focis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=474
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii IV (1757) 298 - 310; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De conicarum sectionum focis sermo alter
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=513
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 338 - 348; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De figuris quibusdam solidis in sphara inscribendis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=204
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 194 - 198; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De ictu pulveris pyrii
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=385
SUBJECT Chemisty
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 357 - 371; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De machinula quadam ad projectilium theorias per experimenta probandas
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=84
SUBJECT Mathematics, computing
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 71 - 80; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De polygonoidum area
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=15343&format=jpg&seqnum=416
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VII (1792) 338 - 346; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De quorundam vitrorum fracturis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=424
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Materials
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 406 - 418; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De quorundam vitrorum fracturis sermo alter
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=187
SUBJECT Materials
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 169 - 185; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casali, Giovanni Battista
TITLE De urbis ac Romani olim imperii splendore
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/84,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+urbis+acromani+olim+imperii+splendore+opus+eruditionibus+historiis+ac+animaduersionibus+tam+sacris+quam+profanis+illustrat&1,1,,001675,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Rome edition
AUTHOR Casalius, Gregorius
TITLE De vi pulveris pyrii per machinas dimitienda
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=370
SUBJECT Chemisty
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 345 - 356; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Casanate, Luis de
TITLE Consiliorum sive responsorum volumen secundum
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=b19400378
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Zaragoza edition
AUTHOR Casanate, Luis de
TITLE Responsum iuris contra regium fiscum
URL http://www.bivida.es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?ocultarCabecera=S&path=117
SITE Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Zaragosa edition
AUTHOR Casanate, Marcantonio Alegre de
TITLE Apologia pro Ioannae XLIV patriarcha Ierosolymitano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jT5iD0U7PTYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casanate, Marcantonio Alegre de
TITLE Paradisus Carmelitici decoris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jT5iD0U7PTYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casaretto, Giovanni (1812-1879)
TITLE Novarum stirpium Brasiliensium decades
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/882
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Genoa edition
AUTHOR Casati, Agostino
TITLE Quaestiones politico-forenses de jure Mediolanensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g0ZMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Basel edition
AUTHOR Casati, Caesare
TITLE De noxiis iodureti potassii effectibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VLVUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1844 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Casati, Carlo
TITLE De regimine gravidarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JfdSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1830 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Casati, Giovanni
TITLE Oratio ad Iohannem Baptistam Zenum cardinalem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060766
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Rhetoric religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Brixie edition
AUTHOR Casati, Paolo S. J. (1617 - 1707)
TITLE De Montibus Flammiferi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xTlZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Graz edition
AUTHOR Casati, Paolo S. J. (1617 - 1707)
TITLE Dissertationes physicae de igne
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QY0PAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Frankfurt - Leizig edition
AUTHOR Casati, Paolo S. J. (1617 - 1707)
TITLE Mechanica
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=casat_mecha_017_la_1684;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mechanics,
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Lyon edition with linked html text (also here)
AUTHOR Casati, Paolo S. J. (1617 - 1707)
TITLE Opticae dissertationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7YY7yLwS_KkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Optics, physliology
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Parma edition
AUTHOR Casati, Paolo S. J. (1617 - 1707)
TITLE Terra machinis mota
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=casat_terra_018_la_1658;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Rome edition with linked html text (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Ad Diogenis Laërtii libros de vitis, dictis et decretis principum philosophorum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/587310
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Morges edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Ad epistolam illustr. et reverendiss. Cardinalis Perronii responsio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3XE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Ad Frontonem Ducaeum s. l. theologum epistola
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_kwAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Animadversionum in Athenaei Dipnosophistas libri XV
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052309
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/casaubon_cera.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR “Isaac Casaubon”
TITLE Corona regia (1615)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/corona/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2011)
SUBJECT Humor, politics
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English original; html
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE De libertate ecclesiastica
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/casaubon_cera.html
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes XVI, Ad Cardinal. Baronii Prolegomena in Annales, et primam eorum partem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6gYPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Frankfurt edition (1663 Geneva edition here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE De satyrica Graecorum poesi et Romanorum satira
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qbgTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition (1774 Halle edition here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Dedicationes et praefationes
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/casaubon_cera.html
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Ephimerides
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z9o5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Autobiography
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola (1599)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23534
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00095
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola (1605)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23537
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00096
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola (1607)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23540
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00097
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola (1613)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=23543
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. ch-00098
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola ad Davidum Hoeschelium (prefacing the 1601 Augsburg edition of Photius' Myriobiblion)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=736&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 652
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola ad Georgium Michaelem Lingelshemium
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Q-gTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola ad Philippum Mornaeum (prefacing his 1587 Paris edition of Polyaenus)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=701&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 618 - 620
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistola in qua de Apologia disferitur commumi Iesuitarum nomine
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lVPP4dOtNpoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LYtBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the Braunschweig edition (1709 Rotterdam edition here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistolae ad Johannem Kirchmannum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA155
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistolae ad Scipionem Gentilem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA161
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Epistolae ad Scipionem Gentilem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC&pg=GBS.PA357
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Extract from a letter to Hugo Grotius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_mEXhrL2VFAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Basel edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Fragmentum cuiusdam epistolae ad Iosephum Scaligerum, a spircis nebulonis cuiusdam depravationibus et glossis vindicatae
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Q-gTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE In varia opuscula Iosephi Scaligeri praefatio
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QzpFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Paris edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Preface to his 1587 Paris edition of Polyaenus
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=704&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 620 - 622
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Isaaci Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducaeum S. J. theologum
epistola in qua de apologia disseritur communi Jesuitarum nomine ante
aliquot menses Lutetiae Parisiorum edita
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-101132
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Epistolography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Misoponeri Satyricon
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Ga4TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, humor
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Quatuor epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qbgTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac
TITLE Theocriticarum lectionum libellus
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015923/images
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Heidelberg edition (1596 Geneva edition here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac: see Johannes Jacomotus Barrensis
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac: see Paul Columiès
AUTHORS Casaubon, Isaac and Méric: see Johann August Ernesti
AUTHOR: Casaubon, Isaac: see Hugo Grotius
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac: see Antonie La Faye
AUTHOR: Casaubon, Isaac: see Holofernes Krigsoeder
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac: see Erycius Puteanus
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac: see Johann Jacob Rambach
AUTHOR Casaubon, Isaac see Heribert Rosweyde S. J. (two items)
AUTHOR: Casaubon, Isaac: see Johannes Saeckma
AUTHOR: Casaubon, Isaac: see Adam Tribbechow
AUTHOR Casaubon, Méric
TITLE De Enthusiasmo Precatorio Dissertatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NEo-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Hamburg edition (1710 edition here)
AUTHOR Casaubon, Méric
TITLE De quatuor linguis commentationis, pars prior: quae De lingua Hebraica: et, De lingua Saxonica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NMp_ca06eOoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Méric
TITLE De verborum usu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ibcTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Méric
TITLE Pietas, contra maledicos patrii nominis et religionis hostes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZGQPaPnICiwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 London edition
AUTHOR Casaubon, Méric
TITLE De quatuor linguis commentationis pars prior, quae de lingua Hebraica et de lingua Saxonica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WqdFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 London edition
AUTHOR Caschai, Ludovicus
TITLE Inversus papalis mundus, seu, perversa Romana synagoga, a converso derelicta
URL http://oldbooks.savba.sk/digi/BF_118/priv4/LKB___BF_118_PRIV_4__1NIW/EN/1_2_descr.htm
SITE Digitalizované dokumenty ÚK SAV
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Wittenberg edition (also available in FlipBook format, requires FlipViewer, available here)
AUTHOR Casciotti, Bartolomeo
TITLE Epitaphium
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf697506
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Adeste, tyrunculi (1589)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/rider
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2018)
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
format (html text also available here)
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Ancilla philosophiae: seu, Epitome in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nzo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Apologia pro Musices tam Vocalis quam Instrumentalis et
Mixtae (1588)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/music
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2003)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
format (html text also available here)
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Compendium anatomicum nova methodo institutum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mXFEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Lapis Philosophicus, Sive Commentarius In octo libros Physicorum Aristot. In quo arcana Physiologiae examinantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nzo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Reflexus Speculi Moralis (1596)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/reflexus/
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Peter L. P. Simpson
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Speculum Moralium Quaestionum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XV8-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Speculum Moralium Quaestionum (1585)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/speculum
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2002)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Sphaera Civitatis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023955/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Frankfurt a. M. edition (a dpr of the 1593 Frankfurt a. M. edition is also available)
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Sphaera Civitatis (1588)
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/sphaera
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2002)
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Summa veterum interpretum in universam dialecticam Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IzY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 London edition
AUTHOR Case, John (d. 1600)
TITLE Thesaurus oeconomiae, su commentarius in oeconomica Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EGxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Casellio, Aurelio
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2401639
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Cl. V. Adamum Luchtenium, artis medicae professorem publicum Epistolae Duae. E quibus iuventus nostra nonnulla cognoscet de magistratus lenitate & severitate
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/134-helmst-dr-17s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad clarissimum virum Cornelium Martinum Antwerpium
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160075
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Conradum Horneium Brunonipoliten Epistola
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-4s/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad ... Cornelium Martinium, Antwerpium, renunciatum Prorectorem academicae Juliae, Epistola
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EU5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Ernestum Ab Honroda a nobis iter suscipientem Patavium Epistola
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038202/images
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad generosum adolescentem Jacobum Schenck in Flechtingen Parainesis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Xgc8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Wartha edition (1604 Helmstedt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Gregorium Cernicovium parainesis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cE5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Jacobum Buntingium, Philologum Et I.C. Clarissimum Epistola. De dignitate primaria Iurisconsulti, & summa Politici, in rerum civilium administratione, & de utriusq[ue] agnatione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-3s/start.htm
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Johannem ducem Megapolitanum ingredientem Rostochium XVI Kal. Quinctil ut postridie inter ducem rempublicam fides solemni ritu sanciatur gratulatio
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Johannes_Caselius_Ad_Johannem_ducem_Megapolitanum_?id=yTtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Joan. Henricum Meibomium, iuvenem doctissimum, epistola
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/841-helmst-dr-2s/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Lavrentivm Schevrlvm nouum academiae Iuliae hospitem, Xenios
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037933/images/
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad Mathiam generosi D. Danielis filium, de Schulenburgk parainetikos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eUNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad nobilem Adolescentem Davidem Hilchenium, ut insistat vestigiis maiorum, protreptikos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=W1NKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad nob. Casparum Gotislobi filium Rotermundium epistola parainetike
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pk5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Wartha edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad phidition sive mensae communis convictores programma
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160087
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad principes, nobiles, viros celebres ... ac familiares epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/autoren/caselius_cera.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Ad reverendissimvm et illvstrissimvm Principem, Dominvm Henricvm Ivlivm, Praesulem Halberstad. Ducem Bruns. Lunaeburg. de nato filio gratvlatio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/li-sbd-258-3s/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De bono academiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/26-9-rhet-7s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De educatione comparanda
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hFJYAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De iure et facto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=A2FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Jena edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De Laudibus Iustinae Rudeliae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5JRXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De Ludo Litterario Recte Aperiendo Liber
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MGZZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Rostock edition (1637 Helmstedt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE De Obitu Magni Zamoscii. Ad Eius Filium Thomam pro consolatione Epistola
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-408-8f-helmst-12s/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Diagraphe magisterii philosophici oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PvRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Dimartyria, Aduersum duos sycophanticos libellos, in contumeliam aliquot academiae Juliae philosophorum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160095
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Helmstedt edition (also here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Diaskepsis de nobilium negotiatorum dignitate et studiis liberalibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2TtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Epistola Qua Ill.mo principi, dn. Bogislao, Bogislai F. Philippi N. duci Pomeraniae, e longinquis cultissimis regnis salvo domum reverso gratulatur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/p-573-4f-helmst-11s/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Epistola ad generosum iuvenem Ernestum a Steinberg...de studio liberalis doctrina
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=D1ITAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=l2VCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Epistolae Duae. Prior ad Arnoldum Engelbrecht I.C. archiepiscopo Magdeburg. a consiliis, Altera ad Chilianum Stisser, eiusdem archiepiscopi senatus principem ; Editae in nuptiis Arnoldi Engelbrecht, & Margaritae Stisser
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Epitaphios Ioanni Borcholdo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dt1PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Eucharistikos sive discursus solennis de academia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-sFIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Genethliakos sive de disciplina oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TE5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Helmsted edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Illustrissimo Principi Dn. Vlrico Dvci Megapolitano Ducenti ... virginem Annam, ... ducis Pomeraniae Philippi filiam, gratulatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I5xXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Joanni Averbergio, Mindensi V.Cl.mo Philosopho, Oratori & hodie renunciato ICto.
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/j-387-4f-helmst-10s-a/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Jugendgedichte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wHQyAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1902 Braunschweig edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Krousiades sive aulae magister
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xkNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Lundaeburgi felicitas, ad Georgium Schumacher
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=lrlJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by cataogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Maxaimiliano. II. Caesari. Avgvsto. Invicto. Pio. Felici. Panegyris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZIlZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Memoriae Adolphi haeredis Norvegiae, ducis Holsatiae etc. carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xkNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Memoriae Et Honori Magnifici & nobilissimi viri, Othonis Ab Hoim
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yDtXAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Rostock edition (1604 Helmstedt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Memoriae Thomae Rhedigeri
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=VBVYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Neos kai prodithaskalos, ille ad tirones academicos, hic ad eos, qui in academijs privates scholas habent
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Yk5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE New essay on education
URL http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=hFJYAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Nuptiis Nobilis Et Clarissimi Dn. Othonis Praenii
Megapollitani, Camerae Imperialis Assesoris Et nobilis virginis Annae
Ursinae Pomeranae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/267-8-quod-3/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/caselius_hist.html
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1633 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Opera politica
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0v1LAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4P1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 - 1633 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Opus epistolicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LWhCAAAAcAAJ&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio funebris Christophoro administratori episcopae Raceburgensis, duci Megapolitano etc. scripta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8jtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio funebris Joanni duci Megapolitano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8TtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio funebris Johanni Georgio a Leisten
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4jtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio habita in funere Ioannis Alberti ducis Megapolitanorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tLBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio qua ... ex academia Megapolitana Rostochio in Iuliam Helmstadium migrans, valedicit auditoribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=P_RJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratio Scripta religiosißimo ac cl.mo viro, Joanni Nivinio Protecclesiastae Parchimensi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-10s/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Oratiuncula peri enkykliōn propaideumatōn
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xqRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Paradoxa duo in educatione principum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AjxXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Helmstedt edition (1631 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Paränetische Gedichte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sHQyAQAAMAAJ R1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1908 Braunschweig edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Memoriae Adolphi haeredis Norvegiae, ducis Holsatiae etc. carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xkNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Paulinus. Memoriae Zachariae Kempii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WE5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Peidarchikos sive de obedientia oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2ztXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Phalerius, sive de elocutione liber
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-115690
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Rostock edition (1633 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Pistos Ekklēsiastēs: Vita Valentini, Casparis F. Mylii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aYpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Politeusomenos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0v1LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Preface to Sigonio’s translation of Aristotle, Rhetoric
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015734/images/index.html?id=00015734&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Pro arte poetarum oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6DxRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Programma idibus novembris 1593; ejusdem commentatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZDtXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Programma In Basanistωn Themisti. Ad reliquias liberalium disciplinarum studiosae iuventutis in academia Iulia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-12s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE ProgrammaIn funere Victoris Rennerti
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/252-25-theol-27s/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Programma sub dies festos Paschatis in accademia Julia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YkNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Programma sub exequias principis Hedvigis Brandenburgicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YUNXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Prooemium, quod explicationi libri De Loquacitate praemittere nobis usum fuit
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160346
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Propolitkos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bERXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the (1631 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Protribathmon
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-144-8f-helmst-13s/start.htm
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Rhetor, sive de magistro dicendi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-160100
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Helmstedt edition (1633 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Saluti publicae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yv-408-8f-helmst-2s/start.htm
SUBJECT Politics (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Thucydidea
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lhxSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Jena edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes (1533 - 1613)
TITLE Trivmphvs Domini Et Redemptoris nostri Iesu Christi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027776/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes: see Hermann Conring
AUTHOR Caselius, Johannes: see Conradus Horneius
AUTHOR Casella, Petrus Leo
TITLE De primis Italiae colonis, de Tuscorum origine et republica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qVlTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Etruscology
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casella, Petrus Leo
TITLE Elogia illustrium artificum, epigrammata et inscriptiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qVlTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Casiri, Miguel
TITLE Bibliotheca Arabo-Hispanica Escurialensis
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tb/tb/25,52,64,B/l962&FF=tbibliotheca+arabico+hispana+escurialensis&1,,2,003992,-1
vol. 2
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 - 70 Madrid edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Casman, Otto
TITLE Logicae Rameae et Melanchthoniae collatio et exegesis
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-151676
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Casoni, Giovanni Agostino
TITLE Manuale choricanum ab utriusque sexus choricistis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051498
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Modena edition
AUTHOR Caspar, Johann
TITLE Official document (1680)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25706
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00759
AUTHOR Caspar, Samuel
TITLE Epistola (1698)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25704
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00757
AUTHOR Caspar, Samuel
TITLE Epistola (1708)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=25705
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. de-00758
AUTHOR Casparides, Andreas
TITLE De natura et origine nebularum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1335559
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Casparides, Andreas
TITLE De possibilium natura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hsVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Casparius, Caspar
TITLE De Iure Belli Belgici adversus Philippum Regum Hispaniarum.
Oratio Nobilis belgae ad Potentissimos ac Serenissimos Christiani
Orbis Principes
URL http://miami.uni-muenster.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?H_main=&H_searchId=1049012245321&id=331
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Casparius, Caspar
TITLE Princeps Auriacus sive Libertas Defensa: Tragoedia Nova
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_vxWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Delft edition
AUTHORS Caspart, Johann
TITLE De exostosi cranii rariore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kViNq399PQMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Cassander evangelicus
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-37322
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Commentarius de duabus in Christo naturis, et unica hypostasi, adversus haereses huius aetatis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sZCLlPjdIpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Consultatio de articulis religionis inter Catholicos et Protestantes controversis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lJdNAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Lyon edition (1642 Amsterdam edition here)
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE De bapatismo infantium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Acg7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Veranius Modestus)
TITLE De officio pii ac pubicae tranquillitatis vere amantis viri in hoc religionis dissidio
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=684
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE De sacra communione Christiani populi in utraque panis & vini specie
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Q5BWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE De sacris nostri temporis controversiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5ENLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE De viribus illustribus continens vitas qui commemorantur in sacris Bibliis
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=31095&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Cologne edition; requires DjVu plug-in (browser plugin available here, 1616 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE De viribus illustribus qui in Latio fuere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QBVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Modestus Placidius)
TITLE Defensio insontis libelli de officio pii viri adversus iniquum et importunum castigatorem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=EUs8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Epistolae CXVII nondum antehac editae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sZCLlPjdIpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Hymni ecclesiastici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sZCLlPjdIpAC 7
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
UTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Veranius Modestus)
TITLE Ordo Romanus de officio missae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z-wqaJdAj2wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius
TITLE Liturgica de ritu et ordine dominicae coenae celebrandae, quam celebrationem Graeci Liturgian, Latini Missam appellarunt, ex variis monumentis et probatis scriptoribus collecta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=trnCxVucpFgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Cologne edition (1616 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sZCLlPjdIpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius
TITLE Oratio in laudem urbis Brugensis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wj1AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1847 Ghent edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Veranius Modestus)
TITLE Ordo Romanus de officio missae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z-wqaJdAj2wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Veranius Modestus)
TITLE Ordo Romanus de officio missae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z-wqaJdAj2wC 2
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Cologne edition (12616 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius
TITLE Preces ecclesiasticae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-Qo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566, under the pseudonym Bartholomaeus Nervius)
TITLE Responsio ad Calumnias quibus Georgius Cassander in Germanico quodam libello viae commonstrator inscripto, petulanter impetitur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tVg8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_6.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Tabulae Breves & expeditae, in praeceptiones Rhetoricae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025201/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Tabulae locorum dialectorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=peM5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Tabulae praeceptionum dilecticarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=09U5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius (d. 1566)
TITLE Traditionum vetereis ecclesiae et sanctorum defensio adversus Io. Calvini importunas criminationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sZCLlPjdIpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius: see Jean Calvin
AUTHOR Cassander, Georgius: see Hugo Grotius
AUTHOR Cassano, Ferdinando
TITLE De mannae viribus et essentia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060287
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Naples edition
AUTHOR Cassebohm, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Differentia foetus et adulti anatomica
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana5175hall (go to p. 729)
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Cassel, Johann Philipp
TITLE Observationes Antiquariae De Porco In Vexillis Et In Foederibus Apud Veteres Romanos
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00008915/images/
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Magdeburg edition
AUTHOR Casserio, Giulio
TITLE De vocis auditusque organis historia anatomica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ouZ3NoV3-fAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 edition
AUTHOR Casserio, Giulio
TITLE Nova anatomia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XbTQGdIEe5oC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 122 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Casserio, Giulio
TITLE Pentaestheseion, hoc est De quinque sensibus liber
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X531922005
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Venice edition
AUTHOR Casserio, Giulio
TITLE Tabulae anatomicae LXXIIX
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051119
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Venice edition
AUTHOR Casserio, Giulio
TITLE Tabulae anatomicae LXXIIX... / Daniel Bucretius... XX quae
deerant supplevit et omnium explicationes addidit
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X531921629
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Cassianus de San Elia O. C. D.
TITLE Arbor omnium opinionum moralium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YPQbE5gGrPwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cassianus de San Elia O. C. D.
TITLE Praetensiones Donatorum Carmelitarum Discalceatorum utriusquè Congregationis, Hispanicae silicet, & Italiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AyhUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 edition
AUTHOR Cassianus de San Elia O. C. D.
TITLE Prò validitate quarti voti à choristis Carmelitis Discalceatis Congragationis Italiae emissi in actu eorum solemnis professionis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-ydUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 edition
AUTHOR Cassianus de San Elia O. C. D.
TITLE Theologia Moralis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oBlFAAAAcAAJ 5
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE Collationes patrum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pw-P-HNrrKAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE Confessio theologica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ysQ7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE De coenobiorum institutis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029394/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE De incarnatione domini
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036619/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Basel edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE De institutis renuntiantium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v8Q7AAAAcAAJ
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Rome edition (1588 edition here)
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE De libero arbitrio collatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Pz48AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE De vij vitiis capitalibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029394/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029394/images
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE Monasticarum Institutionum libri IIII
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nvVbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Johannes
TITLE Opera omnia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IkNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cassianus, Matthias
TITLE De libertate eangelica
URL vhttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=P25MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Freiburg i. Br. edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Controversia prima astronomica ad maximum heliometrum D. Petronii examini exposita
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=13
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Ephemerides Bononienses Mediceorum syderum
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and select the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1668 Bologna edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Ephemeris prima motus cometae novissimi mense aprili 1665
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=20
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE In hoc aestivo solstitio coelesti scientiae a fundamentis instaurandae in Templo D. Petronii primus lapis ponitur
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=15
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Novum lumen astronomicum ex novo heliometro
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=12m
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Observationes aequinoctiales in templo D. Petronii habendae
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=11
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Serenissimae Maiestati Christinae Magnae Sueciae reginae Magnum uraniae theatrum Bononiae
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=10
SITE Alm@DL (Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Tabulae quotidianae Revolutionis macular. Jovis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZGFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)
TITLE Theoria motus Cometae Anni 1664
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9lZRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Rome edition
AUTHORS Cassini, Giovanni (1677 - 1756) and Jean-Baptiste Cassini
TITLE Theses mathematicae de optica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nc-4f-kapsel-1-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Mathematics, optics
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Paris edition (also here)
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni: see Maximilian Hell
AUTHOR Cassini, Giovanni: see Tobias Mayer
AUTHOR Cassiodorus: see Johannes Cochlaeus
AUTHOR Cassiodorus: see Friedrich Feuerlein
AUTHOR Cassiodorus: see Theodor Mommsen (two items)
AUTHOR Cassius Severus: see Pierre H. Robert
AUTHOR Cassius, Stephanus
TITLE De jure et judice legatorum diatribe
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095956
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Cassoviensis Pannonius, David Sigemundus
TITLE Epigram on Martin Crusius
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0065_002_illu.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
NOTES Partial dpr of the 1584 Basel edition of Crusius' Turcograeciae libri octo
AUTHOR Casström, Samuel Nicolaus
TITLE Dissertatio entomologica novas insectorum species
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-099237
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Entomology
NOTES Dpr of the 1781-91 Uppsala edition (a dpr of the
1801 Göttingen edition is also available)
AUTHOR Castalione, Giuseppe
TITLE Cl. Rutilii Numatiani Itinerarium ab Iosepho Castalione emendatum et adnotationibus illustratur
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19069455
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castejón, Gil de
TITLE Alphabetum juridicum, canonicum, civile, theoricum, practicum, morale, atque politicum
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080043372_C/1080043372_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Castel, Guillaume
TITLE Elegiae una cum sibyllino carmine, egloga, epigrammatibus ac
plerisque aliis versibus insertis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070541
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 (?) Poitiers edition
AUTHOR Castell, Peter
TITLE Experimenta quibus varias humani corporis partes sentiendi facultate carere constitit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Castell Ros y Medrano, Diego
TITLE Tractatus de arbitrio humano lapso
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tt/tt/129,244,336,B/l962&FF=ttractatus+de+arbitrio+humano+lapso+a+necessitate+libero+a+deo+per+gratiam+praevenientem+ad+consensum+salutarem+excitato+et+ad&1,1,,002578,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/316,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdisputatio+unica+de+concordia+libertatis+a+necessitate+consensus+salutaris+cum+gratia+quae+praevenit+adiuvando+distincta+ab+e&1,1,,002579,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Castell Ros y Medrano, Diego
TITLE Tractatus de lege et gratia sufficienti
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zq_e2AWQMLEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Castellano, Lorenzo
TITLE De testamentis ordinandis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0j88AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 edition
AUTHOR Castellano, Lorenzo
TITLE Responsio…ad expostulationem Francisci Vietae aduersus Christophorum Clauium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BnkzoT-bafAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castellano, Antonio
TITLE De ephialte
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JbZUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Venice edition
AUTHOR Castellano de Bassano (d. 1333)
TITLE Poema Venetiane pacis
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf133463
SITE Poeti d' Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Castellano, Filippo
TITLE De centro oscillationis ex Galilaeanis legibus determinando
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3PVJAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1787 Naples edition
AUTHOR Castellano, Pietro
TITLE Ludus, sive convivium Saturnale
URL http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SOgTAAAAQAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Castellano, Pietro
TITLE Vitae veterum et illustrium medicorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon)ne, Giovanni Battista di: ssee Matthaeus Matthesilanus
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon)ne, Giovanni Battista de: see Lodivico Pontano
AUTHOR Castellesi, Adriano Cardinal
TITLE De vera philosophia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0y47AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 edition
AUTHOR Castellesi, Adriano Cardinal
TITLE Decisiones sacrae rotae Romanae
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nkBGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castellesi, Adriano Cardinal
TITLE De sermone latino, et modis latine loquendi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059601
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Rome edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Castellesi, Adriano Cardinal
TITLE Iter sanctissimi domini nostri Iulii papae II.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DPLqzrgTn50C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 edition
AUTHOR Castellesi, Adriano Cardinal
TITLE Venatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005107/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Strassurg edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Bartolomeo
TITLE Amaltheum Castello-Brunonianum siue lexicon medicum primum
à Bartholomaeo Castello Messanensi ; cura et studio iterato
Jacobi Pancratii Brunonis ; accesserunt huic novae ed. erudissimi
viri Joannis Rhodii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051129
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Padua edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Bartolomeo
TITLE Lexicon medicum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051128
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Venice edition (1628 Basel edition here, a dpr of the 1713 Leipzig edition is available here)
AUTHOR Castelli, Bartolomeo
TITLE Totius artis medicae methodo divisiva compendium & synopsis in qua quicquid ab Hippocrati, Galeno, Avicenna, caeterisq.
summae autoritatis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060568
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Messina edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Benedetto (1577 - 1644)
TITLE Novae veteres vindiciae dignitatis et auctoritatis iuris civilis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=24_7662
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Antidotario Romano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Cm9AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Chalcanthinum dodecaphorion siue Duodecim dubitationes in vsu olei vitrioli et defensio antiquorum in arsenici, atque sandarachae potu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iKp8xMhwgysC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE De abusu circa dierum criticorum enumerationem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZIZEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Messana edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE De abusu phlebotomiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BjaTB6CYAFIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE De hyaena odorifera
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qE-dIiEfTz0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Defensio Antiquorum utentium arsenico, et sandaracha inter corpus humanum, et eorundem rectus usus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5HVAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Emetica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JsvCZwyGuBkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Emetica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JsvCZwyGuBkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
Epistola Petri Castelli ... ad condiscipulos suos Ioannem Manelphum et Aetium Cletum ... in qua agitur nomine Hellebori simpliciter prolato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Vqd9n1NDYEsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Epistola Petri Castelli philosophi
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051106
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Epistola secunda de helleboro
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051107
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Epistolae medicinales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CAqTxlUFtXEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Exactissima descriptio rariorum quarundam plantarum quae
continentur Romae in horto Farnesiano
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051394
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Rome edition (also
(falsely attributed to "Tobias Cldino Casenatis")
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Exercitationes medicales, ad omnes thoracis affectus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=izNCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Toulouse edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Opobalsamum triumphans
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=q-gaQag3YVMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Petri Castelli Romani nobilis messanensis,...optimus medicus
in quo conditiones perfectissimi medici exponuntur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051058
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 edition
AUTHOR Castelli, Pietro (d. 1661)
TITLE Theses philosophicae et medicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eylWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastiann (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Contra libellum Calvini in quo ostendere conatur haereticos
jure gladii coercendos esse
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-074037
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his edition and translation of Homer, Opera
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0171_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian
TITLE Preface to his Mosis Institutio Reipublicae Graecolatina, ex Iosepho in gratiam puerorum decerpta
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0240_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Project
SUBJECT Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Sibyllinora Oracula
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0461_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his edition of Sibyllinorum Oraculorum libri VIII
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0462_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to Valla's translation of Thucydides
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0262_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Project
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castellio (Châtillon), Sebastian (1515 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his edition of Xenophon, Opera omnia
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0146_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Basel edition
AUTHOR Castello de Paiva, Antonio da Costa Paiva, barão de (1806-1879)
Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium, insularium Maderensium
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12887
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Lisbon edition
AUTHOR Castellus, Johannes
TITLE Antica mora
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025725/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Castellus, Johannes
TITLE De peste
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xs6Wh_hn1R4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1608 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Castelvetri, Johannes Antonius Andreas
TITLE Clarissimo viro Caietano Montio
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=513
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 336f.; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Castelvetri, Johannes Antonius Andreas
TITLE De proprietate numerorum divisibilium per 11, 111, 1111, 1.... &c.
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=123
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 108 - 119; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Castelvetri, Johannes Antonius Andreas
TITLE De quadam generali numerorum proprietate
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=415
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii IV (1757) 242 - 259; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare (1478 - 1529)
TITLE Aulicus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g2pEAAAAcAAJ
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Politics, manners
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Wittenberg edition (1577 Strassburg editionof Book I here, 1663 Strassburg edition here)
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare (1478 - 1529)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/itali/autoren/bembo_itali.html#bp203
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Bergamo edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare (1478 - 1529)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2311694
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare (1478 - 1529)
TITLE Carminum liber
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=N6dZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Venice edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare (1478 - 1529)
TITLE Opere Volgari e Latini
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/castiglione/opere/
SUBJECT Literature, miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Padua edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Baldassare: see Carmina ad Castilionium
AUTHOR Castiglione, Bonaventura
TITLE Gallorum Insubrum antiquae sedes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eEiqj2Do3QoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, ethnography
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Parma edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Singularia Ludovici Pontani de Roma cum ornamentis et
lucubrationibus additis per Johannem Baptistem de Castellio (Châtillon)no
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053140
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the ca. 1480 Tolouse (?) edition (dprs an
undated edition and of the
1508 Paris edition are also available)
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giovanni Battista
TITLE Singularia sive Notabilia dicta Mathei Mathesillani cum
ornamentis additis per Johannem Baptistam de Castellio (Châtillon)no
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053140
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 Paris edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Ad Ferdinandum Mediceum magnum Hetruriae ducem de principe nato carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-dlVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Ad illustrissimum et reverendiss. D.D. Hieronymum de Ruvere, S. R. E. cardinalem …carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CvM7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Adversus feminarum praenoinum assertores disputatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wAY6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De antiquis puerorum praenominibus ... commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yAY6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De beato Philippo Nerio Florentino congregationis oratorij fundatore carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wnCKBGyACP4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De columna triumphali imperatoris Antonini commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DdpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De frigido et calido potu apologeticus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z35dZJYqqewC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gastronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De miraculo per Christianos in M. Aurelii imp. gratiam adversus barbaros facto elegia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DdpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De pacis templo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ehpBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE De recta scribendi Vergili nominis ratione commentarius
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wAY6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Epulum à Clemente VIII. P. O. M. pauperibus appositum versibus descriptum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xs9VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Expeditio Ferrariensis et Ferraria recepta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JtpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Explicatio ad inscriptionem Augusti
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=F9pVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Fulvii Ursini vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=veo9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Illustriss. et excellentiss. D.D. Ioannis Francisci Aldobrandini ... laudatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=77regbKgdmoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE In cardinalatum Mariani Perbenedicti Camertis carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hdlVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE In funere Francisci Peretti Sixti V. nepotis carmen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GNpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Observationes in criticos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NPBMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Rome edition (1606 Lyon edition here, 1608 Lyon edition here)
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Oratio habita tricesimo die depositionis, Orinthiae Columnae in basilica sanctorum apostolorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9rJQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Pax inter reges potentissimos conciliata.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KNpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Pro studiis humanitatis oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ANpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Quattuor cardinales a Clemente VIII creati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AdpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Siluij Antoniani S.R.E. cardinalis vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8yHmrPVLb9UC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Tholus novae basilieae S. Petri
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DtpVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Architecture
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Tiberis inundatio anni 1598
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=J9pVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Giuseppe
TITLE Variae lectiones et opuscula
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wAY6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Misellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Pietro Maria
TITLE Admiranda naturalia ad renum calculos curandos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=4CKvBQbKyPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Milan edition
AUTHOR Castiglione, Titus-Sempronius-Hieronymus
TITLE De amore patriae oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dp5XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Milan edition
AUTHOR Castiglionchio, Lapo da
TITLE Allegationes
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059294
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1454 (?) Rome edition
AUTHOR Castillo, Juan de
TITLE Pharmacopoea
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B1880844
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Anatomy, Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Cádiz edition
AUTHOR Castillio, Licentiatus
TITLE Catalogus CCLXI manuscriptorum Arabicorum bibliothecae Laurentinae in Escuriali regis Catholici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6uo7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1633 edition
AUTHOR Castillo, Juan de
TITLE Tractatus quo continentur summe necessaria tam de anatome
quam de vulneribus & vlceribus, tam in genere quam in particulari
ac pro locorum differentia, tum rationibus, tum authoritatibus
grauissimorum virorum illustratus
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080045504/1080045504.html
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Anatomy, Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Castillo, Martin del (d. 1680)
TITLE Tractatvs panegyricvs de sanctissima Maria domina nosta, in Debbora et Jahele, Veteris Testamenti heroissis, & celebratissimis feminis coelitus adumbrata, ad caput iv & v libri Judicum
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080044905_C/1080044905_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE De censuris et poenis ecclesiasticis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1ixFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE De iuramento, periurio et adiuratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1ixFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE De iustitia et iure
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TDJFAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J
TITLE De sacramentis disputationes scholasticae et morales
URL vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UdREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE De tertiis debitis catholicis, et invictissimis regibus Hispaniae, ex fructibus, et rebus omnibus quae decimantur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2hLigRYYqzsC&
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J
TITLE Quotidianarum controversiarum juris
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eQZDAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_4SGeDSatxEC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1ARBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6CxGAAAAcAAJ
vol. 5 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bvbk_9zeh1sC
vol. 6 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qLaUsJTJn0sC
vol. 7 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NQNBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 8 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOdGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 2 Cologne editiona
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE Quotidianarum controversiarum juris: S. Rotae Romanae Decisiones recentissimae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ggNBAAAAcAAJ 7
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE Repertorium generale rerum notabiliorum seu materiarum omnium quae in libris seu tomis octo Quotidianarum controversiarum iuris D. Joannis del Castillo Sotomayor...
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZCG50Xbni10C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Cologne edition (see also here)
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE S. Rotae Romanae Decisiones
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I0FGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.
TITLE Tractatvs Controversiarvm Qvotidianarvm Ivris Absolvtissimvs
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOdGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del
TITLE Tractatus de usufructu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NstGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J
TITLE Tractatuum Controversiarum Iuris Quotidianarum, De Usufructu pars secunda
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN610670727
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J
TITLE CCLX assertiones iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NstGAAAAcAAJ P5
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Castillo Sotomayor, Juan del S. J.: Johannes Paulus Melius
AUTHOR Castillo y Artiga, Diego del
TITLE Alphabetum Marianum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/94,278,386,B/l962&FF=talphabetum+marianum+opus+posthumum&1,,2,000376,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1712 Antwerp edition is also available)
AUTHOR Castillo y Artiga, Diego del
TITLE De ornatu et vestibus Aaronis : commentarii litterales, et morales in caput XVIII Exodi sive Idea perfecti sacerdotis, et hominis Christiani
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/65,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+ornatu+et+vestibus+aaronis+commentarii+litterales+et+morales+in+caput+xviii+exodi+sive+idea+perfecti+sacerdotis+et+hominis&1,1,,001380,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Antwerp edition
AUTHORS Castner, Gaspar S. J. (1665 - 1709) and François Noël S., J.
TITLE Memoriale et summarium novissimorum testimoniorum Sinensium in prosecutione Causae Sinen
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TnJDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 edition
AUTHORS Castner, Gaspar S. J. (1665 - 1709) and François Noël S., J.
TITLE Responsio ad libros nuper editos ... super controversiis Sinensibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=R3JDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 edition
AUTHOR Castner, Gaspar S. J. (1665 - 1709)
TITLE Relatio sepulturae magno orientis apostolo S. Francisco Xaviero erectae in insula Sanciano anno seculari MDCC
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040716.3290;sessionSeq=9653;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=698088
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Orientalia, religion
NOTES Dpr of the ca. 1700 Beijing (?) edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Castner, Gaspar S. J. (1665 - 1709)
TITLE Rosetum dialecticum ex spinis enatum, seu logica universa: brevi & succincta methodo exposita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LkxNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Regensburg edition
AUTHOR Castner, Gaspar (1665 - 1709)
TITLE Theses ex universa theologia scholastica
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:189702C_001,800,600
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Castner, Jodocus
TITLE De Obitv Incomparabilis uiri, D. Henrichi Loriti Glareani
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022487/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castner, Jodocus
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del2/books/deliciae2_7.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Castner, Jodocus
TITLE Sacri Romani Imperii Threni seu Lamentatione in funere Divi Ferdinandi Caesaris eius nominis primi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GIA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 edition
AUTHOR Castracane, Francesco
TITLE Tractatus de societatibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051378
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Social history
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Rome edition
AUTHOR Castrén, Samuel
TITLE Argumentum pro existentia Dei ex consensu gentium desumtum
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51427
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Castrén, Zachris
TITLE De veritate aestetica. II
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2788
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Castrensis, Jacobus Albertus
TITLE Pauli Apostoli epistolas commentaria adnotationibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052437
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Paris edition
AUTHOR Castritius, Mathias
TITLE De heroicis virtutibus principum Germaniae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VaU5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boks
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 edition
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE Adversus omnes haereses
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mfdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Antwerp edition (1570 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE De iusta haereticorum punitione
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/consulta/registro.cmd?id=7831
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Salamanca edition (1570 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE De potestate legis poenalishttps://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9v2H4Fc9pGwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Salamanca edition (1570 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE Homiliae vigintiquatuor habitae ad populum Salmanticae in conuentu Fratrum minorum, super Psalmum, Beati quorum remissae sunt iniquitates
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=b17yZYCh1PkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Salamanca edition
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE In Psalmum, Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam, Homiliae vigintiquinque
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_NislvyLd10C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Salamanca edition
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Z_hIAAAAcAAJ 8
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Paris edition
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de O. F. M.
TITLE Opera omnia
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/94,1,1,B/l962&FF=talphonsi+a+castro+ordinis+minorum+opera+omnia+duobus+tomis+comprehensa&1,1,,002801,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/94,278,386,B/l962&FF=talphonsi+a+castro+ordinis+minorum+opera+omnia+duobus+tomis+comprehensa+tomus+secundus&1,1,,002802,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Paris edition
AUTHOR Castro, Alfonso de: see François Feuardent
AUTHOR Castro, Benedictus
Flagellum Calumniantium seu apologia in qua anonymi cujusdam calumniae refutantur ejusdem mentiendi libido detegitur, clarissimorum usitanorum medicorum legitima methodus commendatur, empiricorum inscitia ac temeritas tamquam perniciosa reipublicae damnatur
URL http://www.uni-kiel.de/ub/digiport/bis1800/Kd810.html
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Kiel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Castro, Guigo de
TITLE Status ordinus Cartusiensis
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011568/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Basel edition
AUTHOR Castro, León
TITLE Apologeticus pro lectione apostolica, et euangelica, pro Vulgata
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/337,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&342,342,,002067,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Salamanca edition
AUTHOR Castro, Manuel Mendes de
TITLE De annonis civilibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aKN5ccJLRFQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Castro, Manuel Mendes de
TITLE Practica Lusitana
URL http://bibdigital.fd.uc.pt/H-A-8-3/rosto.html
SITE Biblioteca OnLine (Universidade de Coimbria)
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Lisbon edition
AUTHOR Castro, Roderigo de (1546 - 1627)
TITLE De universa muliebrium morborum medicina
URL vol. 1 http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B20904174
vol. 2
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Castro Vaca y Quiñones, Pedro de (1534 - 1623)
TITLE Gnomon seu gubernandi norma abbati et canonicis sacri Montis Illipulitani praescripta
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10531
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Granada edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Caeremoniele episcoporum
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XBoUAAAAYAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1860 Paris edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Collectio maxima conciliorum omnium Hispaniae et novi orbis
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1189,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1195,1195,,005957,-1
vol. 2
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1189,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1197,1197,,005959,-1
vol. 4 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1189,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1198,1198,,005960,-1
vol. 5 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1189,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1199,1199,,005961,-
vol. 6
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia, Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 - 56 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE De Codice Sancti Euangelii, Atque servatis in ejus lectione, et usu vario ritibus: Libri III, Praecipua rei Liturgicae, atque Ecclesiasticae Disciplinae, tum Orientalis, tum Occidentalis, capita complectentes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MbpIAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE De Magistro Sacri Palatii Apostolici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Q7pIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE De secretario sacrae congregationis indicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=p79WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE De vita venerabilis servi dei Bartholomaei de Quental Congregationis Oratorii in regnis Portugalliae fondatoris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mQH2_bFQq7oC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1734 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Pontificale Romanum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=q7VQAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=FxQUAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Rome and 1852 Paris editions
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Rituale Romanum... perpetuis commentarüs exornatum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zjgk33msZFsC
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Sacrae Ceremoniae Sive Ritus Ecclesiastici Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=abdFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Rome edition
AUTHOR Catalani, Giuseppe
TITLE Sacrosancta Concilia oecumenica prolegomenis, & commentariis illustrata
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qBoSoUCs94cC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=v9NTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 - 1748 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cataneo, Girolamo
TITLE De arte bellica
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=catan_belli_502_la_1600;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 edition
AUTHOR Cataneo, Giovanni Lucido
TITLE Ad Alexandrum VI, Pont. Maximum Oratio habita die quinta novembris 14
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+incunables/sbusc+dixital+incunables/1,1,141,B/l856~b1960562&FF=sbusc+dixital+incunables&64,,141,1,0
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Rhetoric, religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition (a dpr of the 1494 Parma edition is available here)
AUTHOR: Cataneo, Giovanni Maria
TITLE Epistola ad Albertum Pium (prefacing his 1499 Milan edition of The Suda ("Suidas")
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=315&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp 231f.
AUTHOR: Cataneo, Giovanni Maria: see Rodolphus Phrisius Agricola
AUTHOR Catani, Baldo
TITLE Oratio habita Romae ad ... Cardinales cum Subrogandi Pontificis causa conclave ingressuri essent
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022049/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cateneo, Girolamo S. J.
TITLE De arte bellica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wtHI-eSGXBwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cateneo, Girolamo S. J.
TITLE Panegyricus de Institutione Collegii Germanici et Ungarici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3_g7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 edition
AUTHOR Cateneo, Pietro
TITLE Universa loca in logicam Aristotelis in mathematicas disciplinas
URL http://libcoll.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/elib/rara/5P0AKGKV
SITE Max-Planck-Institute MPIWG Library Collection
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Venice edition
AUTHOR Catesby, Mark (1680 - 1749)
TITLE Hortus Europae Americanus
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-27765
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 London edition
AUTHOR Catesby, Mark (1680 - 1749)
TITLE Piscium, serpentum, insectorum aliorumque nonnullorum animalium . . . nec non plantarum quarundam imagines quas M. Catesby in posteriore parte . . .
URL http://docvirt.no-ip.com/fiopisser.ica
SITE Projeto Overmeer
SUBJECT Botany, zoology
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Nuremberg edition (also here)
AUTHOR Catharine II, Empress of Russia
TITLE Litterae ad Pium VI
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087842&seite=00000276.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Epistolography, politics
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen
Litteratur 1784:2 pp. 267 - 269
AUTHOR Catharinus, Ambrosius: see Martin Luther
AUTHOR The Catholic Church: see here
AUTHOR Cathrein, Víctor (1845-1931)
TITLE Philosophia moralis in usum scholarum
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080021692/1080021692.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1905 Freibergi. Br. edition
AUTHOR Catinellus, Hieronymus
TITLE Pronosticon anno salutis MCCCCC
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058438
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 edition
AUTHOR "Cato": see Erasmus
AUTHOR "Cato": see Antonio de Nebrija
AUTHOR "Cato": see Géza Némethy
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius: see Filippo Beroaldo
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius: see Heinrich Keil
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius; see Fulvio Orsini
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius: see Johann Gottlob Schneider
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius: see Clemens Siemers
AUTHOR Cato, Marcus Porcius: see Pietro Vettori (two items)
AUTHOR Cato (poet): see Pierre Pithou
AUTHOR Cats, Jacob (1577 - 1660)
TITLE Emblemata moralia et oeconomica
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/2-1-eth/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 edition
AUTHOR Cats, Jacob (1577 - 1660)
TITLE Monita amoris virginei sive officium puellarum in castis amoribus
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/2-1-eth/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 edition
AUTHOR Cats, Jacob (1577 - 1660)
TITLE Silenus Alcibiadis, sive Proteus, vitae humanae ideam, emblemate trifariam variato, oculis subiiciens
URL part 1 http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/lees_gfx.asp?W=On&BoekID=68
part 2 http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/intro.asp?W=On&BoekID=69
part 3 http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/en/intro.asp?W=On&BoekID=70
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Middelburg edition (a dpr of an undated edition is available here, and a dpr of another undated edition is also available, as well as a second copy of that edition, see also here and here)
AUTHOR Cats, Jacob (1577 - 1660)
TITLE Sinne Ende Minne-Belden
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/2-1-eth/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1627 Rotterdam edition (text partially in Latin, see also here)
AUTHOR Cattaneo, Giovanni Maria
TITLE Epistularum lib. X / C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi... ; Cum
commentariis Joannis Mariae Catanaei
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052491
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cattaneo, Giovanni Maria
TITLE Opus de morbo Gallico
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060562
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Turin edition
AUTHOR Cattaneo, Octavio S. J.
TITLE Cursus philosophicus
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kfhBFzuhkx4C
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vME99Z8FRdwC
vol. 4 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=acrYFHhbhR8C 5
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cattaneo de Fulgineo Olevetano, Octavio
TITLE Aula duodecim Caesarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dhaU4Qg546kC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Todi edition
AUTHOR Cattani de Diaceto, Francesco (1466 - 1522)
TITLE Opera omnia
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCattani/acattani/1,2,3,B/l962&FF=acattani+de+diaceto+francesco+1466+1522&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Basel edition
AUTHOR Cattierus, Isaacus
TITLE Observationes Medicinales rarae, Borello communicatae
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/17023/
SITE eod eBooks
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Catullus: see Emil Baehrens
AUTHOR Catullus: see Stanislaus Bednarski
AUTHOR Catullus: see Filippo Beroaldo
AUTHOR Catullus: see Emil Clemens
AUTHOR Catullus: see Petrus Crinitius
AUTHOR Catullus: see Jan Dousa the Elder
AUTHOR Catullus: see Ehrenfried Duderstadt
AUTHOR Catullus: see Palladus Fuscus
AUTHOR Catullus: see Jacob Giri
AUTHOR Catullus: see Conrad Hupe
AUTHOR Catullus: see Conradus Kokoszkiewicz
AUTHOR Catullus: see Costanzo Landi
AUTHOR Catullus: see Marc-Antoine Muret
AUTHOR Catullus: see Antonio Partenio
AUTHOR Catullus: see Jean Passerat (two items)
AUTHOR Catullus: see Adolf Reeck
AUTHOR Catullus: see Panagius Salius
AUTHOR Catullus: see Johann Friedrich Gustav Hermann Schüler
AUTHOR Catullus: see J. Süss
AUTHOR Catullus: see Alessandro Tartara
AUTHOR Catullus: see Franz Teufel
AUTHOR Catullus: see Johann Vahlen
AUTHOR Catus, Orestes
TITLE De animae facultatibus partiumque, quibus insident munere & dignitate
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/38791
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition
AUTHOR Caus, Salomon de
TITLE Hortus Palatinus
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caus1620
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Angelus pacis: Ad principes Christianos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=B8NKAAAAcAAJ T1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Aula Herodis impia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=27I7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Aula Sancta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ec08AAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=b0NCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica, Egyptology
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Paris edition (1623 Cologne edition here, 1631 Cologne edition here, 1633 Paris edition here, 1647 Paris edition here)
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Dies Christianus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zbA7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Bamberg edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Domus Dei
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cP1DAAAAcAAJ P2
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology, astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Paris edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Electorum Symbolorum et parabolarum historicarum Syntagmata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=b0NCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Paris edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Eloqventiae Sacrae Et Hvmanae Parallela Libri XVI (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026355/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 La Flèche edition (1630 Paris edition published under the title De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI -- John Adams’ copy -- here, 1637 Lyon edition here, 1681 Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Ephemeris astrologica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=27JEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Epistola ad P. Mutium Vitelescium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=S0pGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Felicitas tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Hermenigildus actio oratoria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Nabuchodonosor tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Politicus Christianus
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/12873/
SITE eod eBooks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Polyhistor symbolicus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1632874
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Cologne edition (1631 Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Regnum Dei
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mz9AAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Solyma tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Theodoricus tragoedia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ 2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Thesaurus Graece poeseos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ykNjgllN46MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Caussin, Nicolas S. J.
TITLE Tragoediae sacrae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RG4UAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cavalchini, Rinaldo (d. 1362)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf141829
SITE Poeti d' Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cavalchini, Rinaldo (d. 1362)
TITLE Epitaphia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf142172
SITE Poeti d' Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598 - 1647)
TITLE Directorium generale uranometricum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1328553
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598 - 1647)
TITLE Directorium generale uranometricum : in quo trigonometriae logarithmicae fundamenta, ac regulae demonstrantur
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1632 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598 - 1647)
TITLE Exercitationes geometricae sex
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OXe4dPXGSDMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598 - 1647)
TITLE Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum nova quadam ratione promota
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Bologna edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598 - 1647)
TITLE Trigonometria plana, et sphaerica, linearis et logarithmica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1182103
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Cavallera, Ferdinand (b. 1875)
TITLE Thesaurus doctrinae Catholicae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41993ucmf_2
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1920 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cavalli, Francesco (d. 1540)
TITLE De Nvmero Partivm Ac Librorvm Physicae Doctrinae Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oKVCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 edition
AUTHOR Cavalli, Francesco (d. 1540)
TITLE Tractatus de tyriaca
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058444
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Venice edition (reprinted in a
1499 Venice medical anthology)
AUTHOR Cavalli, Francesco (d. 1540)
TITLE Quadratio circuli ad incita redacta ac demonstrata
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=xJ1SAAAAcAAJ XvoASntICIAg&ved=0CCsQ6wEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Breschia edition
AUTHOR Cavalli, Serafino O. P.
TITLE De Christo iudice laetis animis expectando oratio
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCavalli/acavalli/1,24,59,B/l962&FF=acavalli+serafino+o+p&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Brussels edition
AUTHOR Cavallin, Christian (1831 - 1890)
TITLE Swensk-Latinsk Ordbok
URL http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/swelatin/
SITE Projekt Runeberg
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1875-76 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Cavallo, Filippo
TITLE Primordia civitatis Pole
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf197793
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cavander. Christianus Johannis
TITLE De aere
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52345
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavander. Christianus Johannis
TITLE De natura et indole theologiae naturalis
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52334
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavander. Christianus Johannis
TITLE De notitia irregenitorum in rebus sacris
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51918
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavander. Christianus Johannis
TITLE De salute gentilium aeterna
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52428
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1783 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavander. Christianus Johannis
TITLE De usu et abusu methodi mathematicae in theologia revelata
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/51779
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavander, Karl Plantin
TITLE De sensu morali II
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2802
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cavanilles Palop, Antonio José
TITLE Icones et descriptiones plantarum, quae aut sponte in Hispania crescunt, aut in hortis hospitantur
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=238
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=239
vol. 3 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=240
vol. 4 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=241
vol. 5 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=242
vol. 6 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=243
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1791 - 1801 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Cavanilles Palop, Antonio José
TITLE Monadelphiae classis dissertationes decem
URL vol. 1 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=317
vol. 2 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=318
vol. 3 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=319
vol. 4 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=320
vol. 5 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=321
vol. 6 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=322
vol. 7 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=323
vol. 8 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=324
vol. 9 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=325
vol. 10 http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/spa/Libro.php?Libro=326
vol. 11
SITE Real Jardin Botanico CSIC
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 - 90 Paris - Madrid edition (also here)
AUTHOR Cavretto, Pietro
TITLE De amoribus contemnendis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dwA9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Cavretto, Pietro
TITLE De generibus amoris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007926/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Don==pr of the 1503 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cavretto, Pietro
TITLE De miseria humana
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022027/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cavretto, Pietro
TITLE De mundanorum hominum temeritate atque stultitia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uAs6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 edition
AUTHOR Cavriolo, Elia
TITLE De confirmatione Christianae fidei dialogus
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004372-7
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 Breschia edition (1510 Nuremberg edition here, a dpr of the 1519 Landshut edition is also available)
AUTHOR Caxanes, Bernardo
TITLE Adversus Valentinos et Quosdam Alios Nostri Temporis
Medicos, de Ratione Mittendi Sanguinem in Febribus Putidus Libri
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X533153823
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Barcelona edition
AUTHOR Caxanes, Bernardo: see Francisco Aguilar
AUTHOR Cazal, Gasper do O. E. S. A.
TITLE Axiomata Christiana
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/272,278,386,B/l962&FF=taxiomata+christiana+ex+diuinis+scripturis+et+sanctis+patribus+cum+ecclesiasticis+tum+etiam+scholasticis&1,1,,001853,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Coimbra edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Cazal, Gasper do O. E. S. A.
TITLE De Coena et Calice Domini
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_rTkzkD_7RcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cazal, Gasper do O. E. S. A.
TITLE De quadripertita iustitia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=p2XlLcCAnIIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cazal, Gasper do O. E. S. A.
TITLE De sacrificio missae, & sacrosanctae Eucharistae celebratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HfVkpiARXG0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cebes: see Julius August Meyer
AUTHOR Cebes: see Karl Konrad
AUTHOR Cebes: see Justus Velsius
AUTHOR Cederheim, Johannes
TITLE Faunae Ingricae prodromus exhibens methodicam descriptionem insectorum agri Petropolensis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11757
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cedrenus, Georgius: see Wilhelm Xylander
AUTHOR Celaya, Domingo de
TITLE Commentarij in septem Psalmos poenientiales
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vfuQ0_1W4mUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Salamanca edition
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Clarissimi... doctoris parisiensis magistri Ioanis a Celaia Valentini
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5r52M_EqUREC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 edition
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Dialectice introductiones cum nonnullis Magistri Ioannis
Ribeyro Ulyxboniensis sui discipuli additionibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053562
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1525 Paris edition
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Expositio in 10 Libros Ethicorum Aristotelis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XsZCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 edition
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Expositio magistri Joannes de Celaya Valentini in librum
predicamentorum Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053566
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOThttp://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tExpositio+magistri/texpositio+magistri/1,4,4,B/l962&FF=texpositio+magistri+ioanni+a+celaia+in+primum+tractatum+summularum+magistri+petri+hispani&1,1,,0,-1ES Dpr of the 1520 Paris edition
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Expositio magistri Joannes a Celaya Valentini in primum tractum Summularum magistri Petri Hispani
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Valencia edition (a dpr of the 1527 Paris edition is available here)
AUTHOR Celaya, Juan de (d. 1558)
TITLE Insolubilia et obligationes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Y7MQXaSQDsIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Paris edition
AUTHOR Celesino, Alejandro
TITLE Rogerii Siciliae regis rerum gestarum libri iv
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ti/ti/44,133,166,B/l962&FF=tindex+concionatorius+pro+dominicis+totius+anni&1,1,,003523,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Venice edition
AUTHOR Celestinus Montemarsano
TITLE Clavis David sive arcana scriptura sacra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UKWYU4l95NcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Celestinus, Claudius
TITLE De mirabili potestate artis et naturae, ubi de philosophorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060577
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Andreas (d. 1665)
TITLE Harmonia macrocosmica
URL http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital/cellarius/index.html
SITE J. Willard Marriott Library (University of Utah)
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Amsterdam edition (dpr's of the 1708 Amsterdam edition are available here and here)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Andreas (d. 1665)
TITLE Regni Poloniae, magnique ducatus Lituaniae omniumque regionum juri polonico subjectorum novissima descriptio
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=n_IOAAAAQAAJ 6
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Andreas (d. 1665)
TITLE Scenographia compagis mundanae Brahea
URL http://digital.tcl.sc.edu/u?/IOEPP,77
SITE University of South Carolina University Libraries Digital Collection
SUBJECT Exploration
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De bonis iustificatorum operibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=k6VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De catechumenis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2LdPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De communione subutraque et parvulorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=b6VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De cultu sanctae Virginis Mariae apud pontificios
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1mVOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De cultu sanctorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KaVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De erroribus circa Deum Opt. Max. in ecclesia obortis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_qlPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De eucharistiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g6VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De extrema unctione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eqVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De homagio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5Q1ZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De indulgentiis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-6RPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De ignorantia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=KJhNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De iustificationprintsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PP3
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De maiestate et maiestate iuris
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3g1ZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De matrimonio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=S6VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De natura theologiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-qlPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De necessitate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=P5hNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De ordine seu ministerio ecclesiastico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VqVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De peccato originis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oqVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De pontificiorum sacrificio missae exercitatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CwFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De praedestinatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GrlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De purgatorio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QaVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De sacramentis in genere et specie
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jaVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De sacrificio missae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZqVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De sacris imaginibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BKVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De sanctorum reliquiis earumque cultu et veneratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DKVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De Scriptura Sacra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=p6VPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De Unctura Sepulcrali Christi Servatoris Disquisitio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-167-8-3-29s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De unione personali duarum naturarum in Christo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GJlPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE De vectigalibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3w1ZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Epitome theologiae philosophicae seu naturalis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CKpPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Inauguralis Theologica Pontificiorum Novitati, Qua Sacri Calicis Usu Laici Prohibentur, Opposita
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/te-251/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Tertia de Divina Voluntate
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-167-10-1-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Quarta de Divina Bonitate
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-167-10-1-6s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Quinta De Nonnullis Scripturae Locis Divinae Bonitati In Speciem Contrariis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/qun-167-10-1-7s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Octava De Extrema Unctione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/385-22-theol-13s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Undecima De Ordine Seu Ministerio Ecclesiastico
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-12-8f-helmst-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Disputatio Theologica Contra Communionem Sub Una
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-12-8f-helmst-11s/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Politica succincta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Gf5LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 Jena edition (1653 Jena edition here, 1658 Jena edition here)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Quod Deus Opt. Maximus, Pater Filius Et Spiritus Sanctus Felix, faustum & Ecclesiae ac Reipublicae salutare esse iubeat
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:233278B_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Helmstedt (?) edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Tabellae ethicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-q5LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1653 Jena edition (1657 Jena edition here)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Tabellae physicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dO1OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Jena edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Balthasar
TITLE Tabellae politicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=mkhOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Jena edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Caspar
TITLE De auctionibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XB1VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Auctions
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Caspar
TITLE De sortitione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=d9VZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Lotteries (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Christianus
TITLE Oratio contra mendicitatem pro nova pauprum subventionehttp://books.google.com/books/reader?id=5NFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Christianus
TITLE Oratio pro pauperibus, ut eis liceat mendicare
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6dFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Mersburg edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Christoph: see here
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Amphisbetemata philosophica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bD1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De anno
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De coelo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VaVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De controversiis quibusdam controversis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WqVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De elementis in genere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IaVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De enunciatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OKVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De fulmine, eiusque adiunctis et effectibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IqVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De meteoribus in genere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SaVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De necessitate et contingentia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WqVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De subsantia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SKVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE De vero
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=S6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 “Sticcardiae” (Stuttgart?) edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Disputatio problematica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=N6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Dodecas theorematum ethicorum de virtute in genere, ac iustitia in specie
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Conrad_Cellarius_Dodecas_theorematum_ethicorum_de_?id=X6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Exercitatio phys. sensus commoditatis exhibens
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TKVKAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Psychology
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Interna singularitatis ratio, hoc est theorematica dissertatio de principio individuationis: ex variis philosophorum placitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QKVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Poemata cum notis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ryBXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Primitiae poëmatum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1603489
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Tonstrina aedilibus Valetudinarii poetici ... locata Tubingae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ajpWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Uranologia, hoc est coeli stellarumque contemplatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=I6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Conrad
TITLE Aesculpaius seu pars secunda valetudinarii poetici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AD9WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition (1640 Munich edition here)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Johannes
TITLE Ad Uolphangum Fabritium Capitonem Theologie Doctorem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027435/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Leipzig edition (a dpr of the 1519 Augsburg edition is also available)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Johannes
TITLE Elogium famosissimi viri Neminis Montani, Terre filii, Noctis et Cocyti fratris, publici Vittenberge iuvenum eruscatoris, ac utriusque lingue inscientissimi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024460/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Johannes
TITLE Isagogicon in hebraicas literas
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00013009-8
SUBJECT Hebraica, Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 edition (a dpr of the 1518 Hagenau edition is also available)
AUTHOR Cellarius, Johannes
TITLE Iudicium de Martino Luthero
URL http://fotothek.slub-dresden.de/digisamm/buch000101.html
SITE Deutsche Fotothek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Johannes: see Petrus Swavenius
AUTHOR Cellarius, Joseph
TITLE Theses de apoplexia
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/331594
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Basel edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE De antiquo funerum ritu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9wFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE De Ratione Libere Philosophandi In Pervestigandis Cumprimis Rebus Naturalibus Oratio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-56-8f-helmst-4s/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy, natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE De antiquo funerum ritu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9wFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE De natura panis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yaRNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gastronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE De viventibus sponte nascentibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=p65PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE Dissertatio Academica De Viventibvs Sponte Nascentibvs
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/xb-1240/start.htm
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE Dissertatio Moralis De Quaestione Utrum In Iure Naturali Fieri Possit Dispensatio
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-29-8f-helmst-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Law, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE Iusti Cellarii Philosoph. Naturalis Professoris Ordinarii Programma Quo Liberalis Doctrinae in Academia Iulia Studiosi ad Publicas praelectiones invitantur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-56-8f-helmst-5s/start.htm
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Justus
TITLE Serenissimo & Celsissimo Principi ac Domino Dn. Rudolpho Augusto Duci Brunsvicensium & Lünaeburgensium
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:231358L_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Ludwig Friedrich
TITLE Quaestionum criticarum specimen II
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=j65PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Jena edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Salomon
TITLE Origines et antiquitates medicae
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Halle edition
AUTHOR Cellarius, Simon
TITLE Oratio De Vita Et Obitv Illustrissimi Et Potentissimi Herois Principis, Ac Domini Dn. Avgvsti, Ducis Saxoniae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038033/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cellius, Erhard
TITLE Carmen Seculare In Lavdem Dei Optimi Maximi, Honorem Illvstrissimae Domvs VVirtembergicae et commendationem inclytae academiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/61-6-poet-2s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellius, Erhard
TITLE Iubilaeus Coniugalis Nobilis, Clarissimi, Et Consultissimi Viri, D. Nicolai Varenbüleri
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033703/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Cellius, Erhard
TITLE Oratio funebris de vita et obitu Theodorici Snepffii
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025931/images
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 edition
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Opera poetica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, drama
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition (also here)
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Opuscula poetica varii generis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Tragicomoedia Reviviscentes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition (also here and here)
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Tragoedia Chosroes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition (also here and here)
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Tragoedia s. Adrianus martyr
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition (also here and here)
AUTHOR Cellot, Louis S. J.
TITLE Tragoedia Sapor admonitus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZLNxonJ82gcC (also here and here)
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Paris edition
AUTHOR Celsanus, Barnabas
TITLE Epistola ad Bartholomaeum Paiellum (prefacing his 1482 Vincenza edition of Claudian)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=258&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 174f.
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE De anno diliviano
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=L51KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE De astronomia, medicinam illustrante
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZPtaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE De observationibus pro figura telluris determinanda in Gallia habitis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5IBbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE Observationes de lumine Boreali
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/854709
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE Observatio vehementissimi Frigoris Sveciam mense Januario
An. 1732 vexantis
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/5/jpg-0400/00000161.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum
scientarum, vol. 5 (1737) pp. 157 - 161
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE Observationes Meteorologicae Anno 1731 Upsaliae
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/5/jpg-0400/00000136.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum
scientarum, vol. 5 (1737) pp. 132 - 156
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE Phases aliquot Eclipsis Solis Anno 1733 d. 13. Maji st. n.
p. m. in Observatorio Regio Berolinensi inter nubes
URL http://www.bbaw.de/bibliothek/digital/struktur/01-misc/4/jpg-0600/00000245.htm
SITE Akademiebibliothek
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr from Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum
scientarum, vol. 4 (1734) pp. 238f.
AUTHOR Celsius, Anders
TITLE CCCXVI. Observationes De Lumine Boreali, Ab A. MDCCXVI. Ad A. MDCCXXXII. Partim A Se, Partim Ab Aliis, In Svecia Habitas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RWBYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE An nomine Gog et Magog Ezech. 38. 39. et Apoc. 20. Sueogothi nostri intelligantur?
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zIBAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Bacteriologia, sive de baculis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NX9NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Staffs, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Bibliothecae regiae Stockholmensis historia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=K1AVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De Bethlehem, seu patria Messiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cJZOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De cardinalitia dignitate
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-u5ZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De constitutione Unigenitus Clem. XII p. p.
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=y6NNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De decem persecutionibus Christianorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YKlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De infanticidio Bethlemitico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=S51NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De Iudaeis, eorum arca et cimeliis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=V5ZOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De lapidibus Deuteronomii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jZtOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De lotiis Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xJlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De monasterio Warnhemensi in Westro-Gothia celeberrimo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=q5pOAAAAcAAJ 7
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De navigatione Salomonia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=7aBAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De palma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2ktOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Botany, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De propagatione religionis Christianae sub ethnicis imperatoribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yaNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De Rambam seu R. Mose Maimonide
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=On9NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De runis Helsingisis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051303
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Rome edition (1698 Rome edition here)
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De sepultura Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JH9NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De statu Iudaeorum recedente sceptro
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Y6lOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De suspecto veterum quorundam scriptorum Christianismo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MZ1NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De veteri rectaque pronunciatione linguae Graecae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5kFGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De vexillis Hebraeorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wJlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE De vitiis quibusdam poëtantium, quae, hoc aevo, pedantismi et charlataneriae nomine venire solent, pars prior
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pSpHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Diss. acad. Concilii Constantinopolitani historiam levi penicillo adumbrans
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Olof_Celsius_Diss_acad_Concilii_Constantinopolitan?id=N5ZOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Diss. grad. ot le-Qayin id est signum Caini scrutans et admirans
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oKFOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Epopoeia Homerica strictim vindicata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m6FOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Hierobotanicon, Sive De Plantis Sacrae Scripturae, Dissertationes Breves
URL vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VzQ-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Historiola de origine flagrionum ecclesiae Catholico-Romanae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YqlOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Melones Aegyptii ab Israelitis desiderati
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3PtaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Moderator praestantium ingeniorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=f41SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Nericia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=qZpOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (?) (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Observata quaedam de dignitate ducali in Suecia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOFIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Oreades Helsingicae redivivae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=bI9OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Runæ Medelpadicæ ab importuna crisi breviter vindicatæ
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_ptbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Elder (1670 - 1756)
TITLE Synedrium Iudaicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=-6BAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Younger (?) (1716-1794)
TITLE Anonymi in bibliothecae Upsaliensis historiam, regiae academiae Upsal. impensis 1745 editam Stricturae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BexLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Younger (?) (1716-1794)
TITLE Bibliothecae Upsaliensis historia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=A-xLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 Uppsala edition (1760 Uppsala edition here)
AUTHOR Celsius, Olof the Younger (?) (1716-1794)
TITLE Simlat hā-ʿivrîm bam-midbar sive de vestimentis Ebraeorum in deserto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=kJtOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 edition
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): Carl Axel Brolün
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Symphorien Champier
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Bartolomeo Fonzio
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Herdtman, J. J. G. G. E.
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Giambattista Morgagni
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Peter Paaw
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Johann Zacharias Platner
AUTHOR Celsus (medicus): see Johannes Rhodius
AUTHOR Celsus (antichristianus): see Friedrich Adolph Philippi
AUTHOR "Celta, Stephanus Junius Bruto"
TITLE Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos : Sive, De
Principis In Populum, Populique in Principem, legitima potestate
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahist/autoren/beze_hist.html
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Has been attributed to Théodore de Bèze (1519-1605); Hubert Languet (1518-1581); Philippe de Mornay (1549-1623); François Hotman (1524-1590); dpr of the 1580 edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Ad Hieronymum Haller
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/cocoon/mvgn/Blatt_bsb00001032,00073.html?prozent=1
NOTES Dpr of Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg 32 (1934) 73 - 75
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Ars versificandi et carminum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059458
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here, and a dpr of the 1494 Nuremberg edition is available at this site: you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection; a dpr of an undated Leipzig edition is available here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Cornelii Taciti De situ, moribus et populis , Conr. Celtis Procurii Poete fragmenta quedam de iisdem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012827/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Cursus optimarum questionum super totam logicam
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/135-1-quod-2f-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Basel edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE De gestis Imp. Caesaris Friderici primi augusti libri decem, carmine heroico conscripti
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018878/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Doctorum vigili grate sodalium
URL http://www.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/students/tjuelch/Dichtung/Celtis.htm
SITE Universität Heidelberg Studenten-Service
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Elegiae, duae multo festivissimae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025879/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_epig.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Epistolae
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11365/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of ms Cim 27
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Epitome In Rhetoricam Ciceronis vtranque
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00041707/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Ingolstadt edition (1532 Ingolstadt edition here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Hymnus, Ludus, Privilegium, Panegyricus
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nürnberg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Germania generalis
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_germ.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Libri Amorum quatuor
URL Book I http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_intr.html
Book II http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_amo2.html
Book III http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_amo3.html
Book IV http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_amo4.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Libri odarum quatuor, cum epodo, & saeculari carmine
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nürnberg edition (a dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition is available here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Libri Odarum quatuor cum epodo et saeculari carmine
URL Book I http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_oda1.html
Book III http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_oda3.html
Book IV http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_oda4.html
Carmen Saeculare http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost15/Celtis/cel_saec.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Ludus Diane in modum comedie
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/69-2-quod-12/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Nuremberg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Norinberga
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nürnberg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Ode ad Cassandram Fidelem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027001/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Odes III.8 and III.9
URL http://www.klassphil.uni-muenchen.de/~gruber/ingolsta.html
SITE Personal site (?)
CONTRIBUTOR Christian Schüler (2000)
NOTES Html format (another html text is available here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Oratio in gymnasio in Ingelstadio publice recitata, August
31, 1492
URL http://www.klassphil.uni-muenchen.de/~gruber/ingolsta.html
SITE The Latin Library
CONTRIBUTOR Joachim Gruber (1997)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Edited text with German translation; html format (also here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Panegyris ad duces Bavarie
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00042130/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Proseuticum ad Fridericum III. pro laurea Apollinari
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026493/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Quatuor libri amorum secundum quatuor latera Germanie
NOTES Dpr of the 1502 Nürnberg edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Rapsodia, laudes et victoria de Boemanis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007496/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Scribendarum epistolarum compendium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003733/images/
SUBJECT Epistography
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus (1459 - 1508)
TITLE Urbis Norimbergae descriptio
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20009%20102.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Coberg edition
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus: see Johannes Cuspianus
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus: see Nicholas Hieronymus Gundling
AUTHOR Celtis, Conradus: see Gunther de Paris
AUTHOR Cenci, Lodovico
TITLE Tractatus de censibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051377
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1638 edition (a dpr of the
1676 Lyon edition is also available)
AUTHOR Cenci, Lodovico
TITLE Tractatus de procuratoribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PEGrUGIQNRYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1857 Florence edition
AUTHOR Cencini, Francesco
TITLE Additiones aureae ad D. Alphonsi de Olea Tractatum de cessione jurium et actionum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1693,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1700,1700,,006260,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Adversvs Qvendam Mali Ominis, nullius verò (quod sciri possit) nominis Apologastrum in causa tenebrionu[m] hæreticoru[m], qui hodie cristas erigere cœperunt, iusta querimonia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rL07AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Antidotum ad postulata de [interim]
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5EtZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE De divortio matrimonii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=l8A7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE De matrimonio Mosaico per legem evangelicam refutato axioma
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fRg8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE De utriusque gladii facultate ... axioma Catholicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BeM7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE De vera mensurarum ponderumque ratione opus de integro
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052924
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Ex sacris literis observationes de mensuris liquidorum et leguminum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021329/images/
SUBJECT Weights and measures
NOTES Dpr of the 1534 Strassburg edition
AAUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Gallica historia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VghEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Opus quadripartitum super compescenda haereticorum petulantia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=B9Y7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceneau, Robert
TITLE Pro tuendo coelibatu axioma Catholicum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MRM8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Paris edition
AUTHOR Cenni, Gaetano
TITLE Concilium Lateranense Stephani III
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=49tKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cenni, Gaetano
TITLE Codex veterum canonum ecclesiae Hispanae
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=A7U-AAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oWNeWVOc7acC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1739-41 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cenni, Gaetano
TITLE De antiquitate ecclesiae Hispanae dissertationes
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/1,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+antiquitate+ecclesiae+hispanae+dissertationes+in+duos+tomos+distributae&1,1,,003541,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tde/tde/1,192,211,B/l962&FF=tde+antiquitate+ecclesiae+hispanae+dissertationes+in+duos+tomos+distributae&1,1,,003542,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cenni, Gaetano
TITLE Primatus Hispaniarum vindicatus
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cenni, Gaetano
TITLE Monumenta Dominationis Pontificiae
vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3j9JAAAAYAAJ
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OZdEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1760-61 Rome edition
AUTHOR Centalius, Johannes
TITLE Parentalia in obitum Ianussii Grzymutowski
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=48948&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
NOTES Dpr of the 1617 Poznan edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE Cautelae juris
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053383
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE Criminalia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059554
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De contractibus emptionum et locationum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De servitutibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=66QFo8IugK0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Lyon edition (1677 Lyon edition here, 1737 Lausanne edition here)
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De servitutibus rusticorum praediorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De servitutibus urbanorum praediorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro derelicto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro donato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro dote
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC 5
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro emptore
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro legato
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro soluto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE De usucapione pro suo
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE Tractratus cautelarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JA1bAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Lausanne - Geneva edition
AUTHOR Cepolla, Bartolommeo
TITLE Varii tractatus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U3mcr2dlahgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Ceporini, Jacopo
TITLE Compendium Graecae grammaticae
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015038/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Basel edition (1526 Zurich edition here, a dpr of the 1539 Zurich edition is also available)
AUTHOR Ceporini, Jacopo
TITLE Preface to his edition of Dionysius' Periegesis
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0034_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Ceporini, Jacopo
TITLE Hesiodi Ascraei Poema inscriptum [Texte imprimé], @ , id est, Opera et dies. Accedunt in idem brevia scholia Jacobi Ceporini, per Joannem Frisium... denuo aucta... Enarrationes item luculentissimae, una cum praefatione Philippi Melanchthonis
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/document?O=N109347
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Paris edition
AUTHOR Ceradius, Conradus
TITLE Constructiones Graecolatinae, principaliores, latinisq[ue] dispares ex Quarto ingeniosissimi Theodori Gazae desumptae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012940/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1515 edition
AUTHOR Ceratinus, Jacobus: see Erasmus
AUTHOR Cerda, José de la O. S. B.
TITLE In sacram Iudith historiam commentarius litteralis et moralis
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=511
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Alkmaar edition
AUTHOR Cerda, José de la O. S. B.
TITLE Maria effigies
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=509
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1641 Alkmaar edition
AUTHOR Cerda, Melchior de la S. J.
TITLE Apparatus Latini sermonis
URL vol. 1 http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10411
vol. 2
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Language studies, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Seville edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here and here)
AUTHOR Cerda, Melchior de la S. J.
TITLE Camp1 eliquentiae in causis
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=hmMTAAAAQAAJ P9
vol. 2 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=K2lKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Cerda, Melchior de la S. J.
TITLE Consolatio ad Hispanos propter classem in Angliam profecta subita tempestate submersam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=u9hTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Ragusa edition
AUTHOR Cerda, Melchior de la S. J.
TITLE Usus et exercitatio demonatrationis
URL http://adrastea.ugr.es/search*spi/c?SEARCH=BHR%20A%20013%20192.
SITE Universidad de Granada Biblioteca Universitaria
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Seville edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Cerda de Tallada, Tomas
TITLE Commentaria
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/3_B_664/3_B_664_fich_1.html
SITE Universidad de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Cerenius, Martinus
TITLE De convenientia inter legem civilem patriae et naturalem
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/52004
SITE Doria
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Cereta, Laura
TITLE Epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/cereta.html
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Padua edition (also here)
AUTHOR Cereta, Laura
TITLE Epistulae
URL http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ebbeler/writs/cereta.html
SITE Dedicated site
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Introduction, texts of five letters with English prose
summaries; html format
AUTHOR Cereta, Laura: see Giacomo Filippo Tomasini
AUTHOR Cerezo, Miguel
TITLE Concio in exequiis excellentissimae ducis a Lerma
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=155835
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Ceriol, Fadrique Furio
TITLE De conciliis et consiliariis principum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2Rk8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Cermenate, Johannes
TITLE Historia lohannis de Cermenate
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=TDBKGa_WmjsC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1889 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cernitz, Gottfried
TITLE Exercitium physicum de nive
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN597714630
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Cermisone, Antonio
TITLE Consilia Cermisoni
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058444
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Venice edition (reprinted in a 1499
Venice medical anthology, a dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition is
avilable here)
AUTHOR Cerrinus, Jacobus
TITLE De scansione et syllabarum quantitate
URL http://libsysdigi.library.uiuc.edu/ilharvest/Unica/Books2007-11/cerrja0001scasyl/Incun.%20476%20J15d%20149-/cerrja0001scasyl_highres.pdf
SITE Project Unica
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition
AUTHOR Cervantes de Salazarus, Franciscus
TITLE Ad Ludovici Vivis Valentini exercitationem aliquot dialogi
URL http://www.grexlat.com/biblio/cervantes/index.html
SITE Grex Latine Loquentium
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco
TITLE Civitas Mexicus interior
URL http://www.grexlat.com/biblio/cervantes/6_Mexicus_int.html
SITE Grex Latine Loquentium
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco
TITLE Commentaria in Ludovici Vives exercitationes linguae Latinae
URL http://primeroslibros.org/detail.html?lang=en&work_id=238469
SITE Primeros Libros
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Mexico City edition
AUTHOR Cervantes, Gonzalo O. S. A.
TITLE In librum Sapientiae commentarii et theoriae
URL http://www.bne.es/cgi-bin/wsirtex?FOR=WBNBIBT4&VIS=W02BIMA&FMT=WBNARIA&ITE=0004900007609
SITE Biblioteca Nacional (Spain)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Seville edition
AUTHOR Cervera de la Torre, Antonio
TITLE De felici excessu Philippi II Austriaci Hispaniarum regis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8_svgrehSQkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Freiburg i. Br. edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Catoptron sive speculum artis medicae Hippocraticum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HZY_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Daemonium investigatio peripatetica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060579
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Florence edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE De medicamentis facultatibus libri II
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533681684
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE De metallicis libri tres
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=X532660063
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Metallurgy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE De plantis libri XVI
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058230
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Florence edition Florence edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Peripateticarum quaestionum libri quinque
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aCesalpino%2C+Andrea+%281524+o+5-1603%29/acesalpino+andrea+1524+o++++5+1603/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=acesalpino+andrea+1524+o++++5+1603&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Praxis universae medicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ST6eExd4G08C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Treviso edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Quaestionum medicarum libri ii
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533681684
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cesalpino, Andrea (d. 1603)
TITLE Quaestionum peripateticarum lib. V
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x533681684
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Venice edition
AUTHOR Cesarini, Virginio
TITLE Carmina
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cesarini, Virginio
TITLE Epinikion, sive Elegia in victoriam bohemicam serenissimi D. Maximiliani Boiorum ducis
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Rome edition
AUTHOR Cesarius, Joannes
TITLE Carmen sapphicum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013017/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 edition
AUTHOR Cessolis, Jacobus de
TITLE De ludo schachorum
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I090A/directory.djvu
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
NOTES Dpr of an undated Toulouse edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Ceulin, Ludolph Van
TITLE Fundamenta arithmetica et geometrica cum eorundem usu in varii problematis, geometricis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1311867
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Ceva, Giovanni
TITLE Geometria motus
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=cevag_geome_022_la_1692;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Bologna edition with linked html text (also available here)
AUTHOR Ceva, Tommaso: see Guido Grandi
A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page